Sinful Mates 1-3

chapter 83

chapter 83

Imogen’s POV

Walking downstairs, I could instantly sense his presence, the light green essence of my son's aura

glowing brightly around him as he lay in Caroline’s arms, his aura so pure and innocent as he slept

peacefully. I walked toward her, only for Tobias to step in my way, taking Thaddeus from his mother. I

wanted nothing more than to hold, but obviously Tobias and Theo didn’t trust me, and this entire trust

thing they have going on with me and my son was really starting to grind my gears.

Josiah looked better today, more life about as his eyes scanned the room before landing on me.

He smiled, but I could see the worry behind his eyes as he sat on the stool at the island bench.

Caroline also smiled sadly at me taking her seat. I sat across from them and I could tell they weren’t

happy with the news they were about to share.

“You look well rested Imogen” Caroline stated making my cheeks heat up. Josiah raised an

eyebrow at my blushing cheeks, his eyes going to Tobias, who had a lazy smirk on his face as he fed

our son.

“So, what is this news about Bianca?” I ask, wanting to just rip that metaphorical band aid off.

Josiah glanced toward Theo and didn’t even try to hide the anger that was directed at him. I could tell

whatever happened the blame was being put onto Theo by his father, which only made me more eager

to hear what it was.

“Bianca’s hearing has been postponed, the council has called a meeting for some reason and

asked us all to attend, apparently Bianca is running for a position on the council and Christopher has

agreed and wants to have the hearing after she has been sworn in” Sworn in? If she is sworn in, how

will she be reprimanded if she is a part of the council. Who in their right mind would give a position of

power to a psychotic bitch like Bianca?

“What, but how would the trial be fair if she is a council member, wouldn’t she be able to have a

say in her punishment if it has to be decided by all nine members?” Tobias growled at the information

and it was clear that he was only just finding out himself right now, like me. I watch as his eyes dart to

Theo before he angrily looks away.

“Okay, why is everyone looking at Theo like this is his fault?”

“Because it is his fault, him and his bloody temper always stirring up trouble that I have to get him

out of” His father bellowed clearly not happy about whatever it was his son did. Theo just shrugged his

shoulders like it was nothing and he couldn’t care less about whatever it is he did.

“I pissed off Christopher around a year ago when I sacked his son,” Theo said blandly, like it NôvelDrama.Org holds this content.

wasn’t a big thing.

“Sacked his son? You disfigured him, you fool. The son of one of the highest regarded elders and

you disfigured him” Josiah yelled making Thaddeus cry. He quickly sat down and apologised for his

outburst of anger. Tobias gave him a nod and calmed Thaddeus.

“Who is his son?” I ask, curious who this person was that Theo injured.

“His name is Max, and he is nothing but a self-entitled twit,” Theo said. Max? Why have I heard

that name before? I know I have heard it somewhere, and I tried to rack my brain for where I heard it.

Then it hit me, Merida had mentioned Theo almost attacking an employee at work, his name was Max

and he left for a rival company.

“Merida said you almost strangled him in a meeting,” I said remembering her words.

“Almost strangled him? He did way worse than that. He took his eye and mutilated his face,”

Josiah said angrily. Making me look at Theo with disgust.

“I thought this Max person was human. Merida said he quit and worked for a rival company now.”

Tobias nodded his head.

“He does work for a rival company; he was also human. Similar to you Imogen, his mother was

human when she fell pregnant with him. He was changed not long after the incident. Christopher, his

father, didn’t want to take any chances with Theo being so hot-headed.”

“Hey, you can’t blame me for this. I did my time over, twelve bloody days of constant lashings for

one bloody eye” Theo retorted annoyed.

“Be grateful, that’s all you got. The boy’s eye can’t grow back, you’re just lucky I still had

connections within the council that went into bat for you” Josiah tells him.

“Why did you do it?” I ask, curious as to why he would attack an Elder’s son.

“Do you really need to ask, it’s the same person we have had constant drama with” Caroline said


“Bianca, always fucking Bianca” I said, and Caroline nodded, confirming my words.

“Yes, and now that Alaric is gone, she has been getting awfully cosy with Max again, although they

have always been cosy. But with Alaric out of the picture, she has sunk her claws into Max. Christopher

knows what Bianca did, yet his revenge for his son outweighs that” Josiah announced.

I shook my head and placed my head in my hands, trying to think. We just can’t catch a break and

can’t escape Bianca. I zoned out trying to come up with something, anything but I wasn’t all that

familiar with laws of the council. Tobias placing Thaddeus in my lap made me look up. I cradled him in

my arms and was shocked he hadn’t fallen asleep already.

“If Bianca gets a position on the council, what sort of punishment will she get?” I asked, wanting to

prepare myself for the worst-case scenario.

“If she gets a seat at the council Imogen, she won’t be punished” Josiah said before throwing

daggers at his son.

My blood instantly started boiling at his words. No punishment after what she did at all. It seemed

impossible what kind of backwards laws did they have, that would allow no punishment for murder and

attempted murder. She killed three people for god’s sake and kidnapped a baby. How could they not

hold her accountable for that?

I didn’t even realise how angry I was until I felt my surroundings shake violently. The car alarms

outside blaring loudly, the entire house shook and the rumbling from the ground sounded like thunder.

“Imogen, get yourself under control” Tobias hissed, running over and ripping my son from me. I

tried to get a grip of my emotions but enraged wasn’t even a word to describe the feeling running

through me. As I thought of all the people she hurt and would get away with. My mother, Claire, my

father, me and my son suffered at her hands and they were just going to let her go around like she did


Electricity started zapping loudly, the lights flickering, even the fire crackling in the fireplace turned

into an inferno raging up the chimney.

I close my eyes, trying to reign in what little control I had left when I suddenly feel cold hands grip

my arms and the rush of air around me. Opening my eyes, I see we are outside in the rose garden, the

next thing I see is Theo and I see nothing but red. Red raging fiery anger. This was his fault she was

going to get away with everything because he had some grudge against a council member’s son.

“You? You did this. This is your fault” I scream, taking a step toward him. His eyes blaze with anger

at my words and he takes a step toward me, his hand outstretched, trying to grab me. But I quickly

sidestep. I could feel his intention and it was to take the darkness that was spreading throughout me

like wildfire.

“Imogen” He growled when I sidestepped again. I could feel my anger building, igniting my magic,

so thick and sweet and addictively cold. Wrapping its thick tendrils around me. I loved the feeling of it

bleeding into my soul, dangerous and cold and so strong. The day turned to night as the wind picked

up, dark clouds filling the sky. Lightening lighting up the sky, thunder so loud its crack could be felt as it

vibrated through the ground.

Theo lunged at me, and I actually laughed. I predicted the move a few seconds before he did it

and by the time he reached my position, I was ready for him. My hand coming up to the centre of his

chest. Energy bursting from my palm, throwing him backwards with so much force he skidded across

the grass. He shook himself off before standing. I flicked my wrist and watched as he screamed in

agony. I liked the sweet sound of his gasp of pain as he dropped to the ground, writhing in pain as I

boiled the blood in his veins. Standing over him, I looked down at him. Some small part was niggling at

me in the back of my head not to hurt him.

But I wanted to, and that part was stronger. Kneeling beside him, I watched as his eyes snapped to

mine. Yet he didn’t look scared, and I couldn’t smell fear coming from him, but looking in his eyes I

could see acceptance of what was about to happen. And it made me falter for a second, my mind going

blank at the look he was giving me. His eyes glowing brighter, burning into me as I felt fog cloud my

brain. I tried to get rid of the feeling that was trying to take over my senses. Dulling the anger but I

shook it off knowing it was Theo’s doing.

I heard Tobias yell, making me look at him as he ran out of the house. Caroline’s panicked face

running out behind him with my son in her arms. Josiah walked out a second after. They started

running toward me and I looked back down at Theo, turning my head to the side as I watched as he

tried to ignore the burning inside of him. His eyes focused on me. I pushed my fingers into his chest,

could feel his blood coating my hand. I could not only see his pain but feel it searing through my chest

as my hand moved inside his chest cavity. I hear Caroline scream loudly, making my attention go back

to her.

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