You'll Fall For Me, Today or tomorrow

You’ll Fall For Me, Today Or Tomorrow Chapter 420

You’ll Fall For Me, Today Or Tomorrow Chapter 420

Leia was weaned when she was fourteen months old.

Just like everyone had expected, Leia had grown to be a beautiful young girl. Her hair was black and lustrous, her eyelashes were impeccably long, and her features were not unlike the perfect creation of a master artist. In fact, she was prettier than a doll.

Anyone who saw her would love to take her home. But even though she was perfect, there was one thing that marred this perfection. You see, Leia didn’t like to talk. She didn’t care about anyone, and everyone thought she got that from Matthew. Yes, she was cold, but everyone loved that gap more.

However, her family knew Leia wasn’t apathetic; she was just an impossibly lazy girl. There was one time where Clarissa had to take a call after she made Leia her milk, so she couldn’t feed the girl. Clarissa left the milk on the coffee table and told Leia to finish it on her own.

Leia was on the sofa, reading her favorite book then. The milk was just at arm’s length away, so all she had to do was get off the couch and take it. Thinking the girl would do it on her own, Clarissa went away to take the call.

When she came back later, Leia had just closed her book. She was staring at the bottle on the table, but Clarissa realized Leia hadn’t even taken it.

Clarissa went down to look Leia in the eye. “Leia, I thought I told you to help yourself. Why didn’t you?”

Leia looked at Clarissa, but she didn’t answer right away. However, Clarissa waited patiently, so in the end, Leia answered reluctantly, “It’s too far.”

Clarissa stared at Leia for a moment, then she sighed.

She isn’t even motivated to talk? Jesus, this girl is in for some trouble.

But aside from Clarissa, everyone thought Leia’s laziness was adorable, even more so than Damian, in fact. Thanks to that, all her relatives liked to play with her so they could see how she would respond to them.

But up until now, Leia never showed any different response no matter who was talking to her, not even her parents.

Even so, Clarissa thought that side of her daughter could be funny sometimes.

That day, Clarissa left Leia home along with Damian. The kids played together, while she went to work.

Her movie was a success, but she never wanted to star in another movie again.

She wasn’t a professional actress in the first place. The movie was just a way to confess to Matthew, so she quit after one movie. After that, all she wanted to do was to write her book and script.

Aside from writing, she started spending a lot of time on doing charities. She used to help Olive with her foundation, but only occasionally. It was a busy time for her back then, so she seldom helped.

But that changed after she gave birth. Clarissa started showing up more, and sometimes she brought Leia with her as well. She didn’t want to be absent when Leia needed her milk, after all. Not to mention she had great fun and found another purpose in life through doing charity.

Clarissa also thought getting involved in charity would be great for her children as well. Either way, helping out with charities was what Clarissa liked to do the most for the time being, since it brought her peace and color in life.

Olive was holding a big charity banquet for her foundation that day. This time, Clarissa was both a guest and staff member. She was already working on the scene since morning, but she changed into a dress at night so she could attend the banquet.

Matthew wouldn’t let her dress too beautifully though, since there wasn’t anyone there to keep her safe.

He’s been following me all day. Everyone’s looking at us. This is so embarrassing.

“Can you just sit down, Matthew? I’ll come over once I’m done. Stop following me around…”

Matthew arched his eyebrow, grinning matter-of-factly. “Am I getting in your way, Clarissa? No, right? And I can even help you out.”

Clarissa rolled her eyes, but Matthew covered her face quickly and smiled. “Your image, Clarissa.”

“What? Nobody’s looking.”

As if. You have no idea how mesmerizing you look right now, and not just on the outside either. You’re charming both on the outside and inside.

Looks weren’t the only important thing for the guests in the banquet. They had seen a lot in life, so charm was more important than looks for them.

To Matthew, Clarissa was only getting more charming and beautiful with every passing day, and his love for her only grew deeper.

“Oh, gosh.” She chuckled. “Cut it out and have a seat. I’ll be there in a minute.”

Someone called Clarissa over, so she went over to them, leaving Matthew alone.

Just when Matthew got back to his seat, Jeremy huddled closer and whispered, “Are you getting nervous, Matt?”

Yes, Matthew was nervous, but he didn’t show it to anyone. Aside from Clarissa, nobody could see through him.

But Jeremy smiled, for he obviously saw through Matthew. “Clarissa’s looking lovely today,” Jeremy praised, only to get glared at by Matthew.

Jeremy quickly explained, “Don’t get me wrong, Matt. I’m just saying she looks perfect for the occasion. Super perfect, in fact. So don’t worry about anything and do what you need to do, Matt.”

Then, Jeremy quickly talked to someone else.

Whew, that was a close call. Better keep my mouth shut after this.

The fun part of the night was just beginning, however.

Clarissa came back to Matthew after the auction had officially begun. Everyone on the stage was laughing and chatting merrily, while all the guests were making generous donations, much to Clarissa’s delight.

Clarissa smiled at the guests, had some snacks, scrolled through her phone, and even talked to the staff members throughout the event. There were a lot of people there, but Matthew only had eyes for her.

Clarissa was already used to it, so she didn’t think it was too mushy. However, everyone else was envious of her and Matthew, since they could see the love overflowing from them.

It had been a long time since Matthew started staring at Clarissa, but the love in his eyes didn’t diminish one bit. That alone was proof of his love and Clarissa’s charm.

A moment later, Matthew stood up, and Clarissa glanced at him. But she said nothing and kept looking at the stage.

Matthew could feel his palms sweating as he left the table behind him. At first glance, he seemed to be going to the restroom, but when Clarissa looked away, he changed his direction.

The gang who was waiting backstage was obviously excited when Matthew showed up.

Ellie quickly said, “Everything’s ready to go, Uncle Matt. Don’t worry. Everything’s fine. Damian and Leia are here, and they’ve been absolutely lovely.”

Matthew looked at his children. Damian was in a suit, while Leia was in a pretty dress. Their nanny was taking care of them, while they were playing.

Matthew’s nerves calmed down a little when he realized his children would be with him later.

“Uncle Matt, do you have the ring?” Ellie patted the ring in Matthew’s pocket and nodded. “And here’s the bouquet.”

He took it from her and held it tightly while paying close attention to everything that was happening on the stage. At that moment, Clarissa was finally invited to go on stage to take part in a game.

Everyone backstage was giving Matthew encouraging looks, but there was also excitement in their eyes.

Suddenly, everything went quiet on the stage, then Ellie shoved Matthew, and he quickly went out.

On the other hand, Clarissa was dumbfounded.

Hey, I thought I was just here for a game. Why’s everyone surrounding me? And why are my eyes covered?

She tried to figure out what was happening, but nobody answered her.

Aside from the stage, all the guests were silent too. Not everyone knew what was going on, but they could get the gist of it. The guests were smiling in silence, waiting quietly.

Clarissa was starting to get nervous. “Hey, why aren’t you guys saying anything? What is going on?” She finally couldn’t take it, so she pulled the blindfold away. It was dark, but once she got used to it, she realized there was someone standing before her.

Matthew was holding the bouquet nervously, while Clarissa started smiling. She even took the time to look at the guests.

Ah, everyone is guilty as charged.

The guests were looking at them silently.

“W-What are you doing?” Clarissa didn’t sound angry at all though. In fact, she was feeling slightly shy.

And then Matthew stuffed the bouquet in her hands before whipping the ring out and knelt on one knee.

It was a surprise for Clarissa though it wasn’t the first time. In fact, she had been proposed in the same manner a long, long time ago, but she could still remember how romantic it was.

However, she never expected Matthew to propose again. Perhaps, he thought the proposal back then wasn’t up to his expectation, so he did it again.

“Clare, I used to be a selfish guy. I didn’t know what love is, but you taught me how to love someone. You taught me how to make someone happy. You’re the reason my life is complete and happy right now. I’m really grateful to you, and I love you so, so much…”

Matthew’s emotions were overflowing at that point, and his voice started to break. On the other hand, Clarissa was already crying.

Matthew didn’t say another word. He got up and wore the ring on her ring finger before giving her a hug. Then, he wiped her tears away, whispering, “Don’t cry, Clare. Don’t cry…”Content is © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

Clarissa was sobbing, but she said, “Hey, you didn’t say ‘will you marry me.’“

That got everyone laughing, while Matthew grinned. “Because I know you’ll say ‘I do.’“

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