Pertemis: A Wolf’s Tale

Chapter 27 Tale of Demigods

Chapter 27 Tale of Demigods

Percy’s Point of View

"Where are the demigods?" Percy asked when they appeared in the middle of the woods.

"I told you gods can't interfere" Aphrodite rolled her eyes. "Of course I can't just appear in front of them and say 'hey I brought this guy to save you cus I couldn't physically do it myself' genius."

"Relax" Percy raised his hands in surrender. "It was just a question"

"Do you know what appropriate question is and time" Aphrodite sighed. "Or even just think about will you? Gods now I can feel Artemis pain"

"No need for insulting"

"I was listing the facts" Aphrodite rolled her eyes again.

"You know what" Percy gave up on arguing, it wasn't that he was going to win in anyway. "How about we just drop this and tell me where they are so I can save them"

"How about you shut up and let me explain what are you going to to" Aphrodite put her hands on her hips.

That got him quite as Aphrodite gave out a sigh. She closed her eyes and started speaking.

"I'll sent you there" she said. "And here take this"

She threw him a ballpoint pen which he struggled to catch. Percy examined it. It was just a normal point pen with golden ink as well as the lid.

"So what now?" Percy frowned. "Writing poem and be a comedians for the monsters?"

"Just pull out the lid will you?"

He did as she wanted and immediately, the pen glowed so bright that Percy had to close his eyes. The moment he could see again, on his hand wasn't a pen any more. It was a sword.

"Whoa what the..." Percy stepped back in surprise.

"It's call Anaklusmos or Riptide" Aphrodite told him. "Stole it from Hercules"

"So what are you" Percy turned to her with a frown. "Goddess of thieves now."

"It wasn't like that" The goddess exclaimed. "He gave it to me. Not willingly through his initial mind of course. I charm-spoke him to."

Percy swung the sword. It felt perfectly balanced on his hand. He knew he wasn't good with weapons, but sword was still way better than archery and spears. He preferred close combat better.

Talk about archery, his heart suddenly felt heavy. The fact that he now was free from the chores, the hunters couldn't get to prank him anymore which would put them into a stage of boredom. Look like they had their own medicine. But he would not get to see Artemis anymore. He'd miss her ranting, and that angry glare he got every time he rebutted her. It made living with the hunters worth it.

"Missing the hunt already? Maybe a certain auburn haired sliver eyed girl in particular?" Aphrodite smirked, leaning her chin on his shoulder.

"No just missing the point how useless gods can be sometimes" He tried to be a smartass and that turned out not to be good.

With a angry look, Aphrodite snapped her fingers to Percy terror and he was already disappeared.


He was falling down from the sky so fast that he thought his clothes were burning. He heard a bang, scream and a thud following 'ouch' coming out from his mouth and Percy knew how soil tasted like. I think I better keep my mouth shut sometimes, he thought to himself.

"What the fuck!?" He heard a voice. "Aliens invasion?"

Percy slowly got himself off the ground or at least his face off the hole. He found himself facing an elfie kid with a little pointy ears, a curly brown hair with super tan skin. His face told Percy that the kid was not trusted alone with sharp objects or fire.

"Leo what the heck is going on?"

Percy turned back and found a girl with glossy black hair worn in a single braid, her tan skin and that scary and and serious face like Artemis with those piercing black eyes.

"All unit assemble" The Latino elf looking guy jumped as he pulled out a megaphone from that enormous tool belt at his waist. "We have an alien attack."

"Leo stop messing around and who the heck is he?" The girl groaned and pointed to Percy.

"Goddam it didn't you hear my announcement" Leo exclaimed in frustration. "He's an alien and we need everyone assembly now."

"What the heck is the commotion?"

More voices came as behind Reyna, more characters appeared.

There was a blonde dude with eyes exactly like Thalia and a scar at his lip. A cute girl at his side with dark tan skin, the choppy brown hair with a eagle feather on it and her eyes told him she was a daughter of Aphrodite. Another guy buff guy came that made Percy nearly draw his sword. The Asian kid had the most babyish face ever but was twice the size of Percy with those arms could lift him up in

a matter of second. A little girl considered to his size appeared next to him with curly black hair, her chocolate skin brought out the colour of her golden eyes.

Percy stepped back as they made a semi circle in front of him.

"Who is this guy?" The blonde dude grimaced.

"I don't know" Leo spoke. "He fell out from the sky and oh man, he knock my lunch off to the ground. Sorry Frank but I think I'll have to just clean your lunch for replacement."

"Whoa what!?" The Asian turned to him.

"Quit messing Leo" The Aphrodite's daughter elbowed him.

"I guess we should ask him" the chocolate skin girl suggested.

"Ok hello, hello, helloo" Leo brought out the megaphone again and started blasting it sound that made everyone around him to cover their ears. He started to speak as slow as possible "What-planet-are-you come-from? Do-do-speak-our-language? What is your purpose of coming here? For information or invasion? Do you need to contact with our president?"

"Just shut the fuck up Leo before I tide you up again" Reyna groaned.

"Uh oh Angry Lady has taken over?" Leo still kept the same speed of his voice. "Good-luck-dealing- with her, she-can-be-a-wuss sometimes. Over"

"What did you say?" Reyna glared at him.


"Shut up Leo!" The others screamed at him.

"What's your name and why are you here?" The blonde guy jerked his chin to Percy.

Percy scanned around, each of them look cautious. Reyna was already had a dagger at her hand, though the target could him or Leo. He was about to tell them the truth when.

Hey don't tell them I brought you here to help them!

A voice screamed in his head.

Aphrodite? From NôvelDrama.Org.

"The hell are you doing in my head? Get out"

I'm here to assist you. He could feel she was smirking.

"I'm fine and I can handle this so stop being in my head!" Percy sighed.

Everyone was looking at him weird. Just then he realised that he was speaking out loud

"I told you he's a differ species from space" Leo leaned to Piper ear and said, though it was loud enough for everyone to hear. "He's communicating with the headquarters"

"I can hear that you know" Percy said.

"See he has super human hearing" Leo cringed. "We're doomed."

"Frank could you hold me back before we have a funeral tonight?" Reyna ripped her dagger, her knuckles turned white as her attention was full towards Leo.

"Guys we have something to focus here!" The blonde yelled as they quite down.

"Ok let me explain" Percy immediately said when they all looked at him again. "I've a mission to come and rescue you guys. I've in peace."

"Dude you can even function your brain probably" Frank said. "How are you going to help us?"

"That was a misunderstanding!" Percy groaned in annoy. "As I've said I come to help and I'm an earth specie Leo!"

"Uh anything to prove yourself?" Leo leaned closer. "Address, license, ID?"

"Enough Leo!" Piper punched him on the shoulder only to have the kid grin.

"What did I tell you about not watching science fiction at night and drink coffee in the morning!?" She continued.

"So what's your situation?" Percy asked, while inspecting the camp.

The was a pretty good set up. It had the advantage of high terrain and clear from the forest which Percy assumed the monsters stationed within. The rampant and fences were built. Five tents at the centre and fire camp in front. two banner at each side of the gate, own purple with golden letters SPQR inside a wreath. The other banner was orange with a black Pegasus in the middle and the words Camp Half Blood under it.

"It's kind of a stalemate at the moment" The blonde guy told Percy. "They can't attack and you can't escape. They're waiting for our supplies to decrease"

"That would take years" Frank laughed.

"Not with Leo being here" Reyna gritted her teeth while glaring danger at him. "He eats like a pig."

"As I was saying" the blonde dude continued. "The monster are afraid to atta-"

A fireball flew across the sky and crashed down onto one of the tent. From the forest, roar and drums ranged through the place.

" were saying Jason?" Piper looked at him.

"Ok why the fuck why every time I say somethings, those monsters always want to prove it wrong?" He yelled.

"Prepare for the attack!" Reyna barked order as the other rushed away. Leo tripped over a branch and fell flat on the ground.

A moment later, the camp turned into a war zone. Fire ball crashed on it like the last Jurassic Age when volcanoes erupted and astroids crashed on earth.

"Holy crap" Leo dodged an enormous fireball and crawled forward. "Please Hades I've lots of plan ahead. You can take Reyna instead cus she doesn't have much to do"

"Shut up before I skin you Leo!" Reyna voice came from the smoke and fire.

A moment later, everyone managed to come into a circle. Everyone looked shattered, ashes covered their faces even Frank had to took off his shirt when it nearly turned him into a roasted Frank

"What do we do now?" Piper said, setting a flock of hair behind her ear. "They gonna burn is to death."

"Lucky they don't have heavier weap-"

A metal sphere was thrown in the middle of our circle. It started ticking as everyone blood turned cold.

"I-is that a bomb?" Hazel stuttered.

"Ok what the fuck man!?" Jason screamed to the monsters. "Can you at least let me have my point right for once?"

"Next time don't say a think Jason" Frank screamed.

The jumped just before the bomb exploded. Leo started screaming.

"Oh gods I'm gonna get burnt to death. What did I do to have such death? Oh lords how will I look as a spirit? Still my skin be there.?"

"You know that you are immune to fire right Leo" Piper rolled her eyes at him. At that point, it got him quite at the realisation hit him. He stood up and yelled at the sea of monsters.

"Choose the right weapon you dipshit! That crap can't kill me!"

"We're not all immune to fire Leo!" Harzel yelled. "Shut up before they throw us something even worse."

"We can't keep going like this" Percy said. "Have to break through the monsters to open a path"

"Are you crazy!" Frank exclaimed. "There are like five hundred of them out there!"

"Any brighter ideas?"

They managed to get out of the camp and looked down at the sea of monsters. They heard the sound of arrows being pulled back.

"Oh crap" Piper breathed out. "Hide from fire now meet arrows. Great way to kill us fates"

"Ok before our last moment to live" Leo said. "Let's just be honest with each other. Frank I hid your underwear under Coach Hedge's bed"


"Jason the fire in the big house was not caused by electricity but me and the Stolls. I love you guys and hate you because some being a wuss and...."

Before they could speak, the archers of the enemy suddenly aimed at each other and fired at their army. Some screamed, other turned to golden dust. The melee troops clashed against the range and slaughtered them.

You're welcome

Percy heard a voice in his head and silently said thanks to Aphrodite.

"You were saying Leo?" Everyone now was glaring at him, to whom just swallowed at what he'd just confessed.

"Uh everyone makes mistakes" he grinned.

We'll heard the knock and groan from Leo. It turned out he had few more bump on his head as the kid sob.

"The reason why I hate you guys"

After slaughtering their own troops, the monster now and only infantry as they roared and charged up hill.

"What do we do?" Hazel asked.

Percy didn't say, he unclipped Riptide as it shin in the night. He charged down first as they others looked at each other and followed his lead.

They clashed against the monsters, Percy threw a guy over his shoulder, slashed a head out from a daemon and stabbed a hellhound. His wolf strength added his charged as he fought like a machine.

Still there was more coming.

Leo threw a fireball, burnt a good amount of troops. He swirled his hammer, knocked on one hellhound head, another spin as he knocked a snake woman out completely on the ground.

"Get at you bugger!"

Jason and Reyna fought with that almighty. The threw bolt after bolt at the monster while slashed his swords through their formation. Reyna covered his back and sides as they moved forward. Piper somehow got the monsters fighting each other. The most awesome was Frank as he turned into a giant bear, clashed onto the monsters as they ran for their lives. Hazel sat on Frank as she stabbed down her spear at the monsters around him.

Just when they thought victory was at hand, an enormous roar that made Percy ear wanted to bust came from the forest.

Behind the trees and bushes, ten maybe twenty Cyclopes lead by a giant looking human guy that made Percy think he was Apollo in his powerful form.

"Hyperion?" Jason muttered. "How can?"

"Surprise demigods!" Hyperion laughed. "It's seem today is your doom day.

Monsters and Cyclopes surrounded them, their path for escaping was blocked completely. Hyperion smiled evilly down.

"You think your small group can defeat us!" He laughed. "With Perter Johnson dead, you don't have a chance"

"I'll kill you" Jason gripped his sword and about to lung at Hyperion but Piper caught his hand.

"Calm down Jason! He's trying to provoke you."

"Oh did I bring up the sad memories?" Hyperion smirked.

"At least he brought Gaia down along with the rest of the Giants" Piper countered him. "Did I mention a race of monsters and Titans as well?"

"I'll skin you first daughter of Aphrodite" Hyperion gritted his teeth.

The monsters raised their weapons as the demigods came into defence mode.

"Well Percy" Leo mumbled next to him. "If you have any secret card to help us, now is the right time"

Percy looked around. There was too many of them, not to mention Hyperion, the guy looked pretty brutal with his fired skin. That was when he felt a warm feeling on his shoulder.

His eyes diverted to it as he saw a faint, light blue light on his shoulder. He followed it to its source and the moon shined down on him. A smile came to his face.

"Guys I'm gonna make a path" Percy told them. "You guys have to run as far away from here as possible ok"

They all looked confused and before someone could speak, he shot a column of fire at the wall of monsters.

"Wow how did yo-" Leo mouth hung opened

"No time run, run, run!"

They started spinning, through the hole before the monsters filled up the gap. That was when Piper realised Percy missing.

"Percy what the hell" She screamed from the forest.

"Run as far away from here as possible" Percy yelled at them. "I'll be fine, run!"

The monsters now all looked at Percy as he was surrounded in the middle. Hyperion smiled down.

"So much for being a hero"

"No" Percy smiled darkly. "I'm the Fury of Death"

Before the monsters could react, a mighty roar of the beast came that lit up the moon, that shook the ground. The howl travelled to the demigods ears as they halted and turned back, only to hear terrific screams from the army of monsters.

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