Rejected His Miracle Luna (Dorothy and Ignatius)

Chapter 83

Chapter 83

Chapter 83


“Just hold on a little longer!” my voice was panicked as I gripped Angie’s hand. “You can’t die yet, we

need you!”

Angie was fading fast. She had been badly wounded by the Tally shifters assault and lay fighting for her

life once again on a makeshift bed at the iron forge. I knew what I had to do, what I was able to do, but

the others warned me to think about the


There was no telling how the process of healing someone would affect them. I understood the concern,

but I had to try regardless, I would be able to protect my children inside of me. I was sure of it

Rita was there too, consoling a distraught Fae who was blaming herself for Angie’s fate.

After Fae had hit the flare that warned everyone of the Tally’s approach, all of the Bielke members who

were able to fight gathered at the iron forge and prepared for war. I reported what had happened with

Johan to the masses and we were able to pinpoint exactly where the Tally was approaching from in the


While everyone prepped their iron gear and large iron blades were passed to a few selected members,

I sat at Angie’s side

and concentrated.

The sun had set over the land and stars spilled across the clear sky in a spectacular night show that

nob*dy had the time to pause and neither witness nor marvel at. A fire had been lit around the forge to

give everyone enough light to move about the area

It was like a honing beacon for the Tally army but we were prepared for that. Every shifter that moved

about us was lit up in an eerie orange glow. Everyone was on high alert, wide eyed and ready to bare

fangs at any moment.

“It’s all my fault.” Fae whispered into Rita’s shoulder as she clung to Angie’s limp hand. “If I had just

gotten there earlier.”

“You did the best you could. Rita hushed her. There’s no point in blaming yourself for something out of

your control” All rights © NôvelDrama.Org.

Angie herself was unconcious, breathing awkwardly and irregularly as her b*dy fought to repair injuries

that were too great. I remembered the first time I had healed Angie. It had come so naturally, too easily.

I had gone too far with it.

I had given too much of myself and it had almost killed me in the process. It would not go that way this

time. Unbeknownst to everyb*dy, except Ignatius, I had been examining the intricacies of my own

unusual ability: Despite his protests, I had been practicing on honing my ability, perfecting it.

We had fought about it first. We had screamed, and raged and thundered but we both understood that

it came from a place of love as well as a crippling fear of losing one another. Ignatius didn’t want the

stories to come true. He feared the ability that was so beautiful but could al so sn atch me away from

him at any moment

I feared for my own inability to protect the ones I love. I had a gift it was my duty to use it, regardless of

the long term consequences it would have for me. Eventually, Ignatius and 1 both relented and came to

a sort of compromise.

I wouldn’t practice on anything too big, and 1 would always stop before it got dangerous. No healing

broken bones or sewing skin back together. Only hairline fractures and headaches. Things that

wouldn’t require too much energy

This time was going to be quite different. I hoped Ignatius would forgive me

I stared into the nearby flames for a moment and allowed my mind to empty. I let the flow of my

thoughts slow from at raging waterfall to a trickle as I closed my eyes and focused on what I was about

to attempt.

Before placing my hands on Angie, I instead held my hands out in front of me, willing the glowing white

energy to dance in my raised palms. When I opened my eyes I was thrilled to see the twisting white

glow rippling over my finger tips

It was getting easier to control. I didn’t allow myself to get too excited however and instead closed my

eyes again. I placed both glowing palms on my own belly and winced as I felt that same energy pulse

through me and into my stomach, causing my skin to glow and illuminate, revealing the silhouette of my

two children that lay inside.

11:01 Fri, Jan 26

Chapter 831

I gasped as I felt the energy surge through me and concentrated even harder, drifting once again into

the trancelike state that came about when I attempted something more intense.

I focused on enveloping my children in a kind of glowing cocoon, an added layer of protection that

would keep them from harmis way when I went about healing Angie. The trick was being able to keep

that shield in place.

It took every scrap of men tal strength to not be swayed in my ritual, to not be distracted by the clanking

of iron on iron as the Bielke wolves loped by in their glinting armor. I phased out the sound of the

cracking fire and the sharp inhale of Fae who was quickly hushed by Rita.

When I was sure that the blanket of light was wrapped tightly around my children and secure enough to

hold, I lifted a glowing palm and placed it on Angie’s chest like I had done so all those nights ago.

Just like before, energy flowed from my hand and into her b*dy, only this time I was conscious of her

b*dy repairing itself, I was aware of precisely how much of my life I would be required to give in order to

heal Angie enough to pull her back from the brink of death and allow her to fight alongside us as the

Tally closed in.

I was aware of a small crowd gathering to watch as I went about healing one of my dearest friends for

the second time. I wasn’t sure if they were frightened or interested but I ignored them and turned my

attention to the visions that were racing through my head as I entered the healing trance state.

A monster in the woods. The moon blinking down at me from a gap in the trees. Jaws flashing in the

pale light as the creature leaped for my throat..

I came to with a gasp and quickly removed my hand from Angie’s chest. As the white glow resided, I

leaned over her and listened for her heart. It thumped rhythmically in her chest as her hot breath on my

ear told me that she was very much alive.

“What are you doing so close to my ti t s, red Enjoying the view!

I snapped my eyes up to look at her. Angie was grinning down at me sheepishly. “I’m sorry I got myself

banged up again.” She hoisted herself upright and Fae threw her arms around her. Thanks for bringing

me back.”

I put a hand to my stomach and was relieved to feel the healthy kicking of my children still going on in

my stomach. They were okay.

I shrugged. “Don’t take it personally, we need you for the fight.”

She grinned at me and then her mouth set in a grim line. “Wait, how are you alive? I thought Johan-”

“Johan was no match for me and he never has been,” I stated matter of factly. “Although he’s out there

right now leading an

army onto our turl.

I left Angie in the care of Rita and Fae who fawned over her as she swiped at their cradling hands in

irritation. “I’m fine, Jesus, it was only a little near-death experience.”

I touched the iron blade that sat at my hip and looked up at the nilky way that dashed across the dark

sky like a splash of silvery paint. My mind drifted back towards my mate

“Where are you? I need you here now.”



11:02 Fri, Jan 26

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