Strings of Fate

Chapter 268

Cam 25- Contacts and considerations

I have my usual late night dinner. A tradition I started a few months ago because I don’t like eating in the middle of my shift. I take the chance to check my phone. I hate having a million unanswered notifications so I need to at least open the messages to get rid of them. I have a dozen more missed calls from the unknown number I know is Simon and several text


Unknown- I’ve thought about it and I have decided to give you another chance. Ditch the boy toy Incubus and I’ll forgive you for basically cheating on me. He probably manipulated you with magic anyway. You should really work on your defensive spells. Exclusive content from NôvelDrama.Org.

Unknown- I’ll give you the rest of tonight to send the Incubus away, You’re a smart girl. I know you’ll ma

the right choice. I’ll even pretend this never happened because I’m so forgiving. I’m sure you’ll show me how grateful you are later ;)

Unknown- Why the hell are you taking him home with you? Did I not make myself clear? Are

you an idiot? You are never to see that Incubus again. I will not have my future wife sleeping around with some magically hyped up bag of STDs.

Unknown- Meet me for breakfast in the morning and we can talk this out. You obviously. haven’t thought this through properly. I can explain to you what a mistake you’re making.

I have no words. Is he insane? Does he not understand that I rejected him? Apparently he is watching me at work, he could be using a spell to spy on me or just some good old fashioned stalking. I’m suddenly glad that Harry has been walking me home because I feel significantly less safe than I did five minutes ago. I jump up and check that I locked my front door. I did. I always do, but after reading the

messages from Simon I just have the nagging feeling that my home isn’t as secure as it should be. This is ridiculous. I refuse to feel unsafe in my own home. What am I going to do about him? Well for starters I refuse to hide away or let him intimidate me. In a moment of defiance I add his number to my contacts under ‘Dingbat.‘ I’d rather not save his number at all, but at least this way I’ll know who is calling. The act of labelling him something so stupid gives me the confidence boost that I needed.

Cam–You are delusional if you think I am ever going to sit down to a meal with you. I am not

interested in you. I rejected you and I will continue to reject you. There is literally nothing you can say that will convince me to change my mind. Harry and I are perfectly happy


Cam 25- Contacts and considerations

together and you need to back the hell off and LEAVE. ME. ALONE.

I consider blocking his number, but I suspect he would just get a new one and continue annoy me. Men like Simon can’t stand to be ignored, it would only make him fight harder. I need him to decide I’m not worth the fight. What he wants is some docile, cooperative wife. Maybe if I insult him enough he will figure out that I will never be that wife and he should go find some other poor woman to harass. Or go get therapy. Preferably the second option.

Dingbat- Meet me for breakfast tomorrow morning or there will be consequences. 8am the diner on the corner of the street near your bar. Don’t be late.

Aaaand now he’s threatening me. Asshole. Well, whatever. It’s not like there’s much he can. do. What IS he going to do, tell my mother on me? Complain to my grandmother. Jokes on him, they already think I’m a mess. It’s not like they could have a worse opinion of me. I’ll keep these texts though. If he doesn’t cut it out

With the stalking I’ll have to report him to the police and I’ll need evidence that he’s following me around and that he’s a danger to me. These texts are definitely a good start. I continue to scroll through my missed calls until I reach the call from Harry earlier. I add the number to my phone and save his contact under the name “Test Subject 01. Actually, I’m surprised he hasn’t tried to message me at all yet. I thought he would abuse the privilege of having my number but apparently not. Although I suppose he spent the whole day with me, he had no reason to text or call because he was able to sit and pester me in person. I’m almost disappointed. I could have used the distraction. As if summoned by my thoughts, my phone chimes with a message from Harry.

Test Subject 01- So I’ve been thinking.

Cam- Well that doesn’t sound good. Should I be worried?

Test Subject 01- Haha, very funny. No, I was thinking you should have an event, like a big party or something on the first night you do magical decor. Spread the word around a little


Cam- Who would I even invite? I’m not exactly a socialite.

Test Subject 01- Well me for starters. If you pick a date you could start handing out invites to your regulars. I could design some for you. 🙂 Then there’s Ryann and Bellamy. And where they go all the other Shifters will foll


Cam 25- Contacts and considerations

Cam–But we don’t even know if anyone will even LIKE the idea of a bar where magic is displayed openly. What if it freaks people out or scares them off? There are plenty of humans who hate Magics.

Not to mention Witches aren’t the most popular people.

Test Subject 01- Humans only hate magic because they can’t have it. I bet if you give them a taste they’ll be back for more. And you’re not like most Witches. Anyone with half a brain can see that. I’m sure you’ll do just fine.

Cam- Alright, I’ll think about it. Give me a few weeks to look into what permits I might need and to touch base with my co–owner, assuming I can get ahold of him. I’ll send him an email, although I don’t hold out much hope that he will answer it. Plus, we still have to figure out the design and budget and stuff too. Damn, we haven’t even started and I’m already


Test Subject 01- Aww, you get some beauty sleep, not that you need it. 🙂 You’re tomorrow, are you?

ot working

Cam–Nah, it’s my day off. I’ll only go in if there’s a problem. I’ll probably stay home and take

s my day

care of my housework, maybe start planning some potential decor and send off that email I


Test Subject 01- Don’t work too hard. If you need a break, someone to sound off ideas at or even just some company then feel free to call me. I’ll keep my phone handy.

Test Subject 01–And by that I mean I really hope you call me and I miss you already <3

Cam–Drama queen. Good night Harry.

Test Subject 01- Good night! xoxo

I roll my eyes at his closing message. He really doesn’t have any sense of shame or embarrassment, does he? Still, his message was well timed and I do feel better. When I go to

bed, instead of thinking about asshole men who can’t take no for an answer, or worrying about how secure my windows are, I contemplate different spells I can use to make my bar look magical while keeping it classy and most importantly, safe. I consider the costs and maintenance of the different spells and conclude that if the whole decor idea takes off, I might need to hire an extra bartender so that I can spend a little extra time on the spells. But


Cam 25- Contacts and considerations

I wouldn’t mind it. I’ve been wanting to increase business anyway. Our little kitchen does well enough with its simple but comforting meals and we make a decent profit, but I’m sure we can do better. The kitchen is the one area I have very little control over. I’m no chef. So the first thing I did was hire a competent chef who can work well independently and manage the kitchen. He sends me budget requests which I basically always approve. Alfred, who goes by Al, is one of the best decisions I’ve made for this place. He works hard and rarely takes the time to socialise. He’s very work focussed. He also has a key to the bar so that he can come in and do prep in the kitchen when needed. I suppose I should also let him know about my new plan for the bar. He might have an opinion on it and I can’t afford to piss him off. I add talking to him to my ever expanding to do list and I just hope I haven’t taken on more than I

can chew.

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