A Girl’s Diary

Chapter 56 - A Fucking Road Trip To Hell

Chapter 56 - A Fucking Road Trip To Hell

Being barely conscious with no sense of light makes you lose count of the days as they pass by.

How long have I been held captive?

No fucking idea!

I could have depended on meals to calculate the days I spent here but I wasn't being fed. There was

an IV stuck in my arm. I was always drugged and feeling sluggish... I was pathetic.

The guy told me he was texting my parents telling them I was on a road trip. I didn't know how could

my parents believe such a thing but apparently they did.

Today, I was told I was making a phone call. My guess was they wanted ransome... why else would

anyone kidnap a girl if not for money?!

I was beginning to get my senses back slowly but surely and I could there was a ton of new bruises

and cuts on my body but I pushed the pain to the back of my mind. I had to take this chance and try to

do something.

My fingers began to twitch, I tried to move but my wrists were still bound with some metal.


That was an upgrade I wasn't aware of.

My legs were also secured to the chair ensuring I couldn't move an inch. I smelled blood. It made me

glad I was blindfolded.

I didn't want to see pools of my blood running along the floor. The metallic smell was enough to upset

my stomach.

How would I get out of this hellhole?!

"Oh! The princess is awake." The voice sent shivers all over my body. I wanted to disappear. "How are

you feeling now?" It was getting closer. I froze.

Suddenly there was a loud crash. "When I ask a question I expect an answer." He roared slapping my

face so hard I tasted blood. I nodded my head feeling the tears soak the blindfold but I didn't dare utter

a word.


I gulped. "Y-Yes, sir... I I'm feeling o-okay." My voice cracked making my stutter even worse.

"Good girl," He said stroking my head. I shrank into the chair in a failed attempt to get away from his


Please... please just let me go...

"So, are you feeling more obedient?" I could feel his breath inches away from my face. My heart raced.

Noo... Get away. Please just let me go!

"Yes," I squeaked when I felt his course hand holding my hand.

"You don't look like you learnt your lesson last time we took you with that boy." Oh. My. God. Did they

take Tommy too?!! "Let me remind you, then." His hand left my face making me even worried.

I couldn't see anything.

Couldn't know anything.

Couldn't expect anything.

And this made me more terrified than ever.

Blood rushed to my ears making them ting in my panic. I was going dizzy until I felt cold hands on my

bare knees.

What was happening?!!!!

What would he do to me!

My mind didn't get an opportunity to come up with possible scenarios as I felt a knife dragging along

my thigh making me scream. Blood trickled along my thigh and down my feet. I still couldn't escape the

torturous pace...

My throat felt raw as I continued screaming... pleading for him to stop only to hear chuckles.

"If you don't want this to hurt even more, I suggest for you to shut your mouth," He said leaving a peck

on my cheek.

I wanted to die.

Dying would make this stop. It would be so peaceful... if only I could find a way to do it.

The second I felt the knife start dragging along my shaft, I clamped my mouth shut biting my cheeks

from the inside so hard that I knew blood was drawn. I was going dizzy... my body felt lighter... fuzzier.

He stopped. But my pain didn't stop as I felt salty water burn into my wounds. I couldn't stop my

screams this time earning me a punch into my chest almost cutting off my air supply.

"Rest now, you have a phone call to make in an hour." My head fell back.

Someone... anyone... please save me!

I didn't hear him come back but the blindfold being yanked harshly was indication enough I wasn't

alone anymore... if I was ever alone!

"Listen now and listen very closely." I blinked a few times to get used to the intense light shining into my

eyes. "You will call your daddy dearest and tell him to come alone and meet you at the address you will

send." He inched closer to my face his hand creeping into my hair. "You're not hurt. You're not

kidnapped. We don't like the police much." He yanked my hair making me yell but I caught myself not

making another sound as my head began throbbing. "Got it, princess?" His voice was merely a whisper

into my ear.

My response came quickly in a rushed yes, sir making him let my hair go.

I heard the ringing of the phone later making my eyes fill with tears.

"Elena, why the hell did you run off like that?" Dad's playful voice was gone, his voice now was serious

and full of disappointment.

"I'm sorry daddy." I felt a tear run down my cheek but one glare with a knife in my like of sight made me

hold back on the crying. "I wanted to take a break."

"From what? You were on a break," His voice came harsher.

"Dad, I'm really sorry about this but right now, I need your help," I let my distress take over my voice.

"Are you okay?" He said quickly with worry filling his voice.

"Yes, but I need you to meet me. I can't deal with this problem alone and please don't tell anyone."

"Okay, honey. Don't worry I'm right here."

"Thanks, daddy. I'll send you my address." As soon as these words left my mouth, the call ended.

"What a good girl." Slim fingers were patting my hair twirling strands around it. I held my breath and

kept my face neutral.

His hands fell to his sides. "I have a surprise for you," He said before leaving. I heard footsteps coming Exclusive content from NôvelDrama.Org.

from behind me but I couldn't crane my head to look.

"Surprise!" A voice I knew so very well said.


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