Rejected His Miracle Luna (Dorothy and Ignatius)

Chapter 49

Chapter 49

Chapter 49



more than

The news of Angie’s family betrayal rocked me. We were losing members. We couldn’t afford to be

whittled down more we already had. I was beginning to wonder if Elliot might have been right.

Maybe we should have launched a counterattack from the moment the first shifter attacked Angie that

night. Maybe all of it was my fault, I had been too forgiving, too cautions. I wasn’t ready to sacrifice

lives for a promise of peace,

This betrayal could also possibly explain my sudden heat that home the moment I got back to my own

territory. Tor had sensed then benaval long before I had and it drove him to a frenzy.

Dorothy tugged at my hand. “Who do you think it could have ligen – that man who approached Angie’s


I looked down at my mate. She looked scared. I hated the Tally for threatening our praceful existence

together. I would keep Dorothy safe. I had vowed to protect her with my life and I intended to keep that


“I’m not sure.” I said, trying to keep my tone from revealing just how concerned I really was

“Could have been the Tally leader. Then again it could also have been..” I trailed off I didn’t want to

bring back the memories Dorothy had been trying so hard to leave behind. But she already knew what I

was going to say, she had been thinking it too

“Johan. It could be Johan, she whispered it like she was afraid that saying his name too loudly would

summon him on the spot

“Don’t think about that right now, I tried to reassure her. We don’t know anything for sure yet. Wait until

Fae and Gideon start their search.”

I turned towards the house, realizing I was still standing in just my towel “I need to pay a visit to some

of the elders. We need to be sure who exactly is still on our side. We can’t trust anyone.

“What about Rita?” Dorothy asked, hurrying along behind me. Her towel was still wrapped around her

b*dy and over her head and 1 wanted to scoop her up in my arms. To carry her away from the mess we

had found ourselves in

I have to speak with Rita too. She’s kept secrets from us before secrets about you and your powers.

Who knows what else she’s hiding.

“But she’s been so helpful to us. Dorothy insisted. “She wouldn’t do as much as she has if she wasn’t

on our side.”

“I’m not accusing her. Trust me, I don’t want to suspect anyone either. But we have to be sure?

I rushed up the stairs to get dressed while Dorothy stopped at the bottom and let go of my hand. “What

if Johan’s after me?”

I paused halfway up the staircase as she continued, “What if this all my fault. Maybe if I just gave

myself up he would Jeave the pack alone?

“No, I growled, launching downs the stairs and grabbing her face in my hands. “Don’t think like that.

Even if that is what’s happening and you’re what he wants, he’s sure as hell not going to get it. I’m not

going to let you throw your life away. Dorothy”

Her eyes welled with tears. “What it it’s the only way,” she whispered. “He’s already rallying people, and

he has the Tally army behind him. You said it yourself we don’t have enough people on our side.

I didn’t have the answers for larr I didn’t have a solution to stop her tears that trickled down her cheeks

and wet my fingers. All I knew is that I would let nob*dy take her from me.

No one would harm a hair on her head so long as I was breathing. What kind of mate what kind of

Alpha – would I be, if I let innocents surrender themselves in order to save the rest. There had to be

another way, and I would never, ever give up Dorothy in the name of peace. They would take her over

my own dead b*dy.

Fri, Jan 26

Chapter 49

Dorothy looked like she was already set in her conviction that sacralicing herself was the only way.


“Look,” I k*ssed the top of head head gently, “We’ll talk about this when I get back. Don’t do anything s

tupid while i’m gone. though okay?”

Why can’t I come with you?” she followed me up the stairs and into our bedroom while I pulled on the

first items of clothing I could find.

“Because if the elders have been turned, it could be dangerous for you to be there. If they’re capable of

treason theyre capable of a lot more than that. I don’t want you getting hurt if things get ugly”

I was already dialing Geranium to ask him to keep an eye on the house. Of all the members of my

pack- aside from Angie. Geranium was someone I trusted the most. His cell rang and raig and

eventually I was directed to voicemail. I frowned. staring down at the dark screen. It wasnt like him to

not answer is phone immediatly.

I was torn. Bringing Dorothy with me would mean putting her in danger but leaving her behind without

protection was not an option either.

I pulled on my boots, “You have your knife with you?”

Dorothy looked at me quizically and then knelt under her side of the bed to remove the blade from

where it was wedged between the mattress and the bed base. It wasnt much but It would have to do.

“Good. Keep that with you. Lock the doors and don’t answer for anyone, got that?”

I knew my serious tone was scaring her, but I didnt have a choice. Things were looking grim and

Geranium’s silence only adding to my unease.

I pulled her into my arms and hugged her tightly, tilting her head up for one more passionate k*ss

before bounding down the stairs. “I’ll be back before you know it, okay? Be safe

My last glimspe of her before I shut the door was my mate standing dismally at the top of the stairs. Her

hair was bedraggled and she stood clutching the towel around her small fragile frame. She raised a

hand to wave goodbye before the door shut between us. It hurt me to leave her like that. But this had to

be dealt with as soon as possible.

1 was dialing my father by the time I got to my car, “Elliot. We have a problem. Are you at the elders


“You seemed to have calmed down since yesterday.” My father’s voice was bland, cutting for no real

reason other than to spite me for the sake of it.

“Someone is tempting members into joining the Tally. Angie is sending out a search for him now. We

need to figure out how many have already betrayed us.”

His grim silence was deafening as I started up the car and screeched down the road.


I didn’t go home and rest as I had promised. Instead, I drove to far’s house and h onked the car hom

repeatedly until I saw her drowsy face in the window. Her eyes widened when she recognized me and

she held up a finger to ask for a minute. While I waited, I dialed up my grandfather and growled into the

phone. “Ignatius knows about what you’ve done. If you dont want to see anyone get hurt expect you to

stay home today and don’t leave for anything. There are already guards posted outside”

My grandfather hang up without a word. I took that as an affirmation. He wouldnt risk the lives of my

mother and brother by daring to cross the guards..

Half a minute later, Fae was at the front door and walking to the car, still in the process of slipping on

her shoes. “Angie? What’s up: What are you doing here so early!”

“You wanna help me track an impøster?”

I didn’t need to ask her twice, Far rounded the car without another word and climbed into the

passenger seat next to me.


Chapter 49

She took in my sunken eyes and wild hair with a raised eyebrow. Have you heard of the concept of a


“I’ve been a bit preoccupied, I mumbled, kicking the car into gear and speeding towards Gideon’s

house next. “We have a problem. I need your help.”

Fae wiped sleep sand from her eyes as she checked her reflection in the rearview mirror. “Who is this

imposter we’re tracking? Has there been another Tally attack?”

“Not exactly,” I explained the situation to her while we drove to Gideon’s house. Faes’ eyes grew wider

and wider as I continued and her mouth was set in the shape of an O.

“Are you serious?” she exclaimed as we pulled up right under Gideon’s window. I reminded myself to

apologize to his mother later for wrecking her tulips under the wheels of my car. “How many others

have turned too!”

“I’m not sure,” I said as I leaned out of the window and called upto Gideon who I knew would still be

fast asleep at this time. of day. “Wake up, a sshole! We have a job for you.”

After a minute of waiting and Far tactically chucking a pebble through the open window, we heard a

loud thump and a groan coming from inside as the pebble hit its mark.

Gideon’s sleepy head peaked down at us. His hair was dishelleved and he blinked like he was only just

emerging from the comfort of his blankets

“Did you just throw a rock at me?”

“No time for apologies, come down. We need your help rapunzel

“Bit ches,” Gideon mumbled under his breath before heaving himself over the window sill.

“Um, stairs exist, Fae commented as we watched Gideon slide down the drainpipe with more grace

than was to be expected Trom a man who spent most of his off time playing video games and eating

microwaved macaroni straight from the foil wrapping,

-This is faster,” Gideon stated as he climbed into the back seat. “And besides, if my mother follows me

out she’s going to be appalled at what you just did to her daffodils

Those are tulips, Gids.”

“Fae darling, I have been awake for all of ten seconds and I am severely lacking in the hot caffeine

department. I don’t give at hoot about exactly what kind of flowers you just crushed.”

“Fair enough, Fae giggled. “Anyway, Angie’s family just committed treason and now we’re going to NôvelDrama.Org (C) content.

track down a Tally shifter who may or may not still be lurking around the area

Gideon blinked at her slowly. The tendrils of sleep slowly leaving his eyes.

“F ucking brilliant,” he mumbled and leaned back in his seat. “I love me a good heart attack in the


“Gideon, if we actually manage to catch the guy and get out of this alive, I’ll buy you all the coffee you

could ever want


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