The Contracted Stripper

Chapter 67

The sound of the ambulance sirens echoed through the streets as Ryan was rushed to the hospital.

Blood streamed down his face, and his consciousness faded in and out, the pain throbbing in his head like a relentless drum.

As they wheeled him into the emergency room, the chaos of the crash still rang in his ears.

Inside the hospital, nurses and doctors surrounded him, their voices a blur of urgency. “We need to stabilize him!” one shouted, as they worked swiftly to assess his injuries.

In another part of town, Mr. Kendrick was sitting in his study when the phone rang.

His hand trembled as he answered, the voice on the other end delivering the devastating news. “Your son… there’s been an accident. He’s in critical condition.”The words hit Mr. Kendrick like a sledgehammer.

His vision blurred, and before he could fully grasp the reality, his knees buckled beneath him. The phone slipped from his grasp, and his body collapsed onto the floor, unconscious.

Mrs. Rose heard the thud from the hallway and rushed to the study. When she saw her husband lying motionless, panic surged through her. “Ken! Ken!” she screamed, dropping to her knees beside him, shaking him desperately.

But he didn’t respond.”Somebody help!” Mrs. Rose’s voice cracked as she called for the servants.

Within moments, the house was in disarray, servants running to and fro, trying to assist.

The paramedics were called, and soon Mr. Kendrick was on his way to the hospital as well, his condition unknown.

As Mrs. Rose followed the ambulance in her car, her mind raced with fear. Her husband was unconscious; her son was critically injured. Everything she had carefully built was crumbling around her. She couldn’t lose them both. Not like this. Tears streamed down her face as she gripped the steering wheel, her knuckles white from the pressure.

At the hospital, Dr. Parker was already in the emergency room when Ryan was brought in. His heart dropped at the sight of the young man, his face barely recognizable under the blood and bruises. “Get him into surgery, now!” Dr. Parker barked at the team.

They worked quickly, but the severity of Ryan’s injuries was undeniable. Hours passed, and Mrs. Rose finally arrived at the hospital. She was greeted by chaos-nurses running, doctors conferring, the sterile smell of antiseptic filling the air.Material © NôvelDrama.Org.

Her heart pounded in her chest as she made her way to the emergency room, where she found Dr. Parker waiting.”Parker, what’s happening? How is he?” she demanded, her voice shaking.

Dr. Parker hesitated, his face grim. “Rose, it’s bad. Ryan’s injuries are severe-multiple fractures, internal bleeding, and head trauma. We’re doing everything we can, but… we have to be prepared for the worst.”

Mrs. Rose staggered backward, the weight of his words nearly knocking her off her feet. “No… no, he can’t… He’s my baby,” she whispered, tears streaming down her cheeks.

“He’s strong, Rose. But the next few hours are critical. We need to pray for a miracle,” Dr. Parker said, placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

Mrs. Rose nodded numbly, her mind barely able to process what was happening. She turned and walked toward the waiting area, each step feeling like a lifetime.

As she sat down, her mind drifted to the secrets she had kept, the lies she had told. Would this be her punishment? Losing everything she had tried so hard to protect? Back in the operating room, the surgeons worked tirelessly, but Ryan’s condition remained dire.

His pulse was weak, his body struggling to hold on. Hours dragged on, the tension in the air thick and suffocating.

Meanwhile, in a nearby room, Mr. Kendrick lay unconscious, his condition stable but far from assured. The news of Ryan’s accident had triggered a massive stroke, and now both father and son lay on the brink of life and death.

Mrs. Rose was caught in a web of despair. The weight of the situation threatened to crush her. Every minute felt like an eternity, and all she could do was wait, helpless and terrified.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Dr. Parker emerged from the operating room. His face was drawn, exhaustion etched into his features. Mrs. Rose jumped to her feet, hope and fear warring in her eyes.”Parker, tell me. Is he… is he going to be okay?” she pleaded.

Dr. Parker sighed, running a hand through his hair. “The surgery was successful, but Ryan’s not out of the woods yet. He’s in a coma, Rose. We’ve done everything we can, but now it’s up to him. We’ll monitor him closely, but it’s a waiting game.”

Mrs. Rose’s legs gave out, and she collapsed into the nearest chair, her hands covering her face. A coma… the word echoed in her mind, a nightmare she couldn’t wake up from. What had she done to deserve this? All the secrets, all the lies… had they led to this?

Dr. Parker knelt beside her, his voice gentle. “Rose, he’s a fighter. Don’t give up on him. He needs you to be strong now.”She nodded, but the strength she had always prided herself on was slipping away.

She was losing everything, and she had no idea how to stop it. As the night wore on, Mrs. Rose was allowed to see Ryan. She stood by his bedside, her hand clutching his, her tears falling onto his still form.

“I’m so sorry, Ryan. I should have protected you. I should have told you the truth…” Her voice broke as she whispered her confession, her guilt consuming her.

But Ryan lay there, unresponsive, his chest rising and falling with the help of the machines. The beeping of the heart monitor was the only sign of life in the room, and it was the only sound that kept Mrs. Rose grounded in reality.

Suddenly, a nurse appeared at the door. “Mrs. Kendrick, your husband… he’s regained consciousness.”Mrs. Rose’s head snapped up, a mix of relief and dread washing over her. She had to see Ken, had to tell him what had happened, but the thought of leaving Ryan’s side was unbearable.”I’ll be right there,” she said, squeezing Ryan’s hand one last time before following the nurse to Ken’s room.

When she entered, she found Mr. Kendrick awake but weak, his eyes barely open. “Ken…” she whispered, rushing to his side. He looked at her, his expression confused and pained. “Rose… what… what happened?” His voice was raspy, every word a struggle.

“It’s Ryan,” she choked out. “He… he had an accident. He’s in a coma, Ken. Our son…” Her words dissolved into sobs as she fell onto the bed beside him.

Mr. Kendrick’s eyes widened in shock, and for a moment, he seemed to struggle to breathe. But then, a strange calm settled over him. He reached out a trembling hand and touched her face.

But there was no time left for hesitation. The truth had to come out, no matter the cost.

Back in the waiting area, Ivy paced nervously. She had just arrived, and the sight of her parents in such vulnerable states was terrifying.

She hadn’t seen Ryan yet, and the thought of her brother lying in a hospital bed, fighting for his life, made her stomach churn.

Suddenly, she felt her phone buzz in her pocket. She pulled it out, expecting another message from Luca about the investors, but instead, it was a text from an unknown number.

Ivy, the truth is closer than you think. Meet me at the hospital chapel. Now. Her heart skipped a beat as she read the message. What truth? Who could be sending this? Curiosity and fear mingled as she hesitated for a moment, then made her way to the chapel.

When she arrived, she found the chapel dimly lit, with a single figure sitting in one of the pews. As she approached, the figure turned, revealing the same rugged man who had confronted Ryan at the warehouse.

“You…” Ivy gasped, her heart racing. The man nodded, his expression grave. “It’s time you knew everything, Ivy. The truth about your family, about Ryan, about Iris… it’s all connected.”Ivy’s mind whirled with questions, but before she could speak, the man held up a hand. “But be warned-what you’re about to learn may change everything.”She swallowed hard, her nerves on edge.

“Tell me,” she said, her voice steady despite the fear gnawing at her insides. The man leaned closer, his voice a whisper in the dim light. “It all starts with your father… and the secrets he’s been hiding for years.”Ivy’s breath caught in her throat.

The chapel’s silence seemed to echo with the weight of his words, each revelation more shocking than the last.

And as the truth came to light, Ivy realized that nothing would ever be the same again. But one question still lingered in her mind, burning with urgency: Where was Iris, and could they save her before it was too late?

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