The Cursed Human

Chapter 25

My eyes widened in shock as Aphrodite come to us. She had knowing smirk on her face. She knew what we were doing, against the wall, in middle of hallway.Content © provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

The feeling of shame and embarrassment was evident on my face. I was flushed. But was thankful of her.

At least now he will leave me alone.

“What are you doing here!?” Lucifer growled, evidently unhappy and angry. He is always angry, growling on others.

“Oh!! Me… Just nothing. Was just strolling” she smirked again.

Oh god!!

I averted my eyes when she looked up at me. And embarrassment again hit me when I came to realise that I was still pinned to wall, with Lucifer hovering above me. My dress was lifted, showing my thighs.

I tried to wiggle to get free.

“Don’t move!” He gritted. I stopped. This is what he does to me, install fear.

I looked down in embarrassment.

“You have huge castle, which have enormous amount of rooms, and still you decided to make out in hallway and that too in broad daylight.” She said as she smirked? at him.

Lucifer being Lucifer didn’t pay any heed to her words instead pulled away. I sighed in relief as I straightened my dress and soothed my hairs. My legs were still shaking from his assault.

“Anyways, I am here to invite Sarah,” she said as her eyes landed on me.

Inviting me for what??

Whatever it was, I was Happy. Now at least I will be away from him. Now he can’t touch me inapp—

“She isn’t coming with you!” Lucifer said grabbing my waist, tightly. A whimper escaped my lips.



“Are you defying my words, Aphrodite” he said. His hold tightened and at same moment Aphrodite’s eyes widened from fear because his eyes were flickering between blue and red. I can understand her fear, he make me scared too.

“No, my apologies” she said as she bowed down her head and walked away, leaving me alone.

He turned towards me as he felt me struggling again. His lifted his brows? as he dared me to get away.

“Come with me,” he said as he started dragging me towards god know where. I didn’t say anything, cause I did not wanted to anger him. My feet involuntarily followed his steps as he take one step after another. His one hand was grabbing mine. He turned to left as I followed him in a dark narrow hall. Our surroundings changed drastically as walls changed from white and peach to bricked walls.

The air suddenly felt chilly, I shivered from sudden coldness. He didn’t say anything, throughout the way, which I was thankful for.

I almost bumped into him as he stopped short until my eyes landed on large white wooden door. He fumbled through his keys which I didn’t notice earlier and opened the door.

Inside of room was pitch black, making me scared. I gulped as he stepped towards the room, dragging me along with him.

“Where are you taking Me!?” I panicked as he stepped more into room. I jumped as door closed suddenly with loud thump. Adrenaline rushed through my veins, as he let go of my hand. My eyes blinked rapidly as I tried to see anything. It was pitch black in here.

I felt trapped.

My breathing come out harsh, making me difficult to remain sane.

I raised my hands to feel anything, but to no avail.

Di—did he left me in here, alone!?!!

“A—are you there?” I panicked as I heard no response.

“Please… please, don’t scare me like t.. this!!” I stutter as I felt my knees colliding with something. A table maybe.

It was silence, complete silence in this room. Only sound of my rapid heart beat could be heard.


I jumped as I heard my name. But eyes widened as I heard someone breathing rapidly other than me. Someone I knew.

I knew that voice, I’ve heard it million times. Same voice that brings me comfort. How badly I wanted to hear that voice, but not now, not like this.

My whole body trembled in fear for worst.


“Sarah!” His panicked voice rang in my ears as I tried to sink in what was happening.

Mathew is here!!


I don’t know, how should I feel. Happy that he is here with me, or scared that he is here with me.

My breathing shortened as realisation hit me, he is also here. Lucifer is here too.

“Scared?,” I jumped as he whispered in my ears.

He was right behind me, but was not touching me. But only though in my mind was, why Mathew is here?!!

Suddenly, room was bombarded with light, making me close my eyes. I blinked few times to adjust my eyes to light.

My eyes widened in shock as I saw Mathew’s bloody form tied to wall with his hands above his head.? My hands flew to my mouth as I tried not to scream. Warm tears rolled down my eyes.

He wasn’t just bloody, his clothes were torn, there was a large cut on his once handsome face, starting from his eyebrows and down to his neck. His one eye was completely missing. Several large marks were imprinted on his body.


I couldn’t believe this, my eyes refuse to see. My mind denied to refuse to process.

“No, no, no, no , no , no , no,!!!!” I chanted as I run towards him. Before I could take a step, large arms smacked around my waist, holding me.

“No, please!!!! He needs help!! Let? him go!! Please!!!” I screamed as I tried to wiggle.

I let out a desperately cry as he pulled me away from Matthew.

He stopped in middle of room and grabbed my elbows and? Lifted my arms up in the air before I heard the sound of chains jingling. I started to panic as I felt cold metal cuffs around my wrists.

“No!! Please!!, please!!” I cried.

I take in sharp breath as Lucifer stepped in front of me. He twirled a dagger in his fingers as his eyes bored deep in me.





His eyes were blood shot red.

“Lucifer please!!!!” I begged as my eyes tried to look behind him, searching for Mathew.

“… Do you have a yearning for him, Sarah,”

“Please, don’t do this!!!”

“I asked you a fucking question ! Do you love him!,” he gritted.

Yes, yes!! I do!!

“N—no!” I breathed out.

“Then, why are you begging for his life!!” He growled as I felt him move behind me.

“I—I… I!” I was at loss of words. I did not know what to say. I wanted Mathew to be safe. And I also knew if I say, I love him, he will kill him and if I say I don’t, then he will kill him too.

I felt him caress the side of my face and I slowly opened my eyes.

“Pertinent Es ad me”, he whispered as he licked my earlobe.? I trembled as his lips devoured the side of my face.

From other side of room, I could hear Mathew’s whimpers. He was in agony, pain. I couldn’t see him like this, watching him makes my heart ache. I do badly wanted to rub my chest, where it felt like thousands needles were piercing me.

His hands roamed on my waist as he lifted my dress. I was helpless, at his mercy.

“You should’ve told me earlier, you don’t love him. I just wasted my time in torturing him! So bad!” He whispered harshly against my ear biting it in process, making me wince.

“Then—then let… him go,” I said carefully, didn’t wanted to snap him.

He hummed as he kiss the side of my neck.

I just want Mathew out of this place, no matter what I’ve to do to save him.

He abruptly let go of me and come in front of me.

“Then I will free him,” he said as he back away and move away from me. I thanked heavens for th—

He looked carefully at me and leaned in and said, “Of his life.”

My eyes widened as he pulled dagger out.

“Noooooo!! You can’t do this!!, please!! He is innocent—”

“Shh!! Keep quiet! You’re distracting me!!” He mused as he stood in front of Matthew, his frame towering over him.

“Should I ask again, love!”, he looked at me over his shoulder,” DO YOU LOVE HIM!!”

I gulped hard as his veins turned black.

“Yes!! I do!!” I cried out.

I didn’t understand what happened, but suddenly Mathew’s cries were echoing around room.

Lucifer drag the dagger, which he just plunged in his chest and drag it lower, making a deep cut.

“Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!” I screamed as blood starting flowing out like water. I thrashed, struggled but every attempt was in vain. The more I struggled , the more chains tighten around my wrists.

My chest tighten, making it difficult to breath.

But he did not stop there, he pulled out the dagger and replaced it with his hand, my gut twisted as he pulled his heart out.

Mathew’s body fell on floor as chains loosened itself around his hands. His emotionless, void eyes wide opened.

Time stopped for me as my heart stopped. My mind froze, my all attempts to free myself from chains vanishes. I kept stare at his body, laying lifeless on floor.


I was not ready to accept what had just happened in few moments, I was in shock, utter shock. I just wanted Mathew to wake and smile up at me and tell me everything is okay!

He is not gone!! He can’t be gone!! He can not leave me like this!!

But that didn’t happen, he didn’t wake up, he didn’t even blink.

My eyes looked up and found Lucifer smirking.

He killed him!! He killed Mathew!!

Anger. I felt sudden wave of anger hit me.

“You bastard!!!! You son of a bitch!! How dare you!!! Look what did you just d—”

But before I could leash him with my anger, his hand wrapped around my neck in tight hold.

“I dare you to complete!!” He growled.

But I was not going to back down. He killed him, and it’s better for him to kill me too. I cannot imagine a life without Mathew.

“What will you do!, kill me, like you killed him!!” I snarled, not caring what he will do. I’m not afraid anymore.

His jaw twitched.

“I will not kill you,” he leaned in as his jaw clenched, “I will destroy you, break you….. Completely!!” He gritted as he yank me towards him.

“You’ve already destroyed me!”

His hand tightened.

“Believe me, I’ve lot in store for you!”?

He slammed his lips against mine in aggressive kiss. His bit my bottom lip making me wince, and take it as opportunity to invest my mouth with his tongue. I could feel his other hand circle around my waist, and pulling me towards him, more close than we already were.

He pulled away as I started to feel dizzy. But his hold on my neck didn’t loosen, I didn’t realise when warm water started flowing throw my eyes.

He didn’t stop, he descended down my neck, leaving wet kisses along my neck, biting and sucking in process. I didn’t tried to stop him, cause I know he will not.

I closed my eyes as Mathew’s cheerful face came into view.

Perfect. We were perfect.

I could feel him tear my dress apart but ignored it.

This is my fault, all my fault. I shouldn’t have dragged him in this with me.

I let myself cry.

His hands explored my body greedily. Cold air hit my body as he torn away my clothes. My body shivered as his cold hands roam on my bare chest.

“Come on, Sarah. One more, pleassseeee!!”

“Nooooooooo,” I said as I tried to get away.

“Pleaseeee!!” He pouted as he leaned in.

“Okay, one last!!” I said trying to act stern.

He quickly nodded.

We leaned in to each other but again out nose bumped with each other, and we giggled together.

“One m—” he started but I cut him off as I placed my hand over his mouth.

“No more, I wanna sleep.!!” O yawned as he nodded.

He picked me up and sit on couch, with me on his lap. I curled into him as he wrapped his arms around me.

“But I really wanted one more..” He pouted as he kissed my nose.

“You’re very endearing when you are half asleep,” he nuzzled his nose in my hair and put my head on his chest.

“I love you, Matty!” I whispered as I felt myself fall into dark abyss.

“I love you, it was always you”

His hands grabbed my bottom and squeezed it.

“Thinking about that lover boy will not bring him back,” I heard him growling.

Do I care!!!


“You are wrong, I’m glad I’ve spent so many wonderful moments with him. He will always be in my heart” I whispered, accepting the reality.

The last thing I saw was his face as his red eyed flowers with fury. The last thing I heard was someone knocking loudly on door. The last thing I feel my hands free and my body being lifted. The last thing I know was Mathew is dead.

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