Taming My Mafia Stepbrother

Chapter 16: Intuitions

Cara’s pov

I could tell something was wrong as soon as I stepped into the bar. The air felt tense and heavy and everyone was speaking in hush tones as if they were scared of being overheard.

Fear. It was one of the pungent feelings that filled the space.

I spotted Diana and the rest of the waitresses on duty huddled together at the counter, sharing whispers. A thrill of curiosity passed through me. I wanted to know what had everyone excited.

Pulling the strap of my purse higher on my shoulder, I moved straight for them. Some of the customers noticed me and were giving me weird stares, their gaze making me hyper conscious of myself and confused as to why they were giving me such looks.

“Hi,” I greeted when I got to the bar. The waitresses flinched and drew back like they’d just seen something frightening. Even Diana was staring at me in a way she never did.

My forehead creased in a frown. What the hell was going on?

“You’re here!” Diana exclaimed in greeting but she sounded like an alarmed cat that just lost one of its nine lives.

“As you can see,” I responded. “Why is everyone whispering?”

“Oh you don’t know?” Julietta, the customers’ favorite and not for her superb waiting skills, sneered at me. She never seemed to like me for some reason unknown to me, not like I cared but her unwarranted hostility grated on my nerves in moments like this.

She swirled a lock of her ginger red hair, glaring at me like she always did. “Why didn’t you say anything?”

I blinked at her, wondering what the f u c k she was talking about. This vague conversation was beginning to irritate me.

“Julietta, what the hell are you talking about?” I asked in exasperation.

Her smile was malicious as if she was elated about finally having me where she wanted. Like she was pleased at the idea of me getting caught at something. But it was just stupid if I didn’t even know what I’d done.

Have I once again fucked things up? My eyes darted to each and every one of them, did I fuck any of their boyfriends by mistake. I shook my head, that couldn’t be possible, I haven’t slept with anyone since Luca, I hadn’t been able to if I was being honest.

Diana came out from behind the counter and pulled me several feets away from them, her hand curled firmly around mine. She gave me an uncertain look I didn’t like, a doubtful look, gauging if she knew who I was or not.

What the hell did I do?

“You should have told us.” Diana finally said, her gaze not meeting mine. It was unlike her.

I shut my eyes for patience. “Diana I really can’t figure out what I’ve done wrong if you continue to give me obscure sentences.”

She pulled her eyes to me. “I’m talking about your stepbrother.”

I stiffened. That was the last thing I expected to hear. Scratching at the back of my neck, I let out a single “oh”.

Diana was back to her usual self and she seemed almost annoyed? Angry? Disappointed? I couldn’t tell. She had no reason to, I mean it wasn’t a crime to keep from mentioning family at work. I didn’t know about hers or any of the other girls either. Also, how the hell did they find out?

I straightened my shoulders before responding. “Well, I didn’t know it was something I had to mention. Or it is?”

Diana gave me an incredulous shake of her head. It was so subtle I would have missed it if I wasn’t focused on her.

She scoffed. “No, Cara. You don’t. But when you’re related to a powerful mafia don who kills at the slightest irritation I just think you should give others a little heads up.”

I let her words sink slowly and I could finally understand what she was getting at. Embarrassment and remorse flushed over my skin.

It was my turn to not meet her eyes. “I didn’t think of it like that. I’m sorry, f u c k.”

Diana watched me for another minute, gauging my sincerity then her eyes softened and she gave me a forgiving nod.

“How did you find out?” I had to ask because I reminder making no mention of the Salvatores on my employment contract.

“Well… about that…” Diana’s words trailed off, the fright returning to her countenance.

“Diana,” I pushed.

“He’s here.” She finally said.

A plethora of emotions threatened to burst out of me. He’s here. Luca was here. And why? Why would he be here?

“That’s not all,” she continued, “he’s also our new boss.”

My eyes flashed with something unidentifiable. “What?”

“Rico sold the bar to him? You didn’t know?”

The information cascaded down my spine like cold water. Cold water that was soon heated up with the bubbling lava that was my blood. I was mad, very mad but I was also excited and nervous.

I glanced at the still staring, still whispering customers and it suddenly made sense. Everything suddenly made sense.

That imposing mafia bastard. He had once again interfered with my life.

“Where is he?”

Diana gaped at the expression on my face before slowly pointing to the direction of Rico’s office. Or what used to be his.

I marched to it and stormed inside, my eyes instantly pinning on Luca. Rico spared me an irritated look that slowly morphed into alarm when he read my body language. I glanced at the files at the table, recognising them to be past monthly reports.

A scoff left me. He wasted no time with getting started with work like he didn’t have a million other things to be doing with his time.

He glanced up from the papers in his hands and met my gaze.

Seas and thunder and fire clashed within me, his eyes mine, the force so powerful it threatened to pull me across to him. And with dread and alarm, I realized I missed him. So very much and it scared me shitless.

I balled my fist and stiffened, willing my thumping heart to quieten, willing my mind to focus on my initial reason for coming here. I was not going to contaminate my anger.

Rico was the first to speak. “Cara, I see you’ve been told the news.”

He was waiting expectantly for my response but I didn’t care. There was only one person that held my interest right now and he was seated across me in a languid manner, his leg crossed over the other as he drilled holes into me with his grey eyes.

Rico shuffled, the situation getting awkward for him. He probably couldn’t understand why I was reacting this way. He was probably baffled by the way Luca and I were acting with each other. I didn’t blame him, our relationship confused even me.

“Leave us,” Luca finally spoke and the deepness of his voice resonated through me, reaching to my very core.

“Yes, Mr Salvatore.” Rico responded in a servile tone that didn’t fit him before scurrying out the door not bothering to shut after him.

I was now alone with Luca and the realization caused some of my fury to fade.

He rose to his feet and took slow steps to me, their pace heightening my anxiety and anticipation and he didn’t stop until he was an inch away.

Every nerve in my body hummed at the closeness of him. I was enveloped by the sheer force of him, desire battling with my anger.

Gathering the rest of my rationality that wasn’t fried by his closeness, I squared up at him. “Why are you doing this?”

“What do you think? I’m trying to keep you safe.”

I tried not to dwell on the silly jump my heart did at that.

“Well you’re interfering with my life and making all my coworkers uncomfortable.”

An eyebrow raised, “they’ll live.”

I was getting madder once more, jutting my jaw I ordered, “sell the bar back to Rico.”Belongs to (N)ôvel/Drama.Org.

Dark amusement bloomed in his eyes. “I won’t.”

“You’re so annoying!” I cried as anger danced in my chest.

The jerk only responded with a shrug.

He couldn’t be bothered, I was going crazy at the moment, knowing I would get weaker and weaker if he continued to show up but he couldn’t be bothered.

“I am going to resign.” I blurted out.

His amusement was now playing on his lips, “you need this job more than ever mia cara. You won’t.”

He was about to discover how reckless I could be.

A smirk worked up my lips, “watch me.” I said before turning around and storming out like I had stormed in.

I dashed through the short hallway, half scared of Luca coming after me and half scared that he wouldn’t.

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