You’re Mine

Chapter 112

Chapter 112

Chapter 112


I wake up the next morning with a naked Harper in my arms, snuggled up close, her tits resting on my chest and her hair in my face. I crack my eyelids open only to immediately slam them shut thanks to the blinding sun that's pouring through the open window right next to the bed. With the power out last night, I forgot all about closing blinds and curtains, it was so damn dark. Harper shifts next to me, a little moan falling from her lips. My cock stirs—when does it not— and I’m about to flip her over and kiss her awake when I hear her speak. “Who turned on the lights? '

Chuckling, I kiss her forehead. “It’s the sun. '

She pulls out of my arms and sits up, pushing her hair out of her face as she looks around the room. The comforter has fallen to her waist, showing off her perfect tits and I'm reaching for one when... “Hey fuckers, are you awake? '

Blake. Yelling at us from behind our closed bedroom door. “Yeah asshole, we're awake. '

I sit up too, dropping a kiss on Harper’s bare shoulder. “Cool. We're leaving in a few. Aisha wants to head back early, '

Blake says. I look outside the window, surprised by the clear blue sky that's dotted with fluffy white clouds. Like a horrible storm never blew through here yesterday and dumped a buttload of rain. “Are the roads cleared? '

“Yeah, they are. We're good to go. '

Blake hesitates for only a moment. “Thanks for having us. '

So polite to the host. Such a bunch of bullshit. “Drive safe! '

Harper calls, always so sweet. “See you guys later, '

Blake calls. We hear footsteps as he walks away, then nothing but silence. I grab hold of Harper and bring her with me as I fall back onto the mattress. She's giggling, shoving at my chest but she doesn't really mean it. I can tell, thanks to the way she’s rubbing that hot body of hers against me, her legs tangling up with mine. “We should probably get ready to leave, '

she says when I start kissing her neck. “We can stay in bed for a few more minutes, '

I murmur against her throat. “I bet Ryan and Sadie are still in bed. Like us. '

“Can't think about it, '

she quips, shoving at me again. But I don’t budge. Pulling away slightly, I stare into her eyes, overwhelmed with emotion for this girl who stands by me no matter what. And there was a lot of shit thrown at her this weekend, despite us having fun too. Any other girl would've probably run by now, but not mine. “I love you. '

Her expression softens and her lips curl into the sweetest smile. “I love you too. '

“I'm going to fuck you. '

I thrust against her, nice and slow. “And then we can Start packing up and getting ready to leave. '

She laughs. “Okay. Deal. '

I press my mouth to hers and seal our deal with a tongue-—filled kiss. kk The drive back home is quiet. Almost somber. Ryan and I are sitting in the front of the Jeep, while the girls are in the back. Like we're a couple of old married couples traveling together. But I could tell the girls wanted to get a privateBelongs © to NôvelDrama.Org.

talking sesh in and I can handle not sitting next to Harper for a couple of hours. Barely. “Heard what happened last night, '

Ryan says to me out of the blue. I glance over at him. “What exactly are you referring to? Lots of things happened last night. '

Fucking Aisha and her big, never stop talking mouth. “Aisha bringing up your uh..friendship with her brother. '

Ryan squirms in his seat, as if it makes him uncomfortable. He didn’t know Deacon. He only heard the stories. After he died, I never brought him up. “Who told you? '

“Blake. I was up early this morning and he found me in the kitchen. Filled me in on what Aisha said last night. What she did. '

Ryan shakes his head. “She's evil, man. Toxic. What the fuck is Blake doing with her? '

“I don't know. I think he likes pain. '

Sometimes I wonder if I do too. Why else would I put up with Blake’s—and Aisha’s—constant bullshit? “Don't we all? Look... '

Ryan glances over at me and I see the sincerity written all over his face. “Whatever sick, twisted game you used to play with Aisha and her brother and..whatever, I don’t want my sister to be a part of it. I know you care about her, and I believe you when you say that. But ['m worried about Aisha. '

‘I'll protect Harper, '

I snap, irritated Ryan would think I don't have her best interests at heart. “I won't let Aisha touch a hair on her head. '

“I don't worry about Aisha touching my sister. It’s what she says to her that could fuck with her head. '

He pauses, slumping in his seat. “And her heart. '

Fuck. Ryan’s right. Aisha’s weapons are her words, and she knows how to wield them so they cut deep. The fucking bitch. “I'm sick of her shit, '

I mutter, gripping the steering wheel. “If she even looks in Harper's direction, I'm going to do something about it. '

“Like what? Beat her up? That'll get you tossed in jail. Yell at her? She'll just laugh in your face and bring up some old, hurtful memory that'll make you look like a douche. Face it, she’s got too much on you. She's got too much on all of us. '

Ryan shakes his head. Hate to admit it, but Ryan's right. Aisha does have too much on all of us in this Jeep. Blake too. Hell, more than half the school population. She's feared. Hated. “What do we do then? '

I ask, feeling helpless. And that is an emotion I don't like experiencing. At all. “(gnore her. Don’t acknowledge her. That'll drive her crazy. We're going to have to do the same with Blake. Cut ther out of our lives for good, '

Ryan suggests. “That's easier said than done. '

“No shit. But we can sure as hell try.”

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