The Claiming By Cooper

Chapter 241

Chapter 241

The Claiming by Cooper Book 4

The Contest by Cooper (Jaxon & Evangeline)

Chapter 41 (Evangeline)

This week has been much like the previous week. Each day the training gets harder and my body is more and more tired. And I’m not the only one.

Then, after three days, I found out that Jordan is getting one-on-one sessions with Nolan in between the two sessions we’re getting. How the woman is still standing is beyond me. If that’s what it takes to be an Alpha of a pack, maybe I don’t have it in me.

As I look around though, I see that everyone is struggling, not just me. I have to give Jaxon credit. He may have bitched and moaned the first couple of days, but he never once gave up, he never even gave a hint of slacking off. The man is incredible and he’s all mine.

Title of the document

We started sparring against each other on day three, using our kicks and punches to take each other down. As soon as contact was a requirement, Jaxon refused to spar with me any longer.

“I’m not hitting you, Evangeline.”

I’m Evangeline when he’s trying to get a point across or being serious. I’m Eve when he’s being flirty or sweet. “Jaxon, what if we get paired against each other in the contest?” I asked him. “Then I back out. I’m not fighting against my own mate. I won’t hit you. If you want to go on offense and spar against me, fine, but I refuse to hit you, even in training,” he says to me.

“He’s right, Evie. Go spar with your mother. I’ll spar with your… with Jaxon,” my father says.

I watched as my father had gone at Jaxon hard, pushing him, forcing him to go on defense quickly. But Jaxon held his own, sparring hard against my father, getting in more hits than my father did.

When it was done, my father had shaken hands with Jaxon.

“I still don’t love you and my daughter acting like mates before she knows for sure that you are her mate, but I can respect a man who refuses to hit his mate, even in sparring, especially when that woman is my daughter. So….I hope you’ll join us for Savate training next week in my pack. I know Evangeline wants you there.”

“It would be my honor and privilege, Alpha,” my mate had said, respectful as always.

My father had leaned in and whispered something to Jaxon that I hadn’t heard. Later, I found out that my father had told Jaxon that he knew that I was spending the nights with him and that it would not be acceptable under his roof.

“Alpha, if you think that your daughter and I are doing anything other than sleeping, you’re not paying attention. We can barely crawl up the stairs to our rooms at night. I’ve seen you carrying Makayla more than once when she falls asleep at the dining table.”

“My house, my rules,” my father said.

Jaxon shrugs. “When your daughter is exhausted and unable to keep up with training, maybe you’ll change your mind. We both sleep better when we’re together, just like I assume that you sleep better next to your mate than you do alone.”

Jaxon told me that my father had stomped off after that. I know it’s true, and my father does too. It’s just a matter of how much he’s willing to give. “He’s already making a concession to have me train with your pack next week,” Jaxon said, pulling me to him and kissing the side of my head.

“Some concession! Your entire family is invited, especially since my family has trained here all week.”

“Just a couple more months, Evangeline. Speaking of, what do you want to do once you’re 18? I mean, I want to celebrate, but once we can actually mark and mate, what are your thoughts about next steps?”

“Do you mean about the contest?” I ask, surprised.

“No, I know you’re going to continue to fight, just like I am. I mean, where do you want to live? We should consider that now. If you want to live outside of a packhouse, I need to start thinking about buying or renting a house. Which pack do you want to live in? All those things. I mean, our living arrangement is temporary, since one or both of us will win pack, but we should decide where we’ll live. It’ll most likely be another six months after your birthday before we know the winners,” he says.

“I hadn’t actually thought about it,” I say honestly. I mean, I want to be with Jaxon, but when he starts asking these types of questions, it makes everything more of a reality. I’d considered leaving my pack when I became an Alpha, but other than my father being overprotective, I hadn’t considered leaving my pack before I got my own pack.

He pulls me to him, kissing the spot on my jaw, just below my ear that he knows is sensitive and makes me shiver. “Think about it. We have some time, but I want us to be together. I want my mark on your neck and yours on mine,” he whispers before moving to kiss me. It’s a slow, lingering kiss.

“And I don’t want to have to worry about your father having any say in whether or not I sleep by your side,” he says when he finally pulls back.

“Would you be willing to leave your pack?” I ask.

“I did once already. I want to be where you are, Eve. That’s my home, at least until we can make one together.”

I wrap my arms around his neck. “Damn, Super Hotty, you’re not only gorgeous, but romantic too? How did I get so lucky?” I ask him.

And that’s when my father’s throat clearing starts.

“Oh, for the goddess’s sake dad! Jaxon isn’t going to s*trip me down and take me right here outside the dining hall!” I say, completely exasperated with my father after less than a week.

I move to step away from Jaxon, but he holds me firmly against him, looking at my father.

“You know Alpha, we were just talking about where we would live after your daughter turns 18 and we’re marked and mated. I would hate to think that your pack isn’t an option because you aren’t able to let go of the fact that your daughter is no longer a child,” he says before taking my hand and leading me away. Owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

Jace POV

I grind my teeth as I watch Jordan and Nolan walking toward their individual training area. Two days ago, I had seen Nolan take her hand and kiss it, then continue to hold it as they walked.

Jordan had blushed. I’ve never seen her blush at anyone, for any reason.

My phone buzzes in my pocket. I pull it out seeing Taylor’s name on the caller ID. I silence the call, putting my phone back into my pocket.

I’m not sure what changed with Taylor. In the past, she was almost flippant about our relationship, never seeming to care if it continued or didn’t. I assumed that once I put the brakes on, she’d walk away.

She hasn’t. If anything, she’s almost become a different person, almost clingy. Almost. No one would ever call Taylor clingy, but it’s like she’s decided that if I don’t want her, she doesn’t want anyone else.

Last night, she even said she was ready for us to take each other as chosen mates, that she wants my mark on her neck. She said she doesn’t care if she doesn’t win the contest, which I know is a lie. Taylor has never wanted anything more than to be an Alpha. She, like most of the other female Alphas born in this generation were unhappy when their younger brothers were chosen to be the heirs. And she, like most of the other oldest Alpha she-wolves, were jealous that Jordan was named as the Alpha heir.

Last night, I realized she was finally holding out hope that we would get together, so I had told her that we were done, that it was over, that we need to focus on winning the contest and getting our packs. I didn’t tell her that I needed to focus on getting Jordan to give me a chance. She doesn’t know that Jordan is my mate, and until Jordan accepts me, I intend to keep it that way.

I’ve turned and am heading back into the packhouse. I need to focus on work, so I don’t think about Jordan holding hands with Nolan. I’ve just about gotten to my office when I feel it, a slicing pain through my abdomen.

Jordan just kissed Nolan.

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