Sinful Mates 1-3

chapter 70

chapter 70

Tobias POV

Three months, three long months without her, without touching her milky skin, without smelling her

intoxicating scent, three months of nothing but anger and darkness. Three months of sleeping in shitty

motels while we travelled around looking for her, only to come up empty. No word from her, not even to

tell us she was okay. Nothing but deafening silence through the bond. So silent it was chilling trying to

pull anything from it.

Was this some sick punishment from her? Can she not feel us either? Feel our desperation and

longing for her. My father went in the opposite direction to us, searching for his mate just like us. The

despair I know he feels must be nearly killing him. We aren’t as hopeless yet, still having Theo by my

side was enough to keep my beast and darkest thoughts at bay. This won’t last forever though, not

without her. The nightmares haunting my sleep make me more on edge, because I have this feeling

they aren’t mine. Yet Theo doesn’t sleep, and we feel nothing through the bond to know if they are

Imogen’s or just my tormented mind making me suffer more. When I sleep, Theo still prowls the night

searching for her. We don’t even know if we are going in the right direction, not that there are many

directions left to run in.

Until we have her back, I will never stop searching. The only thing we have figured out is that she

is carrying our child, well mine, but the biology doesn’t matter this child belongs to all of us, just like she

belongs to both Theo and me. I understand why she ran. I never would have allowed her to go through

with it. There is only one way this ends for her. I wouldn’t have cared if she hated me for it, at least she

would have hated me and still been alive.

Now nothing but fear plagues me. Were-babies don’t need as long as human babies to be created

and born. So, it’s only a matter of time before this child will rip its way through her, killing her in the

process. I just hope my mother had some back-up plan before she took off with our mate. My mother

had never kept it hidden, how she wishes for a proper family, one with children. I know how she longed

for grandchildren, yet with me and Theo it would never be a possibility. We thought she accepted that,

then this happens and now we have to race against time to find her. Yet my father is racing to save his

mate, he knows if something happens to Imogen I won’t hesitate, even if it kills Theo, I will kill her for

letting her die. Mother must know this, and that’s why she must have gone with her. I just pray she is

not too late in changing her. I know I am bringing my mate home, either dead or alive I will find her and

then I will kill those that helped her with her suicide.

We had just pulled up at yet another crappy motel in the middle of nowhere. I looked at the ran

down building and its neon sign. Theo was out of the car already walking to the small office and

checking in. I opened my door, letting the cool crisp air run over my heated skin. Running my hands

through my hair that was damp with sweat from yet another nightmare while I slept and Theo drove.

Theo came back out, holding a key on a chain. I looked up at him as he tossed it to me. We

decided this time to bring the car. It was becoming too difficult for me to keep running, my beast was

becoming stronger while I grew weaker. I never even put up a fight anymore trying to control emotions,

I let that primal side take over at the slightest emotion. I know it will be something I will have to reign in

when we get her back. I have spent nearly the entire three months in my wolf form. Theo said enough

when I nearly killed some locals in the town a few days ago. Property of Nô)(velDr(a)ma.Org.

Like he could talk, I noticed the moment he stepped out of the office with the key in his hand that

he had blood on the collar of his shirt. Even though he tried to hide it from me, I know hunger is slowly

taking over him.

“I hope you didn’t kill this one” I muttered before standing and following Theo inside the shitty

motel room. I flicked on the light and instantly regretted turning it on. The outdated furniture and its

floral bedsheets were crawling with bugs, more specifically flies.

“Did something fucking die in here?” I asked the smell made me crinkle my nose in disgust.

This is the only motel or hotel in this town, you’re going to have manage” Theo snapped.

“I prefer to sleep in the car or outside,” I whinged.

Theo started ripping the linen off the bed, ignoring my comment. Dust flying everywhere, I could

see the little dust particles floating in the air, making me swat at them, not wanting them to land on me.

God knows how many dead skin cells were now flying through the air. I walked outside, not being able

to handle the uncleanliness. Did they never clean around here? Theo emerged a few minutes later and

walked towards the office with the filthy linen before walking to the boot and pulling out brand new linen

and blankets from the trunk.

“When did you have time to get those?” I asked. I can’t even remember the last time I stepped into

an actual store, only ever going into servos. We never had time.

“You forget I don’t need sleep. I have plenty time,” he said kissing the edge of my mouth on his

way past. I felt my cock twitch painfully in my pants at the innocent gesture, something I haven’t felt

since she left, or maybe I was just denying that part of me. Arousal hitting me as I stepped into the

room and watched him make the bed. The smell gone, now the old blankets were out, and the only

smell was Theo’s scent. Feeling my eyes on him, he looked up. His red eyes peering back at me. I

missed his green eyes. It has been a while since I saw them. The longer we go without her, the more

our darkest parts take over threatening to undo the control we spent years building, both too exhausted

to fight our true selves giving ourselves over completely to the side we tried to conceal.

“Sleep Tobias. I will start searching the forest for any cabins and will keep heading north pull on the

link when you’re wake, I will come back,” he said chucking the doona on the bed.

I watched him remove his shirt, changing it for a clean one. Walking towards me to leave and keep

searching, doing the buttons up on his way towards me. When he brushed past me, I didn’t even

realise what I had done till he stopped looking at me. My hand tightly around his wrist, preventing him

from leaving.

“Don’t start something you have no intentions of finishing, Tobias,” He growled.

We had been so consumed with finding her that I often forgot he still needed me, and right now I

needed him. Grabbing the front of his shirt, I pulled him towards me, my lips hungrily devouring his as I

pulled him closer. His lips froze in place until he felt through the bond, searching before realising I

wasn’t letting him leave. My cock painfully pressing against my jeans. His teeth biting down on my lip,

making me growl as I shoved him towards the bed, using my foot to close the door behind me.

I could tell he was hungry for more than just my blood. When I moved closer, he started tugging on

my belt, removing my pants as I stepped out of them, my cock springing free, only for him to grab it, his

large hands stroking my shaft. Leaning down, I kissed him softly before pushing his shirt off, my hands

running over his strong shoulders and down across his pecs. I groaned, only now just realising how

much I missed him, missed his touch.

“Take your pants off.” My voice was rough, my breathing hard as I watched him squirm before

doing as he was told. As soon as his pants were off, I shoved him back, making him fall on his back. I

rarely did this, I always like being in control, and I could tell Theo was wondering what I was doing.

Sure we fucked, and Theo had no problem with his sexuality. We were both bi, yet I never did half the

things he has done for me. Old beliefs sometimes still hard to get past. Moving between his legs, I

grabbed his shaft, squeezing it before running my hand up its hardened length.

“Tobias, you don’t have to.” I ignored him. I wanted to, I wanted him. Even if things hadn’t been the

same since she left, it didn’t make my love for him any less. Swirling my tongue around his knob, I

heard him moan underneath me, his hand going to my hair. Only making me want him even more as I

took him completely in my mouth, his cock bottoming out in the back of my throat. I moved my head,

finding my rhythm. I had always wanted to do this, yet could never actually bring myself to take him in

my mouth. I know sounds stupid yet doing it now, tasting his cold salty skin on my tongue, I just wanted

more. He tasted different to Imogen. Imogen tasted sweet; Theo however was salty in a good way.

Sweet and savoury. I thought so different, yet both more intoxicating then any amount of alcohol I had


I sucked his cock hard, my hand rubbing at the parts of him I couldn’t fit in my mouth. His hips

moving involuntarily trying to thrust into my mouth, so I moved faster, knowing he needed release just

as much as I did. He groaned loudly before I felt his seed spill into my mouth, just as intoxicating as he

tasted. I swallowed him down only to be ripped up to him, his lips slamming into my mine. Hungrily. I

pinned his arms above his head, just loving the feel of his cool skin against mine. I sucked on my mark

he wore, loving the way he instantly reacted to my tongue running over it.

Flipping him over, I pulled his hips towards me. Grabbing his hair, I pulled his head back, and he

grabbed hold of the headboard. “I’m gonna fuck you now.” My voice was ragged, his answer just a

breathing groan making me smirk as I rammed into him. His body stilling before pushing back against

me. I hadn’t felt this satisfied since before she left, and that thought alone made me drive into him

harder than intended, yet he never complained. He knew how I felt, I could feel him through the bond

always pulling against me, trying to gauge my emotions, feel his thoughts swirling around in mine.

When I was on the verge of exploding, I gripped his hair, forcing his head back and ramming my

tongue in his mouth. I groaned before stilling, my seed spilling into him as I stilled. Both of us

breathless, I kissed his shoulder as I pulled out and slumped on the bed.

Theo hovered above me, a smile lighting up his face for the first time in months. I placed my hand

on his cheek. His stubble felt scratchy as his face pushed into my hand. Sitting up on my elbow, I ran

my hand over his thigh where he sat next to me. The familiar sparks making me feel alive for the first

time in ages. What I would do to feel her soft skin. Theo knowing how I felt stood up.

“I will keep looking. Get some rest, Tobias,” he said. I yawned but shook my head.

“Not until you feed,” I told him.

“I did already” He admitted, yet I knew he wanted mine or Imogen’s blood. He was sick of feeding

from strangers and his appetite had been huge lately. More than I could actually handle, yet even

though I knew the man in reception was dead, I knew he needed more blood, craved it.

“Not until you feed,” I said turning baring my neck for him. He moved closer and ran his fingers

lightly over the skin of my neck. I grabbed his hand, pulling him down.

I also needed him to feed off of me, needing him to need me and not just her, just like he needed

me to need him. It was the only way to survive making sure we are still in one piece for when we get

her back.

I felt his fangs sink into my neck; I groaned, loving the endorphins running in my bloodstream,

loving the feel of his tongue lapping at my skin.

He didn’t feed long, but when he finished, he didn’t have the same hunger that had been burning in

eyes for weeks. He had just finished getting dressed, and I had just laid down when the phone rang,

making both of us jump. Answering quickly, not even checking the caller id. Only to be disappointed

when my father’s voice came through the speaker.

“I am going to the council. Alaric has information, apparently that bitch ex of yours may know

where they are.” I jumped to my feet, my father going there in his anger was not a good idea, if he

snaps and hurts that bitch Alaric, things will end badly.

“Father wait,” Theo said, snatching the phone from his hand.

“It’s too late son, I am already here. I will let you know anything I find out. Don’t worry about me.

We need answers. I intend to make sure we get them. We need our girls back.”

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