The Alpha’s Fight for His Omega

Chapter 75

Chapter 75

Chapter 75


Monday morning started out as usual, breakfast with Norm, and Lexi before heading off to class. Today we had an exam on the skeletal system of the human body. I had spent a lot of the last two weeks. studying, and the night before the three of us quizzed each other. I was feeling pretty confident. Once we were seated the instructor handed out our tests, and we began. The test was harder than I expected, but I felt I did well any way.

Lexi, and I headed off to our next class while Norm went in the opposite direction for his. The next two classes had no exams, but we had presentations to give. I was nervous about talking in front of people, but once I got started I became comfortable quickly. I felt I did well, and by the look in the instructor’s eyes told me he was impressed. I was pretty proud of myself.

I was just walking into self defense class when my cell phone went off, I looked at it to see it was Rowen calling. I smiled, and stopped in the hall to answer it.

“Hi.” I said brightly.

“Hi sweet girl.” Rowen responded.

“How are you?”

“I’m wonderful because I have some news.”

“You do? What?” I asked nervously as I couldn’t imagine what news he could have that would be so wonderful,

The only thing I could come up with was that he found someone better for him. I hadn’t had that thought in awhile, so strongly, but there it was. I became even more nervous.

“Remember when Robert’s swearing in as Alpha got postponed because of adding new members from Cedar Grove?” Rowen asked as I crinkled my brow in confusion, as I didn’t understand what this had to do with him finding someone new.

“Y…yes.” I stuttered quietly.

“As I’m sure you heard, it is this weekend.”

“…I did.”

“Well dad, Dimitri, Jax, Molly, and I are coming. We’ll be there Friday evening, and staying until Monday morning.”

“Really? Will I see you while you’re here?”

“That’s why I’m calling. I was calling to ask you to get a pass for me to stay with you this weekend. Also to ask you to be my date of the ceremony.”

“R….really?” I gasped in surprise.

“Yes sweet girl. I’ll get to spend another weekend with you, and I would love you to be my date Saturday, please.”

“….Ok. I’ll go apply for a pass after self defense class.”

“Great. I can’t wait to see you this weekend sweet girl. I’ll let you get to self defense class.”

I hung up, and smiled. I couldn’t believe I thought he was going to leave me. I was so glad I was going to see Rowen again this weekend. Looking at the time, I realized I was almost a minute late to self


class. I ran into the room, dropped my stuff, and moved to stand between Lexi and Norm quickly. Matt glared at me, and I got really nervous, shrinking back a bit.

“Since you decided that my time was not worth yours today Chastity, you can give me fifty push ups now.” Matt growled at me.

I crinkled my brow in confusion. I was only a minute late, but late was late. I sighed, and started my push ups as I heard Lexi snap something at Matt who ignored her. I was barely able to complete all 50, but I did it. I was now exhausted though. When I finished I did my best to get right into what everyone else was working on, but I was a bit more sluggish the rest of class. Matt snapped at me a few times, startling me every time. I trembled, and started to retreat into myself more each time he snapped at me. I almost jumped out of my skin when he touched me roughly to adjust my stance.

“Get your hands off her now!” Lexi growled.

“Mind your own business, and get back to work.” Matt snapped at her, making me shrink back from him.

even more.

“No. You need to take a look at her, see you are scaring her, and back off.” Lexi said firmly, glaring at Matt.

“She needs to get over herself, and get to work.” Matt stated.

“You just don’t get it. We’re done for the day.” Lexi put her arm around me, and started to guide me out of the room, “Norm grab our stuff, and lets go.

“Class isn’t over. Get back here. NOW!” Matt roared causing me to tremble, and cling to Lexi.

“Shh, small fry. I got you.” Lexi said gently as she ignored him, and lead me out of the room.

I didn’t have a full panic attack like last time, but I was definitely scared. Norm used my card, and let us into my room. Lexi helped me sit down on my bed as she put Rowen’s zip up hoodie around my

shoulders. Lilac climbed up on my shoulder, purred, and rubbed against the side of my head. I quickly started to calm back down.

“Thank you.” I whispered as I looked to Lexi.

“You’re welcome small fry.” Lexi smiled at me.

“What was his problem today?” Norm asked as he flopped down next to me on my bed.

“I have no idea. He had an attitude from the minute he walked in the door.” Lexi stated.

“Eat dinner up here?” Norm asked.

“No. I need to go to the admin office to apply for an over night pass for Rowen.” I admitted. Property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

“For when?” Norm questioned.

“For this weekend. He’s coming with Joe, my dad, Molly, and Jax for Robert’s swearing in. He wants to stay here with me, and he wants me to be his date to the ceremony.” I answered.

“You’re going to the ceremony?” Norm asked bouncing up and down.

“Yes Norm. I’m going.” I answered as I giggled.

“Yay! You know this means you need to go shopping right?”

“Why now?”

“Swearing in ceremonies are a formal event. You need a formal dress.” Lexi explained.

“Oh. Where would I get one of those? They don’t have them at the department store.” I questioned.

“Don’t you worry about that. I have to go home Wednesday evening as the tailor in town is bringing over

dresses for mom, and I to choose from. I’ll call her in the morning, and tell her to bring some for you as well I’ll make sure she knows your size.” Lexi answered.

“Oh. That means I won’t get to go with you.” Norm pouted, and whined.


“Don’t worry sugar pop, I already told mom you were coming too. I told her you’re our fashion consultant. She giggled, but said you were welcome to come. Darren is picking us up right after self defense class. We’ll have dinner together then shop.” Lexi responded.

“YAY!” Norm whooped as he jumped around the room, making us both laugh.

“She’s brining suits for you, and Marcus to try on as well.” Lexi added.

“Oh goodie! I get to see my man in a suit again. He’s so hot in a suit.” Norm said as he fanned himself.

I giggled, and shook my head at him. We left my room after Lexi was completely sure I had calmed down, and went to the admin office to apply for an overnight visitor pass. From there we went to have dinner then back to my room to study for more exams this week. Once Lexi, and Norm left I decided I really needed a shower. I felt gross from doing all of those push ups, and then working out right after.

I was standing under the spray, just letting the water rinse over my skin when the conversation I had with Molly, and Melissa on Saturday popped into my head. Even though I was alone, I blushed with

embarrassment. I couldn’t believe I had gotten up the nerve to ask the things I did. I had needed those questions answered though, I guess. I remembered what Lexi had said about exploring myself. I looked down at myself, and well, as you can imagine, there isn’t much you really can see looking down like this. I could see my nipples were a dark pink color, and I knew I had the same shade red hair down there, that I did on my head. I’ll admit that I did learn by listening to Fiona once to keep that area trimmed, and neat. I didn’t know why, but it seemed like the best idea, so I did. Sighing to myself, I tilted my head back under the spray of water, and let it soak into my hair.

With a grumble I looked down at myself again. How in the world was I supposed to explore myself? Why was I even considering doing this? It seemed crazy to me. Rowen, and I were no where near doing any thing like that together. Besides, shouldn’t he just know what felt good to me, and what didn’t? I growled in frustration, and started to shampoo my hair. Annoyed with myself about even considering this. As I was rinsing my hair, I heard Leila giggling at me.

“What’s so funny?” I grumbled at her.

“You.” She snickered.

“What about me?”

“You’re scared.”

“No I’m not. Of what?”

“Of your own body, and you think you would be weird if you touched yourself.”

“N….no I’m not.”

“Chastity, you can lie to anyone, but me. You know that,

“Y….yeah I know.”

“What are you afraid of?”

“It….it’s just that this seems weird to me. Isn’t it weird to touch yourself?”

“Not at all. At least I don’t think so. Besides friend, and sister told you that you should. If they say you should then you should.”


“That way you know what feelings good, and what doesn’t”

“Shouldn’t Rowen already know that?”

“I’m sure on a basic level, but not what YOU like or don’t. Besides wouldn’t it be better to be slightly. familiar with those kinds of touches?”

“I….I don’t know. Maybe?”

“It doesn’t hurt to try. If you are uncomfortable then stop.”

“I…I don’t know.”

“I know.”


With a sigh I picked up my loofa, and started to wash my body. When I got to my breasts, and looked down at them. This was so weird. As I started to soap my breasts, I ran the pad of a finger over the tip of my nipple. I didn’t really feel anything so I shrugged, and went back to washing up. I closed my eyes as I washed, and the thought of Rowen’s hard chest pressed against mine made a tingling feeling start in my nipples.

My eyes popped open, and I looked down at them to find them beading up. I touched one gently, and it tingled more. I brushed it again, a little harder, and found it felt good. Curious I rubbed my thumb around, and over it, and I gasped. That felt strange, but in good way. I set the loofa down, and started doing the same thing with both hands. Part of me still thought this was weird, but the more I played with them, the better it felt.

Feeling curious, I pinched them lightly, and gasped again. A tingling shot through my body right in between my thighs, causing a small pulse there. I furrowed my brow at that, and tried again. I pulsed down there again. Now I was confused. Why did pinching my nipples cause that reaction? I continued to play with and pinch my nipples a bit more, and I started to feel some pressure down there. I could also feel some wetness building, and I moaned quietly.

I was just about to reach down, and see what the pulsing was, when I heard the video chat on my computer ring. I jumped, slapped off the water quickly, wrapped a towel around myself, and ran to my computer. I didn’t even check to see who it was before I answered the call. It was Rowen, and I blushed furiously.

“Hi sweet….why are you blushing?” Rowen questioned.

“No….nothing.” I stuttered, and blushed some more.

“Baby, you’re wrapped in a towel, and you’re hair is all wet. If I had to guess, you were taking a shower.”

“I….oh. Yeah. I was. I was just about done though.” I said quickly, feeling embarrassed about what I was really doing.

“Ok. Why don’t you go dry off, and put on some clothes then we can chat?”


I scampered over to my dresser, grabbed pajamas pants, underwear, and socks then ran into my bathroom, slamming the door behind me. I dried off as quickly as I could, and threw on the clothes I brought with me. I growled in frustration when I realized I didn’t grab a shirt, and my pajama shirt was on my bed, right in front of my computer monitor. If I went to get it, he would see me half naked. I poked my head out of the door, and looked around. Spotting his sweatshirt on my desk chair right by the bathroom door, I snatched it, and quickly pulled it on. I grabbed my brush, and walked over to my bed to sit down in front of the computer screen.

“There’s my beautiful sweet girl. Feel better now?” Rowen asked with a smile.

“Ye….yes.” i stuttered still embarrassed over what I had been doing in the shower. The tingle between my legs wasn’t helping either.

“Baby, are you sure you’re ok?”

“Yes. Yes I’m fine. You just startled me is all, then I came out, and answered in towel. I didn’t even check to see who was calling me, and….and….”

“Calm down sweet girl. I didn’t see anything you don’t want me to see. I’m sorry I interrupted your shower.”

“It’s….it’s ok.”

“So how was your day? How did you exam, and presentations go?”

“OH, I think I did great on my exam. Only one or two questions I struggled with, but I’m pretty sure I got them right.”

“That’s wonderful. I have no doubt you passed it with flying colors. You’re the smartest person I know. There is nothing you can’t do.”

“I don’t know about that.”

“I do. What about your presentations?”

“was nervous at first. I wasn’t comfortable talking in front of people at first, but once I got started it got easier. I was also able to answer everyone’s questions without stuttering at all.”

“That’s wonderful sweet girl.”

“Yeah. Even my instructor seemed pleased with me.”

“That’s great. I’m proud of you.”

“Thank you.”

“How was the rest of your day?”

“Well I had the start of a panic attack in self defense, but Lexi got me out of there, and I calmed downed quickly though.”

“What happened that caused that?”

“Matt was in a bad mood, and growling at me a lot. I was a minute late to class, and he didn’t like that. He made me to fifty push ups. I was so worn out from that I was sluggish the rest of class, and he got mad about it.”

“Wait. Fifty push ups?”

“Well, yes.”

“Sweet girl, we don’t even start new warrior trainees with fifty push ups when they are causing trouble. He shouldn’t be making you do fifty push ups for any reason.”



“Nothing can be done about it now.”

“Not tonight no, but I think you should tell Marcus so he can go to Matt’s superior about it.”

“I….I don’t want to make him mad though.”

“I understand that, but the way he is doing things is wrong.”


“Doing that many push ups when you haven’t been training your body for as long as a seasoned warrior

has can actually do more harm to your body, especially your muscles then good.”

“I…I didn’t know that. Do you think he does?”

“He should.”

“Oh. Maybe I should say something to Marcus. That is if Norm hasn’t already.”

“Knowing Norm he probably did.”

“Yeah. You’re probably right about that. How was your day?”

“Busy. I spent most of it over at the Community Center”

“You did? What were you doing there?”

“Inspecting it.”

“Oh? For what?”

“Well someone had this great idea for craft shows for all of our crafters, and I promised them I would make that happen. I wanted to make sure the Community Center was in good condition, and that it had everything they needed.”

“Oh. You mean it? You’re really going to get that going?”

“Of course I am. Well I put Molly, and Melissa in charge of most of it, but I wanted to make sure the building was ready for it first.”

“Is it?”

“Unfortunately it’s not.”


“It’s in need of some updates in the kitchen area. It needs new windows, flooring, and paint. There are a few leaks in the bathrooms as well.”

“Oh. Why would you be worried about the kitchen?”

“You ladies had the idea to have restaurants bring in food, but Molly was approached by a couple of people who do things like pit beef, and such on the weekends or for parties that are interested in selling. their food instead. Molly loved the idea of letting them do the food for the craft shows so the kitchen needs to be ready for them.”

“Oh. That’s a good idea.”

“I knew you would think that.”

“So….um…..what is going to happen now since we can’t use the Community Center?”

“Oh no. The Community Center will still be used for the Craft Shows. We’re just going to have to put it off while the updates, and repairs get done.”


“Yes. I have our builders coming in this week to look everything over, figure out what we need, get everything we need, and get started on it as soon as possible. I’ll know by the end of the week how long it will take to complete then I’ll have Molly send out a notice so that everyone that was interested in

participating in the craft shows knows what is happening, and about how long we have to wait for the first one to happen.”

“Oh. Why not, instead of making them wait, do a street fair like Dark Moon did?”

“We considered that, but the trouble with that is getting the businesses in town to close down or allow individuals to block the entrance to their businesses for the day.”

“What if the businesses were a part of the street fair instead? They could set up booths in front of their stores, and home crafters could set up around the town center as well? Make it a big thing for everyone.” “That’s a pretty good idea. We didn’t think of that. I’m not sure that the businesses would be interested in doing every three months, but it is definitely an idea for around the holiday or something.”

“Well I mean some of the businesses sell their hand made stuff in their own shops I’m willing to bet they would definitely be interested more than some of the resale places.”

“That’s very true. I’ll suggest that to Molly, and Melissa.”

“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome sweet girl. Thank you for thinking of the people in our pack, and ways to make them happy.”

“They’re good people. They deserve it. Um….how much is it going to cost to redo the Community Center?” “That doesn’t matter. There is a budget set aside for maintenance of the building. There is plenty of money there for what the building needs.”

“Oh good. You said it needs painting, right?”

“Yes. Some of the paint is starting to chip, and crack.”

“What….what if, once everything is done have a couple of artists get together, and do a mural on one of the walls?”

“I like that idea, and they’ll probably love it. Another thing I’ll suggest to Molly, and Melissa. I think I’m going to have the lighting redone as well. The fluorescent lights could use an upgrade too.”

“It sounds like this is going to be a big project. I’m sorry so much work has to happen to make my idea. happen.”

“Don’t be. This needs to be done any way. It hasn’t seen any updates since it was built over thirty years. ago. It was going to happen eventually any way. Might as well do it now.”

“Oh. Ok.”

“Yeah. I’m excited to see you this weekend.”

“Me too. I put in the request for a pass for you to stay here this weekend. Danielle said she doesn’t see why I won’t get it. She’s pretty sure Dean Leonard, and Alpha Jeremy will approve it. What time do you think you’ll be here?”

“We should arrive right around dinner time.”

“Oh. Do you need to have dinner at the pack house when you get here?”

“We do, but you, and Lexi are invited to the dinner as well. You’ll be picked up for it right after class.”

“Oh. Ok.”

“You’ll need a formal dress for this.”

“I know. Lexi told me. Her mom arranged for the tailor in town to bring dresses to the Gamma’s

apartment on Wednesday for them to look at, and choose from. She’s calling the tailor in the morning to bring dresses for me to look at. Lexi, Norm, Marcus, and I are going to have dinner there Wednesday then. look at dresses.”

“Oh good, I can’t wait to see you all dolled up.”

“I’ve never worn a formal dress before. I don’t even know what would look good on me.”

“I have no doubt that the tailor, Lexi, and Norm will help you pick out the perfect things.”

“Yeah. I hope so.”

“No matter what you’ll look beautiful.”

“Thank…thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

“Well I have some studying to do. I have another exam tomorrow.”

“Do you want me to let you go so you can study?”

“No. You don’t have to. If you have work to do I can study while you do that. If you want to of course.”



pulled my textbook, and notes to me to start studying. We both worked quietly for awhile. It was kind of nice to glance up sometimes, and just see him. It was almost like he was here with me. I liked it. When my eyes started to get droopy I knew it was time to get some sleep. We said our good nights, and I drifted off quickly.

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