REJECTED: The Alpha Behind The Mask

Chapter 101 Taken

Victoria’s POV

”Eric is not responsible for my pregnancy.” I declared those words at the top of my voice because I couldn’t see myself bearing Eric’s baby.

”Please excuse me, I have to go.” I did not let those words finish from my mouth before I opened the door and left the car in a hurry.

I got to my door, opened it and rushed inside while I stood by the door with my back as I tried to calm myself from what happened few minutes ago.

I slid to the floor with my back to the door as so many thoughts ran through my head. I needed to tell Tim about this pregnancy before Liam exposed everything to Eric. With the way he was acting, I was already scared that he must have told Eric already.

Quickly, I took out my phone from my pocket and dialed Tim’s mobile number, but it wasn’t connected. I called again, but it wasn’t connected, then and there I remembered he was already on his way to China, and it would take me fourteen hours to get to him.

At the thought of that, I roughly ran my fingers through my hair in frustration as I stood up from the floor. Someone else knew about my pregnancy, and it was too risky for me.

I kept the bag on the table, made a light lunch and forced myself to eat before going to work since I was on afternoon duties.

I got to the club, changed into my uniform and started working.

”Girl, you don’t look okay.” I raised my head and met Gracie standing before me with a curious look.

”What’s wrong.” she asked, while I just smiled at her and shook my head. ”I’m just tired, that’s just all.” I murmured while She stared at me for a while before speaking, ”So how are things going with you and DOM Tim ?” she asked, with a big grin on her face.

I rolled my eyes playfully at her before looking away.

”I heard he has cut off all the subs from him just because of you.” she muttered with a devilish smile on her face.

Hearing those words from her, I was really happy because I knew he must have really loved me to cut away all the subs.

”So tell me, how did you do it? What’s the secret?” Gracie asked with curiosity,

”Nothing.” I replied, while shrugging my shoulders, ”There is no secret to tell.”

”You are lying.” she disagreed and moved closer to me. ”We are the only ones here, you can give me some tips.” she said those words with a big grin on her face.

I chuckled softly and moved away from her while shaking my head, ”There is nothing to tell.” I insisted.

She rolled her eyes at me and sat on the stool before me.

”You are really lucky Vicky, according to subs who had the privilege to be with DOM Tim said he was very caring and thoughtful, unlike some doms, but right now, it seems like you have stolen him from them.” She said with a soft scoff.

I rolled my eyes at her but didn’t say a word.

”Let’s drink after work tonight.” she suggested.

I wanted to refuse it, but I thought it would be best to get some fresh air and clear my head.

”Sure.” I replied nonchalantly,

”Yeah.” she exclaims happily before leaving.

I exclaimed tiredly and continued working when I noticed a DOM taking the stool before me.

I raised my head and noticed it was DOM Eli sitting on the stool with his attention on his phone.

”Good evening, DOM Eli.” I greeted him,

He nodded his head and kept pressing his phone.

”Get me a bottle of water.” he demanded with his eyes still on his phone. I nodded my head at him and went for the water, I took it out of the fridge and placed it in front of him. ”Thank you.” he murmured with his eyes still on his phone.

I stared at him and wondered why he was so lost in his phone, but decided to mind my business.

I went back to serving other customers until he called for my attention.

”Here.” he handed the bill, stood up and walked away. It was indeed strange of him not to talk to me, but I ignored it.

I worked for hours before my shift was over.

I went to the locker room, changed my clothes and went searching for Gracie.

I searched for her and saw her in one of the VIP rooms talking to DOM mike.

I stood by the door and waited for her. In a few minutes, she was done and walked up to me with a big smile on her face.

”Let’s go.” I murmured and walked away.

She followed me out of the club while blabbering words at me that I did not bother to listen to.

”Are you even listening.” she took hold of my arms when she noticed I wasn’t paying attention to her words.

”What is it.” I asked in annoyance,

”So you were not listening to what I’ve been saying.” she spoke angrily.

”That’s because you haven’t been saying anything meaningful to me.” I barked out,

”Calm down, there is no need of you shouting.” She murmured, ”I’m just telling you that DOM mike had a big interest in you…” I did not let those words finish from her mouth before I cut her off, ”Enough Gracie, that’s enough.” I muttered those words angrily,

”Fine.” she raised her hands as a sign of surrender.

”Better.” I rolled my eyes at her before walking away.

We took a taxi and Gracie directed the driver to the bar venue.

We took a seat opposite each other and ordered our drinks.

”This place is new.” I muttered while looking around,

”Yeah, a friend of mine directed this place to me.” Gracie responded while taking a sip of her drink. I nodded my head and stared around, only to lock eyes with a man staring at me. I felt so uncomfortable by his gaze that I had to quickly looked away. Nervously, I took a sip of my drink while trying to get my gaze away from him, but I could still feel his constant gaze on me.

”I will be right back.” Gracie took a sip of her drink, stood up from her seat, and left me for the restroom.

I stared around and nervously took a sip of my drink when I noticed the young man strolling toward my direction.

He walked up to me and took a seat before me.

”Victoria.” he called out my name in a rough, deep voice.

I stared at him with stunned eyes because his voice sounded familiar, but I couldn’t place where I’d heard his voice.

”How did you know my name?” I asked while staring at him.

He chuckled and said, ”It seems you don’t recognize me.” he flashed me an evil grin, one that irritated me.

”It’s me, DOM mike.” he announced and smiled evilly at me.

Hearing those words from him, I took a better look at him and realized he had the same eyes as DOM mike.

”What are you doing here.” I asked, irritated.

He chuckled softly before speaking, ”I’m here to see you my love.” he tried touching me, but I moved away from him and stood up from the chair.

I left the bar and went outside the bar searching for Gracie, only to see Mike walking towards me with a big grin on his face.

I released a heavy sigh and felt scared as I watched Mike getting closer to me.

”Stay away from me.” I shouted in anger, but he chuckled softly and stood before me.

”Looking for your friend?” he asked with a victorious smile on his face.

I stared at him shocked, and with wild eyes, before staring around.

”Get her!” before I could process what he said, I felt two strong hands on me, yanking me up from the floor.

”Let go of me.” I tried shouting, but my mouth was gagged, and I was put in a boot of a car.

The men hopped into the car and drove off while I kept shouting, but my voice couldn’t be heard.

I felt my heartbeat increase, and I started having a panic attack. I tried controlling it, but I couldn’t, and before I knew it, I fell into unconsciousness.

”Sir, I think she is awake.” I could hear a voice beside me.

Slowly, I opened my eyes and stared around, only to meet the eyes of two strange men staring at me.

”She is awake.” I heard one of the men talking to someone on the phone.

He nodded his head and ended the call, after the person must have said something over the phone.

I tried to speak, but noticed my mouth was gagged with a cloth.

”Stay calm, no one will hurt you.” one of the men spoke calmly to me, which made me take a deep breath and tried calming myself, but then I noticed the door opened widely.

I stared at the door and saw DOM Mike walking in.

He walked up to me and signaled his men to leave, and they both lowered their heads before leaving.

I tried speaking, but I couldn’t because of the gag.

He smiled at me, moved closer to me, took the gag from my mouth and threw it on the floor.

”What am I doing here.” I screamed at the top of my voice.

”keep quiet.” he spoke in a calm voice, but his anger could be noticed in his voice. ”Shut up, you’ve been the one talking all this while, now you have to let me speak.” he declared those words angrily and took the seat before me.

”All this wouldn’t have resulted in this if only you weren’t too stubborn.” he grumbled and dragged his chair to me.Property belongs to Nôvel(D)r/ama.Org.

”Just because you are beautiful and have a fine body figure doesn’t give you the right to reject my offer.” he said those words and tried touching my cheek, but I turned sideways.

”Very stubborn.” he murmured those words angrily and stood up from the chair.

”What do you want from me?” I asked in fear and anger.

He chuckled evilly and walked around the room for a while, before he stood before me. ”I want you, I want you on your knees begging to have my dick in you, I want you kneeling before me, calling me master and begging for my touch. That’s all I want from you.” he muttered with an evil grin on his face.

”Never.” I shouted at the top of my voice. ”I’d rather die than do that.” I declared firmly while he flashed me a wicked smile before taking his seat. ”Then you will die doing that.” he at those words in a serious tone and stood to his feet.

”Prepare yourself, I’ll be back in an hour.” he declared those words seriously and left the room.

I screamed at the top of my voice and tried to free myself from the rope tied to me, but I couldn’t.

I was suffocating, and I knew I was losing it. I felt hot tears drop on my cheek, and I couldn’t help but gasp in pain.

Tiredly, I closed my eyes and all I could remember were times when Tim would always save me from DOM mike, but this time it was impossible because Tim was very far away from me.

Silently, I cried and whispered a silent prayer, hoping someone would hear me.

Alpha Eric’s POV

”We are landing in ten minutes sir.” the air hostess announced to us.

I exhaled tiredly, and groaned angrily when I noticed there was no network on my phone.

I relaxed on the chair with my eyes closed, but all I could see in my head was Victoria. Her smiles, the way she talks, the way she laughs, the way she felt shy whenever she was around me. All these were attributes that drive me crazy about her.

”We’ve landed sir.” my secretary announced to me.

Tiredly, I took in a deep breath, opened my eyes before leaving my seat.

I walked out of the jet, with my secretary leading the way. We entered the car that was kept for us and drove over to the hotel.

When we got to the hotel, I went to my room, took my bath and put on simple clothes before picking up my phone.

I dialed Victoria’s number, but it wasn’t going through. I dialed for the second time, but it still wasn’t going through.

I groaned angrily and threw the phone on the bed.

I laid on the bed with my back and tried closing my eyes, when suddenly a cold shiver ran through my body and an uncomfortable feeling bloomed in my chest.

Quickly, I opened my eyes only to hear my wolf howling in discomfort. ”Mate.” I muttered those words without knowing it.

I stood up from the bed and noticed my wolf was angry and also in pain, indicating something was wrong with Victoria.

I picked up my phone from the bed and with trembling hands I called Kelvin. It rang a few times before it was picked.

”Do you know what time it is.” he grumbled in a sleepy voice.

”Where are you, Kelvin.” I asked in panic.

”I’m still in California, what’s wrong.” he asked, sounding worried.

”Please Kelvin, I need you to go to Victoria’s place and check up on her.” I begged, this was the first time I remember asking Kelvin for a favor.

”Calm down, I’m on my way.” After he said those words, I heard movements, indicating he was getting out from the bed.

”Calm down, I’ll call you.” he assured me and ended the call.

I threw the phone on the bed and roughly ran my fingers through my hair as I felt a great deal of fear running all over my body.

Quickly, I picked up my phone and dialed my pilot’s number. It rang for a while before he picked up.


”Can we go back to California?” I asked, even when I knew it was impossible.

”Sir, the weather is terrible, and we are advised not to make any journey until the next ten hours sir.” he spoke slowly.

Hearing those words from him, I groaned angrily and threw the phone on the bed without ending the call.

I felt my bones cracking, and I knew my eyes were already darker, indicating my wolf was forcing me to shift to its form, but I controlled it and sat on the bed.

I was helpless, really helpless.

Victoria was in trouble and here I was, so far away from her that I couldn’t do anything.

I stood up from the bed and wandered around the room as I felt my wolf howling for the safety of his mate.

I noticed my phone ringing and quickly went for it. I saw that it was Kelvin and quickly picked it up.

”How is she?” I asked while seizing my breath.

The line went silent for a while before he spoke up, ”She is not at home and her lines aren’t reachable.” he murmured those words almost to himself.

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