The sunlight streamed in through the gaps in my curtains. I had been up for hours just thinking. There was a brief, fleeting moment when everything that had happened within the week vanished from my mind. The moment only lasted a moment before it all came crumbling down. My shoulders shag on their own accord, obviously from being depressed.

My mood briefly peaked when the smell of pancakes hit my nostrils. I heaved my body from the bed to the floor, beneath my freezing feet. I sulked my way through the bathroom. I sighed sadly, turning off the tap of the shower before discarding my clothes on the floor. I stepped into the shower. Tomorrow was supposed to be a happy occasion, but I just couldn’t feel it.

On another note, tomorrow is my graduation and I can’t help but feel nervous and scared. I will be taken again by Sin. I felt like I was going to throw up at any moment. I walked back to my bedroom, wearing a white sweatshirt and shorts. I shoved some socks into my feet before sauntering downstairs.

Stephanie’s back was facing me when I plopped down at the kitchen counter. It was silent, apart from the flipping of pancakes. Stephanie turned her head for a minute, shooting me a smile over her shoulder before placing a plate of pancakes in front of me.

“So,” she began, before we had the chance to take our first bite. “Where have you been for the past week, and don’t tell me you went to see aunt Sera because I called her. Guess who didn’t make it to London? ” She continued sarcastically.

My heart shattered. I was not planning on telling her what happened. The less she knew, the better. I would rather die than put her and her family at risk. I thought of going to the police, but that plan went down the drain after I discovered that Sin’s men were watching me.

“Come on, Mani.” She added, causing me to impulsively snap my head up, “Where have you been? I didn’t bother you for days hoping you would tell me when you were ready, but still.”

” I know, I’m sorry. I went home to my parents’ place. I just wanted to spend some time with them before graduating. “I lied.

“Oh… Mani, you should have told me. You didn’t have to go visit their grave by yourself. I know how hard it was for you to stay there. That must be the reason why you have been on edge since you came back”.

I nodded my head impassively at Stephanie, who became sceptical at my lack of response. She let out a sigh.

“Mani,” she began, but I quickly intervened. If she asked me if I was okay, I would break down, and I don’t think I would be able to stop myself from spilling everything.

“No problem, Steph.” I spoke, but from her facial expression I knew she wasn’t convinced.

There was a long, silent pause before she spoke again.

“You can trust me, Mani. You don’t have to pretend to be okay.”

I said, blinking back tears. “I’m really fine, just a little sad that my parents can’t be here.”

Steph walked towards me, wrapping her arms around me, pulling me into a hug.

“I also need to tell you something important,” I spoke, when she went back to her seat.NôvelDrama.Org © content.

” What is it?”

” I will be leaving after graduation.”

“W.. what, what do you mean?” she stuttered, unsure of what to say.

” I just need to get away for a while.” I was trying to reassure her, I needed to get away from Sin and this was my only chance.

” Okay, we could go together,” she suggested.

“No, I just need to be alone.”

” You can’t just get up and go, Mani. What about your residence?” Stephanie asked, confused.

” I can always do it at any hospital, Steph. I just want to have some time for myself.” I pleaded for her to understand.

” The last thing I want is for you to go alone, but I can’t stop you, can I?” I shook my head, ” promise to call and text always.”

” I promise.”

” Where will you be going?”

” I don’t know, I will see where the wind goes.”

” I will miss you,” she spoke with tears in her eyes.

” Me too.” I cried out.

” Enough with this depressing atmosphere, we need to go shopping today. You can’t wear old clothes for your graduation,” Stephanie told me, leaving no room for arguments as she ate.

“fine.” It came out in the form of a grumble.

” I’m going to shower and get ready. You do the same.” She let out a sigh before heading to her room. I quickly finished up my breakfast and headed back to my room. I changed into a pink sweatshirt and joggers. I put my hair up into a ponytail, then put some concealer around my eyes before applying mascara and eyeliner.

” Are you ready, Mani” I heard Stephanie yell from the living room.

” Yeah, just let me get my bag and off we go,” I yelled back at her, collecting my bag and phone from my room.

We spent twenty minutes on the car ride, screaming our lungs out to our favourite songs. The second we stepped into the mall, I didn’t know what to buy, so I just let Stephanie decide what to buy and what not to buy.

The shop we entered was beautiful. It looked like a place out of a fairy tale. There were hundreds of dresses, from long to short. And they were all stunning.

We tried out dresses upon dresses. Steph was able to find a beautiful dress with a high slit on the side.

” What about this one?” I looked at Stephanie’s hands. In one there was a beautiful red gown with a slit at the side, in the other was a short off-shoulder blue gown.

” I will go with the blue gown. Blue was my mom’s favourite.” Stephanie smiled at me, giving the red gown back to the attendant.

I pulled out my card to pay, but Stephanie beat me to it. ” Steph, no. You have done so much for me and I can pay for my dress”.

” I know you can, so just take it as a graduation gift.” I looked at her disapprovingly. She rolled her eyes and threw a kiss in my direction. After that, she paid, and we headed to the food court for lunch.

After getting our food and picking a table, I noticed three guys sitting a few tables down from us. They looked huge and scary. One was on the phone, looking at us as he talked to whomever was on the other side of the phone. My eyes gazed over the three of them and stopped at the wrist of one of them, who had a similar tattoo to one I had seen before, of a skull with a V in the middle .

My face is drained of colour. They were Sin’s men.

” Mani, are you okay?, What are you looking at? ” I zoned back in and quickly looked at Stephanie, stopping her from looking back.

I stuttered out nervously, “n.. no, it’s nothing.”

” Are you sure you look kind of pale?” she asked again, accessing my face. I put on a fake smile, hoping she would fall for it.

” I’m okay, just tired,” I let out, still with a smile on my face.

Steph let out a sigh with a pout on her face, “I wish I was graduating with you. It sucks that I still have one more year.”

“Oh boo boo, I’m sure you will be okay,” I said, laughing at her dramatic behaviour.

” Why did I have to take a year off?” she whined.

“If I remembered correctly, you wanted to see the world.”

“Ugh…, why…” She groaned dramatically.

I laughed out loud at this ” ask yourself.” I’m really going to miss her a lot, but this was the only way to keep them safe.


Finally, it is the day of my graduation and I would be lying if I said I wasn’t freaking the hell out. The hall was filled with people, and I couldn’t think straight. There were like five people in front of me when I wanted there to be like a hundred. I definitely did not want to fall on my way up the stage. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, trying to calm myself.

“Normani Parker”.

I heard my name and I took off walking towards the stage. I smiled, looking down at Steph screaming. Everyone was clapping their hands. I was so grateful for it.

I shook hands with the president of the school before grabbing my diploma. He congratulated me, and I thanked him. I looked at the camera and smiled before walking off the stage. That wasn’t so bad at all.

After the calling of names and throwing of caps, we were finally able to mingle with families.

I hugged my aunt Sera tight and she laughed, rocking me from side to side. When we exited the hall, she was waiting for me along with Stephanie’s parents with a big bouquet of flowers, bringing tears to my eyes.

“Congratulations.” She handed me the flower.

“Thanks, Aunt Sera.”

” You look stunning,” Amelia, Stephanie’s mom, complimented.

“Thanks Aunt Amelia, you look beautiful like you haven’t aged a day.” I walked towards her, giving her a bone-crushing hug before letting go of her.

” Congratulations kiddo, your parents will be so proud.” Carson, Stephanie’s dad spoke, hugging me in the process. He placed a light kiss on the top of my head.

“Move, move. It’s my turn,” Stephanie whined, dragging me out of her dad’s hold.

” There are enough hugs to go round, Steph,” I cooed playfully.

” I don’t care,” she grumbled childishly, hugging me as tight as she could.

” Stephanie Maria King, let the poor girl breathe,” Amelia scolded, making aunt Sera and uncle Carson laugh.

We all let out a laugh, enjoying the moment.

“You act like you didn’t see me before the ceremony. We drove together, Steph. Remember. ”

” I know, I’m just so happy and proud of you. Bestie. I’m really going to miss you when you leave. ” Steph said, grabbing my hand and giving it a light squeeze. ” Come on, let’s take some pictures.”

We all gathered around, taking various kinds of pictures, making silly faces, and I felt really happy.

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