Chapter 30

Chapter 30

Scarletts P.O.V

You're not sure if it's the liquor in your system, or the raw desire flowing freely throughout your being,

but as you sit in Oliver's car, out front of Bri's house after he's basically kidnapped you from her cousins

party, you've never yearned for him more.

Just when I start to pull away, I'm pulled right back in.

He cups the side of your face, a silent ferocity in his eyes as he pulls back and searches your face.

You're breathless. Anchored by the unreasonable desire that's a fire in your belly, you bite your lip,

unable to resist the hunger lurking.


He utters your name like a serenade to the soft breathy moans that slip from your lips, before you move

forward, capturing his lips once again. His lips are soft yet firm with dominance as he forms them to


God he tastes so fucking good.

His name is deep in the back of our throat as you open your mouth to lace your tongue intricately with

his. You enjoy the way he captures his name on your lips like he's owed your pleasure.

Why can't I just not want him? It would be so much easier.

As if to derail your thoughts, Oliver growls gutturally and bites your bottom lip, tugging teasingly on it,

until you're a panting mess.

"You don't know how bad I want you... how hard Ive tried to stay away... I probably should stay away...

it'd be easier"

You pull back, staring at him with wide, vulnerable eyes,

When he talks like this, I feel like he's not just some player out to toy with me.

That's whats incredibly dangerous

That's what breaks hearts.

"Ive tried myself... but I can't resist"

You move sideways, climbing on top of his lap, watching as he laughs while adjusting the seat

backwards for you to comfortably settle on top of him. His hands encircle your waist, pressing you

firmly onto his lap. The bulge of his hardened cock pressed directly against your panties, nudging your

slit teasingly.

Oh god, I can feel him through my panties. So close. So fucking hard.

"Oh my god"

Oliver grins slowly, and bounces you gently for a moment on his lap so his erection rubs against your

throbbing pussy. You feel your wetness damp against the material as it grinds along your folds.

That feels so good.

Loosening his grip on your waist, he brings one hand up to your face and captures your chin, running

his thumb along your bottom lip while cocking his head sideways.

"How easy it would be to slide those panties over, and sink you down on my cock"

You're breathless, enticed by his sexual charisma as it taints the air.

"So easy"

I'm losing my will to keep a distance.

I don't want to.

But maybe I should?

He's a player. He likes games. And I keep losing the battle. Property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

Maybe I didn't want to win it to begin with.

You side glance at Bri's house, with its windows dark and void from consciousness as her parents

sleep soundly, and you sigh.

"M-maybe we shouldn't"

His eyes search your face warily, and his hand loosens its grip on your face before he settles it on your

thigh. You expect him to say something. Protest. Anything would be less unnerving than his brooding


I wish I knew what he was thinking

"I should go"

Your words have no fight in them. Even you don't believe your own conviction. You don't want to leave.

Oliver's expression changes to one of contemplation as he moves his fingers to your hips, slowly

sliding your dress further up. His skilful fingers draw soft moans from your lips.

"Should you?"

You acknowledge his challenging tone with a resolved sigh of your own

"I don't want to"

Your admittance is gently spoken. You're not surprised when a knowing smirk quirks his lips upwards

as he hooks his fingers into the waistband of your panties, teasingly fingering the material as your

breath hitches in your throat.

"Well, Scarlett... I suggest you decide now"

His mesmerising eyes narrow mischievously as he searches your face.

"Because once I pull these off-"

He licks his lips as if he can taste the juices from your arousal already, and draws his bottom lip into his

mouth with his teeth while shaking his head.

"I don't think I can stop, and I don't think you'll want me too"

I don't want him to stop

You wiggle your hips, a raspy moan tearing from your mouth when pleasure ignites in your veins with

every gentle thrust of your hips against his jeans.

"Fuck. Scarlett. I swear to god, I'm about to fuck you in this car"

"Its hard to resist you... I want you so bad"

"Fuck it. I have to be inside of you"

He lets you reach for his pants unbuttoning them to free them from the confines of his jeans and

boxers. When you release his cock from his pants, it bounces upward, hi meaty length smacking

against your wet slit.

"Oh my god"

"I can feel the heat from your pussy"

He palms his cock, and moves it to your slit, gliding the head along your wetness, coating his shaft in

the slick juices off his arousal. The feeling of his cock against your pussy is otherworldly. The pure bliss

that set's your body ablaze has you panting wildly as you teasingly push your hips down when his cock

nudges the entrance of your pussy.

"You're so fucking perfect... beautiful"

You moan simultaneously when you press down against him and the head of his cock disappears

inside of your taut hole.

You're interrupted by Bri's pained groans.


Fuck, fuck, fuck.

Sharp eyes flicker to the backseat, and you sigh when you realise her forehead is pressed against the

window and her eyes are shut. You move quickly off the top of Oliver, awkwardly climbing back into

your seat with the hopes she didn't witness such an intimate moment. You both straighten your clothes

quickly, the sexual tension lingering in the air.

Damnit. I forgot she was back there.

Your cheeks warm as you glance at Oliver. His face is guarded as he grips the steering wheel tightly,

and clears his throat.

"Yeah, Bri?"

"Ugh, are we there yet?"

"Yeah. We're here"

She pulls herself upward, rubbing at her closed eyes before she prays them open to peer at you. Her

gaze bounces back and fourth between you and the window, before she sighs, and reaches for the


"Are you okay to walk?"

Not that I'm any better

You snicker to yourself, slightly aware you're still a little tipsy yourself. Something about Oliver is an

intoxicating as it is sobering. You're on alert around him, until he presses his lips against yours.

"I can manage"

That's unlikely... especially if she's as drunk as she sounds.

You firm your lips, reluctant to leave the car and break the erotic spell that's overcome you. As if

leaving the car will bring you to your senses.

I don't think anything will.

Bri pushes the door open, and clumsily places her foot on the ground, yelping when she slips slightly

out the seat, yanking on the door to catch herself.


She masks her giggles with one hand.

"Maybe I should help"

"I can"

He quirks a brow and shakes his head, flaring frustrated nostrils

"What? So you both can fall on your faces"

"Who says we're gonna do that?"

He rolls his eyes, and hops out of the car without replying. You watch him round her car to Bri's door

and offer his arm as she climbs out. She leans on him, and a pang in your chest makes you frown.

God, am I jealous?

I did not want to be this deep in with him.


You mumble that low enough so only your ears will hear it, and push your own door open, before

settling your feet on the ground. The ground appears to rush up at you, but its just the dizziness

fogging your perception.

I'm gonna regret drinking this much tomorrow

You pull yourself out of the car and watch as Oliver helps navigate Bri towards the house. He stops,

twisting his neck to look at you.

"You go it?"

"Uh, yeah. I'll be fine"

You wave him on, wanting some distance from him to clear your head a little. You use the walk towards

the house to observe him completely, admiring how muscular and handsome he is, but also how

secretly caring he is.

He plays this sarcastic asshole player role, but he's sweet.

What is he doing to me?

"I'm never drinking again"

"Ive heard that one before"

She raises the arm that's no it loped with Oliver's to flip you off. Oliver chuckles, and the sound of his

carefree laughter makes you smile. When you near them towards the front door, you watch as Oliver

takes Bri's keys from her hand and unlocks the door. He turns towards you, unspoken words hanging

promisingly in the air as his face softens.

"This isn't going to be another dressing room incident is it?"

You firm your lips, widening your eyes at her.

God damn she wasn't supposed to say that in front of him.

"Bri what the hell?"

You expect Oliver to be furious, but you're surprised to find the flirtatious expression along his face. He

quirks his lips gently, eyes crinkling with amusement as he peers at you.

"Goodnight, Bri"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Night, Oliver"

Bri pushes her way into the house, and you're left with Oliver alone. You feel your cheeks warm and

you know you're blushing, thankful its dark enough to hide your embarrassment.

"I-I'm sorry... I honestly didn't think she'd open her mouth like that"

Oliver lets out a slow, deliberate breath and steps closer to you, raising a hand to the side of your face

to caress your cheek. He strokes hips thumb along your cheek and you sigh, eyes fluttering closed a

you lean into his embrace.

"Oh, Scarlett..."

Mmm... he's so overwhelming. Everything. His touch. His smell. Him.

Your eyes open when you feel his hand slide down your cheek to your neck where he gently squeezes.

His gaze is darker. Intense. A glint of desire, and ravenous lust.

He leans forward, his jaw clenching, before he moves his lips to yours, pressing his ever so slightly

against yours before he mutters his words against yours.

"I told you to cum quietly for me... we'll have to work on that"

Holy shit!

You gasp, but its swallowed by him as he moulds his mouth passionately against yours, a groan

rumbles in his throat as he claims you with his lips.

Oh god... there's definitely going to be a next time.

He breaks away far too soon, gaining a whine from you which causes him to snicker humours your.

"Patience... it's only a matter of time before I'm buried inside that pussy of yours"


Your eyes glance back and fourth between his lips and his eyes, unable to pull your gaze from his

mouth when his tongue quickly swipes along his bottom lip.

"Goodnight, Scar"

With that, he briskly turns on his heels and saunters back towards his car. Flustered, you turn and go

into the house, a goofy grin on your mouth as you close the door.

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