The Alpha’s Fight for His Omega

Chapter 71

Chapter 71

Chapter 71


Saturday morning found me up early to get ready for Norm, and Marcus’s mating ceremony. Lexi’s brother Darren was picking us up to take us to the pack house for it. It was going to be held in a small private courtyard next to the pack house. Lexi, and I were going early to help decorate, and set up. Lexi also wanted to make the cake as a surprise for Norm, and Marcus

I had seen her drawings for it, and it was impressive. It was going to be a three tiered chocolate cake, with buttercream frosting. She was going to have a waterfall of blue icing going down all three layers of the cake, ending in a pond at the bottom. She was going to decorate the sides of each tier with flowers, and trees. At the top she was making two wolves that would have their heads tucked together standing in a meadow. It was going to take a lot of work, but I knew she would pull it off. I had also agreed to make my croissants as an appetizer.

The ceremony wasn’t until 5:00 because Alpha Jeremy wasn’t due back until 3:00. I had learned that Dark Moon had their own smaller plane so they would be flying back instead of driving. I was glad for that as I wasn’t sure if Norm could wait another week to be officially claimed by Marcus. They had marked each other already, but the ceremony would solidify their mating even more. I was excited for them.

I will admit I was thankful I wasn’t asked to stand for them like I was for Jax, and Molly. I wanted to be able to sit back, and watch the whole thing. Norm, and Marcus had opted for it to be just them up with Alpha Jeremey. I liked that idea because it made it more intimate for them.

While Lexi’s cake was in the oven baking we went out to the courtyard to help set up, and decorate. We hung paper lanterns, and streamers, as well as set up the small floral center pieces. I thought it was cute that they found, and were setting up child size tables and chairs. There was more than one

which told me there were more pups in Norm’s family than I thought. I was kind of excited to meet them.

Once Lexi’s cake was ready for decorating I started my croissants. I was doing my normal flavors then. added peach, and blackberry. I even made little signs to indicate which flavor was which. At some point I heard the Alpha, and Beta families come in, but none of them came in the kitchen. I was glad they made. it in time.

Once everything was done Lexi, and I went to get ready. Since Norm wanted something a little more nice. Well he wanted formal, but Marcus talked him down from that. I got a dark blue sheath dress with thick. straps, and was knee length, the Norm picked out. I paired it with a pair of matching dark blue flats. Lexi did

my hair in some kind of fancy twist with little curls around my face. I refused make up though. Lexi opted for a light pink slip dress, and low light pink heels with her hair in a twist as well.

When we were finished getting ready we headed down to the courtyard to take our seats. The space filled up quickly. Norm hadn’t been kidding about the size of his family. There were people every where, and a lot of pups. Every one was very nice, and some of the females reminded me of Norm. I was impressed with how quickly the pups were seated, and calm when we were told the ceremony was about to begin.

When Marcus stepped under the trellis, I couldn’t help, but smile. He had told Norm that a suit would be too much for the ceremony. It seemed he decided to surprise Norm by wearing a black suit with a white. button down, and navy tie. I had no doubt that it was just for the ceremony, but I knew Norm would be so happy to see Marcus in it. I wasn’t wrong either because I heard Norm gasp when he first saw Marcus. The smile on his face could light up the room.

Norm opted to wear a pink short sleeved button down, tucked into white linen pants. He looked comfortable, and in my opinion, handsome, and very Norm like. I had thought he was rush down the aisle. to Marcus, but he didn’t he kept in step with the music being played. He had a bounce in his step, but no running. Both men had tears in their eyes, and huge smiles on their faces. The whole ceremony was

quick, but so beautiful. As soon as it ended Norm started his bouncing which had all of us laughing.

Once the meal was eaten the party began. Some how I had missed the party games that were set up for the pups to play, but they were having a great time. I met all of Norm’s siblings, finally. I spent quite a bit of time talking with Norm’s sister, and brother in law from my pack. I had never met either of them, but they were lovely people. Thankfully they didn’t bring up anything that had happened to me, or the aftermath.

Norm, and Marcus finally came back after photos. Marcus had also changed into cargo shorts, and a t- shirt. We greeted them with hugs, and congratulations. They looked so happy, and Norm was bouncing more than usual.

“Did you see my man! He was so handsome in that suit! He dressed up just for me.” Norm said excitedly.

“Yes I did see him. I agree he looked very handsome for you Norm.” I responded with a giggle.

“There is my excited boy. Norm my love, I am so happy for you.” An older woman with graying hair the same shade as Norm’s said as she hugged him.

“Thank you mamma.” Norm said with a smile.

“Barry all of our babies are growing up.” She said as she looked to her mate with tears in her eyes.

“Yes they are Patty.” Barry responded, putting an arm around Patty’s shoulders.


Nina is still home with us now.”

“I know dear. I know, but Nina will be home for at least two more years. Besides, if Norm has his way he and Marcus will be taking the cottage right next door.”

“Actually that was kind of a mating present for Norm from me. I settled on it yesterday.” Marcus said sheepishly.

“You did?” Norm gasped as we all went wide eyed.

“Yeah. I knew you would want to be close to your parents when you finished school, and it was empty. It needs updating, but we can work on that for the time you’re in school. By the time you graduate it will be ready for us to move in.” Marcus explained with a small smile.

“OH MY GODDESS!!!” Norm shrieked than tackled Marcus in a huge hug, causing us all to laugh.

“See Patty, our excited boy will be right next door.” Barry said with misty eyes.

“I’m glad. I need at least one of my pups close to me.” Patty said with a smile.

The love this family shared warmed my heart. The looks of joy, and pride on both Patty, and Barry’s faces made me happy. Norm deserved to have such wonderful parents. I was glad Marcus was accepted into the family so easily. Those two would have a wonderful future together.

When the dancing started Norm drug Marcus onto the dance floor. The first dance between the two was so sweet to watch. Norm snuggled up close to Marcus, and just swayed. The look of pure bliss on Marcus’s face caused me to tear up as I smiled in happiness for them.

Several songs into dancing a male pup about ten years old came up to me with a huge grin. He had a mop of dirty blond hair, and big brown eyes. He was adorable.

“Hi pretty lady! Will you dance with me?” The pup asked me with a grin.

“Sure, but what’s your name?” I asked as I stood from my seat, and followed him to the dance floor.

“I’m Luke.”

“Hi Luke. I’m Chastity.”

“Ok pretty lady.”

I laughed as he put his hands on my waist, and smiled up at me. I giggled, and started to sway with him, putting my hands on his shoulders. He tried to pull me close to him, but I just raised my eyebrow at him. His response was a cheeky grin which caused me to laugh.

“Lucas, Behave. Her mate won’t be happy with you if you don’t.” Norm playfully growled.

“I’m her mate. Of course I’m happy with me.” Luke sassed.

“I don’t think it works like that buddy.” Marcus chuckled.

“He’s not here, and I saw her first. She’s mine now.” Luke frowned.

I couldn’t help it, I cracked up laughing. This pup was cute. I could just see him trying to stare down Rowen as he claimed me as his.

“What’s so funny pretty lady?” Luke asked me with a smile.

“Nothing. Just a thought I had.” I responded trying to stop my giggling.

“I don’t know little man, I’ve met her mate. He’s pretty big. He might win in a fight for her.” Norm giggled.

“The bigger they are, the harder they fall. That’s what pop always says.” Luke quipped.

“I don’t know buddy. He is an Alpha. It might not go in your favor.” Marcus said with a smile.

“I’m not scared. I’m keeping what’s mine.” Luke growled.

This pup was too much. It was taking all I had not to start laughing again. His confidence was cute.

“What is going on over here?” A large male said, startling me.

“I found my mate pop. It’s she pretty?” Luke said proudly.

The male looked at me, and raised his eyebrow at me. I bit my lip hard to keep from laughing, and let him. see the humor in my eyes. A smile slowly spread across his face. The much smaller female he was dancing with was giggling into his chest.

“She is pretty son, but I’m not sure that she’s your mate.” The male said.

“Of course she is pop. You always said your mate is the prettiest girl in the whole world, and she would be the one who made you feel the happiest ever.” Luke explained. 1

“True, I did, but I also said you need your wolf, and you wouldn’t know who your mate is until you’re at least eighteen.”

“I don’t care about all of that. I’m special, and lucky cause I found her without all of those things.”

“Are you sure she doesn’t already have a mate?”

“Uncle Norm says she does, and he’s big. Uncle Marcus says he’s an Alpha. I just told them what you always say. The bigger they are the harder they fall, and I’m keeping what’s mine.”

“I warned you telling him that would come back to haunt you some day.” The female snickered.

“Yeah. You were right.” The male grumbled.

“Of course I am. I’m always right.”

“I’m sure there are times when you weren’t.”

“Name one.”

“I don’t know Dawn. I have the think about it.”

“That’s what I thought Quincy.”

“Listen here woman.”

“Oh hush. Deal with your son.”

“Oh now he’s mine. When he’s acting like an angel he’s your baby boy, but when he’s being stubborn he’s mine. How does that work exactly?”

“Simple. He got the stubbornness from you so you get to deal with it.”

“I don’t know Dawn. You can be pretty stubborn.” Norm joked.

“Hush you. I am not stubborn. I’m determined.” Dawn snapped. 1

“In other words, stubborn.” Norm quipped.

“Not the point. Quincy explain things to your son.” Dawn looked back to her mate with a stubborn look on her face.

I didn’t know how I got caught in the middle of all of this, but I had to admit the whole thing was pretty funny. I could tell by the look in Marcus’s eyes, he was amused by the whole scene too. Quincy got down to eye level with Luke, who still had his hands on my hips, and swaying.

“Now son, I know you think this young lady is your mate, but I’m thinking she probably isn’t.” Quincy said gently.

“Nope. She is.” Luke said with a stubborn tilt of his chin, making me giggle.

“How can she be when she already has a mate?”

“I’ll beat him up, and steal her away.”

I bit my lip, and tears of laughter built in my eyes as I continued to try to keep from laughing.

“You’ll beat up an Alpha?” Quincy questioned.

“Of course. I’m not scared of him.” Luke stated.

“I understand that son, but what if this Alpha already loves her, and she loves him?”

“She doesn’t. She loves me? You love me don’t you?” Luke looked at me with wide, hopeful eyes.

“Uh. I don’t really know you, but I guess. Maybe.” I said nervously.

“See pop.” Luke said proudly.

“Son….” Quincy said, but I stopped him.

“It’s ok. I’ll dance with him today as his FRIEND. You can explain it to him later.” I said quietly.

Quincy stared at me for a moment than smiled, and nodded. For another hour I danced with Luke until he started to say he wanted to play with his cousins, and ran off. I laughed, and shook my head at him. He was a cutie, and would break some hearts when he grew up. I made my way over to the table to sit back down. Dawn joined me.

“From mate to chop liver in an hour. Pups are such fickle things.” She said with a laugh.

“It’s quite alright. He is very cute.” I responded with a smile.

“That he is. Too cute for his own good. He’s going to cause me trouble in a few years. Any way, I just wanted to thank you for humoring him. You didn’t need to do that”

“It’s not trouble. He is very sweet.”


“I didn’t catch your name.”


“It’s very nice to meet you Chastity. Norm talks a lot about you, and Lexi. You both are very good to my brother, and I do appreciate it. He lost a lot of his friends when he came out. He never let him effect him though. Not on the outside at least. He still kept up his positive, bubbly attitude.”

“I love how happy Norm always is. His energy, and positivity is so fun. I’m so glad he forced his way into my life.”

“That’s my brother. I better go find my youngest before he loads up on sugar. It was nice meeting you.” “You too.”

I waved as she walked away. Lexi flopped down into the chair next to me, and sighed. She looked worn out.

“You ok?” I asked.

“Yeah. I’ve been playing tag with Norm’s nieces and nephews.” Lexi said with a smile.

“Aww. That sounds like fun.”

“It was. I hear you have a new mate.”

“Yeah. Don’t tell Rowen please.” I giggled.

“I don’t know. I think Luke could take him.” Lexi chuckled.

“Maybe.” I giggled again.

“It was a beautiful ceremony.”

“I agree. They looked so happy. Did you see Marcus tear up when he saw Norm?”

“I did. That’s always my favorite part of every ceremony. That first sighting.”

“I’ve only been to one ceremony. It was for Jax and Molly. The look on his face when he first spotted her I can’t even explain.”

“There really is no way to explain that look.”

“Did you hear what Marcus did?”

“No. What did he do?”

“He bought the house next to Norm’s parents. When Norm graduates they’ll move into it.”

“You’re kidding?”

“No. He got it as a mating gift to Norm.”

“That is so sweet.”

“It really is. You realize that Norm is now your cousin, right?”

“Huh. That’s very true. I never thought of that. I’m ok with that. More I’m happy about that. I love Norm. He’s wonderful.”

“I can’t argue that.”

“I some times can’t believe he used to get on my nerves.”



“I’m glad he doesn’t any more.”

“Me too. He can always make me smile, no matter how I’m feeling.”

“Me too.”

At that moment Norm came bouncing over to us, “Alright you two, time for me to dance with my besties.”

Lexi, and I giggled, and followed him to the dance floor. The three of us spent more time goofing off than really dancing, but it was a lot of fun.

“I’m so glad you two are here with me. It really meant a lot.” Norm said as he pulled us close to him.

“We wouldn’t miss it Norm.” I said as I returned the hug.

“There is no place I’d rather be sugar pop.” Lexi responded.

“Thank you. I’m sure you’ve figured out I don’t really have any friends any more because of. Well because I’m gay. There was a time that I was afraid I’d always be alone, but then I met you two. I wouldn’t have

sisters.” met my mate without you. You two aren’t just my besties, you’re my

“Aww thank you Norm.” I smiled with tears in my eyes.

“Thanks sugar pop. You’re family to me too.” Lexi respond with a small smile. .1

“We need some pictures together. We don’t have any.” Norm said excitedly, and called over the photographer.

We cuddled as the photographer started snapping pictures. After a few with just smiles, we started making funny faces. At one point Lexi, and I decided to kiss Norm’s cheeks at the same time. I hoped it came out well because I wanted a copy if it did. Eventually Marcus started feeling left out so he got in a bunch of pictures with us. We agreed we all wanted copies of all them. I was looking forward to adding more pictures to my wall.

By the time Lexi, and I left to go back to campus it was getting late. We were just going to make it back. on campus for curfew. Norm, and Marcus were staying in a little inn to celebrate their night. As soon as I made it back to my room I kicked off my shoes, and called Rowen. I told him all about the ceremony. He got a good laugh out of Luke too. He promised they would be at Dark Moon around lunch time the following day which made me happy. Molly, Melissa, Colby, Braxton, and Gina were due to arrive about two hours before Rowen. I was looking forward to spending my day with all the people that meant theText © by N0ve/lDrama.Org.

most to me.

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