Back in the Witches’ realm, the girls sighed in relief as they watched the strange man disappear.

Their spell had worked!.

Laura screamed as she pushed Sarafina. “What have you guys done!?”

“Hey, get off me!”

“Where did you take my father!?”

“Hey, I wasn’t the only one who cast the spell so why do you keep asking me!?” Sarafina shouted.

She was already irritated to her peek. She never liked Laura and her dislike continued after she’d dissed her brother’s death.

“I’ll come back for each and every one of you! I promise!”Laura shouted as she walked over to Josephine and dragged her out of the council room by her hair.

“I asked you all to watch over Miriam not interfere!” Ms. Agatha shouted as Celia bandaged her neck.

“You were this close to dying and we saved your life and what? You are scolding us!?” Sarafina shook her head in disbelief.”You are despicable”

“Sarafina, stop!” Salando shouted pushing her away from Ms Agatha. She turned to face Ms Agatha “We didn’t leave Miriam alone. Tracy just said that Flora is with her”

The girls all turned around as they heard a loud breathing sound as Flora came to light.

Ms Agatha shook her head in disappointment as she ran into the corridor.

“What are you doing here? What about Miriam?” Tracy asked.

“She’s fine. I made sure that-”

A loud scream that made the whole realm rumble startled the girls.

“What was that?”Rayne asked.

“If we keep on standing here we won’t know, right?” Sia said as a- matter- of- fact.

The girls ran towards the scream as Celine walked towards Clementine, Raquel and Aiden.

“You three just hid as we were being attacked. You deserve to get stripped of your titles!”

“And what do you suggest we do? We all saw someone who was supposed to be dead!” Raquel countered as she sternly walked away from the council room.

The girls got to the corridor as they figured out that the scream was from Ms Agatha.

“What’s wrong?”

Ms. Agatha looked at the girls with her eyes filled with tears. “Miriam’s gone”

Trouble seemed to be everywhere and also in the Angel’s realm as Alexa took in deep breaths before entering her room.

As expected, all eyes were on her.

“So, are we all happy for me?” She asked trying to ease the tension in the air.

“Why did the queen mother ask of you?” Warren asked with a strong expression on his face.

He didn’t like it one bit that Alexa was getting married to the demon lord.

It wasn’t about his left over feelings for Alexa or about his dislike for Damien.

But it was against the rules of the land for an angel and a demon to have any relationship whatsoever.

And he was scared. Scared for Alexa.

She seems so happy without considering all the facts that nothing could happen to Damien but something could happen to her.

“She wants me to move in with Damien”

Now Hermenes stood up abruptly from her bed.”Come again louder, will you?”

“Alexa think about this marriage over again” Celine said.

“All of you should just stop!”Alexa screamed putting her hands over her ears. “You are all worried about nothing. Believe me”

She walked over to Warren as she placed her hands on his cheeks. “I know you are more worried about me than anyone else here but nothing will happen to me.”

She gazed from one person to the other. “Damien is going to take care of me. With him by my side, no one can hurt me”

“Enough! That’s enough, I’m out of here” Warren shouted with his anger reaching his peek as he stormed out of Alexa’s room.

“Warren!” Josty called after him “I’ll go make sure he’s alright” Josty said before exiting the room.

“Well, huh.. congratulations on your wed-“Eren starter but Anglassia coverer his mouth.

“Don’t you dare!” She snarled. She turned around to face Alexa. “Don’t let your emotions cloud your judgement, Alexa. You might be in love with Damien like you say you do but marriage is forever so do give yourself some time to think about it too” she turned to face Eren as she took his hand in his “Let’s go”

Alexa sighed she watched their retreating backs.

She turned around to face Hermenes, Celine and Karina. “Anyone else with another contradiction?”

“Alexa” a strong voice called from behind her making her turn around in a jiffy to see Nana standing by the door.


“Come with me”

Alexa slowly nodded her head as she followed Nana upstairs to her chambers.

Nana sat on her golden chair as she rubbed her forehead. “Where have you been for the past one month?!”

Alexa immediately threw herself at Nana’s feet shuddering in fear. “I’m sorry. Please forgive me”

Nana took a moment to breathe in before walking up to Alexa and rising her up to her feet.

“I was harsh earlier on you, I’m sorry” Nana’s soft voice echoed as she brushed Alexa’s cheeks. “I made a promise to your parents when they died, Alexa. I promised them that I’ll look after you”

“When you were gone, I’d imagined the worst and-”

Alexa held Nana’s hands. “I’m sorry for making you worried, Nana”

Nana nodded her head “Come here, my child”.

She directed Alexa to a small brown wooden box.


“What is this Nana?”

“Open it”

Alexa opened the box and gasped in awe as she saw tons of gold bracelet and necklaces.

They were wedding adornments.

“Your mother wore these during her wedding and now her daughter will be wearing this”

Alexa looked up at Nana with wide eyes. These were her mother’s?

And most of all, did Nana just give her their blessings on their marriage?

“N-an-a” Alexa stuttered in shock as tears trailed down her cheeks.

She engulfed Nana in a warm embrace. “Thank you so much”

“It’s nothing, my child. Afterall, your happiness is my happiness”

Nana broke away from Alexa. “You best be going already. I believe you’ve kept your groom waiting for so long”

“But my things-”

“I’ll bring them over to you”

“And the others don’t-”

“I’ll explain everything to them, you don’t need for worry. Just go and be happy”

Alexa nodded her head before hugging Nana one more time and flying out through the window to the demon realm.

Meanwhile In the demon realm, Damien kept on getting restless.

“She said she would be back, where is she?”he mumbled to himself. “Did she change her mind about the wedding already? Did the date scare her off? Oh, what is it, almighty?!”

Damien stopped in his tracks as he felt small hands embrace him from behind. “I’m here”

He sighed in relief as her voice filled his ears. His heart started beating rapidly at her hold and he knew that she was really here and it wasn’t just his imagination.

Even his body could feel it!.

He turned around as he cupped her face.

“I-I thought you weren’t coming back” Damien stuttered.

For the first time in his entire life, he was scared.

And it fascinated him that he could feel this feeling.

I mean, he was the demon lord. He feared no one!.

But here he was, holding Alexa’s face and stuttering his words like a child who was suffering from speech impeachment.

Alexa smiled warmly at him. “I’m not going anywhere, Damien. I assure you”

He hugged her ever so tightly until his beating heart started to calm down.

Five minutes later, they were in their bed nestled in eachother’s arms.

“What took you so long though, if I may ask?” Damien questioned softly.

“Everyone is still in shock about the marriage news. They feel like it’s rushed”NôvelDrama.Org owns all content.

“And do you feel that way, my queen? If you do, we can always push it-”

Damien’s eyes slowly started to turn pitch black.

“Damien, your eyes-” Alexa started bringing her hands to his face but he rushed out of the bedroom and into the bathroom.

He stared at himself in the mirror and groaned in pain.

A demon eyes can only always be three colors. Red, black and their normal own.

When it is Red, they are angry. So angry that they could kill you by the air they breathe.

And when it’s black- just like Damien’s right now- they are hungry.

Not for food but for their mate! And they had the strong urge to devour them that instant.

Damien growled in pain as he fell to the bathroom floor trying to calm himself down but it wasn’t working.

Right now, he couldn’t think of anything apart from Alexa.

Alexa banged on the bathroom door in fear “Damien, open the door. Please tell me what’s going on?!”

“STAY OUT!” Damien shouted.

He didn’t want to touch her. Not until they were married at least.

He loves her and she deserves tht much respect.

If he did something he would regret later this night, it would mark Alexa.

She’d already been labelled as a sl*t before but this time it would be worse.

She’d probably be labelled as a loose woman who was used before marriage.

And he didn’t want that. That thought angered him so much that he slowly started to regain himself.

His eyes slowly turned back to their normal color.

He sighed in relief as he thanked the goddess before opening the bathroom door.

Alexa immediately rushed up to him. “Damien, are you al-”

“Three days” Damien said breathing heavily. “We get married in three days and no exceptions. I’ll sleep somewhere else tonight”

He said before walking out of their room.

Alexa might not understand why he was doing this but he was doing it for her.

If they pushed the wedding any further, then not even the goddess would save him.



A/N; Hmm, Damien with other intentions

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