The Alpha’s Fight for His Omega

Chapter 74

Chapter 74

chapter 74


I hadn’t had a chance to see the courtyard before Melissa’s ceremony. When Molly, Lexi, and I stepped outside I looked around. Melissa had decided to go simple with more of a fall theme. The colors were more of orange, dark red, and yellow. She didn’t do streamers or lace, but the decorations were still pretty. She had bunches of fall looking leaves tied together with either red, orange, or yellow ribbon arranged in vases on the center of tables. She even managed to spread fall looking leaves along the aisle. It all looked very pretty.

We quickly found our table with Rowen, Jax, Colby, Marcus, and Norm. Rowen brushed his fingers along my arm, before taking hold of my hand, and kissing the back of it before whispering in my ear that I looked beautiful. I smiled shyly up at him, and kissed his cheek. He looked very handsome in his dark purple, short sleeved button down, and black dress pants.

When the music began to play I looked to Ross. I knew the moment he first saw Melissa, his eyes widened, and the smile on his face became bright with joy. I turned to Melissa then. She was also smiling with happiness, and there were tears glistening in her eyes. I smiled for them both.

Melissa had just stepped up next to Ross when he pulled her to him, and hugged her. I could tell he said something to her while his face was buried in her neck. I saw her nod, and could only imagine what he said to her. I smiled, and got comfortable in my seat. Alpha Joseph had to clear his throat to get their attention, causing all of us to laugh.

“Good evening. It is my honor to bring Ross, and Melissa together this evening in our most sacred ceremony. I remember watching Ross grow up. He was such a serious little pup, even from the day he was born. He also watched everything going on around him at all times. Seeing the man he has

become has been one of the great joys of my life. Seeing the happiness that Melissa has brought out in him, warms my heart in way words cannot describe.” Alpha Joseph said with a smile.

“Melissa, today I get to officially welcome you into the Druid family. It is my honor to do so. I have no doubt you will bring joy to us all. Now to get this going.”

I smiled, and teared up as I listened to them move through the ceremony flawlessly. I found myself, a few times, imagining it was Rowen, and I up there promising ourselves to each other for life. The thought brought an unexpected smile to my face. I could actually see us reaching that point one day. I could only hope it happened. I was brought out of my thoughts as Alpha Joseph announced the couple. They were all smiles, and we cheered for them.

They were just passing our table when they called all of us to follow them back to the gazebo. Gammal Peter following behind us. We watched quietly as they took pictures together. I did notice large black trash bags off to the side, and wondered what they were for, but ignored the urge to ask. Eventually Melissa, and Ross pulled us into the pictures. First the guys posed together, being gentlemen then acting like pups, wresting with each other. Next us girls posed together. Now we behaved ourselves better than the boys did, and didn’t wrestle with each other.

I thought we were done when Joe, and Dimitri joined us at the gazebo.

“We’re not done yet.” Melissa said excitedly.

“We’re not?” I questioned.

“Nope. I have some really fun pictures I want to get. Colby, Jax, Rowen, Molly, and Lexi, line up with Ross,

and me. If you have your mate stand next to them. Joe, Peter, Dimitri, in those bags are tones of leaves. I

want one really big pile spread out in front of us.” Melissa instructed, and they went to follow her instructions.

It ended up being about 25 bags of leaves spread out in front of us in a large pile. I looked at Melissa in confusion.

“My favorite thing to do as a pup was to play in piles of leaves. Everyone grab the hand of the people next to you. On the count of three we’re all going to jump into this pile. Make sure you get lots of shots of us jumping together. Once we’ve jumped in, play! Joe, Dimitri, and Peter don’t hesitate to join in playing” Molly explained excitedly.

I couldn’t help it, I started laughing. I loved this idea. It sounded like a lot of fun. It was also very creative. I did worry about pieces of leaves getting caught in my hair, and clothes, but on a closer inspection I noticed the leaves were fake.

“Alright everyone. Grab your neighbors hand, and on the count of three, jump. One….Two….. Three!” Melissa squealed.

We all took a few running steps toward the pile, and jumped. I laughed as I landed in the pile. In no time we were all throwing leaves at each other. Jax picked up Colby, and pretended to throw him into the pile. We all laughed hard as we played together. Joe, Dimitri, and Peter joined in, dumping handfuls of leaves. on us. Rowen was collecting up a pile of leaves to dump on some one when I took the handful I had in my hands, and dropped them over his head. He sputtered, and looked around to see me giggling at him. He growled playfully at me, then grabbed me around the waist, making me squeal. He made like he was going to drop me in the leaves, but ended up dropping himself into them with me on top of him. I looked up to find Joe, and Dimitri dropping handfuls of leaves on me, causing me to laugh even harder.

Eventually we all crawled out of the leaf pile, but the photographer came up with an idea, we all were on board with. Melissa, and Ross stood in the center of the pile. We all quickly pushed most of the leaves in around them, then we all took handfuls, stepped back, and threw them at them. They laughed, then kissed as leaves were raining down around them. The whole thing was fun, and I loved every minute of it.

As we made our way back to the courtyard Melissa explained that the leaves were being collected up, and set into piles for her nieces, and nephews to play in. I had forgotten she had a large family, just like Norm. I’m glad she found a way to entertain the pups.

The meal was being served just as we took our seats. I was kind of sad that Ross, and Melissa wouldn’t be sitting with us to eat because they were set up at their own little table together, but I knew it was just. for the meal. Rowen put his hand on my knee as we all ate, and chatted together. As soon as we were done eating Melissa, and Ross came to our table to sit with us.

“The ceremony was beautiful Mel. I loved the decorations.” Lexi said with a smile.

“Thank you. I don’t know what we’re going to do with all of these leaves afterwards though. I should have thought of that.” Melissa replied with a giggle.

“Donate them the schools. They would make great additions to craft projects.” Molly suggested.

“I bet the florist in town, and maybe some artists will want them. They could make good use of them.” I


“Good ideas. Thanks. I’ll contact everyone this week.” Melissa said with a smile.

“What made you decide on a fall theme?” Norm asked.

“It’s my favorite season. We don’t get much of a winter, which I’m glad off because I hate being cold, but something about fall settles me.” Melissa answered.

“Well everything was done perfectly.” Molly said with a smile, and Melissa blushed.

We all sat around, and chatted for a bit before Melissa, and Ross went onto the dance floor for their first

dance. Someone had gotten the idea to spread leaves all over the dance floor for them to dance around in. It was a cute idea, and fit with the theme very well. Rowen pulled me back against his chest, and wrapped his arms around me as we watched the two whirl around the dance floor. They stared at each. other like they were the only two in the world. It was beautiful to watch.

After their dance ended they invited everyone to join them. Without even asking, Rowen led me out onto the dance floor, pulled me close to him, and started to dance to the music, staring into my eyes. I stared right back. I saw all of the joy, happiness, and contentment he held in his heart, in his eyes, but there was sadness too.

“What’s wrong?” I whispered to him.

“Nothing is wrong?” He responded looking puzzled.

“There is sadness in your eyes. Why are you sad? Maybe I can make it go away.”

“There is nothing you can do to make that go away. Not any time soon at least. Not anything I could ask you to do anyway.”


I think I understood what he meant because there was a part of me that was sad too. It always was when I knew our time was limited. He smiled at me then kissed me, pulling me even closer to him as he

did so. It didn’t take long for the pressure, and tingles to start again. He pulled back quickly though, and looked deeply into my eyes.

“Go for a run with me. Duke is missing Leila.” He whispered to me.

“Now? But Melissa, and Ross….” I started, but he stopped me.

“Understand, and told us to go. We need this time. Duke, and Leila need this time.”


He took me by the hand, and we slipped into the woods. We both went behind separate trees to strip, and shift.

“Thank you Chastity. I need time with my mate.” Leila said happily.

“You’re welcome Leila. Enjoy yourself.” I responded with a smile then let her take over.

Once I shifted, I took a back seat to Leila, and just watched. Leila trotted out from behind the tree excitedly. Duke sat proudly, waiting for her. He yipped as soon as he spotted her, and she bound over to him, happily barking. They instantly nuzzled each other, and rubbed along each other. Once they properly scented each other, Leila ran off into the woods with Duke chasing right behind her. They chased, and played with each other. When they came to the pack lake, they took a drink than snuggled together. Duke had his head on Leila’s back, while she rested hers on his bushy tail. They both purred in contentment.

“I’m surprised Duke hasn’t tried to mate Leila yet.” Rowen mind linked me.

“Would he actually do something like that if she isn’t ready?” I questioned.

“She is, but knows you are not, and Duke isn’t going to try to force the issue.”

“Oh. Well that’s a good thing. Right?”

“A very good thing, but uncommon for Alpha wolves.”

“OH. I didn’t know that.”

“Don’t worry sweet girl. We understand. We love you no matter what.”

“Is everyone else coming out for a run tonight with Melissa, and Ross?”

“They will be shortly. They wanted to give Duke, and Leila sometime alone.”

“I feel bad that we’re missing their reception.”

“Don’t. Ross, and Melissa told me to take this time if we felt we needed it.”

“That was sweet of them.”

“Yes it was. Do you want to wait for them?”

“Will Norm, Marcus, and Lexi be running with them?”

“Unfortunately no. It’s too much of a risk to have them out here with us. Their scents are unknown to the rest of the pack, and they don’t carry our pack scent.”

“Oh. Then maybe we should go back. It’s not fair to them to be left alone while the rest of us are out here.”

“You’re probably right. Both Braxton, and Gina have gone off for the night with their friends.”

“How long have we been gone?”

“If I had to guess, a few hours.”

“Oh wow. We should head back then.”


-With mutual whines Leila, and Duke stood up, and headed back toward the pack house. Once we were shifted back, and dressed we left the woods, and headed back toward the courtyard. When we reach the area we found Norm, Marcus, and Lexi helping clean up. Without asking Rowen, and I jumped right in to help as well. Once we were done Norm, and Marcus disappeared into the room they were using.

“They ran off quick.” I commented.

“They were feeling the romance of the day, and decided they needed a little lovin.” Lexi snickered.

“Wha….oooh. Wait. How does that even work?” I questioned.

“Um. How does what work?” Lexi asked as we entered Molly, and Jax’s apartment.

I followed her into the living room while Rowen went to the bathroom, and to let Lilac out. Once I was seated on a couch, with Lexi on the other across from me, I tried to explain what I meant.

“Well they both have the…um….same parts. How does….um….well you know work?” I questioned, blushing.

“Ooooh. I’m not expert or anything, obviously, but they….um…..use the only hole available, or the mouth.” Lexi explained quietly.


“From what I have heard, for men it feels good to have sex in the ass.” Lexi whispered.


“That’s all I know, and please don’t ask them. Marcus doesn’t like to get too into discussing what they do together.”

“Don’t worry. I won’t. That sounds painful.”

“I wouldn’t know, and I would rather not find out.”

“Same here.”

“Did you think more about what Molly, and Melissa told you earlier?”

I blushed, and looked down at my hands. I could only nod.

“And?” Lexi questioned.

I just shook my head. I didn’t want to talk about it. Especially not with Rowen here. Thankfully she changed topics, and told me about everyone dancing after we left. She said the pups had a blast jumping in the leaf piles. Eventually Rowen joined us. He was in pajamas pants, and thankfully a t-shirt too. Lilac was sitting on his shoulder, but he had a wand toy I had never seen before in his hands. It had little curls of ribbon on the end of it. Instead of sitting on the couch next to me, he sat on the floor right in front of me stretched out his legs, and leaned back against the couch. He put Lilac on the floor in front him, and waited for her to check out the room.

“Lets see if she likes this one.” He said as he twitched it on the floor.

At first she didn’t see it, but as soon as she did she crouched down, wiggled her little butt, and pounced. He flipped it up in the air before she could reach it, and she jumped for it, stretching as far as she could, making us all laugh. She watched it hanging in the air for a few minutes, her whiskers, and tail twitching before she tried to jump for it again. Rowen quickly smacked it down on the floor away from her before around. she got it, and their little game began. We all laughed as we watched her play,

and chase the toy If she caught it she would try to run away with it, and would always look upset when Rowen pulled it away

from her.

“I love when her little butt wiggles. It’s so funny.” Lexi giggled.

“Yeah. It’s like she is revving up her little motor to take off.” Rowen agreed.

“I love watching her whiskers twitch.” I said as I giggled at Lilac flipping around in the air quickly, trying to catch the toy.

“Why do her whiskers twitch like that?” Lexi questioned.

“I don’t know.” I answered.

“Do you hear her chattering when she’s watching it in the air?” Rowen asked as he flicked the toy into the air again.

“I have. It’s kind of cute.” I admitted.

“Weird creatures.” Rowen mumbled.

“Definitely.” Lexi agreed.

Eventually Lilac got worn out from the game, jumped on the couch, and curled up in my lap. I started to pet her gently causing her to start purring. That made me curious about something. Rowen was talking to Lexi about something, and wasn’t paying any attention to what I was doing. I reached out, and started to run my fingers through his hair. It was so soft, and felt good in my fingers. I almost laughed as his head followed the movement of my hand. When I started lightly scratching along the sides of his

head he groaned a bit, and laid his head back on the couch, and against my leg. Lexi was watching us, and suddenly started laughing. Rowen’s head popped up to look at her, as I did the same. 1

“Are you petting him like you’re petting Lilac?” Lexi asked between laughs.

“No.” I mumbled as I pulled my hand back.

“Yes you were. You were petting him like a cat.” Lexi continued to giggle.

“No….no I wasn’t.” I snorted.

“I think you were.” Lexi stated.

“Well maybe, but he likes it.” I sniffled, and tried not to giggle.

“Sweet girl, were you really just petting me like your cat?” Rowen asked, leaning his head back to look at

I just shrugged, and blushed.

“Baby, I’m a wolf. Not a cat.” Rowen said playfully.

“Yeah well you reacted the same way Lilac does when I pet her.” I quipped, and stuck my tongue out at him.

“That’s it.”

He jumped up, and tackled me. Lilac jumped, and took off as he started to tickle me. Something no one had done to me in a very long time. I shrieked, and tried to wiggle away as he dug his fingers into my sides, holding me, and tickling me at the same time. I shrieked, and laughed as he growled into my neck, and continued to tickle me.

“What on earth is going on here?” I heard Jax roar, causing me to jump, and Rowen to chuckle.

He stood up, then helped me sit up as he continued to laugh, then said, “She was petting me like does her cat. She needed to pay for that.”

“So you decided to maul my sister as pay back?” Jax growled.

“Dude, I wasn’t mauling her. I was tickling her.” Rowen snorted.

“She kind of did deserve it. She was petting him like she does Lilac.” Lexi said with a giggle.

“Jax, calm down.” Molly said with a small giggle.

“All I know is I heard my sister shrieking. I walked in to find you on top of her, her legs in the air, and trying to get away from you.” Jax growled, pointing at Rowen,

“Lord save us from over protective brothers.” Molly huffed as she flopped down next to Lexi.

“I wish I could say they aren’t all like that, but Darren is no better.” Lexi sniffed.

“I’m not supposed to look out for my baby sister, and protect her?” Jax whined, causing me to giggle.

“Not from her mate, you idiot. Especially not when they’re playing around, and having fun.” Molly stated, smiling at him.

“Fine. Where is that weird creature?” Jax grumbled.

“Lilac ran off when Rowen tackled me. She’s probably under the couch.” I answered, and giggled at the glare he shot Rowen.

“Well how the hell do I get her out from there? I need to work more on teaching her to play fetch.” Jax stated, looking under the couch.

“Here. Try this.” Rowen chuckled as he handed the want toy to Jax.

“What the hell is this?” Jax asked looking at the thing.

“A new wand toy. I picked it up for her.” Rowen admitted sheepishly, causing all of us girls to melt.

Jax grumbled, and he wiggled the toy in front of the couch. Lilac came out from under the couch quickly to pounce on it. Jax moved it around for her to chase for a bit. I don’t know what came over him, but he stood up, and started dragging the thing behind him as he jogged laps around the living room with Lilac chasing right behind him. We all laughed as we watched the two. I wasn’t exactly sure who we were laughing at more though. Lilac’s attempts at keeping up with the toy, or Jax having her chase him. Eventually he sat back down, and just started wiggling the toy around for Lilac again. I don’t know why he

did it, but suddenly he threw it. Lilac took off after the toy, picked up the ribbons, and started to drag it

back to him.

“I DID IT! I TAUGHT A CAT TO PLAY FETCH!” Jax whooped, causing all of us to laugh.

“Good job baby. You can train a cat.” Molly said with a giggle, kissing the back of his head.

When Lilac was close enough for Jax to reach the toy, he took it, and threw it again. I swore Lilac looked at him like he was stupid, sat down, and started cleaning her face.

“Well she sure told you.” Rowen snickered.

“Damn. I thought I got her to play fetch.” Jax grumbled as he got up to get the toy.

It was all I could do not to laugh as Lilac watched him walk over, pick up the toy, and sit back down again. She had his number, and he didn’t even know it. I saw the look in Molly’s eye that she saw the

same thing. Jax thought he taught Lilac to play fetch, but she was going to be the one making Jax play fetch instead, and she did. Some times she would run after it, and bring it back, but more often she would make Jax go get it himself. It took him awhile, but he finally caught on.

“Wait a minute. Why do I get the feeling I’ve just been trained by a cat?” Jax questioned, glaring at Lilac, and none of us could help it.

We all bust up laughing. Lilac sat up straight on the floor looking proud of herself. If I didn’t know any better’ I would think she knew exactly what was happening, and was very proud of herself for it.

“Baby, you were just trained by a cat. She knew that if she went to get it sometimes that the rest of the time you would go get it yourself so she could continue to play. She wanted the game to continue so she played along.” Molly explained as she giggled.

“You little shit. You tricked me.” Jax growled at Lilac, as she stared at him then began cleaning herself. We all started laughing again at the look on Jax’ face.

“She’s proud of herself isn’t she?” Jax grumbled.

“Why wouldn’t she be? A two pound kitten just trained the big bad wolf to play with her how she wanted.” Rowen chuckled.

“Oh like you don’t fall for her tricks?” Jax mumbled.

“Well I don’t think so. I don’t throw a toy expecting her to bring it back to me. I make her come to me to play.” Rowen sniffed.

“Yeah. Whatever.” Jax pouted.

“Awww. Baby, it’s ok. She just likes you is all, and she wants to see you happy, sometimes.” Molly cooed as she put her arms around Jax’s neck, and nuzzled him.

“Hmph.” Was all Jax said.

“Come on handsome. I’ll pet your ego, and make it feel all better.” Molly giggled, as she stood up from the couch.

“Um……yeah. Bye.” Jax scooped up Molly, and took off toward their bedroom.

“And I think that’s my cue to hit the sheets.” Lexi giggled as she moved to go to bed, “Night you two.” “Good night.” Rowen, and I called after her.

We set quietly for a bit. I didn’t know what to say, and really didn’t feel like talking. I liked these quiet moments with him. Unfortunately I caught myself yawning, and knew it was about time to get to bed too.

“Why don’t you go get ready for bed? I’ll get Lilac, and be in shortly.” Rowen suggested.

I only nodded, and headed to the bedroom. I grabbed pajamas, and went to the bathroom. Once I was change, and ready I went back into the bedroom. Rowen was stretched out on the bed, shirt off with Lilac curled up on his chest. He was scratching her behind the ears. He looked over at me, and smiled.

“You know the entire week I was home, she would get up on your chest, and fall asleep just like that after I got out of bed?” I said as I slid under the sheets, and laid on my side, looking at them.

“Yeah. I know. I woke up with her there every morning.” Rowen whispered. NôvelDrama.Org: owner of this content.

I leaned forward, and kissed his cheek, causing him to smile at me. I watched him giving Lilac attention. Before I knew it was fast asleep. At some point I moved close to Rowen, put an arm around his waist, and one leg over his. I also had my head on his chest. His arm was wrapped around my waist. I woke up just like that. I smiled up at him then got up to shower, and get dressed. By the time I was done, Rowen was

He went into the bathroom to shower as I started packing up my stuff. I hated this part of visits. The leaving was tough. When Rowen was done in the shower, he stripped my bed for me. Once we were done, we sat down, and worked out a schedule for visits. Most of them were him coming to me, for now at least. After we were done, we went down to breakfast. It was nice to see everyone before I had to leave. We had to leave early because Marcus had to be back for patrol duty. Goodbyes were short with everyone, expect Rowen. We shared a bunch of kisses before we finally got on the road to go back to school. Norm, Lexi, and I spent the evening doing homework, and hanging out. I had needed time home this weekend. I was glad for it.

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