

138 Ava: A Shocking Finale (II) 

138 Ava: A Shocking Finale (II) 

“Such a naughty kitten,” the vampire mutters, scowling in a way that erases the beauty of his face. 

The vampire’s grip tightens, crushing my throat as I thrash against him. My lungs scream for air. I claw at his hands, nails scraping uselessly against unyielding flesh. Panic floods my mind, blotting out rational thought. 

Your training, Ava! Remember your training! Selene’s voice slices through my rising hysteria. This is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

Right. Training. Jericho’s lessons flash through my oxygen–starved brain. I stop flailing and focus, letting my body go limp, conserving strength. The vampire smirks, misreading it as submission. His cold breath washes over my face as he leans in, nostrils flaring. He’s…sniffing me? 

Revulsion churns my stomach as his nose skims along my jaw, down to the crook of my neck. He lingers there, inhaling deeply, a pleased rumble vibrating his 


The scar, Ava! Don’t let him near it! Selene’s warning 



138 Ava. A Shocking Finale (II) 

ricochets through my head. 

can’t bite you there

Fragmented memories resurface–Selene cautioning me about my scar during my heat, insisting I keep Clayton away from it. I hadn’t understood then. I’m not sure I do now. But her urgency propels me into action. 

Gritting my teeth, I shove at the vampire’s face, fingernails gouging. He snarls, jerking back slightly but not releasing me. The pressure on my windpipe eases a fraction and I suck in a desperate breath, spots dancing across my vision. 

That scar is where your power leaks out. It’s like a drug to creatures who can sense it. It isn’t quite an aphrodisiac, but it can be, in the right circumstances, Selene explains rapidly. 

Well that’s just great, I grouse in my head, still 

scrabbling to dislodge the vampire’s chokehold. Whose brilliant idea was it to put a magic neon bite mesign on my neck

Selene growls in frustration. Just protect it, Ava! Don’t let him break the skin there, no matter what

The vampire chuckles darkly, his grip loosening as he 



nuzzles into my neck again, lips brushing my 

hammering pulse, Lightheadedness swamps me and I gigi, stngely giddy, before I realize it’s the lack of Oxygen L ng me loopy. 

“Such an enticing scent,” he murmurs against my skin, tongue flicking out to taste. Bile rises in my throat. “What is that delectable aroma, little wolf?” 

Hysteria bubbles up, escaping in a strangled laugh. “Must be the pancakes I had for breakfast.” 

His answering hiss is a mixture of irritation and amusement. “So the kitten has claws.” Cool fingers ghost across my collarbone, tracing the neck of my shirt. “Shall we see what other secrets you’re hiding?” 

Something whizzes by my ear, embedding itself in the vampire’s neck with a sickening squelch. Blood spurts from the wound, splattering us both in a grotesque crimson spray. The coppery tang assaults my nose, but there’s an underlying sweetness that makes my stomach heave. It’s cloying, like rotting fruit, and I gag on the scent, fighting the urge to vomit as I’m dropped to the ground. 

The vampire staggers back, his eyes wide with shock 

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138 Ava A Shocking Finale (11) 

and fury. His hand flies to his neck, wrenching out the object lodged there. It’s a knife, the blade slick with his blood. He snarls, fan bared, as he tosses it aside. 

Suddenly, Teddy is there, grabbing my arm and hauling me to my feet. I stumble, legs shaky, as he shoves me behind him. He faces off against the vampire, fists raised, body coiled with tension. 

“Get your friend and run,” Teddy grits out, not taking his eyes off the seething creature before us. “I’ll hold 

him off.” 

I hesitate, torn between helping Teddy and reaching Lisa. But Teddy is already moving, launching himself at the vampire with a guttural roar, shifting as he rushes 

  1. in. 

Tearing my gaze away, I scramble to Lisa’s side. She’s still unconscious, her breathing shallow. I shake her shoulders, calling her name, but she doesn’t respond. Panic claws at my chest. I need to get her out of here, away from the danger. 

A sickening crunch makes me whip my head around. My heart seizes in my chest. Teddy lies crumpled on the ground, his head twisted at an unnatural angle. His 

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wolf eyes stare sightle. 

at the sky, his muzzle slack. 

The vampire stands over him, lips curled in a cruel 


“Foolish pup,” he sneers, wiping blood from his chin. “Did you really think you could best me?” 

Cold laughter rings out as he steps over Teddy’s body, advancing on me with predatory grace. I scramble to my feet, positioning myself between him and Lisa. My hands shake, my breath coming in sharp gasps, but I clench my fists, readying myself for a fight. 

Remember your training, Selene whispers urgently in my mind. Use his strength against him. Go for the weak pointseyes, throat, groin

I nod, more to myself than to her. The vampire stalks closer, his gaze raking over me with a mix of hunger 

and amusement. 

“Still want to play, little wolf?” he taunts, circling me slowly. “I promise I’ll make it worth your while.” 

Revulsion shudders through me, but I force it down, keeping my eyes locked on his. I can’t let him distract me. I have to stay focused, find an opening. 

He lunges, too fast to track. Instinct has me dodging 

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138 Ava: A Shocking Finale (II). 

to the left, and his fingers graze my arm. Lashing out. 

blind is stupic 

cause he catches my wrist easily, 

yanking me off balance. 

When I stumble, he uses momentum against me, spinning me around until my back slams against his chest. One arm wraps around my waist, pinning me to him. The other grips my chin, forcing my head to the side, baring my neck, my scar to his eyes. 

“Mmm, there it is,” he purrs, nose skimming along my scar. “That tantalizing scent. I wonder what you’ll taste 


Panic explodes through me. I thrash wildly, kicking and clawing at his arms, but his hold is unbreakable. He laughs, the sound vibrating against my back, as his tongue drags over my skin. I shudder, bile rising in my 


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