Shadows Of The Pack (Aria and Knox)

Chapter Ninety: Poisoned

Chapter Ninety: Poisoned

News of Ryder's condition had spread like wildfire, drawing concerned pack members to the heart of

the territory. Lydia refused to leave his side, her fingers lightly tracing patterns on his hand. She could

feel the weight of his pain through their bond, to make it worse, his wound was still not healing and he

remained unconscious.

Outside Ryder’s room, Aria, Sophia, Shana, and Melody huddled together.

"I can't believe this is happening," Shana murmured, "He's one of the strongest wolves I know. Why

isn't he healing?"

Melody offered a tentative suggestion. "Maybe he just needs more time," she said, her voice tinged

with hope. "Wounds can be unpredictable, especially after such a traumatic event."

Aria shook her head, her expression troubled. "I wish it were that simple, Melody," she replied, her

voice carrying a note of frustration. "I saw the wound, and it's not a matter of time. Something else is

going on."

Sophia glanced at Aria, her brows furrowing in concern. "What do you mean, something else?" she

asked, her curiosity piqued.

Aria hesitated for a moment, as if grappling with her own thoughts. "I can't be sure," she admitted, her

voice low. "But when I examined the wound, it was as if... as if something was blocking his ability to


Shana's eyes widened with surprise. "Blocking his healing?" she echoed, her mind racing to

comprehend the implications. "But what could do that? And why would it happen to Ryder?"

Aria's shoulders sagged with the weight of her uncertainty. "I don't have all the answers," she said, her

voice tinged with frustration. "But I've never seen anything like it. It's like there's a barrier preventing his NôvelDrama.Org owns all © content.

body from healing itself."

Sophia chewed on her lower lip, deep in thought. "Could it be related to whatever happened when he

was attacked?" she mused. "Maybe there's something about the weapon that's causing this."

Aria nodded slowly, the pieces of the puzzle slowly coming together in her mind. "It's possible," she

conceded. "But we need to find out more. We can't help Ryder if we're in the dark."

Their conversation was interrupted by Sophia's next question. "Where's Knox in all of this?" she asked,

her gaze scanning the area as if expecting him to appear.

Aria's expression grew somber. "Knox went for a run," she replied, her voice heavy with concern. "He

said he felt helpless, and he needed to clear his head."

Shana sighed, her gaze dropping to the ground. "He must be blaming himself," she whispered, her

voice filled with sympathy. "We all are, in some way."

Melody nodded in agreement. "We need to be here for him too," she said, her voice gentle. "Knox may

be our Alpha, but he's hurting as much as the rest of us. He and Ryder aren’t just Alpha and Beta.

They are basically brothers."

Melody's attention shifted from face to face then her eyes settled on Aria "Aria, can you reach out to

Knox through your bond and see if he's alright?"

Aria's brows furrowed in concentration as she closed her eyes, allowing the bond that connected her to

Knox to stretch out. Ever since they had the conversation, the bond between them had become

stronger. She felt everything he felt and right now, she knew he felt regret and fear that he wouldn't be

able to protect them when the time came.

"Hey", Knox's mental voice was tinged with sadness as he responded to Aria's call.

"I know you are blaming yourself right now but you also need to understand that what happened to

Ryder is not your fault. None of us could have predicted this."

"I should have been there". Knox's thoughts carried a heavy burden of guilt, "If I had been quicker, if I

had looked for him sooner... maybe this wouldn't be happening."

Knox felt Aria sigh through the bond, "You can't blame yourself for something none of us saw coming.

We are a pack, and we face challenges together. Ryder wouldn't want you drowning in guilt. He needs

you now, just as we all do."

A heavy sigh echoed through their bond. "I know you're right, Aria. But seeing him like that, hurt and

vulnerable... I can't bear it. I can't face him knowing I couldn't protect him."

"Knox", her mental presence reached out to him, her touch soothing, "You're his Alpha, his leader, but

you're also his friend. He needs you now more than ever. When he wakes up, he'll want to see you by

his side."

"I can't see him like this", Knox's thoughts were laced with pain, "Weak, injured, because of me. I can't

face him, knowing I failed him.

Aria's response was swift, "Knox, listen to me. Ryder is your Beta, your brother. He wouldn't want you

to blame yourself. He would want you by his side, just as he would be for you. We face our struggles

together, and we find strength in each other. Please, come back to the packhouse. Ryder needs you,

and so do I.".

After a moment, she opened her eyes and met Melody's gaze. "He's... he's conflicted," Aria said softly,

her voice carrying the weight of her Alpha's emotions. "He's blaming himself for what happened to

Ryder. He feels helpless, like he should have been there to protect him."

Sophia's lips tightened in sympathy, her concern deepening. "We need to reassure him," she said, her

voice firm. "Let him know that we're here for him, just like he's always been there for us."

Shana's gaze flickered with determination. "We'll find a way to help Ryder," she said, her voice steady.

"And we'll make sure Knox knows he's not alone in this."


Inside the room, the soft moonlight painted a serene tableau. Lydia sat by Ryder's side, her hand

holding his gently, as if offering her strength through their touch. Her face was tear-stained, evidence of

the worry and fear that had gripped her heart. Elara, the pack's healer, stood nearby.

Time seemed to hang suspended as they waited for any sign of improvement. The air in the room was

charged with a sense of uncertainty, an unspoken fear that Ryder's condition might not improve as

quickly as they hoped.

Finally, the silence was broken as Lydia's voice trembled, her gaze locked onto the wound that marred

Ryder's chest. "Elara," she began, her voice filled with a desperation and longing, "why isn't his wound

healing? What's happening to him?"

Elara's brow furrowed with empathy as she approached Lydia, her touch light on Ryder's other side.

"Lydia, I've been doing everything I can," she said softly, her voice carrying the weight of her frustration.

"But I can't seem to find a way to accelerate the healing process. It's as if... something is interfering."

Lydia's grip on Ryder's hand tightened, her heart aching for her mate's pain. "Is there anything you can

do?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Elara's gaze met Lydia's, her eyes filled with a mix of determination and helplessness. "I won't give up,"

she vowed, her voice resolute. "I'll keep trying to find a way to break through whatever is blocking his

healing. But Lydia, I need you to be prepared. We might not have all the answers right now."

Tears welled up in Lydia's eyes as she nodded, "I just want him to be okay," she admitted, her voice


Elara was about to speak, her brows furrowing in thought, when a sudden movement caught her

attention. Her gaze shifted to the wound on Ryder's chest, and her eyes widened in alarm as a strange

substance began oozing out of it.

Lydia's voice quivered as she gasped, her eyes widening in disbelief at the sight. "What... what is that?"

Elara's expression darkened as she recognized the ominous sign. "Oh no," she whispered, her voice

laced with dread.

Lydia's grip on Ryder's hand tightened, her voice shaking, "What's happening? Tell me!"

Elara's gaze remained locked on the wound, her voice strained as she explained, "This is why his

healing was blocked. The wound is infected."

Lydia's heart pounded in her chest, her mind racing to comprehend the gravity of the situation.

"Infected? How? Why?"

Elara's voice was heavy with sorrow as she met Lydia's gaze. "The weapon that injured him was

poisoned," she said, her words like a hammer blow to Lydia's heart.

Lydia's breath caught in her throat, her eyes wide with shock. "Poisoned?" she repeated, her voice a

mere whisper. "What... what kind of poison?"

Elara's gaze held a solemn weight as she replied, "A deadly one. One that inhibits healing and spreads

quickly through the body."

Desperation flooded Lydia's voice, her fingers trembling as they brushed against Ryder's hand. "There

must be a remedy, an antidote. Something that can save him."

Elara's expression grew somber, her words heavy with regret. "I wish I could give you hope, Lydia," she

said softly. "But there is no known cure for this poison. Right now, Ryder only has a matter of time."

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