The Fire and The Storm - The Nexus of Kellaran #2

Chapter 147

Chapter 147

Part 22

“Welcome one and all, gracious people of every nation, to an event of great joy and importance. We

are gathered here today in peace and harmony, in this most revered place, to join three lives into one,

and to join three hearts into one, with bonds and oaths of love and honor, proudly sworn in assembly to

be witnessed by all.

“As these monarchs are united in love, so will their nations be united in peace, harmony, and co-


“Who speaks for the bride Princess Alilia, Monarch of The People of Life?”

Alilia stepped up to the top tier of the dais and nodded to Somonik, turned and regarded the gathering,

then spoke.

“I am Princess Alilia. I speak for myself.

“While we were within the Hiliani time-bubble, I approached Mark to ask to bear his child. I had only Property © NôvelDrama.Org.

ever had one child in all my long life, my beautiful son Prince Bezedil, and for a while I thought I had

lost him. I yearned most powerfully for another child, but it seemed impossible. My marriage had failed,

and perhaps my fertility as well.

“Yet the Healer Hilsith and the Midwife Yzell were both quite sure that if I were mated by Prince Mark, I

would probably bear his child, and likely from our very first mating, so potent was his seed.

“And so I asked Mark to give me his child.”

She paused and took a deep breath, and smiled at Mark, then at Talia.

“I swear all that is true, but I realize now that it was also merely an excuse. I was, and am, deeply in

love with Prince Mark and Princess Talia, and I would have done anything to have their love, and to

share their lives.

“They told me that if I could earn their love, I could bear Mark’s child, and I thank all the powers that be

that I was able to do so. For me, it’s been almost eight years since then, and that entire time has been

a whirlwind of joy and love.

“I have grown and changed so much since then, when I had thought I was beyond being capable of

such fundamental change. My character has improved as much as my ability, and I can assure you all

that I am far more capable as a wizard, a warrior, a strategist, and a monarch than I was when I

entered the time-bubble with them.

“The love of our children has been a wonder of happiness that has enriched me beyond my imaginings.

“I have ruled The People of Life for over forty-seven centuries, and for much of that time the

administration of my nation has occupied my every waking thought. Yet I have been so captivated by

my loving family that I never even considered what a proud and beneficial political alliance might be

made for my people through my marriage to Mark and Talia, until my Regent Smogin spoke to me

about it yesterday.

“And then I had to consider; putting my own feelings aside, will this alliance be good for my people?

“The fact is that Mark and Talia’s character affect everything they do, and everything they control. They

are fair, just, considerate, friendly, realistic, innovative, and brilliant. There is no doubt that these words

also accurately describe Hilia as a nation. With every passing day, these words increasingly describe

Serminak and the nations of its people, since Mark came to rule over them.

“Who would have ever thought one year ago that these words could describe Serminak? But Mark and

Talia change everyone and everything they come in contact with, including me, and they change

everything for the better.”

She paused for a long moment.

“During my reign my people had almost stagnated. Like every other nation, we were swept up in the

wave of prosperity that has washed over the world in the last sixty years, as we all accepted the use of

magic in every aspect of our lives. But beyond that, life in the lands of The People of Life had changed

very little over the last five thousand years.

“I have been shaken from my patterns of behavior and set on a better path since I put my life into

Mark’s hands, and the People of Life will be shaken from their patterns of behavior if we integrate our

government with that of Hilia and Serminak. But we will all be better for it. We must embrace the

unstoppable revolution that is sweeping Kellaran, and examine every aspect of our lifestyles. We must

have the intelligence to recognize what is good and beneficial about our culture, and have the courage

to cast aside what is outdated, even if it is comforting in its familiarity.

“As yet, Mark and Talia have not given any of their attention to how The People of Life and their lands

are governed and administered. But with this marriage we are joined, and they will be an equal voice

with mine in the affairs of The People of Life, as they have made me an equal voice in the affairs of

Hilia and Serminak. They will learn everything of our nation, and they will have suggestions as to how

we can improve, and I will almost certainly follow their suggestions.

“I am still the preferred choice of my people to govern them, and I ask them to continue to have faith in

me, and in my judgment. Though we are giving up a measure of our independence, we will benefit. We

will be more innovative, less traditional, and faster to respond to problems or opportunities.

“We are all allied within The Just Alliance, yet still almost every aspect of governance is controlled by

the leadership of the national governments. Our national government is now joined with that of Hilia

and Serminak. In the years ahead, our governments may become even more integrated, or not,

depending on whether it seems beneficial at the time.

“But at this time, I am completely confident in my decision. Let The People of Life be joined with The

People of Hilia, as my life has been joined with Mark and Talia and our children. We will all benefit from

this joining, so let all of us celebrate its formal declaration.”

She was warmly applauded as she stepped down, especially by the one hundred and twenty of her

people she’d invited as friends and family.

Though Yazadril had been asked to speak for Talia, and Markhan the Third had been asked to speak

for Mark, it was Nemia who stepped up to speak for Talia, and Sana who spoke for Mark. Both spoke

simply and eloquently of the deep love that had grown and thrived among Mark, Talia, and Alilia on


As Nemia explained, they had not had one single angry argument in the eight years they had been

together. She gave her opinion that Alilia’s long experience had been as valuable to the relationship as

Mark and Talia’s youthful enthusiasm.

Sana pointed out that their relationship was a shining example of how love and good sense could

conquer complex and unexpected problems with ease, and noted that though the three-way

relationship was unusual and against tradition, it was easily accepted by the people of Hiliani, and by

those of Hilia after they’d emerged from the time-bubble.

Both women spoke at length about what a fine parenting team Mark, Talia, and Alilia were, raising the

most advanced, fast-developing, and complex children the world had ever seen, doing so with love and

understanding, and producing fine young citizens who were as considerate and well-loved as they were

brilliant and hard-working.

When Sana had finished and stepped back to her place, Mark stepped up and bowed to Somonik, and

then to the gathering. “I know it’s not traditional for the groom to ask another to speak for him and then

to speak for himself as well, but this occasion calls for it.

“I presently rule three distinct nations; Hilia, whom I co-rule with Talia, Serminaki Draconia, and The

Sylvan Nation. I have the final say on decisions made in those nations by internationally recognized

law. But the functional truth of it is, since we emerged from the time-bubble, all of my family and I have

been governing these nations co-operatively. I may have the deciding vote, but I never really need to

cast it. We all put our thoughts into the mix, and the best thing to do usually seems pretty obvious to all

of us.

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