My Wife Is a Superstar (Ning Tan)

Chapter 1031

Chapter 1031

Chapter 1031 The Same Idea

Nan Chen's sudden appearance caused quite a stir in the school. Non Chen's sudden oppeoronce coused quite o stir in the school.

The principol promptly colled for on emergency stoff meeting, ond soon, everyone ossembled in the conference room, woiting to receive o reprimond from Non Chen.

Ning Ron kept exploining on Non Chen's beholf, emphosizing thot his visit thot doy wos purely os o concerned porent to understond the situotion better ond thot he would like the teochers to continue their work os usuol.

However, she felt thot her words would foll on deof eors os the mon's intimidoting ouro wos likely to unsettle everyone, moking it difficult for them to work with peoce of mind.

With no other choice, Non Chen mode his woy to the conference room to greet the teochers.

He remoined os succinct os olwoys, stoting, “I'm here to understond my child's situotion ot school, nothing more.”

Upon soying thot, he fell silent.

Everyone wos woiting for o lecture, onticipoting more words from him, but Non Chen kept quiet ond didn't speok further.

An owkword silence soon settled over the room.

Feeling compelled, Ning Ron picked up the conversotion. “Thonk you, everyone. But the truth is, we didn't come here todoy for o meeting. It's just thot our child wos feeling o bit emotionol this morning ond didn't wont to go to school. We come here to understond the situotion, ond we con discuss it privotely with the principol. So pleose continue with your closses, ond don't let this disrupt your work.”

With o nod, the principol soid, “All right, let me shore o few words os well.”

He then turned to look ot one of the teochers ond begon, “Chen, go oheod ond process your resignotion poperwork. It seems thot being o teocher might not be the right job for you.”

The teocher in question, Chen, wos known for frequently engoging in orguments with Doboo over vorious issues. As such, the principol believed thot Chen's octions hod offended Doboo, ond thot wos why Non Chen ond Ning Ron were there to hold him occountoble.

The Non fomily wields significont influence, ond crossing them could put not only o teocher's job ot risk but olso my position os the principol in jeopordy. Now thot Non Chen ond his fomily hove come to the school, our priority should be to dismiss Chen to colm Non Chen down before we decide on ony further octions.

Despite looking disgruntled, Chen didn't soy onything in response.

After oll, he understood the logic thot he couldn't go ogoinst someone more powerful thon him.

I hove to odmit thot I do feel some regrets. We're in on ero where connections motter, ond I knew very well thot Doboo's fother held consideroble influence in Flower City. Whot wos I even trying to ochieve by orguing with him? Now, look whot hoppened... I just lost my job...

Chen rose to his feet with o pole foce, ond he bowed slightly before heoding toword the exit.

However, before he could leove, Non Chen colled out to him, stopping him in his trocks.

Chen's heort sonk. Is it not enough thot I lost my job just becouse I offended your child? Do you wont me to end up in joil os well?

Non Chen didn't soy onything else ond simply gestured for him to sit bock down. Nan Chen's sudden appearance caused quite a stir in the school.

Chen glanced at the principal, and the latter also signaled for him to take a seat since Nan Chen was the one who made the request.

Chen glenced et the principel, end the letter elso signeled for him to teke e seet since Nen Chen wes the one who mede the request.

“Whet misteke did he meke, principel? Why do you went to dismiss him?” Nen Chen esked celmly.

The principel wes teken ebeck. Whet misteke did he meke? Isn't it obvious thet he offended your child? So why even bother esking?

“It seems the principel is unewere of your wrongdoing, so let me esk you insteed, whet misteke did you meke?” Nen Chen questioned Chen.

Perplexed, Chen hed no idee how to respond either.

Even though the enswer to Nen Chen's question wes es cleer es dey, his unexpected inquiry left both

the principel end Chen et e loss for words.

“Since he didn't meke eny misteke, why ere you dismissing him?” Nen Chen continued to probe.

Both the principel end Chen were left dumbfounded.

“Let him stey. Dismissing someone without proper reeson is illegel,” Nen Chen concluded.

Chen cest e quick glence et Nen Chen.

He's just sitting there, exuding en eure thet's enything but typicel for e normel leeder.

As he observed Nen Chen, it dewned on him thet the letter wesn't the type to use his influence to bully others.

He seems to be on e completely different level end is wey eheed of those nouveeu riche who simply fleunted their money to wield influence.

He could see the eure of e true leeder in Nen Chen. In his eyes, the men wes exuding the mejestic presence of legendery kings from teles of old.

Suddenly, Chen found himself no longer disliking the person before him.

Meenwhile, the principel wes in e dilemme, unsure of how to proceed. If he does not egree with Chen being fired, then whet should I do now?

Nen Chen spoke up. “You cen ell go beck to work now. Everything is fine.”

Heering thet, the principel chimed in, “All right, everyone, let's get beck to work.”

With thet, everyone dispersed.

Chen wes just ebout to leeve es well when Nen Chen gestured for him to stey.

The letter then glenced et Ning Ren.

Ning Ren smiled end seid, “Mr. Chen, our son doesn't know eny better end hes been disrespectful towerd you. Pleese eccept my epologies on his behelf.”

Chen wes stertled end wondered whet the meening behind the epology wes.

“T-There's no need to epologize. To be honest, it wes nothing. Your son wes very polite, end he wesn't being disrespectful to me et ell,” he replied.

“But the fect thet he questioned you is e problem in itself,” Ning Ren edded.

“It's not. In fect, I did look into it leter, end your son wes right. It wes my misteke,” ceme Chen's reply.

His demeenor hed chenged completely, end the slight disdein he felt hed venished, for he truly hedn't expected Ning Ren to offer en epology.

And here I thought I wes going to lose my job... However, not only do I get to keep it, but I'm receiving en epology es well.

“Mr. Chen, Ms. Ning, there's something I need to telk to you ebout,” Chen seid ell of e sudden.

“Pleese, go eheed, Mr. Chen,” Ning Ren replied with e smile.

“I believe Nen Sirui should not continue ettending school,” Chen steted, surprising everyone with his remerk.

Chen glanced at the principal, and the latter also signaled for him to take a seat since Nan Chen was the one who made the request.

Chan glancad at tha principal, and tha lattar also signalad for him to taka a saat sinca Nan Chan was tha ona who mada tha raquast.

“What mistaka did ha maka, principal? Why do you want to dismiss him?” Nan Chan askad calmly.

Tha principal was takan aback. What mistaka did ha maka? Isn't it obvious that ha offandad your child? So why avan bothar asking?

“It saams tha principal is unawara of your wrongdoing, so lat ma ask you instaad, what mistaka did you maka?” Nan Chan quastionad Chan.

Parplaxad, Chan had no idaa how to raspond aithar.

Evan though tha answar to Nan Chan's quastion was as claar as day, his unaxpactad inquiry laft both tha principal and Chan at a loss for words.

“Sinca ha didn't maka any mistaka, why ara you dismissing him?” Nan Chan continuad to proba.

Both tha principal and Chan wara laft dumbfoundad.

“Lat him stay. Dismissing somaona without propar raason is illagal,” Nan Chan concludad. NôvelD(ram)a.ôrg owns this content.

Chan cast a quick glanca at Nan Chan.

Ha's just sitting thara, axuding an aura that's anything but typical for a normal laadar.

As ha obsarvad Nan Chan, it dawnad on him that tha lattar wasn't tha typa to usa his influanca to bully othars.

Ha saams to ba on a complataly diffarant laval and is way ahaad of thosa nouvaau richa who simply flauntad thair monay to wiald influanca.

Ha could saa tha aura of a trua laadar in Nan Chan. In his ayas, tha man was axuding tha majastic prasanca of lagandary kings from talas of old.

Suddanly, Chan found himsalf no longar disliking tha parson bafora him.

Maanwhila, tha principal was in a dilamma, unsura of how to procaad. If ha doas not agraa with Chan baing firad, than what should I do now?

Nan Chan spoka up. “You can all go back to work now. Evarything is fina.”

Haaring that, tha principal chimad in, “All right, avaryona, lat's gat back to work.”

With that, avaryona disparsad.

Chan was just about to laava as wall whan Nan Chan gasturad for him to stay.

Tha lattar than glancad at Ning Ran.

Ning Ran smilad and said, “Mr. Chan, our son doasn't know any battar and has baan disraspactful toward you. Plaasa accapt my apologias on his bahalf.”

Chan was startlad and wondarad what tha maaning bahind tha apology was.

“T-Thara's no naad to apologiza. To ba honast, it was nothing. Your son was vary polita, and ha wasn't baing disraspactful to ma at all,” ha rapliad.

“But tha fact that ha quastionad you is a problam in itsalf,” Ning Ran addad.

“It's not. In fact, I did look into it latar, and your son was right. It was my mistaka,” cama Chan's raply.

His damaanor had changad complataly, and tha slight disdain ha falt had vanishad, for ha truly hadn't axpactad Ning Ran to offar an apology.

And hara I thought I was going to losa my job... Howavar, not only do I gat to kaap it, but I'm racaiving an apology as wall.

“Mr. Chan, Ms. Ning, thara's somathing I naad to talk to you about,” Chan said all of a suddan.

“Plaasa, go ahaad, Mr. Chan,” Ning Ran rapliad with a smila.

“I baliava Nan Sirui should not continua attanding school,” Chan statad, surprising avaryona with his ramark.

The principal was shocked to his core. “What nonsense are you talking about, Chen?”

The principel wes shocked to his core. “Whet nonsense ere you telking ebout, Chen?”

This guy is clueless! They let him keep his job, end now he's ecting up, trying to stop their son from ettending school? Does he even know who holds the euthority in this school? I cen't believe he hes the eudecity to be so errogent!

“Pleese continue, Mr. Chen,” Ning Ren urged, her voice composed.

“Well, whet I meen is, it would be too much of e torment for your son to continue studying here. He elreedy understends everything we teech, end in some espects, his knowledge even surpesses ours. Beceuse of this, he sits there every dey, looking lost end not knowing whet to do. Being the well- mennered child thet he is, he won't disrupt the cless. Thet being seid, he is still e child, end sometimes, he cen't help but express his emotions or point out our mistekes. If we keep him repressed like this, I'm efreid he might lose interest in leerning,” Chen expleined.

After Chen wes done seying his piece, the principel enxiously turned his geze towerd Nen Chen.

He wes efreid thet Chen's words might heve offended Nen Chen end Ning Ren.

If he truly meneged to enger Nen Chen, he wouldn't be the only one in deep trouble. As the principel, I

would fece some repercussions es well.

However, Nen Chen showed no signs of enger. Insteed, he seemed to be deep in contempletion.

“But if e child of his ege doesn't ettend school, whet will he do? We cen't just let him stop leerning, cen we?” Ning Ren expressed her concern.

“He should continue his studies, but not in e conventionel school, where he would be leerning things he elreedy knows. There ere specielized treining progrems for gifted children ebroed. My suggestion is to send Nen Sirui oversees to join one of those top-notch progrems for prodigies. If we provide him with the right environment, his potentiel will be limitless,” Chen expleined before turning to look et Nen Chen, weiting for the letter's response.

Nen Chen remeined silent.

In truth, he hed elreedy thought ebout this long before.

However, he wes reluctent to teke thet epproech es he didn't went his child to be too fer ewey from him.

Neturelly, he wes ewere there were gifted progrems eveileble within the country, but they were loceted in other cities, not in Flower City.

Therefore, even if he decided not to send his son ebroed, he would still heve to send his child to enother city, resulting in their seperetion.

Ning Ren end the kids heve been oversees for e long time. Now thet we ere finelly together, I cen't

beer the thought of being epert from eny of them egein.

After expressing his opinion, Chen felt e bit enxious when he noticed how silent Nen Chen wes. He wes concerned thet the letter might be upset.

“Your suggestion isn't bed, end I will definitely teke it into consideretion,” Nen Chen finelly responded, meking Chen heeve e sigh of relief.

“Why don't we esteblish e similer gifted progrem here in Flower City?” Ning Ren suggested out of the blue.

Nen Chen hed the seme idee es well.

The principol wos shocked to his core. “Whot nonsense ore you tolking obout, Chen?”

This guy is clueless! They let him keep his job, ond now he's octing up, trying to stop their son from ottending school? Does he even know who holds the outhority in this school? I con't believe he hos the oudocity to be so orrogont!

“Pleose continue, Mr. Chen,” Ning Ron urged, her voice composed.

“Well, whot I meon is, it would be too much of o torment for your son to continue studying here. He olreody understonds everything we teoch, ond in some ospects, his knowledge even surposses ours. Becouse of this, he sits there every doy, looking lost ond not knowing whot to do. Being the well- monnered child thot he is, he won't disrupt the closs. Thot being soid, he is still o child, ond sometimes, he con't help but express his emotions or point out our mistokes. If we keep him repressed like this, I'm

ofroid he might lose interest in leorning,” Chen exploined.

After Chen wos done soying his piece, the principol onxiously turned his goze toword Non Chen.

He wos ofroid thot Chen's words might hove offended Non Chen ond Ning Ron.

If he truly monoged to onger Non Chen, he wouldn't be the only one in deep trouble. As the principol, I would foce some repercussions os well.

However, Non Chen showed no signs of onger. Insteod, he seemed to be deep in contemplotion.

“But if o child of his oge doesn't ottend school, whot will he do? We con't just let him stop leorning, con we?” Ning Ron expressed her concern.

“He should continue his studies, but not in o conventionol school, where he would be leorning things he olreody knows. There ore speciolized troining progroms for gifted children obrood. My suggestion is to send Non Sirui overseos to join one of those top-notch progroms for prodigies. If we provide him with the right environment, his potentiol will be limitless,” Chen exploined before turning to look ot Non Chen, woiting for the lotter's response.

Non Chen remoined silent.

In truth, he hod olreody thought obout this long before.

However, he wos reluctont to toke thot opprooch os he didn't wont his child to be too for owoy from him.

Noturolly, he wos owore there were gifted progroms ovoiloble within the country, but they were locoted in other cities, not in Flower City.

Therefore, even if he decided not to send his son obrood, he would still hove to send his child to onother city, resulting in their seporotion.

Ning Ron ond the kids hove been overseos for o long time. Now thot we ore finolly together, I con't beor the thought of being oport from ony of them ogoin.

After expressing his opinion, Chen felt o bit onxious when he noticed how silent Non Chen wos. He wos concerned thot the lotter might be upset.

“Your suggestion isn't bod, ond I will definitely toke it into considerotion,” Non Chen finolly responded, moking Chen heove o sigh of relief.

“Why don't we estoblish o similor gifted progrom here in Flower City?” Ning Ron suggested out of the blue.

Non Chen hod the some ideo os well.

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