The Contracted Stripper

Chapter 56

Meanwhile, Ryan was talking to the police, trying to get updates on their search efforts.

“We’re doing our best, Mr. Kendrick. The kidnappers didn’t leave any traces, which makes it difficult, but we assure you we will find her soon,” a police officer explained.

As Ryan was talking, his phone beeped with a notification. It was from Bella. She had sent him a picture of herself in red lingerie, with the caption, “Come home to Mama. I can’t wait to devour you

.” Ryan hissed in disgust, quickly texting back, “I don’t want to see you in my house when I return.” He shoved his phone back into his pocket, only for it to beep again.

Expecting another message from Bella, he reluctantly checked it. This time, it was from an unknown number: “I know where she was taken and who took her.”Ryan’s heart skipped a beat.

He immediately dialed the number, his hands trembling as the phone started to ring

.”Hello?” a gruff voice answered.”Who is this? What do you know about Mrs. Jessica’s disappearance?” Ryan demanded.”Calm down, Kendrick.

I have information, but it comes at a price,” the voice replied coolly.

“Name your price,” Ryan said, desperation evident in his tone.”We’ll discuss the terms in person. Meet me at the old warehouse on 5th and Main in one hour. Come alone, and don’t involve the police, or you’ll never see her again,” the voice warned before hanging up.

Ryan clenched his fist, trying to control his rage. He turned to the police officer. “I need to go. I just got a lead. I’ll keep you updated,” he said, not revealing the details.

As Ryan left the hospital, he called Skylar. “Sky, I need to follow a lead. Stay with Iris and keep me updated if anything changes.”

“Be careful, Ryan,” Skylar said, worry evident in her voice. An hour later, Ryan arrived at the old warehouse. The place was deserted and eerie, with broken windows and graffiti covering the walls. He stepped inside cautiously, his eyes scanning the dimly lit space.

“Over here,” the gruff voice called from the shadows. Ryan approached, his heart pounding. “What do you know about Mrs. Jessica?”A man stepped out of the shadows, his face partially obscured by a hood. “I know where she is and who took her. But first, my payment.”Ryan pulled out an envelope filled with cash.

“Here. Now tell me where she is.”The man took the envelope, quickly counting the money. “She’s being held in a remote cabin in the woods, about an hour’s drive from here. The person who took her is someone close to you.”

“Who?” Ryan demanded, his patience wearing thin. The man looked up, his eyes cold. “Dr. Parker.”Ryan’s eyes widened in shock. “Dr. Parker? Why would he do this?”The man shrugged. “That’s for you to find out. I’ve given you the location.

Now go before it’s too late.”Ryan didn’t waste any time. He rushed back to his car, his mind racing with questions. As he drove towards the cabin, he tried to piece everything together. Why would Dr. Parker kidnap Mrs. Jessica? What was his motive?

Back at the hospital, Skylar was pacing nervously. Iris had fallen asleep again, exhausted from the emotional turmoil. Skylar’s phone buzzed, and she quickly answered, hoping it was Ryan.

“Skylar, it’s me,” Ryan’s voice came through the line.”Ryan, did you find anything?” Skylar asked anxiously.”Yes, I have a lead. I’m heading to a remote cabin in the woods. Dr. Parker is behind this,” Ryan said, his voice tense.”Dr. Parker? Why?” Skylar asked, bewildered.

“I don’t know yet, but I’ll find out. Stay with Iris and keep her safe. I’ll call you as soon as I have more information,” Ryan replied before hanging up.

Skylar stared at her phone, her mind reeling. What could Dr. Parker possibly have to gain from this? Ryan arrived at the cabin just as the sun began to set, casting an ominous glow over the woods.

He parked his car a short distance away and approached the cabin on foot, careful to stay hidden. As he got closer, he could hear muffled voices coming from inside. Peeking through a window, he saw a lady tied to a chair, looking scared but unharmed, he knew then he had been misled.

A man was pacing the room, talking to someone on the phone.”We need to move her soon. It’s only a matter of time before they find us,” The man said, his voice urgent.

Ryan’s blood boiled with anger. He texted the address to the police before he carefully moved to the front door, taking a deep breath before kicking it open.

“Hey Ryan shouted, storming into the cabin.

The man turned, a look of shock and anger on his face. “Who are you, what are you doing here?”

“I could ask you the same thing. Why are you holding that woman hostage?” Ryan demanded, his fists clenched.

“It’s none of your business man, leave here now Mr. ,” The man said, trying to stay calm.

“Where’s Mrs Jessica? Ryan asked Before the man could answer, the sound of approaching sirens filled the air. Ryan turned to see police cars pulling up outside the cabin.

“You led them here?” The man said, panic in his eyes. Ryan stepped aside as the police stormed the cabin, quickly taking the man into custody. The woman was untied and rushed to safety, her eyes filled with relief.”Thank you, she whispered to Ryan.

Iris sat up in bed, her eyes red from crying. Skylar held her hand, trying to offer some comfort.

“Iris, we need to stay strong. Ryan is out there doing everything he can to find your mom,” Skylar said softly.”I know, Sky. I just can’t shake this feeling that something terrible is going to happen,” Iris replied, her voice trembling.

At that moment, Ryan walked into the room, looking haggard but determined. Skylar stood up quickly.”Ryan, did you find anything?” Skylar asked urgently.

Ryan nodded. “No it was a wrong led.

There are more attacks being planned.”

“Attacks? On who?” Skylar asked, her eyes wide with fear.”On all of us,” Ryan said. “We need to be on high alert. I don’t know who else is involved, but we can’t trust anyone right now.

The door to Dr. Parker’s office creaked open, revealing Bella. She walked in confidently, her eyes scanning the room until she found what she was looking for a file labeled “Kendrick.”NôvelDrama.Org owns © this.

“Dr. Parker thought he could outsmart us,” she muttered, grabbing the file and slipping it into her bag.

Just as she was about to leave, a voice behind her made her freeze.”Planning something, Bella?”She turned around to see a tall, imposing figure standing in the doorway.

“Who are you?” Bella demanded.”Let’s just say I’m someone who’s very interested in what you just took,” the man replied, stepping closer. Bella’s eyes narrowed. “And why should I tell you anything?”The man smiled coldly.

“Because if you don’t, I’ll make sure you regret it.”

Ryan, Iris, and Skylar gathered in the living room of Ryan’s mansion, tension hanging thick in the air.”We need to figure out who else might be involved,” Ryan said.

“We can’t take any chances.”

“What about your mother?” Skylar asked. “She was acting strange before all this happened.”Ryan sighed. “I don’t know. She denies any involvement, but I don’t trust her.

“Iris looked up, determination in her eyes. “We need to confront her. If she’s hiding something, we need to know.”Ryan nodded. “You’re right. Let’s go

Mrs. Rose Kendrick was sitting at her vanity, brushing her hair, when the door burst open. Ryan, Iris, and Skylar walked in, their faces set with purpose.

“Ryan, what is this?” Mrs. Kendrick asked, her voice icy.”We need answers, Mother,” Ryan said, his tone equally cold.

“What do you know about Dr. Parker and these planned attacks?”Mrs. Kendrick’s eyes flashed with anger. “How dare you accuse me of being involved in this?”

“Don’t play games with us,” Iris said, stepping forward. “People’s lives are at stake. If you know something, you need to tell us.”Mrs. Kendrick stood up, her expression hard. “I don’t know anything about any attacks.

And if you think you can intimidate me, you’re sorely mistaken.

In a dimly lit safe house, Ivan sat at a table, a map spread out before him. He traced a line with his finger, a sinister smile on his lips.

“It’s almost time,” he said to the person sitting across from him. The other person, hidden in the shadows, nodded.

“Everything is in place. The Kendricks won’t know what hit them.”

“Good,” Ivan replied. “Make sure our men are ready. We attack at dawn.”

Ryan, Iris, and Skylar returned to the living room, their minds racing with the new information.”We need to find this Ivan,” Ryan said. “If he’s planning an attack, we have to stop him.”

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