Sold To Mr President

Chapter 35 Discipline

“What the hell did you just say?” Ethan questioned fuming.

Ruby suddenly had the courage to be brave, she didn’t care to know who the man was or what going to do to her, but one part of her was just giving her the courage to face this man, and it was this energy she was using in the brightest way possible. Hearing this, the young man’s face quickly turned into a shade of a dark cloud, Ethan was seriously not going to take it lightly.

This is the moment Ruby would have chosen to go to her room, to have a retreat for herself, but no! she thought she was brave enough, she thought that she could do more than just talking to Ethan the way she wants it and go free. Well, she would have asked about the young man before trying to venture in such a risky journey, and not even that, the number of years she has spent with the man is enough to make her be conscious of some certain things, especially talking to him in a free voice especially the one she as trying to use on it. a

“I said, in case you don’t know the man you used your bat to hit a while ago, his name is Collins, and yes, who cares If he is my boyfriend or not? does it matter if I’ve had more than a round of sex with him? hell no! this is my body, it belongs to me, and thus, there is nothing you can even do about it. Get this into your thick damn skull,” Ruby mouthed in anger.

As she brushed her mind around these things, she knew that they were absolutely going to offend Ethan, but who cares? absolutely body, if he has the right to accuse her of something she has not done, then, she also has the right to lie to him and make him believe it, especially when the lie has to tie with the false accusations he just threw her way. She doesn’t mind if her words have any consequences, she blatantly doesn’t care, and from the look of things, that is obvious, and the only truth he knows about. Sighing, the young lady saw the hurt in Ethan’s face, this is the first time that he is actually being faced with such situations, since two years today, this lady has never spoken to him in this way, and thus, he can’t even let it be like that. He must definitely get to the root cause of this problem.

Ruby thought that she was going to be excused this time, well, she thought wrongly, oh yes! she did so, and before she could open her eyes to figure out what is going on, Ethan had slapped her across the face, and she burst out in tears wailing as if she was about to die.

Ethan doesn’t joke when she has to do with punishing the lady, and in case she is quick to forget him, he has always been the bad guy, he has learned to enjoy that position, and tolerating the least from all these things shit Is something that he will never want to accept. Hell no!

Before Ruby could catch her balance, Ethan hit her on her leg with his boot. The anger in his voice was now evident, she knew so well that the words she let out from her mouth were provocative, yet she went along saying every word, pronouncing every letter, the aim of this issue was never met, and now here she is feeling the pain. In her tear filled voice, she had the urge to yell at him despite the fact that she was hurt, she doesn’t care about all these things, she just wanted to hurt his heart by bruising it with her words, she didn’t end there, she couldn’t even possibly end there, and although the pain that was felt all over her body was prevailing, she barely did anything to try as otherwise, and the stress from it was just too much.

“Why are you hurting me now, huh? this is because what I am saying is the truth and you feel attacked. Ethan, let me tell you this thing to your face, if you want to get mad at me, you are free too, if you want to kill me just like the way you did to Collins, then you are also free too, but let me tell you this, you are a coward, oh yes you are. I can’t believe that you had the guts to hit that young man on his head and from behind just because you saw me with that young man, and to think that he was kissing me is the worst of all accusations you could lay on me, right to the extend slapping me, you fool. You better kill me today, it is an advice I am giving you,” she spat out in anger.Content provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

Ruby had now become operational, she spoke more than she was actually supposed to, and her words were just the main truth. It is quite fortunate that Ethan doesn’t always want to listen to the truth, moreover, coming from a little that if he had put a simple bullet in her heart two years ago, all this drama would have been saved from him.

Ethan’s fury now mounted in her head, she possibly didn’t want to harm this lady at first, but then, he could not help but try to avoid her. Yes, Ethan had now lost every ounce of self-control he had in his body, it is kind of awkward, he possibly can’t do anything about it, and that was initially why he had asked the lady to go to her room.

Ruby had known this too, but could not stop the urge of provoking him, yes, what she is going was actually provocation, and her last words is the last straw that has broken the camel’s back. In case she doesn’t know, she is the one that will suffer, she deserves to suffer ao that in case she had the mind of disobeying the young man anything soon, she will definitely have to think twice before jumping blindly into risks thag will change her life forever.

Ethan kicked Ruby once more on her legs, and it was too broken her up, the anger that was growing in his chest could only be taken off if he sees blood, well, he has a choice, it is either his or the lady’s own, and the manner in which he is right now, he is made at Ruby, thus, it is her blood that he has to see right now.

Falling down on the floor, the lady thought that it was going to be all, well, she lied, Ethan had a full plan in his head for her, and unless he comes to an end of it, his anger would to a rest. He will truly punish her, as much as he wanted it, and who is the lady to talk against it? no body, a so damn nobody that instead of fighting for herself, she decides to poke her nostrils inside deep water. There is no way she can even escape her wrath right now.

Ethan walked swiftly from the lady, as he looked from left to right searching for something to use as a weapon. Only the bat that he had carried from his car was lying on the floor beside the door, and at that moment, the young man wasn’t even thinking about what he was about to do.

The manner in which Ethan was focused on doing something bad to Ruby was more than his common sense that was now popping up in his mind, the only thing he wanted the most is to hit Ruby severally.

‘To hell with the fact that I love her, she betrayed me, and to think that she has been with me in this house for quite a while now, under my nostrils and yet I could not tell it that she was openly sleeping with men, then she deserves an Oscar award for that,’ Ethan said to himself in bitterness.

There is no doubt that she was mad at this lady, she has every reason to, and the moment he grabbed the bat at the wall, Ethan knew that he will only have to put it down after he has done one or two damaged on her.

Seeing Ethan snatch the bat forcefully from the wall, Ruby’s eyes widened in shock, she knew that there is no way that she can actually do otherwise, the stress from it is more than anything she can think of, and seeing the man approach her with full force, she suddenly acknowledged the fact that she is doomed. Oh yes! she is doomed. At first, she was resistant to apologize, but when she glanced at the young man’s face, she boldly saw that Ethan was the devil’s incarnate. This is the only time she knows that she has as a free time to beg for forgiveness, to tell Ethan that she was just bluffing with half of the things she said, but then, she has already made it known that she is serious. In fact, she can barely do anything right now, the man will still get to her whether she is joking or not, or being serious too. She deserves to suffer, oh yeah, and the young man is not going to give an excuse for making her pass through so much torment.

As Ethan advanced towards the lady, he heard her started begging lightly, but he cursed her deep down his heart, she was more than a witch for the actions which she just caused, and she deserves everything that is going to come her way, of course, she deserves it.

Before Ruby could escape, Ethan gave the first blow with his bat, and it landed on her legs, and a bone was clearly heard dislocating. It had attacked her on her knees, and that it the joint that had dislocated, or so she thinks.

Wailing at the top of her voice, Riby screamed out. She felt like she was going to pass out, of course, she definitely had every right to pass out, the stress from it was just too much, more than what anyone can even think about. As he braced his mind from such things, there is possibly no way that he can actually think that the effect would be just dangerous, well, it is not his leg that is being affected, so he is not even going to give a damn about it.

“Ethan, please, let me be, I am just pleading with you, let go of me, my leg, oh! I feel like I am going to pass out,” Ruby cried out in pain.

Ethan did not give a damn about what she said, he didn’t want to hear these things. Betrayals like her are even supposed to be killed because they don’t deserve to live, more being in his life, thus this is practically the best way to do things to her. Especially when he wants to make her suffer.

“Ruby, I can’t let you go, I swear l, unless I make you suffer, my conscience wouldn’t let me rest, hell no! to think that I was being generous to keep you alive and in my house for all these numbers of years, coupled with the fact that I am really trying my best to give you everything you want, then what do you have to offer me in return just because I’ve stopped harassing you for a moment to give you the chance to be free as much as you want, boom! what do I get in return? disloyalty, like seriously, young woman, I hate your guts and unless I punish you with every ounce of energy I have on me, I wouldn’t let you go this easily,” he spat out in anger.

He was so damn serious with what he said.

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