Rejected Little Secret by Lisj

Chapter 68

Chapter 68 

Axton’s words seemed to weigh down the atmosphere, and I found myself caught in a maelstrom of conflicting emotions, each one fighting for supremacy. A whirlwind of emotions consumed me as confusion, anger, and sadness all vied for my attention, each one intensifying the next. Grappling with the implications of his revelation, I tried to piece together the puzzle of his words 

What are you trying to say, Axton?” My voice quivered as I asked, a combination of unease and dread evident in my tone. With slow and deliberate movements, I lift myself up from the table, my hands gripping the edges tightly as anger courses through me. Give it to me straight, huh? What’s that supposed to mean?” 

With a weary sigh, Axton’s shoulders slumped, as if the weight of his words was physically weighing him down. With a pained expression, he pinched the bridge of his nose and fixed his gaze on the table. 

“I don’t want to fight, Chestnut,” He murmured, his eyes briefly darting away from mine before locking back onto me with a newfound determination. “Can we discuss this at a more convenient time?” 

With a defiant shake of my head, I let out a forced, sarcastic chuckle. 

“Too late for that, Axton,” I snapped, my voice sharp with frustration and resentment. “You’ve already opened your mouth, so you might as well finish what you started.” 


As he opened his mouth, I prepared myself for the wave of emotions that were about to crash over me, taking a deep breath to steady myself. It was too late to turn back now, too late to pretend that everything was okay when it clearly wasn’t. With Pandora’s box opened by Axton, we were now faced with the daunting task of confronting the unpleasant realities that it contained. 

“Perhaps Alpha LeBlanc rejected you because he understood the risks involved in getting close to him, and wanted to protect you,” His voice, as he continued, carried a bitter and regretful undertone, revealing his true emotions. His hands lay on the table before me, and I can’t help but notice his intense focus on them; soon enough, they contort into tightly clenched fists. “He might have believed that by pushing you away, he could guard you against the hidden threats that linger in the shadows.” 

I’m not sure what expression crossed my face, but it was enough to prompt Axton to abruptly rise from his seat and navigate around the table to approach me. His pained expression spoke volumes as Axton fell silent, his eyes locked onto mine, begging for forgiveness. 

“I’m sorry, Chestnut,” he whispered, his voice barely above a whisper. “I didn’t mean to upset you.” 

I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath as I tried to calm the storm raging inside me. I had to remind myself that it wasn’t Axton’s fault. His intention was pure – he wanted to be truthful and provide me with insight into the reasons behind the outcome. 

But understanding didn’t make the pain go away–it only made it hurt more. 

With a soft caress, Axton embraced me, his lips gently planting a kiss on the crown of my head. With all the force I could summon, I shoved him away from me, my hands quivering with anger as I cautiously retreated, creating space between us. 

“You can’t just say that, Axton.” The weight of my emotions caused my voice to crack as I snapped. “You thought wrong” 

With a swift and furious movement, I thrust my finger into his chest, my intense gaze locking with his in a battle of wills. Despite his ability to easily overpower me, Axton chose to leave me be

“Il Zeke had just told me the reason why he rejected me, I would have been able to make sense of it all!” I spat out my words, my anger evident in each syllable, and angrily raised my arms in frustration I repeatedly slam my palm against my chest, feeling the rapid thumping of my heart, as lock eyes. with Axton. “But no, he had to go and hurt me instead. He had to leave me wondering why, questioning everything I thought I knew about him 

Tears threatened to spill over as I fought to keep my emotions in check, my voice trembling with the effort of holding back the flood of fears la 

16:43 Wed, 19 Jun G BG 

Chapter 68 

threatened to overwhelm me. 

“He didn’t have to hurt me like that, Axton,” I shouted, my voice cracking under the weight of pain and anguish. “He didn’t have to break my heart into million pieces and leave me to pick up the shattered remains.” 

With a lock of sadness in his eyes, Axton’s hand lingered in the air between us, as though grappling with the decision to reach out and touch me. While I acknowledged his efforts to mend things, his words felt empty, like a temporary fix for a wound that still throbbed. Despite my reliance, I compelled myself to listen intently as he spoke, his voice resonating with sincere remorse. 

In an instant, a long–forgotten memory resurfaced, fueling a surge of anger that pulsed through my veins. As I distanced myself from him, I asked with dripping sarcasm in my voice. 

“Hey, remember when I said Sammy and I were gonna tag along with you and your pack to Blackacre? Remember what you did, how you acted, how you looked at me?” 

His face contorted with a frown, Axton furrowed his brow in confusion, trying hard to piece together the fragments of the conversation. 

“Um, no, I don’t think so,” he replied hesitantly, his eyes narrowing in concentration. “But what does that have to do with anything?” 

As I recounted what actually happened, my frustration reached its boiling point and I couldn’t help but scoff at his feigned ignorance. There was a fleeting look of reluctance on his face, as if he had reservations about us joining him. 

“You didn’t look too thrilled about it, Axton,” I snapped, my voice tinged with bitterness. “In fact, you looked downright upset.” 

Axton’s eyes widened in surprise, his lips parting in shock as he processed my words, his breath catching in his throat. A flicker of understanding crossed his face, a perplexing sight considering his claim of having no recollection whatsoever. NôvelDrama.Org © 2024.

“That’s not true,” he protested, his voice tinged with defensiveness. “I was just… caught off guard, that’s all.” 

As I locked eyes with him, my anger simmered, fueling my determination to press him for the truth. 

“Then why do you remember it now!” I demanded, my voice tinged with accusation. “If it wasn’t a big deal, why does it suddenly matter?” 

There was a moment of hesitation as Axton’s eyes shifted away from mine, indicating his internal struggle to speak for himself. While he tried to placate me, his feeble attempt only made me scoff, my frustration intensifying and causing my head to shake in disbelief. 

“Save it, Axton, it’s whatever.” 

I couldn’t bear to let Axton see the anguish written all over my face, so I turned away, tears blurring my vision. As tears streamed down my face, I could feel my hand shaking as I wiped them away, overwhelmed with erfotion. I took a deep breath, feeling the oxygen fill my lungs, attempting to calm the rapid thumping of my heart, and to soothe the tempest of emotions swirling within me. 

Through the silence, Axton’s voice shattered the stillness, filled with the weight of regret. 

“Chestnut, I… really am sorry,” In a barely audible whisper, he murmured, his voice barely reaching my ears. “I understand if you’re angry with me.” 

Frustration overwhelmed me, causing me to tightly close my eyes and clench my jaw. Anger simmered just below the surface, threatening to boil over at any moment. Despite the overwhelming emotions that threatened to consume me, I forced myself to remain calm and composed. 

In an attempt to calm my racing mind, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, hoping to find the right words to capture the turbulent storm brewing 

inside me. 

“You can’t ever downplay what Zeke did to me again, Axton,” Finally, I managed to utter the words, my voice quivering with intense emotion, as flun to face him. Regret etched itself on Axton’s face, evident for all to see. “Regardless of his reasons, he hurt me. 

His eyes filled with regret, Axton’s expression softened as he reached out to me with ap–outstretched hand. “I understand, Chestnut.

16:43 Wed, 19 Jun GBG. 

Chapter 68 

I apologize to you again? Through my actions?” 

Shaking my head, I take a step back from him, trying to distance myself from the situation. 

“No, not until you understand the full extent of what I’m trying to say,” With an edge of anger in my voice, I ran my fingers through my hair and paced the floor, the sound of my footsteps reverberating in the room. “I don’t want to just brush off what Zeke did, Axton. I can’t pretend like it didn’t happen.” 

As I spoke, a nagging doubt crept into my mind was Axton actually right? 

It occurred to me that my judgment of Zeke’s actions may have been too harsh, too lacking in forgiveness. 

I started to wonder if there was a bigger picture, a deeper reasoning behind Zeke’s choice to turn me away. 

As the silence stretched between us, I couldn’t help but notice the heaviness in the air, as if the weight of exhaustion settled upon me. My emotions bore down on me, their weight heavy and suffocating. 

“I should probably go,” Axton murmured, his voice tinged with regret. “We both need some space to cool off.” 

I nodded, my silence speaking volumes as I struggled to articulate the intense emotions churning within. As Axton turned to leave, a surge of desperation welled up inside me, a burning need to hold onto him, to keep him from slipping away into the darkness that threatened to consume us both. 


My voice trembled as I called out, barely a whisper escaping my lips. Axton halted in his tracks, pivoting to meet my gaze with a blend of apprehension and fascination in his eyes. 

With a lump in my throat, I mustered the strength to ask the question that had been burdening me for so long. With hesitation, I started to speak, my voice quivering with uncertainty, and as I exhaled, I realized I had been holding may breath. 

“…I have one question…” 

Confusion crossed Axton’s face, his brow furrowing, but he nodded in encouragement, his understanding and empathy shining through his eyes. His reply was filled with a gentle, comforting demeanor. 

“You can ask me anything, Chestnut.” 

With my gaze averted, I steeled myself for his response by taking a deep breath. 

“Are you… embarrassed to be with me?” My heart pounded loudly in my chest as I asked quietly, my voice barely audible. “Did you… Were you only playing with me, using me for your entertainment? Were you surprised when I followed you and accepted your offer, even if it was just a joke?” 

As the words escaped my lips, they seemed to materialize and hover in the air, burdened by the heaviness of my insecurities and fears. I could feel Axton’s penetrating stare, his eyes scanning mine, desperately seeking a glimpse of honesty amidst the chaos of my feelings. 


But there was still no response from him. 

“…I followed you here because because I thought you were serious,” I admitted quietly, my voice tinged with vulnerability. “I thought I thought maybe there was a chance for…I don’t know what I was thinking.” 

Just as I was about to finish my sentence, I felt Auton’s hand firmly grasp my elbow. My head rises at the perfect moment, allowing me to witness the change in Axton’s expression, his eyes filled with an unfathomable sentiment, as he reaches out to me. 

Without a moment’s pause, he presses his lips against mine, his tongue exploring every inch of me. 

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