The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn

Chapter 62

Chapter 62

The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn Chapter 62


“He said he didn’t love me!” I scream as I shove the books onto the ground in anger. “How could he do that to me? I’m the one that he remembers. Yet somehow, he still chose her over me? How can he not love me, mother? What have I not done for him? Why does he keep choosing her? What does she have that I don’t?”

I’ve been throwing things all over my house since I returned home last night. I couldn’t believe Atticus would betray me like that. I thought he would still choose me after remembering all our times and no memory of his time with Autumn.

He didn’t just betray me; he embarrassed me in front of his entire family.

“Calm down.” My mother tells me. “We no longer need Atticus to be crazy in love with you for our plan to work. I’ve thought of a much better one now that I know who Autumn’s parents are.”

“What are you talking about?” I demand. I was getting tired of these plans that never worked. Everything kept backfiring, and now Atticus may even hate me.

“I know what we must do.” She continues, and there’s no missing the sparkle in her eyes. Whatever she was thinking must not be good news for Autumn. And that’s exactly what I needed, something that would hurt Autumn to the point that there was no turning back.

“And what is that?” I ask; it was time for me to focus and do what I had to in order to get rid of Autumn for good.

We were running out of options. Atticus had once again chosen her. He’d lost all of his memories of their relationship, and he still returned to her. I couldn’t think of a single way to make him not want her


I was tired of this back-and-forth nonsense. I wanted Autumn to get out of our lives forever. Why couldn’t those men that worked for her father take her away? What were they waiting on?

“Atticus’s parents would not be happy to learn that the Riveras had lied to them since the beginning.” She informs me. “We can use this little detail to our advantage. They will be pissed when they discover that Autumn is not their real daughter. Do you know how bad this will be for their reputation if word gets out? The Fawns care too much about their reputation to let this go without causing some trouble for Atticus and Autumn. And Atticus is someone that listens to his parents. If we’re lucky, he will do whatever it takes to make them happy, even if it means letting go of Autumn.” Belongs © to NôvelDrama.Org.

She had a good point. The answer was staring us straight in the face this entire time. Why hadn’t I thought about telling his parents sooner?

“They’re going to be even angrier when they learn that Azai Reign is her real father. His parents know who he is very well. They were never fans of his. His power intimidated them. It intimidated many of the most influential families around. I can’t believe I didn’t think of this sooner. This is what we need to do to get Autumn out of his life for good. His parents would make sure that they split after this.”

I inwardly smiled at the thought of his parents hating her just like they did me. They only liked her because of who her parents were. When they learned all of it was a lie, they would freak out.

This was just another plan that would work in our favor. My mother wanted them to pay, this plan would only begin their torture. They would realize that they chose the wrong woman for their son. How would that make them feel? I’d love to see the look on their faces.

All this time, they kept praising Autumn, telling her that she was the right choice. How would they feel knowing I was a much better partner for their son?

“Who should be the one to break the news to them?” I ask.

She quirks a brow, “isn’t it obvious that you are the one that’s going to tell them?”

I stop smiling, “why must it be me?”

The Fawns hated me. They would most likely think that I was lying to them. Who would anyone ever believe that Autumn was Azai’s daughter?

“There’s no one better for the job.” she snaps.

“I understand that, but they already don’t like me. Why do you think they will believe me when I tell them that her real father is Azai Reign?”

They would think I was trying to stir trouble for Atticus and Autumn. They already knew how angry I was that they’d gotten married, to begin with. And they were also there when Atticus told me he didn’t love me. I’m sure they knew how pissed that made me.

“I’m sure that Autumn has not told them who kidnapped her. She would keep that a secret from his parents. Even Atticus wouldn’t know the truth. They would listen to you when you show them the video that we have of the men kidnapping her.” She informs me.

“Wouldnt they ask me how I got this video to begin with?” I ask. “I can’t exactly tell them that the people you hired to kidnap Autumn first had taken the video of everything that happened when they took her.”

She sighs, “do I need to teach you everything, Anya?”

I watch as she hands me her phone. “Transfer the video to your phone. If they ask where you got the video, tell them an anonymous person sent it to you. Even if they don’t believe you, they will be more preoccupied with discovering who Autumn’s birth parents were to suspect you. That’s what we will be counting on.”

It didn’t sound like a perfect plan, but it was better than sitting back and letting Autumn win.

“And what if that plan doesn’t work?” I ask.

“I have other plans as well.” She informs me. “Many people would want Autumn dead when they learn who her father is.”

At first, I thought that her father being such a powerful sorcerer would make our lives much more difficult. Now I realized that it was a good thing that her father was Azai.

“What other proof do I need to prove to them that her father was a sorcerer?” I ask.

“You can take a picture of this page of the book.” She informs me. “It has the picture of the tattoo. They shouldn’t need any more proof than that. They would know Azai’s men would not kidnap a random woman without a good reason.”

“When do you want me to break the news to them?” I ask.

“Now.” She informs me. “There’s no use waiting any longer for them to know the truth. The sooner, the better. You can’t let Autumn warm her way back into their lives. You have to do it now when Atticus still doesn’t remember his past with her. He isn’t that attached to her. When he also learns of the truth, he will also let her go.”

I hoped that was true. Some of me still believed that Atticus would choose her no matter who she was. He wouldn’t care that her father was a dangerous sorcerer. All he would care about was her safety and happiness. He was once that way with me. He didn’t care about anything that anyone had to say about me in the past; all of that had changed now. As long as Autumn had anything bad to say about me, he listened to her.

I was more determined than ever to tell his parents the truth about her. I knew that it would not only cause a drift between Atticus and Autumn but also between their parents. And I was looking forward to the aftermath.

“What are you waiting for?” my mother asks. “You have everything that you need. Leave now, and don’t wait a second more to pass.”

I nod, and this time I don’t ask Dante or Damon to come for me. I didn’t want anyone but his parents to hear what I had to say.

When I arrive at their home, the guards let me in without any problems. I had Dante and Damon to thank for that. The guards knew how much they loved me and wouldn’t dare to stop me from getting in even if I hadn’t been invited.

I knew that around this time, his parents were usually in the garden, and it was the first place I went looking for them.

I’m happy when I spot his mother first.

“Good morning, Mr. And Mrs. Fawn.” I greet them.

They both turn towards me, surprised to see me without Damon or Dante.

“What are you doing here, Anya?” Mrs. Fawn asks. “Shouldn’t you be in class with everyone else?

“I have something I want to say to both of you,” I inform her. “It’s very important. I think the future of you and your family depends greatly on what I have to say to you today.”

They look at each other, and I can tell they already don’t believe a word coming out of my mouth.

“I don’t think there is anything you can say to surprise us.” His father says. “You can mention it to Damon or Dante, and they can tell us about it later.”

“You don’t understand.” I try again. “This isn’t something that Damon or Dante should tell you. I have all the proof to back my claims, and I believe you need to hear this from me, not anyone else.”

His mother sighs, “if you believe that it’s truly that important, then okay. You have five minutes to explain what this is about.”

“Did Autumn or her family ever tell you who was responsible for kidnapping her?” I ask.

They look at each other, and I can tell from their expressions that they’d kept this detail from them.

“We were too occupied with Atticus to ask them the full details.” His mother tells me. “But I’m sure the Riveras have a good reason for not telling us. They’re probably trying to find the culprits before announcing it to everyone else.”

I sigh, “you’re wrong. They’re not telling anyone the truth because they’re afraid of what would happen if you find out who was responsible.”

“Why would the Riveras want to hide something like that from us?” His father asks me. “We are good business partners, and we have a great relationship now that our children have married each other. We trust them completely.”

I could see that they were already not believing what I was saying to them. I had to speak faster before they threw me out of their house and before I could tell them who her father was.

“Autumn’s parents have been lying to you this entire time.”

“What are they lying to us about?” His father asks sarcastically.

I ignore his tone; they will regret not trusting me when I show them the proof I brought with me today.

“They are not her real parents. Autumn’s parents are not the Riveras.” I finally confess.

They look at each other before bursting into laughter.

“You’re trying to tell us that Autumn is not a Rivera?” His father asks. “What proof do you have of that, Anya?”

“Why are you here?” His mother asks. “We know that you’re constantly trying to separate Autumn and our son. They’re married. You should give up now.”

“I’m telling the truth.” I snap. “She looks nothing like them. Have you never noticed how Autumn looks nothing like her parents and siblings?”

They know that I’m making a good point; I can see the confused look that they give to each other right after.

“If you’re claiming that Autumn is not their daughter, who’s daughter is she then?” Mrs. Fawn asks.

It’s the question I was waiting for them to ask me.

I knew they would think I was crazy when I answered that critical question.

“I want you to keep an open mind. Let me explain myself. Don’t completely dismiss my response.” I tell them.

“Just tell us who you think are her real parents.” His father tells me.

“Her father is Azai Reign.”

There is complete silence at my words.

They look at each other again, and I can see they don’t believe me even more than before. That was expected.

“How do you know who Azai Reign is?” His mother asks me. “That name was wiped from all books. No one is allowed to speak about him. How do you know him, and how can you claim that Autumn is his daughter?”

I expected them to laugh at me, but instead, they were more concerned about why I knew about Azai than whether it was confirmed that Autumn was his daughter.

I couldn’t tell them that my mother knew Azai; they knew nothing about my mother. I kept her a secret from them all this time. If they knew who she was, that would be our end.

“I know that she’s his daughter; I don’t think that she is. I’m certain he is her father.” I tell them. “The people that kidnapped Autumn are Azai’s men. They want her to be their new queen now that her father is dead. They want her to continue where he left off.”

“These are just words from your mouth.” His father says. “How do you expect us to believe you? I think it’s time that you leave Anya. We’ve heard everything that you’ve said to us, and frankly, it doesn’t make any sense to either of us. I’m more worried that you know about Azai when no one your age is ever supposed to know about him.”

I pull my phone out of my pocket and find the video of the man kidnapping her.

“Someone sent this to me,” I tell them. “This was the video of the men that kidnapped her. You can see for yourself if you recognize something hard to miss.”

They sigh and take the phone from me. I watch as they play the video repeatedly until I hear his mother gasp.

“That tattoo.” She whispers. “Surely it isn’t what I think it is.”

“You’re right.” His father adds. “That’s Azai’s symbol that he left on his people. All of his men wore it proudly in the past when he was alive. What are those men doing with it?”

It turns out that they didn’t even need to see the book to recognize the tattoo.

“They are his men,” I assure them. “And they came for Autumn because they realized she was his daughter.”

“How did they know that she was his daughter?” Atticus’s father demands. “She doesn’t have his symbol. All his children had them.”

“All except one.” I remind them. “One of his daughters did not have the dark symbol and could have been anyone. I’m telling you that she is Autumn. Why do you think they let Autumn go without a scratch? They never actually wanted to hurt her. Instead, they wanted her to work for them, to be their leader. Autumn is only back to destroy everyone around her. I’m telling you, she’s very dangerous. If you don’t listen to me today, you will regret it for the rest of your life when the truth is finally revealed. She is a threat to us all.”

“It still doesn’t explain why they thought that Autumn was Azai’s daughter.” His father says. “It sounds like you’re trying to drift us apart.”

“Autumn has the same power as her father,” I tell them. “I witnessed it myself. She almost killed me; you can ask Atticus about this. He was there, and it was only because of him that I’m still alive today.”

“What are you trying to say?” His mother demands. “I never once saw Autumn try to harm you. She’s a sweet girl. She wouldn’t try to kill anyone. If she’s had his power all along, why haven’t any of us seen it besides you and Atticus?”

“If you don’t believe me. Confront Autumn and her parents. Act like you know the truth. She will confess. Both Autumn and her parents will tell you the truth once you mention it to them first. They will tell you that she is Azai’s daughter. Do not ask if it’s true; tell her you to know that she’s his daughter. I’m trying to protect Atticus from her. She’s dangerous to the people around her. If given a chance, Autumn will be just like her father, and your family will be in danger. Not only your family but everyone else on this earth.”

They still looked like they didn’t trust me, but now that they knew Azai’s men had kidnapped her, they had no reason not to trust me anymore. They would be even more skeptical now that they knew the Riveras had kept the truth from them about her disappearance.

“Autumn is at the academy.” His mother points out. “She’s with Atticus. I don’t think that he should be there when we question her. He would try to stop us, and he’s still angry about the lie we told him. We need to find a way to stall him so we can get Autumn alone. We will confront her first and then her parents.”

This is exactly what I wanted; for Atticus not the be there when they were questioning her. She wouldn’t have anyone to stand up for her and would no doubt confess the truth to them.

My mother was right; everything was working out in our favor. I should have done this the same time I learned that Azai was Autumn’s father.

“I hope that you are not lying to us, Anya.” His father warns. “If you are, we will make it our business to get you out of our lives for good. We will find brides for both Damon and Dante and ensure you don’t get a chance to step into our family. We will make your life miserable.”.

I wanted to laugh at his threat. He didn’t realize that his family’s life was in danger, not mine. I couldn’t wait for the day my mother revealed herself to them. It would be the perfect opportunity to laugh in all of their faces. I had faith that my mother knew what she was doing.

I would be by her side every step of the way.

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