Shadows Of The Pack (Aria and Knox)

Chapter Fifty Five: Marked for War

Chapter Fifty Five: Marked for War

Seraphina sat in Knox's study, her trembling hands clutching a handkerchief as she tried to control her

tears. Around her, Knox, Ryder and Aria all waited, giving her the time she needed to compose herself.

The weight of Seraphina's revelation hung heavy in the air, and they knew they had to hear the whole


Knox's patience started to wane, "Tell us what happened. We need to understand the full extent of the

situation. I have given enough time for your tears."

Aria growled at him for being inconsiderate. A mental pull tugged in her head. Knox wanted to

communicate with her psychically so she opened up to him.

"You are being really inconsiderate. She just lost someone she loved."

She could feel Knox's irritation through the bond, "I don't care. I can't say Julian didn't get what he

deserved but I won't stand another second standing here watching her cry."

Aria turned to her sister, breaking off the link,"Seraphina, we need to know what happened."

Seraphina sucked in a deep breath and began her harrowing account, her voice shaking with emotion

as she recounted the events that had transpired.

"Last night we went to bed. Julian and I have been sleeping in different rooms." She sniffled before she

continued, "Ever since we lost the battle. I woke up to the smell of fire burning. I managed to get

through it, I tried to get to Julian. I walked in just as Julian fell to his knees. Lucas stood by the side

watching as Liam slit his throat."

She sucked in a deep breath, "I saw him…He was just gone. I made a sound and in seconds Lucas

was in front of me. I have never felt that kind of power before. I looked into his eyes and I saw

emptiness. He said the only reason I was still standing was because his blood ran through my veins but

he felt nothing for me. He told Liam to take me to a room and lock me up and after everything Liam was

more than happy to oblige. Liam threw me into a room and I asked what he was doing. He told me

Lucas was the Alpha of all Alphas and whoever wouldn't stand with him would fall at his feet. I don't

know how but I managed to escape and I came here. I didn't know where else to go."

The room seemed to grow heavy with the weight of Seraphina's words, and the flickering flames in the

fireplace cast dancing shadows across the faces of Aria, Knox and Ryder.

Aria's heart ached for her sister yet at the same time she didn't know how to feel.

Stepping towards Seraphina, she reluctantly placed her hands on her sister's shoulder and squeezed.

Seraphina's voice trembled as she continued, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. "Julian… he didn't

deserve this fate. I didn't even get a chance to say goodbye."

Knox's eyes met Ryder's. The look on their faces mirrored one and another's. They had both had their

fill of her pointless crying.

Julian was just one less wolf they had to worry about.

Aria growled again and then a guilty smile rose to Knox's face. She could feel what he felt and at that

moment, he didn't feel even an ounce of sympathy.

Seraphina closed her eyes whispering, "It's all my fault. I should have never asked him to come back."

Ryder finally spoke up, his voice calm but probing. "How do you know he is coming for the other

packs? According to the stories I heard, the Silvercrest Territory originally belonged to him. Perhaps he

just came back to claim what was rightfully his."

Seraphina shook her head, her eyes filled with fear and certainty. "I saw it. Everything. He has the lone

wolves working under him, our rival packs, and many other wolves. Lucas is out to collect, to amass

power and control. I don't think he will stop until he has the entire wolf society under him."

Aria's mind raced with thoughts, trying to find a way to stop Lucas's dark ambition. Suddenly, an idea

surfaced, and she cleared her throat, making everyone in the room turn to her. "Maybe I should talk to


A low growl emanated from Knox just as a scoff flew out of Seraphina's lips before she could help it,

"You think he would listen to you?"

Aria nodded, her expression determined. "I don't know, but I have to try."

Knox's eyebrows furrowed, and he regarded Aria with a glare, "Aria, you are not going anywhere near


Aria smiled softly, ignoring Knox and looking directly into Seraphina's eyes, "I think Lucas is my real

father too and not on that, he is marked by the moon goddess."

Aria knew exactly what was coming when they stepped outside, "You are not going to see Lucas." She

took a deep breath and tried to reason with him. "Knox, I understand your concern. He once asked me

to join him in his quest. He told me we are alike. I tried to fight it but I believe it. The truth hurts but

Lucas is my father. I feel it."

Knox's jaw tightened, his eyes narrowing with frustration. "Aria, you're putting yourself in danger. Lucas

is cunning and ruthless. He won't hesitate to use you against us."

"I know the risks," Aria said, her voice steady, "but I can't stand by and do nothing. We need to find a

way to stop him, and if I can get close to him, I might be able to learn more about his plans."

Knox shook his head, his anger barely contained. "This is not a game, Aria. Lives are at stake,

including yours. I can't lose you."

Aria's eyes softened with compassion as she reached out to touch Knox's arm. "I know you're worried,

and I appreciate that you care about me, but I can take care of myself."

Knox sighed, torn between his love for Aria and his duty as the Alpha. "I just don't want to see you get

hurt," he admitted.

Knox's expression softened as he realized he couldn't change Aria's mind. He knew she was stubborn,

"Fine, but you won't go alone. I'll go with you. If Lucas wants to be the Alpha King then he needs to go

through me but before then, I will try to talk to him."

Aria shook her head, objecting to the idea. "No, Knox. If we both go, he might see it as a threat and

react aggressively. I need to approach him alone, at least at first. Once I gain some information, we can

plan our next move together."

"That won't be necessary." Ryder said as he joined the conversation.

Aria and Knox turned to him.

Ryder folded his thick arms, "I have a plan. This is exactly what we are going to do."

Ryder's confident demeanor caught Aria and Knox's attention. They both turned their full focus on him,

eager to hear his plan to deal with Lucas.

"Alright" Ryder began, his voice determined, "Aria, you have the advantage of the Moon Goddess's

mark, and Lucas seems intrigued by it. We can use that to our advantage. You'll go alone to meet with

him, just as you planned. But Knox and I will be nearby, hidden, ready to intervene if things get out of


Aria hesitated, still concerned for their safety. "Are you sure about this? I don't want either of you

getting hurt because of me."

Ryder shot her a reassuring smile. "Don't worry about us. We can handle ourselves. Besides, we're a

team, and we watch each other's backs."

Knox nodded, understanding the logic behind Ryder's plan. "Alright, we'll do it your way. But we need to

be prepared for anything."

"That's the spirit," Ryder said, pleased with their agreement. "Now, here's the crucial part of the plan.

Aria, when you meet with Lucas, try to engage him in conversation about the Moon Goddess's mark

and its significance. Tell him you realized your mistake. Tell him you want to learn. See if you can

gather any information about his true intentions or weaknesses."

Aria nodded, absorbing Ryder's instructions. "I'll do my best."

Ryder continued, "While you're talking with him, Knox and I will be analyzing the situation from afar. If

we see any signs of danger, we'll intervene immediately. But remember, Aria, don't reveal everything

you know. Keep some cards close to your chest. We don't want to show all our strengths too soon."

Aria understood the importance of caution. "I'll be careful, and I'll use my instincts to guide me."

"Good," Ryder said, giving her a reassuring pat on the shoulder. "Once we gather enough information,

we can plan our next move. We need to figure out his weaknesses and exploit them."

Knox added, "We also need to rally the other packs. If Lucas is amassing forces, we need to do the

same. We can't face him alone."

Aria nodded, impressed by the strategic thinking. "You're right. We need to unite all the packs to stand

against him."

Ryder turned to Knox, "We need to move fast. We need to forget what Alpha Randy did. Right now, we

need him, we need Sophia's pack. We need all the help we can get.


In the days that followed, Aria made her preparations for her meeting with Lucas. She focused on

honing her connection with the Moon Goddess, seeking guidance and strength from the powerful entity

that marked her. Knox and Ryder, on the other hand, reached out to the leaders of neighboring packs,

urging them to join forces against Lucas.

The tension in the air was palpable as the day of the meeting arrived. Aria stood at the edge of the

Silvercrest Territory, ready to face Lucas. She felt the support of her pack behind her, and it gave her

the courage she needed.

As she approached the designated meeting spot, Aria took a deep breath, centering herself. She knew

that this encounter would be crucial, a turning point in their battle against Lucas. The Moon Goddess's

mark pulsed with energy, guiding her forward.

Lucas was already waiting, surrounded by his followers. His eyes locked onto Aria's as she

approached, and a sinister smile crept onto his lips. "Aria."

Aria held her head high, refusing to show any sign of fear. "I'm here to talk, Lucas. To understand your

intentions and find a way to avoid unnecessary bloodshed."

Lucas chuckled, his voice dripping with arrogance. "You're in no position to make demands, little wolf. © NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

But I am intrigued by your bravery."

Aria took a deep breath, channeling the power of the Moon Goddess. "I know the connection between

us is significant. The Moon Goddess marked us both for a reason. You told me once that you wanted to

teach me how to harness the powers. Let's talk about that."

Lucas's eyes went to neck, "You got rid of the Crystal. I have to say, I'm actually impressed. How did

you manage to do that?" Then they narrowed, but he seemed curious about her question, "What do

you want to know?"

Aria carefully chose her words, keeping her true intentions hidden. "I want to know about your plans,

your vision for the future. Why do you want to become the Alpha of all Alphas?"

Lucas's smile widened, revealing his ambition. "I seek power and control, to rule over all the packs and

establish a new order. The weak will fall, and the strong will rise."

Aria's heart sank at his callousness, but she pressed on. "And what about the Moon Goddess's mark?

Why do you think she chose us?"

Lucas's eyes flickered with something unreadable. "The mark is a symbol of strength, of destiny. We

are chosen to be more than just ordinary wolves. We are destined to shape the future of our kind."

Aria's mind raced, trying to decipher his words. Was there more to the Moon Goddess's mark than she

had realized? She knew she had to be cautious, not to reveal too much about her own connection with


As Aria probed further, she couldn't help but notice the calculating glint in Lucas's eyes. He seemed to

be gauging her reactions, trying to gauge how much she knew about her own connection to the Moon


"I believe there's more to the mark than you're letting on," Aria said cautiously, choosing her words

carefully. "The Moon Goddess doesn't bestow her mark lightly. It holds great power, and I can sense

that it goes beyond just strength and destiny."

Lucas's smile faltered for a moment, replaced by a hint of uncertainty. "You think you understand the

mark? Perhaps you do, but don't forget that I have my own connection to the Moon Goddess. She

chose me as well."

Aria felt a surge of determination. "Yes, but there's a difference. You seek power and control for

yourself, but I believe the Moon Goddess marked me to protect and unite the packs, to stand against

tyrants like you."

Lucas's expression darkened, and Aria could feel the tension in the air. "So that is why you requested

to see me. You want to challenge me yet you underestimate me."

"I don't underestimate you, Lucas," Aria said firmly. "But I won't back down either. I will fight for what I

believe is right, and that includes protecting my pack and the other packs from your tyranny."

The atmosphere around them grew charged, both wolves locked in a tense standoff. Aria could sense

the danger in Lucas, his hunger for power and control threatening to consume everything in his path.

Just as the situation seemed to reach its breaking point, a low growl sounded from the shadows.

A smile rose to Lucas' face, "I thought you were going to hide behind her forever Knox."

Knox stepped out, the anger apparent on his face, "I don't care who you think you are but you are

going to stop."

Lucas smiled even more maliciously, "You put up a facade of strength but I can feel the fear beneath it.

Don't worry, I will give you a little more time."

He looked to Aria, "Save the best for last. But as of this moment dear Alpha, we are at war."

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