The Dark Side Of Fate by Karima Sa'ad Usman

161 The Bluemoon

161 The Bluemoon

~Amelia~ Content provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

Leo did not come home, and I learned that was the tradition. We were supposed to be apart for two days, but there wasn't much time to do anything because of the events that had transpired. The twenty-four hours separation was the best we could get. The omegas came to get me in the morning, and they led me to the same pool room where we had the spa party.

Stephanie was already there. Claudia and Susan joined us a few minutes later. We had some skin and hair treatments. That took some time. Tamia and the others came to check on us, and they told us stories about their experience. Stephanie also shared her story about when she married Maurice.

It took a while, and when we were done, we were ushered to a room to dress up. Our dresses were already there, and the people that would help us get ready were waiting.

Tamia and Linda came to check on us to let us know that the guests had started arriving and Stephanie and Jake would go first before the lords.

Stephanie wore a simple, lace white dress with a bouquet of white roses. Her jewellery was made from white pearls, and her look was somehow vintage and sexy. She had on white stilettos that added to her height and improved her figure. Dominic came to get her. I heard he would be the one giving her away. She was excited and nervous, but she was overwhelmed with joy. Not long ago, the possibility of her getting married on this day was threatened. We had all thought Jake won't make it, but thanks to Erik, Claudia and her friends, they were able to turn the situation around. I could understand Stephanie's joy. To her, it will be like a dream come true.

I was sad that I couldn't witness Stephanie and Jake's wedding, but I believed it would be beautiful. Hearing the bell go off, I knew the wedding was in progress.

Susan's father came to inform Susan that he would be giving her away; since Claudia was an orphan, her uncle Norman would give her away. I did not know who would give me away. We waited nervously in the room, waiting for our turn.

Two hours later, the bell rang, and I knew it was time.

We made some finishing touches to our outfit and make-up and were ready.

Although we will be wedded at once, I was placed in front of the three of us; Leo and I had the highest office.

Standing alone in front of the line on the way to the tent, felt lonely. I fought to look back at Susan and Claudia, who had someone by their side. I was still wondering how to walk down the aisle alone when Erik came rushing towards us.

"I am sorry, dear. Had to check on something at the lab. Hope I am not too late," He said, using his hand to adjust his messy hair, and I wondered what he was late for.

"You missed Stephanie's wedding, but ours is yet to start," I replied, and he sighed with relief and looped my hand in his.

"Well, I am on time then," He said, and that was when I realised he was the one that would give me away.

"Since Luis isn't here, I believe I am the next person," He said proudly, and I laughed with joy and relief.

"You didn't think we would allow our princess, the heir to our bloodline, to walk down the aisle by herself?" He said, and I shook my head, fighting my tears.

"You have family Amelia; it is not just you anymore. Never forget that," He said, and I held on tightly, breathing with relief and joy and looking onto the future with hope.

It was finally time.

We walked towards the tent's entrance, and my heart began to palpitate with anxiety and eagerness. I had not seen Leo in twenty-four hours, but it felt like forever. I wondered if he would like the dress. I wondered if he would like what he saw, what he would tell me, and how he would react. Questions swirled through my mind.

I took a deep breath, my heartbeat echoing in my ears as we walked into the tent. All eyes were fixed on me as I stood at the entrance, my arm entwined with my uncle's. My eyes searched for Leo, who was waiting patiently at the end of the aisle. The soft melody of the piano filled the air, adding a touch of magic to the moment. This was the moment I had dreamt of since I was a little girl. A moment I thought would never be mine, but here I was.

As my uncle and I started to move forward, I could feel the soft fabric of my wedding gown brushing against my legs. The intricate lace and delicate beads seemed to shimmer under the warm glow of the candles, making me feel like a princess in a fairytale. Every step I took brought me closer to the man who would become my partner, confidant, and love for the rest of my life.

The seemingly endless aisle stretched out before me, yet I couldn't help but want to reach its end faster.

The smiles and tears of joy from the faces of our loved ones blurred as my focus remained solely on Leo, who awaited me.

His eyes locked with mine, and I could see a mixture of excitement, adoration, and nervousness reflecting in his gaze. Everything else faded away at that moment, leaving just the two of us connected by an invisible thread of love.

My heart swelled with emotion as memories of our journey flooded my mind. The late-night conversations, the shared laughter, and the comforting embraces that had brought us to this day. The challenges we had overcome, the dreams we had woven together, and the promises we had made to support each other through thick and thin.

As I focused on him, the world around me seemed to fade into a gentle haze. Every sound became distant, muffled by the overwhelming rush of emotion coursing through my veins. My steps became lighter, buoyed by the sheer joy that filled my heart. The anticipation built with every beat of my heart, and I could almost taste the sweet promises of forever on my lips.

As I finally reached the end of the aisle, my uncle kissed my cheek tenderly, passing the torch of love and protection to Leo. The moment our hands touched, a surge of electricity shot through me, solidifying our bond. I looked into his eyes, and the world seemed to stand still. It was just him and me, ready to embark on this extraordinary adventure called marriage.

At that moment, the weight of the past and future uncertainties disappeared. The world was ours to conquer, and with his hand in mine, I knew we could overcome anything.

As the Officiant began to speak, I couldn't help but smile, for I had found my soulmate, my best friend, and the one who made my heart beat with overwhelming love.

The six of us stood facing each other while the wedding officiant spoke. It was now time for us to share our vows. Leo went first.

"Today, Moonlight, I stand before you, ready to embark on this incredible journey of love. When I first saw you, I knew my life would be forever changed. You came to me when I had completely lost hope and closed my heart to the world. You did not give up on me. Bit by bit, you broke through my defences and opened my eyes to the gift bestowed on me. You were patient and did not allow me to destroy our gift. I will be forever grateful to you for rescuing me from the damnation I placed myself in.

You have become my guiding light, my rock, and my everything. I am grateful beyond words for the love we share and the future we are about to embrace.

Reflecting on our journey together, I am reminded of the countless moments that have led us here. From the laughter we've shared to the tears we've wiped away, we have weathered the storms and celebrated the victories side by side. And through it all, our love has grown stronger, deeper, and more resilient.

Today, I make these vows to you, my beloved. I promise to love you unconditionally, with a love that knows no bounds. I vow to cherish and honour you, to support and encourage you as we navigate the unpredictable path that lies ahead.

I promise to be your partner and stand by your side through the highs and lows. I will be your shoulder to lean on, your confidant, and your best friend. Together, we will face every challenge and overcome every obstacle, hand in hand.

I promise to listen to you with an open heart and mind, to truly hear your dreams, fears, and desires. I will strive to understand you deeply and always be there for you, offering comfort and solace whenever needed.

In your presence, I feel a love that is pure and transformative. It fills me with hope, strength, and an unwavering belief in our future. Today, I give you my heart entirely and without reservation, knowing that with you, I am whole.

Finally, I promise to keep the flame of passion alive in our relationship. I vow to nurture our love, ignite the spark of romance, and never take your presence for granted. Our love story will continue to unfold, with each chapter more beautiful than the last.

My love, I am grateful for your gift as I stand here, saying these vows. You are the love of my life, my soulmate, and my forever. Today, I pledge my love to you and eagerly anticipate the

extraordinary adventure that awaits us as husband and wife." He said and slipped on the ring.

His words filled my eyes with tears of joy and a heart full of love. I knew he had spoken the promises that would bind us together for all eternity. His love reflected deeply as I gazed into his eyes, filling me with profound happiness. It was my turn, and I took a deep breath, ready to speak from my heart.

"Leo, my heart is overflowing with joy and anticipation. As I gaze into your eyes, I am reminded of all the moments that have led us to this sacred altar, where two souls unite as one.

From the very first time our paths intertwined, I knew there was something extraordinary between us. Even though the circumstances were embarrassing, and you ended up rejecting me on the spot," I said, and people laughed, including Leo.

"Regardless, you kept me by your side, protected me, shielded me, gave me a home when I had none, a family, and suddenly I wasn't alone," I said and sniffled.

"You ignited the hope in me to dream, and you never put out that fire. You have kept it burning with love every day. You turned around and embraced our bond, which was our story's beginning.

You have become my rock, confidant, and partner in every endeavour. Today, surrounded by our loved ones, I vow to honour and cherish you for the rest of my days. I promise to be your Moonlight in darkness and never lead you astray.

I find solace and comfort in your presence, a sanctuary where I can genuinely be myself. Your unwavering support and belief in me have given me the strength to pursue my dreams. For that, I am eternally grateful. As we embark on this journey together, I promise to be your constant pillar of strength, uplifting you in times of uncertainty and celebrating your triumphs.

With each passing day, my love for you deepens and evolves. You have opened my eyes to a love that transcends time and space and is patient, kind, and unconditional. Today, I vow to love you fiercely, with every fibre of my being, for as long as we shall live.

I promise to cherish the uniqueness of our bond, nurturing it with laughter, compassion, and understanding. I vow to be your partner in creating a home filled with love, laughter, and acceptance, where we can grow together and create beautiful memories.

In moments of strife and disagreement, I promise to approach every challenge with an open heart and a willingness to find common ground. I pledge to listen to you with empathy, communicate honestly, and embrace compromise, for it is in these moments that our love will truly flourish.

Today, I stand before you, my beloved, and solemnly vow to stand by your side through every joy and every hardship that life may bring. I promise to be your confidant, best friend, and unwavering supporter.

With this ring, I seal my promise to you, a symbol of my undying commitment and a testament to the love that binds us together. I am blessed to call you mine and honoured to be yours.

As we embark on this incredible journey of love and partnership, I am filled with excitement and gratitude. Today, I pledge my love to you, and I cannot wait to build a future together, hand in hand, as we create a love story that will endure the test of time.

I love you, now and forever," I said, tears streaming down my face.

I heard some people blow into their noses, so I knew I wasn't the only emotional person.

Leo stared at me as if I was all he could see. He believed my words, and his gratitude was evident in his piercing gaze.

The Officiant moved on to Vino and Claudia. Their vows were brief, and it was clear they weren't the type to share their emotions in public, or maybe our vows had stolen the show, and they did not want to beat the unbeatable.

Susan and Devins's vows were deep and heartfelt, too, and finally, the Officiant pronounced us married. Giving the go-ahead, Leo pulled me into his arms and kissed me with all the passion he could manage. I melted into his arms, fading the cheering crowd away.

We left the tent parting outside the tent to prepare for the Bluemoon claiming ceremony. Leo and I did not need it, but it was okay for our wolves to claim each other again under a blue moon. I looked forward to it.

We got ready for the wolf-claiming event.

Stephine and Jake would not partake in the Wolf claiming ceremony because of Jake's condition, so they would have to claim each other in the bedroom in human form. I am sure neither had a problem with it. They were just glad to still have each other.

Leo and I went first. People were already on the garden ground in their wolf forms. I could make out Sylvester and Tamia's Wolf because they were on an elevated platform watching on. Sylvester's Wolf howled to welcome our wolves, and the ceremony began under the brilliant blue moonlight.

Aurora and Balck claimed each other, and the intense electricity between us was so overwhelming that Aurora whimpered and purred. And with that, we were fully mated.

Vino and Claudia followed before Devin and Susan.

We celebrated and had fun.

My mother and uncle were together throughout the event. I suspected Erik was one of her reasons for wanting to stay in Gad. I knew we might hear something from both of them. Erik was a good

man, and I trusted he would make my mother happy if they ever chose that route.

Soon we retired to our rooms to rest and prepare for our honeymoon. I could not wait to see where Leo was taking us.

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