Tolerating The Player

Chapter 30


I drove back home with the thoughts of today’s incident in my mind, I couldn’t afford to not be a man. I decided to let the thought slip away from my mind till I get home and maybe I would talk to Devin about it. He should know of a reason and what I could do to stop it.

I stopped by on the road to buy some condoms in case I might need to try it out with another girl. It didn’t take me much time before I finally reached my house.

“Took you enough time” Devin whined immediately I opened the door.

“A bitch gave me false and unreasonable news” I replied as I walked to the couch where he was seated. He was munching on my favourite cereal in the house.

“Seriously? Out of every god-damned cereal you decided to take my favourite!” I yelled in pain, the cereal was a scarce one and I had just a box of it left but now it’s all going into his mouth.

“You’re not the only one with a favourite cereal, it’s my favourite too” he replied as he shoved a handful inside his mouth. I wondered how a human could eat almost everything and not get fat but still in shape. He was even more built than me.

“Just save some for me okay?” I pleaded and he paused for a second, he looked into the cereal box and back to my face before shrugging his shoulders.

“If my stomach doesn’t request for more” he replied. I thought he was going to drop the cereal immediately but he didn’t. Now I remember why we fought a lot as kids.

I snatched the box from him as I walked up the stairs to my room. “Where the fuck is this fuck head taking the cereal to?” He yelled before running after me. We kept on moving in circles chasing each other for the cereal box and for the first time in a long time I felt alive, just like we were kids.

Memories of us as children clouded my mind and I imagined my mum yelling at the top of her lungs for us to not run and sit down. I was brought out of my thoughts as I slipped over a rug and fell on the floor. He caught up to me breathing really hard, for a second I thought he would snatch the box from me but he slumped on the floor too and laid beside me.

“You’re evil” he whined and I couldn’t help but laugh. When we’re not together we’re both beasts but once we get to be together we’re eight years old kids.

Running around the house with him made me forget about the things that were bothering me but it wasn’t long before they appeared back Into my head and my mood changed.This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

Devin noticed the change of mood, he walked into the kitchen and came back with two bottles of water before handing over one to me.

I gulped down the whole bottle and noticed he had been staring all along. “You don’t seem okay” he said as he wiped his face with the sleeve of his hoodie.

“It’s something you might laugh at” I honestly replied, Devin had a bad sense of humour and won’t lose the chance to laugh at me.

“Oh come on! Me? Nah, I won’t laugh” he promised and I inhaled a deep breath.

“So today that bitch texted that she was in need of my help, I went to her and realized that she took a sex enhancer and wanted me to fuck her so bad” he chuckled for a moment.

I looked at Devin’s face and he was pretending to be seriously engrossed in my matter.

“Well I ended up accepting but then when she tried to make me hard I wasn’t even aroused, and she was naked but still no sign of arousal. What if I can’t have sex anymore” I explained to him and he walked to the couch where he laid flat on.

“Maybe you’re tired of her, try that chick you were waiting for in class today”

“Bella? What the fuck no!” I replied and he raised his hands in defence.

“Okay then try it on anyone else that is hotter and prettier before we think of the next thing to do” he said and I nodded my head. We spent the rest of our day talking about girls but mostly his girlfriend. He seemed happy with her and somehow I wished I had a girlfriend but then it’s hard to find a loyal one, they’re all hoes.

I woke up the next morning feeling okay and I could perceive the smell of a yummy toast. I checked the time on my phone but it was just six am. Why would he cook as early as this?

I went downstairs to the kitchen to find him making toast bread but one was in his mouth already.

“It’s six in the morning Devin” I said, stressing out the “morning”.

“Well that’s one hell of a greeting in Tennessee” he cockily replied and I sneered before taking water out of the fridge.

“I woke up hungry” he said after some while

“Of course you did” I laughed and he threw an onion bulb at me but I was fortunate enough to dodge a rugby player’s throw.

After breakfast I went to my room and took a nice and warm shower. I kept on staring at my dick wondering if it was now of no use but I immediately shoved that thought away. I’ll try something new in school today.

“Let’s take your car today” Devin yelled through the hallway and I replied back. The drive was fun and exciting as he played our favourite band music and we sang along even though our voices were nothing close to being okay.

As we were about to get to school he switched off the music and on getting to the school premises he switched off his real personality that I know of and maybe his girlfriend too to that of the cold and heartless personality. I guess that was what we had in common, hated being around people.

We came down from the car to meet different girls approaching him, all trying to be close to him or even trying to make him say a word to them. They were used to me snubbing them so they didn’t come to my side except for a junior girl who shyly came to me.

“Uhm hey Zach” she greeted, I scanned her thinking of whether I should respond to her greetings or not but then she looked innocent. Unlike the rest of the girls it was clear that they wanted it for attention but hers wasn’t like that.

“Hi!” I replied and walked into the school building to meet Devin who had also shoved the girls off. I could hear how they whispered and envied the shy junior because I said “hi”, girls could be dumb sometimes.

I stared at Devin from afar and understood why girls would want to die because of him, but according to him his girlfriend was the only one he chose out of multiple girls because she didn’t see him the way others did.

I finally got to where he was standing and we both walked away from the entrance to our classroom. I wasn’t focusing on what was in front of me but rather my thoughts were on something else. I made a turn in the hallway and suddenly bumped into Bella. Shit!

Her head hit my chest really hard and she screamed in pain for a while before looking up to see me. Her facial expression fell but she didn’t say anything as we both stared at each other in awkward silence. Devin took this as an opportunity to let us talk things out as he left for the classroom leaving me behind.

“Hi?” I greeted but she didn’t reply as she walked past me. There wasn’t even a tiny bit of emotion in her eyes. Perhaps I really fucked her up but then she looked happy with Maya and Xavier.

I noticed a feeling in my pant and realized I got hard only by bumping into her, what the fuck has she done to me.

I covered it with my hand as I walked to the empty classroom containing only Devin in it.

“So she’s the one?” He asked.

“There’s no one” I roared back and as usual he raised his hands in defence. “I have a problem though” I cleared my throat before saying.

“What’s it about?” He asked.

“I got really hard merely by seeing her” I said and he gave me a long and awkward glance before leaning closer to me.

“You guys fucked before?” He asked.

“I was drunk,” I replied. He leaned back on his chair and looked into my eyes again.

“You love her,” he bluntly said.

“Gross no!” I replied, love is a really strong word but then I didn’t hate her but I definitely don’t love her either.

“I can tell from your look that you feel something for her, don’t fight it bro…”

“She’s just a random girl, who doesn’t know how to dress so I definitely don’t feel anything for her and I’m not fighting shit!” I yelled and the group of students who entered the class seemed to be shocked. They thought we were in a fight.

I sat down on the chair next to Devin as the teacher entered the classroom, I checked my dick and it wasn’t hard anymore. I couldn’t wait for this class to be over so I’ll carry out my plan.

“She’s hot though” Devin murmured and I pinched the bridge of my nose.

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