The Hockey Star’s Remorse

Chapter 35

Chapter 35

Chapter 35

It was my first experience in a court room. It wasn’t like the comedic setting of reality tv where civil cases are handled with small laughs and some parties willing to cut their losses. My reality was a small, boxed-in room with far less seating.

The judge had yet to arrive at their bench, but Jasper and Mr. Fitzgerald were already at the prosecution desk, having a heated discussion. The jury gallery had a few lost-looking souls in it, probably wishing they were at home rather than dealing with a heavy dispute.All content is © N0velDrama.Org.

There was fortunately no public gallery present, so any misstep of mine could be reserved for the confidentiality of the court. If this didn’t go our way, we needed as much privacy as possible.

Timothy followed me to the defense table and took the seat beside me. | kept my eyes averted from Jasper and Mr. Fitzgerald, who didn’t hesitate to glare in our direction. Fortunately, the judge entered from her chambers.

“Please rise. The Court is now in session, the Honorable Judge Lauren Jackson presiding.” yelled the bailiff.

We all stood as the judge walked up to her stand. She was a short, old woman who walked with a purpose. She had a set of glasses perched on the bridge of her nose as she looked out at her small audience.

Once she was seated, she called for us to do the same as well. | inhaled deeply and took my seat, feeling more lightheaded than before. | felt Timothy's eyes on me, and he looked ready to say something before the judge proceeded.

“Everyone but the jury may be seated. Bailiff, please swear in the jury,” she said. calmly.

The bailiff turned to the jury, eerily stern. “Please raise your right hand. Do you solemnly swear or affirm that you will truly listen to this case and render a true verdict and a fair sentence as to this defendant?

“| do,” the jury echoed amongst each other.

“You may be seated.”

“Let's hope other people will be just as honorable,” Timothy whispered into my 1/5

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Chapter 33

car. | cast a glance at Jasper and Mr. Fitzgerald, who had reduced their own conversation to a whisper. | could almost sense the arrogance as it swarmed around them.

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“Well, we're all under oath. Honorable is all they can be,” | said. Part of me doubted. it, however. “Bailiff.” Judge Jackson continued, moving her gavel. “What is today’s case?”

“Your Honor, today’s case is Fitzgerald vs Hayes,” the bailiff answered.

The judge called for the prosecution to stay its claim. We watched silently as Jasper stood back up and strolled to the podium up front. He adjusted the microphone. and gave it a few taps before speaking into it.

“Your Honor, members of the jury, my name is Jasper, and | am representing James Fitzgerald of Clayton Sports Center in this case. We intend to prove that the defendant is guilty of breaching his contract with the center as well as demanding unfair resources from the plaintiff.”

While Jasper presented his case, | began reviewing my files, sifting through the evidence | had gathered in preparation for my testimony. The facts were on our side, and | was determined to reveal the truth, though | feared Jasper and his client would play

dirty. When he took his seat. | walked to the podium and provided my

statement. As | spoke. | could hear Jasper snickering behind any

something to Mr. Fitzgerald. | clenched my jaw and thanked the court before. returning to my seat.

The examination began with Mr. Fitzgerald on the witness stand. He gave his explanation of the events, of course favoring his own skewed account of things.

“Such a young, ambitious young man. Those types tend to be the greediest, however,” Mr. Fitzgerald went on. He made Timothy sound like some ungrateful child that came crawling to him for support in his career.

Timothy grumbled beside me and shifted uncomfortably in his seat. | wished | could comfort him somehow, but | didn’t need to give the prosecution any credibility toward the rumors circling the city. | settled on patting him on the hand beneath the table, and he glanced up at me in surprise.

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Chapter 35

“The Defense may cross—examine the witness,” said Judge Jackson once Jasper finished his direct examination. 50%

He came strolling back to his seat and handed me an obnoxious wink before seating himself. | took a deep breath and grabbed my bag from under the table. My legs trembled as | stood and placed it on the table before rummaging through. it for the files.

My heart lurched, and the courtroom seemed to close in on me. Anxiety washed. over me like a suffocating wave. It was as if the eyes of the entire world were upon me, waiting for my words to either vindicate or condemn Timothy.

| took a deep breath and willed myself to stay calm. But then, a rush of panic threatened to overwhelm me. My vision blurred, and the walls of the courtroom seemed to warp and sway. | gripped the edge of the witness stand, struggling to stay upright.

Timothy placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder. His touch grounded me in the moment and he whispered, “You can do this, Evie. | believe in you.”

His words were soothing, and | managed a weak smile. | couldn’t afford to falter now.

With Timothy’s encouragement in my mind, | focused on the breathing technique. he had taught me. Inhale deeply for four counts, hold for four counts, and exhale for four counts. It was a simple but effective.

“Your Honor,” | began, my voice trembling only slightly. “I will present evidence. that Timothy’s breach of contract was a result of the hockey club’s fraudulent practices and mistreatment.”

| recounted the events that had led to Timothy’s departure from the club. The relentless pressure and the blatant disregard for his well-being had pushed him to a breaking point. It was a story of exploitation and abuse, a tale that should never have been tolerated in professional sports.

The courtroom was attentive, and | could sense that my words were resonating. The atmosphere shifted, and it was as if a storm was brewing, about to break loose.

As | delved deeper into the evidence, | presented documents and testimonies that exposed the club leader’s fraudulent activities. The judge’s brow furrowed, and Mr. Fitzgerald, sitting with a stoic expression, couldn’t hide the unease in his eyes.

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The courtroom was hanging on my every word, and | continued to build the case against the club leader. | presented the contract, which was riddled with stipulating terms that had been altered to exploit Timothy. It was a contract designed to benefit the club leader at the expense of the players.

| then called upon witnesses who had experienced similar mistreatment and exploitation under the club leader’s reign. Their testimonies painted a damning portrait of the Mr. Fitzgerald.

The courtroom was alive with tension, and Mr. Fitzgerald couldn’t contain his anger any longer. He rose to his feet, his face red with fury. “This is preposterous, Your Honor! These claims are baseless and meant to defame me and my club.”

| remained composed, my voice unwavering. “Your Honor, the evidence speaks for itself. The mistreatment of players and the fraudulent practices were pervasive. The truth must be revealed, no matter how inconvenient it may be. The judge, her eyes sharp and unyielding, silenced the outburst from Mr. Fitzgerald and nodded for me to continue.

| pressed on, presenting one piece of evidence after another, each revealing the club leader’s misconduct. The jury, too, was rapt with attention. Their expressions. ranged from shock to outrage, and it was clear that the weight of my words had made a significant impact.

Timothy watched me with pride and gratitude, and my heart swelled in return. | saw Jasper rise to his feet for a split second before suffering a moment of hesitation. He was left to defend the indefensible.

| returned to my seat, my heart racing as | waited for the judge’s response. The courtroom was silent, save for the whispering of papers and the occasional cough, as the spectators and the jury absorbed the weight of the allegations.

The judge leaned forward, her expression gave nothing away, and | couldn’t help but wonder what verdict she would deliver.

After what felt like an eternity, she began to speak. “Based on the evidence presented and the testimonies heard today, it is clear to this court that Mr. Timothy did not willfully and materially breach his contract with the hockey club.”

Acollective sigh of relief swept through the courtroom, and she continued, “However, it is equally clear that Mr. Fitzgerald, the club leader, has engaged in

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Chapter 35


fraudulent practices and mistreatment of his players. This court cannot and will not condone such actions.” Mr. Fitzgerald’s face contorted with anger, and he was unable to hide the fury that simmered within him.

The judge’s voice remained unwavering as she declared, “As a consequence of Mr. Fitzgerald’s actions, he will be subject to a hefty fine of ten thousand dollars, which will be awarded to Mr. Hayes.”

The courtroom buzzed with whispers and murmurs as the spectators exchanged glances. The jury nodded in agreement.

With a finality that cut through the tension in the room, the judge raised her gavel. high and then brought it down with a resounding thud. “Court is dismissed.”


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