Lexi couldn’t stop thinking about the woman’s words, she tried to dismiss them as a mere threat from an obsessed crush.

There are too many women around Aziz that wanted to be in her shoes, they wanted him to even look at them the way he looked at her, but he only had eyes for her. Or that is what she thinks…

“I will be going home early today Tessa, I trust you can wrap things up here without me?” She signed the last paper in front of her and placed it on the others, while Tessa arranged it together.

“You don’t have to worry about that ma’am, take your time and rest well,” picking up the files, Tessa made her way out of the office. She stopped at the door and turn around to look at Lexi.

“Don’t let that woman get to you, she is just spewing rubbish. I am sure Mr Aziz would not cheat on you, he isn’t the type to keep two women at the same time.”

Lexi bobbed her head, Tessa pushed the door open and walked out of the office, leaving Lexi to her thoughts once again.

She also wants to believe that the woman was only messing with her brain, but it was hard to shake it off. She sounded so real, so true that Lexi believed each word that came out of her mouth.

Her phone pinged and she pull it out of her bag to see Aziz’s name on the notification panel.

She unlocked her phone and press down on the message.

*I can’t wait for you to get home babe* she read, followed by the picture of a candle-lit dinner, with Aziz sitting on the head table smiling at the screen, he didn’t look like someone who would cheat on her but she didn’t know what to believe anymore.

She pushed her phone back into her bag and pack her stuff before getting out of her seat, with the sound of her heels clicking on the tiled floor, she made her way out of her office and headed for the elevator.

Her car beeped as she stepped closer to it, she pushed it open and got in before driving home. Her heart hammered against her ribcage, she so badly wants to shove off the strange woman’s word but they keep weaving their ways into her mind that she could barely concentrate on the road.

She would have to ask Aziz who that fucking woman was, or she would lose her sanity worrying over it. Lexi prayed in her heart for his answer to be no, she didn’t know what she would do if it was a yes.

‘It isn’t like you are in love with him,’ her subconsciousness whispered.

‘That doesn’t mean he had the right to break the rules he laid down, it was his idea of not having any other partner so he should respect it,’ Lexi snapped, seething in anger before she realized she was actually snapping at herself.

She gripped the steering wheel so hard that her knuckles turned white, her eyes turning glassy as possible thoughts of him cheating on her all this while weighing down on her.

Wiping away the lone tear that made it down her cheek, she promised herself she wouldn’t cry, even if his answer turns out to be yes, she will not cry. She sucked it up as she pulled into the driveway, cleaning up any traces of her nervous breakdowns just a few minutes ago.

Deciding she looked convincing enough, she stepped out of the car and walked into the house.

“You are here,” his citrus scent hits her before she felt his arms wrapped around her from behind.

Almost as if her body had been waiting to feel him close, she leaned into his chest and closed her eyes. The thought that this man behind her could cheat on her refuse to settle into her brain, she was too attuned to him to accept the fact that he could be cheating behind her back.

“Are you alright?” Aziz asked, he could feel the way her shoulder seems to tense even though she leaned closer to his chest.

Lexi had never been the type to be tense around him, even when she wants him to fuck her and right now he can tell it was not because she didn’t want him to touch her. If anything, he knows she wants him with the way her body relaxed against him.

“Baby?” He twirls her around until she is staring right at him, still not uttering a single word. “What is it?” He frowns down at her.

Lexi shook her head to clear off the thought, she shouldn’t be thinking this way when it hasn’t been confirmed that he did cheat on her. She didn’t want to ruin their moment so she plaster the best convincing smile on her face and wrapped her arm around his torso.

“There is nothing wrong with me, I was just stressed with work today,” her cold lip pressed against the smooth skin of his jaw, leaving slobbery patches of saliva as her mouth sought his.

Aziz opened up to her, letting her kiss him ever so softly. The kiss was feathery, it was so light like she wanted to kiss him but didn’t want to kiss him. When she moved away, he watched the way she wrapped her arm around herself and jut out her chin.

“Let’s eat before it gets cold,” she was moving to the table before he could say a word to her and he didn’t want to mess up tonight’s dinner with his curiosity. Reluctantly, he decided to believe her words, she had a stressful day at work so it was nothing.

It was all in his imagination…

The dinner was rather quiet than the way it had always been, but that wasn’t what solidify his thoughts of something being wrong. It was the fact that Lexi had forgotten that his father had sent the maids to the other mansions when she and her mother had arrived for the wedding.

The way Lexi looked around absentmindedly and called for the maid’s attention was enough to let him know it was more than just stress at work. Clattering sounds brought his attention back to the dining table, he looked up to see Lexi getting out of her seat.

“Are you done eating baby, you barely touch your food?” He placed down his spoon and followed her into her room.

He went to get the door of her room for her, but she push open the door to his room and walked in.

What is going on?

Aziz pull off his suit, getting ready to shower and get to bed, he wanted this night to be special but he could tell from the way she seems to withdraw to herself that he couldn’t touch her.

Not tonight…

Soft, small hands wrapped around his torso from behind and he tensed, her lips pressed to the line dividing his back, her lips trailing over his spinal cord. He spun around to look at her.


She kissed him hard, her tongue hungrily searching for his, the sweet taste of her had him opening up to her. He pulls her closer to himself, his hand trailing over her body.

The feeling of her hand on his chest makes him suck in a breath at the tingling sensation. He trails the corner of her lips, moving down to her shoulder.

Placing a teasing kiss on her sensitive spot, he felt her body tremble in his arm, and she pulled him closer, leaning her weight on him. Aziz tried to break off the kiss but she wouldn’t let him and his sixth sense keeps telling him something is entirely wrong.

“Lexi,” he called when he finally pulled away from her. She placed her pointer finger on his lip, shutting him up.

“Have sex with me tonight,” she moved away from him and began to strip off her clothes. She climb onto the bed and stared right at him.

Aziz stripped himself of his clothes and got into the bed with her, he towered over her, kissing her hard as he guide his engorged length into her heat.

She wrapped her legs around his hip, wiggling her hip to accommodate him. Once he settled in, Aziz begin to stroke in and out of her at a slow pace.

Except for her spontaneous moans, Lexi closed her eyes savouring the feeling of him moving inside of her, unaware of Aziz’s gaze on her.

Aziz knew the moment he thrust into her that the woman beneath him, was no longer his feisty and eager Lexi. He tried to get away from her but she wrapped her legs tightly around him.

“Please,” her almost silent plea reached his ears, yet she refused to open her eyes, to look at him and beg him to make her cum.

He suddenly felt empty, knowing she wanted him to have sex with her just for her to feel relieved from whatever is bothering her, not because she really wanted him.Content property of NôvelDra/ma.Org.

Groaning slightly, he pushed his weights away from her body and thrust into her a few more times, her body trembling so hard, her heat clenched him and her nails digging into his back as she struggled to keep herself from shattering yet.

His hand found her womanhood and he rubbed his thumb over her clit, pushing her over the edge as the speed of his thrust decreased. Aziz leaned down and encircled her left nipple with his warm tongue, his hand stroking her clit while he thrust into her.

Feeling so much at a time, Lexi cried out, her body trembling as she struggled to hold onto him. With a final groan, he collapsed on her small frame.

Rolling onto his back, Aziz pulled out of her and climbed down the bed. Before walking into the bathroom, he glances at her one more time.

She wasn’t sleeping, no… He could tell with the way she was trying to get her breathing under control, but she didn’t even turn to acknowledge him.

Turning to walk into the bathroom, he stepped under the shower, staring at himself through the mirror with his thoughts all over the place.

For the first time since he started sleeping with her, this was the first time Lexi didn’t call out his name as she come undone beneath him.

Everything was fucking wrong!

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