Rise of the She-Wolf


Vanessa’s pov,

I had never seen Don Lorenzo this happy before. He said, “You should call him in a few days to say you want to talk to him. You then must do anything to get close to him. I want to know everything about him and most importantly I need you to find out what he knows about us. Use the fact that he likes you, fuck him if you must.”

Normally I would have said that I was not some piece of meat, but I had to shamelessly admit that fucking the sheriff was something I actually wanted. Any resistance I had against the idea was shoved aside by Spirit anyway. I never had an instant physical attraction to a man before, so I was curious to explore it. So, I just nodded in agreement and asked, “What about the anonymous tip?”

Don Lorenzo walked around thinking, “I will send Allesandro away on a mission for a little while. He is a loyal beta to me, but I cannot have him endanger our pack because he got rejected. Besides, you are valuable to me now so he will have to cool off and accept that.”

I felt relieved that the alpha believed me and that I would get a bit of a break from Allesandro. I walked to the door because there was nothing left for me to say, and I didn’t want to waste the Alpha’s time. Before I opened the door he started talking again though, “Ow and Vanessa. I do keep my promises so you will move up a rank to the normal pack. Lianna can show you to your new room and tomorrow you will start training with the normal pack. I do expect a weekly report from you about the progress with the sheriff. Keep working hard and I will notice it and reward it.”

“Thank you, Don,” I replied and I wondered if he wasn’t such a bad man after all. I did appreciate him sticking up for me against Allesandro and keeping his promises. Spirit interrupted my thoughts by saying, “Don’t forget he is a rapist and probably killed his own Luna. We should keep our guard up.” I felt ashamed that I forgot about that so easily, but I guess I got blinded by the desire to be accepted into a pack. Luckily, I had Spirit to keep me on my toes.

I walked out the door to the sleeping room of the omegas. When I walked in Lianna immediately hugged me and asked what happened. I told her everything including that I would have to move away from the omega group. I felt sad because I grew fond of this little group in a short time and especially Lianna showed me so much kindness. Lianna seemed genuinely happy for me though, “Vanessa that is incredible. You worked yourself up in rank in just a week. Obviously, we will miss you and your productivity in the lab. But we can still hang out.”

I looked at her sad, “Can we still do pack runs together?”

Lianna smiled at me, “Of course silly. If your working hours allow it you will always be welcome to join. Now come on let’s go to your new private bedroom.”

I gave everyone in the room a hug and thanked them for being so nice to me. Lianna then brought me to a small bedroom with a bed, a desk, and my own bathroom. It was nothing fancy, but it was more than I ever had for myself, so I still felt lucky. Lianna gave me a hug again and said, “You should get some rest. I think tomorrow morning someone will wake you up and tell you what your new routine is going to look like.” She pulled away and looked into my eyes intensely, “Trust me this is a good thing. You will find your way I am sure of it.”

I softly replied, “Thank you Lianna for everything.”

She gave me one last smile before leaving me alone and I quickly took a shower before jumping into bed. I was laying there twisting and turning going over the events of the day. No matter what I did my thoughts always went back to the sheriff. I could still smell his manly scent and if I closed my eyes, I could picture his green eyes staring at me. I knew I should wait with calling him but the more thought about it the more I got scared that I imagined the way he looked at me. What if I called him and he didn’t want to meet up with me? Not only would Don Lorenzo be furious, but I would also be disappointed because I was eager to get to know him.

I guessed this insecurity was what normal teenage girls felt when they had a crush on someone, but I have never gotten any attention before, so all these feelings were new. I heard Spirit growl, “Call him already I am getting crazy of you going back and forth. He liked you I could smell it. So, stop torturing us and call him otherwise we won’t sleep for days.”Copyright by Nôv/elDrama.Org.

I sighed because she was right. It was probably better to rip off the bandage instead of getting myself stressed about it for days. On my desk, there was a mobile phone, and put in the number from the card Duke gave me. After looking at the phone for 10 minutes I finally found the courage to press the dial button.

A sleepy low voice answered, “Yes?”

I got goosebumps when I recognized his low sexy voice. I imagined him lying in bed with his brown curls all messed up and a bare chest. I had to shake off the vision and answered with red cheeks, “Hi Duke, it’s Vanessa. Sorry if I woke you up, I just couldn’t stop thinking that you said you could help me.”

He immediately sounded more awake, “Ow yes of course Vanessa. I meant it so please let me know if there is anything I can do for you.”

“I am not sure but maybe we could meet up in the town tomorrow evening and talk about it?”

Duke quickly responded, “Yeah that sounds like a good idea. Should I pick you up around 7?”

“That would be very nice of you. I will see you tomorrow at 7 then. Sorry for waking you up.”

I could hear him chuckle, “I have had worse calls at night so no worries. Sleep well, Vanessa.”

I hung up the phone and went back to bed. I needed to sleep because tomorrow would be a full day of new experiences again. I closed my eyes and felt excited and nervous about everything that was happening to me. Finally, exhaustion caught up with me and darkness took over.

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