Possession & Shadows – The Accalia Series Book 1 & 2

The Mission

Jasmine Pov

It felt cold here, considering that hell is known for being hot. Or maybe the temperature is different for every species. This place would suck the happiness out of everyone. Lucky for us, our portal led us to an area not surrounded by any demons. Who knows what type of creatures were here? The spell was to lead us to the safest path to Adam, Ava, and Harmon. We were near a huge hole that seemed to spread far and wide. I was taken aback by a voice in my head.


” Jasmine? Is that you, mate?” a voice said in my head as we walked around to the other side of the pit. Lunar and I both growled, causing the others to stop and look at me. I looked at the hole. It was pitch black, but I could feel something down there watching me. Something that was trapped. Xavier.

“What is it?, mom asked.

” Xavier. I can hear his voice in my head. He is down there in that pit,” I told them. Samael growled a bit and grabbed my hand, pulling me to walk on the other side of him.

“That is the pit of despair. Things down there are trapped in endless torture for as long as Lucifer commands, unless he grants them pardon, which is rare. I remember my mother teaching me this,” Samael said.

“Save me, mate. Save me.” I heard Xavier plead from the pit.

“Save yourself!” I linked back before shutting the connection off. I hated the fact that he could still reach me or that we even still had a mate bond to begin with. It was the demon in me that was triggered by the sound of his voice. Even though she hated him more than anything, for all the pain he caused me. We kept walking until we came upon a forest that looked like it had been burned down. The trees had no leaves. There were bodies of people with rope around their necks on many of the trees, unmoving, but their eyes were open. Their eyes were all fixed on us as we walked along the path.

“The suicide forest. Those who were possessed by demons and denied access to heaven by taking their own lives from the torment.” Samael said as we all looked at them with sad eyes. Some were children, taken too soon from the world. I wanted to help them.

“There is nothing we can do. We have a mission,” Lunar said to me. I gripped Samael’s hand tight. My heart was breaking. I had to let Lunar take control for a bit. I don’t know why I was feeling so overly emotional all of a sudden. We kept the path until we came to a castle-like structure. Samael levitated high enough to see if we could find an entrance. We were getting close. I just knew it.

Atlas Pov

“This whole realm screams death,” Kai said to me, and I agreed. This place was fit for a demon. Cold and heartless like most I’ve ever met. I was hoping my Ava was okay. We could never seem to get the timing right. Someone was always fucking taking one of us away from the other. I didn’t tell the others earlier, but I could also hear Xavier in that pit. We shared a sick bond for years, and I guess it left some sort of mark.

“Come for your mate; have you,” Xavier said.

“It’s none of your business why I’m here,” I told him.

“You always had such a hot temper. Come down here and face me, coward,” he taunted.

“Another time, stain,” I said back before I kept walking with the rest of them. I ignored the rest of his taunts. I was here for Adam and Ava. Nothing else. I don’t know why I was so adamant about even saving Adam. We were literally just about to kill each other. Do I really want to save him too? Is he worth it?

We all went through the door Samael found. We walked silently into the castle-like place. There was no one in sight. It was like no one even lived here, though the lit torches said differently. I could also feel like I was being watched. I looked at the others and could see they were feeling the same thing. We came upon a door and peered through it to see the almost empty throne room. As we looked around the throne room, everything started coming into view more clearly. My Ava and another girl were both being held in chains on the ground. They were both passed out, but their bodies were twitching a bit. Like one would in a bad dream. We all stood at the door that led into the room, each of us peeking through. Adam was sitting on a couch with Sorena, with a strange look on his face. His eyes seemed to have shot directly at me.

“You should not have come here.” I heard his voice in my head. He was speaking to me through his dragon to mine.

“You still have to answer to me. I should leave you here, though,” I told him. He moved his eyes away and looked down.NôvelDrama.Org exclusive content.

“I will pay the price for my actions, brother. I have been here in the land of snakes to know that everything I ever believed was a lie, including Sorena’s lie. There are no words I can say enough to even try to make you forgive me, but I have a plan. I’m going to create a portal to my home. When I give the cue, you will need to run,” he said, cutting our link off, leaving me confused in my feelings. Adam? Apologizing? Adam had never apologized to me. What plan was this that he had? He didn’t even tell me. Something was off. Something didn’t feel right.

We were planning on how to infiltrate the room without alerting the demons we saw inside when we heard a voice from behind us.

“WELCOME,” a deep voice said from behind us. Before we could turn around, each of us was blasted back by some invisible force through the wide double doors of the throne room and onto the floor. All of us were up at once, weapons out. All of the blades with the angel blood that Jessica, Jasmine, and I had were glowing with gold force. A blade seemed to form from the tattoo Samael and Rynyxon had transformed into a blade that glowed with the same gold mystical force.

We formed a tight circle around Ava and the other girl, ready to attack. Guards upon guards of different species came upon us in formation around us.

“RETREAT,” the man said. As he came into view, I knew he was the one in charge here. His aura was filled with a dark power. It is darker than anything I have ever encountered. The biggest demon. The baddest. As he spoke, the hordes of demons that were in here cleared out. He took a seat on his throne, walking past us, not even bothering to watch his back as he did. Kai was ready for a fight, if it ever came to that.

“Did you really think you could come to my realm, and I wouldn’t know about it?” the man said.

“Lucifer, I presume,” Samael said, squeezing tighter on his blade. Jessica and Jasmine were both attempting to break the chains holding Ava and the other girl.

“Correct, halfling. Samael. Part demon, part wolf, and half pure blood angel. The first male tribrid in existence,” Lucifer said, smirking. He looked at the ground. Those chains won’t break, my dears, unless I command them to. Everything here answers to me,” he told Jasmine and Jessica. Jasmine looked up at him.

“Release them,” she commanded, letting her power flow. He simply laughed it off.

“The Lunar Dynamis in the Flesh!” he grinned. Part angel, demon, and wolf. The first tribrid of your kind. You’ve given me a good bit of trouble, you know. Cost me a son,” he said, still smirking.

“You will face even more trouble if you don’t unchain my sisters,” Jasmine spat back at him. Her eyes were glowing purple. She merged with her wolf. He cocked his head to the side. Studying.

“All in due time. Right now, I want to talk,” he said simply.

” Talk… What the fuck do you want to talk about? The weather? Release them,” Jessica said to him. He actually laughed at that.

“Like I said, all in due time. You come into my realm, making demands. I should have had you all killed the second you stepped through that portal. You can rest your blades. Now isn’t the time for fighting. At least not yet,” he said to us. None of our blades wavered. We were on a mission, with a goal we would achieve no matter the consequences.

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