What Your Love Felt Like-The Dragon Saga

The beast in her eyes

Liana’s eyes rapidly battered as she came back to her senses. Her instinctive response , the moment she came around, was to start looking for Damian.

“Damian, Damian, ” She was screaming as she tried to get up.

“Sssshhhhhh, ” A warm but strong hand slapped her on the forehead.

“Ouch! ” She immediately fell back on the ground, reeling in pain.

“Look at you, wriggling like a snake on the ground in pain but still trying to save a dragon child in that condition. Hilarious. ” the loud and husky voice smirked and laughed as Liana’s blood trickled down her forehead. She touched her head to wipe the blood away. As she touched her head, she found her head was wrapped in cloth, as if bandaged to stop it from bleeding. She looked up at the towering figure standing right infront of her. He was still smiling and laughing as if her weakness amused him.

As Liana looked carefully, her eyes clearing up a bit, she found it was the same inhuman creature that was giving her a death chase a few moments ago.

Or was it just a few moments? She looked around. It still seemed pretty dark all around. How long had she passed out? Liana had no clue.

She looked up at the creature, thinking if she could ask him about it. But instead something else caught her eyes.

“Isn’t that the same fabric I am wearing, ” She thought looking at the very floral fabric, wrapped around the creature’s waist, to look like a miniskirt, just about enough to cover his private part.

The realization made her look at her own dress. She was wearing a floral maxi gown for the evening. It now just reached the length of her thighs.

“Did you? Did you just tear off my dress and wrap it around your…, ” She erupted in rage but paused to bring herself to articulate the word penis and butt. However she could not and ended up saying, ” Did you just uncover me to cover yourself? ”

“Wow! ” The creature exclaimed as if amused. “You even have rage? In this body? ” He pulled her hands up and threw them back again as if she was a rag doll. He then turned around laughing as if he had heard the funniest joke ever.

“Hey you! ” Liana yelled this time, too furious to control her temper. ” What do you think you are doing? Turn around and look at me like a man. ” She could hardly keep standing as the blood still dripped down her forehead and her eyes started blacking out from time to time. She held onto the tree trunk beside which she was standing and kept looking at him with anger.

The creature turned slowly towards her.

“Hey! ” Liana yelled again. But before she could utter the next word , the creature ran towards her as if it were a bullet shot from a gun. She was almost about to lose her balance, bedazzled, her eyes blinking at a super awkward speed. But before she could fall to the ground, her body collided with his strong and hard muscles. She looked up, only to get her eyes locked in his emerald wonders. His eyes were , however, fixed on her forehead.

” Don’t move, ” He leaned forward over her, before she could even move after his warning. He opened his moist mouth and started licking the blood away from Liana’s face, as if he was a mother to some wild pup.

It took Liana a few moments to realise what was happening to her. She pushed him away with all her might , but he didn’t seem to budge even a millimeter. He was thick like a rock.

“There. That’s nicely done. I should have done this before. That cloth was useless to begin with. It would have been better for me to keep it on me instead. ” He tapped Liana’s head again and shook it hard as if checking a bottle for leak.

“Ouch! You are hurting me. Just stop already, ” Liana pushed him again. This time he moved. But was it voluntarily or had Liana’s force increased, she couldn’t tell. She looked at her own hands, wondering, when she suddenly remembered about Damian.

“Where is my boy? Where is Damian? ” She stood up this time with absolutely no problem.This is property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

“Damian? My boy? What are you even talking about? ” He distorted her words like a kindergarteners, repeating them.

“Do you even know him? ” He aimed his hands towards the tree Liana was standing by. From the branches, came down her baby boy, still wrapped warm and tight, sleeping without a worry in the world. She ran towards him and pulled him down on her lap and started kissing him frantically. The baby smiled as he slept, as if dreaming.

“You even smile, you little brat. ” The creature retorted as Damian smiled. “You are such an actor. ”

Liana looked up at him, with eyes filled with anger, wonder and confusion.

He definitely sensed that and began, ” Human, do you have any idea who you are dealing with right now? Do you? Of course you don’t. I am the king and lord of the mighty Dragon realm. The one and only ruler of the blessed dynasty, the robust and fearsome, Draco. ”

He said that with an air of drum rolling in the background and trumpets blowing all around. He stood there like that for a few moments with an air full of grandeur, waiting for Liana to perhaps collapse with shame. But she kept staring at him without batting an eyelid, while still cuddling and hugging Damian.

He seemed very annoyed with her nonchalance. He walked up to her slowly and pulled her up so she was staring right into his eyes, with her feet hanging above the ground.

” You don’t get it. Do you? I am the Dragon king. And this, ” He said, pointing at Damian in her arms, ” is my one and only son. ”

This time Liana reacted. Her eyes grew wider and her lips parted, leaving her mouth wide open. There was visible signs of wonder with shock in them.

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