The Rejected Werewolf Princess

Chapter 37

Chapter 37

Chapter 37 By the next day, I wasn’t perfectly fine but I managed to convince Ryker that I was. Thankfully, he taught me last night how to build a wall and I was able to keep him out of my head so he wouldn’t feel the discomfort and pain I was currently feeling. After he left, I was able to drop all pretense and lock myself up in his- our room. I tangled myself in the sheets so I was wrapped up in his scent. because it made the headaches and the nausea a little better. There was a knock on the door after some time and I realized I had actually drifted off to sleep. I forced myself out of bed to see Eve standing there with a confused look. “I thought you would be down for breakfast earlier,” she began, “Are you okay?” “Yes,” I tried to assure her as I made my way out of the room. “I can call the Alpha,” she began but I vehemently shook my head which proved to be a terrible mistake considering the way my head started to pound. “I’m fine, Eve,” I lied through my teeth, “Cam we just go down for breakfast?” I knew she didn’t believe me but she decided to let it drop and walked ahead of me into the dining room. It took every bit of strength and effort that I had to carry my feet without falling flat on my face. As I sat in the chair, I breathed out a sigh of relief and I muttered a quick thanks to the moon goddess that Eve didn’t notice. She went to retrieve. my breakfast and I saw Steven make his way into the dining room. I hadn’t seen him since my heat and as the memories rushed through me, I felt my cheeks heat up slightly. “Luna,” he bowed and I quickly put my hands out to stop him. “Camilla is perfectly fine,” I assured him, “I think we’re way past the Luna stage, don’t you?” He chuckled softly to himself, “If you say so Camilla.” He walked over to me and paused in front of one of the chairs almost as if he was asking for permission. As I gestured for him to sit down, I couldn’t help but notice the stark differences between him and Lauren. She would have sat down without even asking and she would have never used the title of Luna to address me. For obvious reasons, I liked Steven better.

Eve returned holding two trays in her hands and she dropped the first one in front of me then the second in front of Steven.

“You really didn’t have to,” he began but she cut him off. “You’re with us now and we take care of our own.” I could see that he was shocked by her hospitality but he nodded, “Thank you.” We ate in silence; I have come to realize that Steven isn’t a man of many words. He just kept his eyes down and his face buried in his food and I did the same. He finished first and was about to leave when I stopped him. “I never thanked you for before,” I began, “How did you even know I was in heat?” “I remembered how I felt when Maya went into heat. It was one of the most terrifying moments of my life because I was young and I didn’t know what was happening except that I was attracted to her and she was in pain. Thankfully, she knew all about it and helped the both of us get through it.” “She sounds amazing.” “She is.” “Thank you,” I said finally, “I know Ryker said he would tell you but I figured that you should hear it from me too.” “It was no big deal.” He assured me, “I was just doing my job.” I don’t know how to explain what happened next. One second, we were talking and the next, I felt a searing pain go down the length of my spine. I let out a groan and fell to the floor as the pin threatened to swallow me whole. I could hear yelling from Steven and I heard footsteps and felt Eve’s small hands on my shoulders. I knew she was saying words but I couldn’t make them out and they wouldn’t register in my brain because the pain. was simply unbearable. I felt hands lift me off the ground and I knew they were Steven’s. I could see Eve running ahead of us. I recognized the hallway as the one leading to Ryker’s room but I couldn’t fixate on it much as another searing pain. hit my spine and shoulders and I screamed- louder than I

ave ever heard myself scream before. Steven deposited me on Ryker’s bed, I didn’t even realize we had gotten into the room but his scent did nothing to ease the pain. It had moved from my shoulders and threatened to swallow me whole. It was everywhere all at once and I wanted nothing more than for it to stop. As if someone heard my prayers, the pain dulled for a second and was nothing more than a ringing in my ears. I blinked my eyes open only to see Eve and Steven pacing the length of the room in worry. “Are you okay?” Eve asked when she noticed my eyes open but I couldn’t bring myself to form a single sentence. “The Alpha will be here soon.” Steven cut in, “He knew something was wrong before I even mind linked him. He’s running here, just hang on.” I wanted to respond, but what came out was a choked out s ob as my entire arm felt like it was being burned off. I couldn’t describe what was happening to me even if I tried, it felt like someone had taken hot lava and poured it over my bones. The pain was inside of my skin and in that moment, I desperately wanted to reach in and pull my entire body out of my skin. Within two minutes, the door to the room burst open and Ryker rushed in looking panicked and worried. Only his slacks were on, his shirt was nowhere to be found and I knew he must have not bothered to put it on after he shifted back. He rushed over to my side and slowly pushed back the hair that had stuck to my forehead because of the sweat. “This is why I never like to leave your side,” he whispered as he took me in, “Something bad always seems to happen when I do.” I wanted to assure him that I was fine. Even in pain, it was still my instinct to lie to him but when I opened my mouth, all that came out was an ear splitting scream as I felt every single bone in my hand snap and rearrange itself. Ryker ́seemed to notice the action too because his eyes widened and understanding filled his features. “She’s shifting,” he said more to me than anyone else.

I could hear the collective gasps from the other two people in the room but Ryker didn’t even turn to them. He lifted me in his arms despite the fact that I was still screaming as the other bones in my body decided to take a cue from my arm. I vaguely registered him carrying me out of the room and into the forest. I could feel the wind whipping past my ears as he ran with me in his arms until he got to the training field. He slowly deposited me on the floor and I realized in that moment how being in his arms had made me forget about the pain. I felt my spine snap in two and tears leaked from my eyes. “Ryker,” his name was on my lips, “Please make it stop.” I felt him by my side immediately and he pressed a kiss to my temple, “it’ll be over soon. You’re almost there.” I wanted to tell him that I didn’t want to shift; I just wanted the pain to stop because it was blinding. If this is what they go through every time they shift then I am more than happy to not have a wolf. “The first time is the worst time,” he whispered as if he heard my thoughts, “You’re almost done, I promise you. Everything will be fine soon.” The pain that overtook me in that moment was worse than everything I had felt earlier and I swear I blacked out for a second. When I opened my eyes, I could see claws erupting from my fingertips and fur growing over my skin. My back bowed in pain as I felt my bones break and reset into my wolf form. It was over in one second and I was standing on all fours. Everything felt and looked different. All of my senses were heightened beyond measure and I could hear the river from our waterfall which I knew was still a few feet away. I could see the bugs that were moving around on the tress and I could smell everything, from the food in the kitchen to a rabbit that was hopping around a few miles away. I was so overwhelmed by the scents and sounds that I didn’t notice Ryker had shifted beside me until he nuzzled my side with his wet nose. I looked over at him and for the first time, I felt what he felt with our mate. bond. It was overwhelming and I wanted nothing more than to stay by his side and never leave. I got his natural scent for the first time and it was the best thing I have ever had the privilege of coming across. I

sniffed his coat less than discreetly and I could feel his amusement rushing down the bond. His wolf was a jet black color with fur as soft as silk and he was a lot taller than 110 OTION in wolf form impressive considering he was taller than his human form by a lot. His eyes were as dark as midnight and I couldn’t help but wonder what I looked like. From what I could see, my paws were a snowy white color but I couldn’t see myself fully. He nudged me with his nose and I heard his voice in my head, “Do you want to go for a run?” “I’m not sure I can even walk like this.” “Just try,” he said back, “I’m right here to catch you if you fall.” He sounded so sure and I believed him. I believed that if I fell, he would grab me and he wouldn’t let me get hurt. It was that assurance that had me sighing deeply and taking the first step.Content provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

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