The Rejected Werewolf Princess

Chapter 30

Chapter 30

Chapter 30 By the time I woke up, it was dark outside and if not for the soft light from the lamp on the table next to the window, I probably wouldn’t have been able to see anything in front of me. The IV with the blood was gone from my arm and now I was h ooked up to a proper IV with a clear liquid composition. For some weird reason, I felt stronger and well rested but I could still feel the pressure of the dull throbbing pain in my side. It didn’t take me long to find Ryker, he was standing by the window looking lost in thought. I decided not to bother him and instead chose to watch him and take a good look at him. He had finally changed out of his rumpled clothes and was wearing a pair of dark slacks and a simple shirt. His hair was messy, almost as if he ran his hands through it a number of times and he was softly stroking the petal of a flower. I don’t think he realized that he was doing it; it was most likely a sort of absent minded or subconscious action. He must have felt my eyes on him because he turned and our eyes met. He smiled softly as he made his way over to me and sat in the uncomfortable metal chair by the side of my bed. His eyes glossed over for a second and I knew he was mind linking someone so I waited. patiently for him to be done. “Eve will be here very soon.” He said once he had finished, “I figured you would be more comfortable with a home cooked meal than with the hospital food.” “I really don’t mind if I’m being honest.” I shrugged- or at least tried to, “I wouldn’t want to inconvenience anyone.” “It’s not an inconvenience Camilla. You are going to be their Luna, everyone lives to serve you.” I didn’t know how to respond to that so I diverted the conversation to safer grounds, “This was the room you stayed in when you were hurt. Is a coincidence or was I specifically put here?” “This room is set aside for members of the Alpha’s family. Should there be an incident or an emergency, they will be rushed here.”Owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

“What happens if the hospital is full and someone else comes in hurt?” I asked, “Would they be put here or is it out of bounds?” “I don’t know,” he admitted, “We have never had a situation like that before. I’m sure when the time comes we will be able to figure something out.” I was saved from having to respond when the door opened and Eve walked in. She was in a pretty blue dress and she had a covered tray in her hands. When she saw me, she heaved a sigh of relief and all but rushed over. “I am so glad that you’re okay,” she breathed, “When I heard what happened, I was so worried. You look terrible,” she must have realized we weren’t the only two in the room because she slapped her hand over her mouth, “I meant you look beautiful and well rested.”

“It’s fine, Eve.” I assured her, “I probably look a lot worse than I feel so you don’t have to worry about it.” “Well, I still have your oversized scarf in my things so maybe when you’re better we can kick off where we last stopped.” “I would like that very much.” She offered me a soft smile then bowed to Ryker and disappeared from the room. Ryker stared at me for a full minute after she had gone and I had actually started to worry that I had done something wrong. In that one minute, I played back the entire conversation in my head and tried to pin point. whatever it was that I could have done wrong. Ryker broke off his staring and took off the lid from the tray to reveal a bowl of broth with garlic bread and some tea. Just like earlier, Ryker fed me and after the initial awkward tension was gone, it was actually a pretty soft and intimate moment. I would never admit it out loud but I genuinely liked it and I didn’t want it to end. “What oversized scarf was she talking about?” he asked and it took me a second to realize that he was talking about my earlier conversation with Eve.

“She was teaching me knitting,” I admitted sheepishly, “It started the day you left. I was bored and she offered to teach me.” “Do you enjoy it?” I shrugged, “it is fun but I think I enjoy the company more.” He hummed to himself and placed the now empty bowl of broth back on the tray. Giving me the tea was a bit trickier but he managed it and soon, that tra He ran his hand down my curls softly and pressed a kiss to my forehead. He was about to leave when I grabbed his arm to hold him in place. He stared at me waiting for me to respond and I hesitated for a second not knowing what to say or how to stay it. “Do you want me stay?” he asked and I nodded eagerly. I was grateful that he managed to figure out what I wanted without me having to say it. I doubt I would have been able to say it myself if he hadn’t asked me. He sat on the chair and when I tried to pull my hand away from his, he gripped it tightly in his palm. We spoke about literally everything and anything and after a while, I noticed that he was rubbing small circles on the back of my palm. I wasn’t sure if he realized he was even doing it and I wasn’t going to point it out to him because regardless of everything, I kind of enjoyed it. ** By day three, I was already fed up of being in the hospital. I was barely allowed to move by myself or even stand up from the bed without. supervision. I think Ryker’s blood sped up the healing process because I was to have my stitches taken out today and if all went as planned, I might be allowed to leave the hospital. I was so excited by the time Lucy came into the hospital room that she laughed and told me to calm down. Taking out the stitches hurt badly and I was thankful I wasn’t awake when I was being stitched up because I couldn’t imagine how painful it must have been at that time. As soon as she was done, she stood to her feet and offered me a smile, “Would you like to look at it?”

I shook my head, “No thanks, I don’t really want to see it.” “That’s fine,” she pulled down my hospital gown and helped me to my feet. My side still hurt on various occasions but it wasn’t as bad as when I had come in. I was suddenly jealous of all the werewolves who had the luxury of quick healing. If I could heal this quickly then my life would have been so much easier to handle. I would have never had to worry about working. while sick or working with a busted ankle. “When can I go back home?” I asked and when she shot me a wary glance I was quick to add, “I promise that I won’t do any strenuous work. I promise to have as much bed rest as possible and I also will not train until you give me the go ahead.” “I don’t know,” she began, “You aren’t a full werewolf and although the blood should heal you quickly, I don’t want to risk anything that will put you in harm’s way.” “Please,” I clasped my hands together, “I swear I won’t do anything to jeopardize my recovery.” She stared at me for a second before sighing, “Fine, but you aren’t allowed to wear corsets or any tight fitting material on your torso until further notice.” “Thank you.” I didn’t quite mind her rule, I wasn’t a huge fan of the constricting material and I would take any excuse to not have to wear it. She left probably to inform Ryker and while I was rejoicing, Eve walked in with some clothes. I knew it should have taken at least fifteen minutes for her to arrive and while she helped me into my outfit I realized that Lucy probably already had plans to release me today. Eve helped me into my outfit because I couldn’t do it myself and we had just finished with it when Ryker knocked on the door. I knew it was him because he has a certain pattern in which he knocks. Eve pulled it open and he gave me a soft smile. “If you’re ready then we can leave,” he said and I nodded almost too eagerly which made him laugh. He grasped my elbow with his hand and led me outside and towards the carriage. I saw the usual coachman standing next to it and when he saw he bowed low. All I could offer in return was a small smile and that was when I noticed the intricate steps by the carriage. me, “To make it easier for you,” Ryker whispered and suddenly I was touched.

He didn’t have to do it but he did it to help me and I had to fight back the tears that welled up in my eyes as I took the steps one at a time. By the time I was settled inside the carriage, Ryker sat next to me, all the while not letting go of my hand. The ride to the house was quiet and it wasn’t as bumpy as usual. I wouldn’t have put it past Ryker to tell the coachmen to take a less bumpy road and drive slower than usual for my benefit. It took us almost twice the usual time to arrive at the house and when we did, I felt a wave of relief rush over my body. Somewhere along the lines I had started to look at this house as my home and being away from it had me feeling anxious and eager to be back. Ryker helped me out of the carriage and I stood there staring at the large building for far longer than I should have. It was Ryker’s hand at the small of my back that snapped me back to reality. I looked up at him and saw him sporting a worrying look, “Is everything okay?” he asked and I nodded, “You were staring with a weird look in your eyes. Are you sure?” “I am,” “If you’re in pain or something, I could have Lucy here in a few minutes. tops.” “I’m fine Ryker,” I assured him, “I’m just glad to be home.”

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