Pregnant For The Royal Prince


QUEEN Arya noticing the commotion, laughed as she walked to one of the couches and sat. Selena and her daughter watched as she did.

“Oh, maybe you don’t know. I have ears, and eyes in this kingdom, I know everything, I see everything”, she said and licked her lips.

Selena noticed her daughter shaking and vibrating in fear, she put her hand around her to calm her down.

Arya shook her head.

“I am here for a simple peace talk”, she said, in a calm voice, “take a seat”, she added, pointing at the couches next to them.

They looked at each other again and then Selena proceeded to help Rina sit, and then she sat.

“I know everything now, everything, so there is no need to hide, just come clean and reply me when I demand an answer”, she said and exhaled.

The duo didn’t even know what to feel anymore, it was now a do or die affair.

“I know you are pregnant Rina, pregnant for my son, the Prince”, she started, “I also do know you haven’t told him yet, and I don’t wish you do”.

“Huh?” Rina mouthed.

“I am not done, do not interrupt”, Arya said, her voice a pitch higher.

“Relax Rin”, Selena whispered to her. Arya continued.

“I believe you know who my son is. He is the Prince and heir apparent to the throne of this great kingdom, he is of higher class, higher background, of a pure and royal blood, a bonafide and legitimate son of the soil…”, she paused.

Yes, go on, Rina knew all that so of what hindrance does it have with him not knowing about his offspring? Nevertheless, she waited, Arya wasn’t done yet.

“… therefore he can’t have anything to do with someone the direct opposite of all he is, a mere girl, a pauper who chose to force her way into his life by getting pregnant for him”.

“I did not force my way into his life…”, Rina gushed even before she could stop herself, the slap she received minutes ago didn’t deter her, this was emotions speaking.

“… he came to me and offered me his heart, which I gladly received, loving him too. I didn’t force my way into his life Rani, we love each other”, she was now crying as she spoke.

Arya was considerable enough this time, she let her say whatever she wanted to. Then she dropped a bombshell.

“Love isn’t enough for a marriage to royalty”, she said with an air of authority.

Rina sat whimpering, her mother was doing her best in calming her down.

“Background matters, eligibility matters, fame matters, affluency matters, social status matters”, she continued. “I wouldn’t want you, to mother my first grandchild, or any other, and who knows, this might turn out to be a boy, and damn it!…”, she hit her fist on the armchair, “…that’s only going to make the matter worse”, she said.

“Darling Rina, you need to leave my son, you need to let him be, he has a betrothed”, she went on.

Rina couldn’t take it anymore, she got up and lamented, crying. Selena was moved, she couldn’t even hold her back.

“This is unfair Your Majesty, this is so unfair. We are lovers, we love each other, I can’t let him be, not this time, not now when we need each other the most, I need to let him know he is expecting a baby with me…”.

“You won’t let him know and that is final”, the Queen thundered, cutting her short.

There was nothing Rina could do anymore, she just weakly sat down, still whimpering, and whimpering. Selena was there by her side consoling her.

Arya exhaled, placing her staff on her laps, then rubbing her palms together.

“I am sorry but I remembered warning you at the peak of all this, but your so called love wouldn’t budge, now the outcomes”, she said and opened her arms, demonstrating.

“The Prince has a betrothed, and they would be getting married soon”.

Rina’s whimpering increased. This was so unfair.

“So what happens to the child?” Selena asked.

Arya simpered.

“Good question, I have been waiting for it”, she said and clapped her hands.

“She needs to go for an abortion…”.This material belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

“What!” Both Rina and her mother exclaimed at once, shocked at the nonsense Arya just vomited.

“Yes, she needs to remove that thing in her womb for peace to reign, else…”, she left her words hanging in the air.

“Never”, Rina shouted.

“Never I won’t have my baby aborted, neither will I undergo a C and S, never!” She shouted again.

Then she turned to her mother.

“Mother what is she saying? Tell her I can’t do that, tell her I can’t go for an abortion mother, tell her”, she bursted into heavier crying.

Selena tried her best to calm her down.

“Of course you can’t, and you won’t. You would have this baby, trust me”, she said to her.

Arya just watched them in awe.

“I can see I’m being too lenient with you, you would abort that thing, and that’s final”, she said.

“Is there no other way out? My daughter won’t undergo a C and S”, Selena stated matter of factly.

Even though they weren’t affluent enough or made up enough as Arya was expecting, that doesn’t mean they don’t have a say pertaining their lives, they do have rights too.

Arya sighed. What guts? Then she sat back to reason what was just asked. Trust her, she would always have a plan to come up with.

“Alright, there is another option, but I need to tell you, you do not have a say on this, this is the last option and you both gotta do what I have to say”, she stated with an air of authority.

“What is it?” Selena demanded.

“I will take you both to a faraway land, faraway from Shimla, you would be in an apartment that I would provide, everything gonna be provided for you in there and I would make sure the pregnant one is being taken care of, until she delivers”.

They listened with a keen interest.

“After delivery, I take the baby, and whatever becomes of it, is none of your business. You both go your ways, and never you set your feet in Shimla again”.


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