A Mysterious She-wolf

Chapter 25 Chapter 22

Chapter 25 Chapter 22

Kavi's POV

"You could have answered him more politely, baby."

My mom told while mixing coffee for us. I hugged her from the side and buried my face to her neck.

She was going to council today to see her mate with Luna Shrini. She turned around and gave me a

cup and looked at my face.

"That's right. I wasn't thinking straight yesterday. I will apologise to him when I see him, mom."

I said to her and sipped the hot coffee with a sigh of relief.

My wolf was still angry on me for refusing to our mate's proposal. Today Logan and Surya were

returning back here with their mates. Tonight there is a welcoming ceremony for inviting them to the

pack. After college, I finished some of my web works and walked to pack house to help with arranging

the welcoming ceremony.

Logan lifted me up and shouted excitedly while spinning around. I laughed and looked at his mate,

Madhu pouting. I patted his shoulder and signalled towards Madhu. His eyes filled with so much love in

an instance and went to his mate and started kissing her. I turned around and looked at Surya smiling

at me with his mate on his lap. I waved my hand at them and hugged both of them. There was a

change in their scent too. Wow! I winked at Surya. He blushed and looked away. I patted his head and

went inside to go to the backyard.

I wonder how Pooja has taken everything happened yesterday. I wanted to ask someone but hesitation

pulling me back. Logan shouted at me to get him some cold water before going anywhere. I went to the

kitchen and found someone near the fridge. The ever-annoying scent is not annoying me anymore; I

just pity her.

She straightened up with a tub of ice cream and she looked like someone had run a bus over her.

Unlike the polished china which she usually looks like, her dishevelled hair and running mascara and

swollen eyes showed me what she is going through. On noticing me. She put the tub on the counter

with a thud and rushed towards me. Her eyes held fury and I knew what was coming. If I didn't try to

hide from my mate, this female wouldn't have been experiencing this heartbreak. But I thought they

were happy together and that's one of the main reasons I stopped myself from exposing my mate


A couple of hard punch was delivered to my right jaw. I stood still and looked at her.

"You whore! What have you done to him? I was his friend from the day I joined this pack. But he threw

me like trash just for you. I like him so much. But he didn't even come to see me after cancelling our

engagement. What did I do wrong? Is it wrong to marry someone I like?"

Her fury turned into a cry. I knew she lost her parents at a young age and Sezhiyan offered her a life


"I'm sorry. I don't know about his feeling. But you shouldn't have forced him to be in a relationship. We

can't get love by force. I don't know what else to say. Wait for your mate. You will get the life destined

by Moon."

I tried to console her. But she kneed my stomach and rushed out of the room with her ice-cream tub. It

doesn't pain much. But I had to suppress the urge of dominance rushing through my blood. she has to

choose how she wants to be.

I looked towards the backyard door and found Akhilan leaning there with hands folded across his chest.

His hair was a mess and eyes had dark circles. He noticed me looking at him and stood straight.

"Sorry, you might not even want to be in the same place as me. I will leave. But I should take your

advice and wait for my mate. I can't get love by force. But love can grow in anyone's heart without any

reason. If we are humans, who knows! You might even have considered our relationship. But... Leave

it... Sorry."

He said in heavy tone and turned around.

"Wait. Akhilan, I don't mind you being here. And I am really sorry for speaking like that yesterday

without thinking of the consequences. I am sorry for causing problems in your family."

I said in a sincere tone to make him understand that I was really regretting what I did. He came and

leaned on the counter opposite to me.

"You don't need to apologise. It's all my fault. If only I controlled my wolf, actually I didn't want to control

him. I want to tell the truth to my parents but other factors stopped me. But at last, I did more damage

to my parents. I should have politely explained everything. Or at least I should have accepted their

arrangement. Now I couldn't face Pooja and my mother. Everyone would have been happy if I didn't

stop it yesterday stupidly."

He said with a bitter tone. His sadness was making me sad.

"Yes, if you haven't stopped the engagement yesterday, everyone would be happy. But not you! You will

have to live with her to make your parents happy. But we can't act all our life, Akhilan. When one day

the mask falls, everyone would get more pain than yesterday. It's good you stopped something that you

didn't like. It's a big help to your friend Pooja. She was really in love with you. Without love, you can't

fulfil her life. And happiness won't be there in your marriage life when your heart was bound with

another. So don't blame yourself and try to relax. Moon God will lead you."

I said in a light tone to cheer him up. It hurts me to see him like this.

"Kavi! Logan asked you..."

Surya came into the kitchen and froze on looking at us.

"Is he bothering you, Kavi?"

He came and stood beside me protectively.

"Hey Surya, chill! We are just talking. Take some water from the fridge and give it to Logan."

I said to him.

"Are you asking me to leave indirectly?"

He asked me with a dramatic gasp. I smiled at him sweetly.

"No, Surya. I was actually directly asking you to leave us two alone. Will you please..."

I signalled my hand tow the door with a playful smirk. He left the room with a fake anger look with a

water bottle. I smiled at his direction until he disappeared.

"Why can't we be friends like you two? Wow! You smile so big with him. I don't know why the damn, but

I was jealous watching him making you smile like that."

Akhilan scoffed out.

"We can never be like that!"

I whispered. We would be more than my relationship with Surya. I mentally completed the sentence

and looked at his pained face.

"Yes, you don't like me."

He muttered. That's not true.

"It's not what I meant. My relationship with Surya was different than what we have."

He nodded his head and looked at me with a frown.

'He said he is not going to force anyone to love and gonna wait for his mate. So he realised his mistake

and regretting it. Tell him we are his mate. Please.'

A voice rang in my head. She is right but how will he react? I gulped hard and suddenly fear engulfed

me. I looked at Akhilan who was now looking at the floor deep within thoughts.

I am a simple she-wolf who wants her happily ever after with her mate. But I knew I fucked up my

chances by putting the death of my mom's mate and let my mate suffer. Then I was stubborn enough to

not disclose the truth even after the failure of my life mission. My wolf loves him from the second we

met him. I was connected to her and obviously, my heart warms up on his mere presence but I had too

many insecurities to let him in. I cleared my throat and looked at him. He looked at me. His eyes look

so exhausted. Yet he was so handsome. What would be his reaction if I say I am his mate?

"You look so exhausted. Why can't you get some sleep?"

I blurted out in panic.

"Thanks for your concern. You could ask me to leave if you wanted."

He gave me a smile and walked inside the pack house.

'Great job, Now I have to wait till you gather courage. You are the bitchiest woman in the world.'

She shut me down. I sighed and mind linked Luna that I am available to help. She called me to

overview the food preparation for the welcoming ceremony.


After some time I went to give the dress delivered for Vibha, which I think she might have ordered for

tonight's ceremony. I spoke with her for a few minutes and agreed to help her with getting ready. When

I was about to descend down, I heard Pooja's laughter from her room. I felt relieved for that she-wolf.

But when my mate's voice joined her, my jealousy took over and I peeked through the opened door. I

felt a slight pain in my stomach. What the fuck?

She was straddling on my mate's stomach and was trying to smudge ice-cream in her hand over his

face. He was blocking her but both of them already had some ice-cream over them which means they

are playing for quite some time. Then she caught his both hand and bent to rub the cream on her face

over his face. She laughed when he moved his face and she bites onto his shoulder making him yelp

and he started thrashing around. I turned away and walked towards my home not knowing what to do?

I was jealous and very angry that he let another female so close to him. And how can I forget that she

was in love with him and was about to get engaged to him?

I was too stupid. Mates only bring hurt. I don't want a mate. I could live alone.

I shook my head and shifted into my wolf. She was very jealous and furious. She wants to mark him

right away. But I am not going to allow her. How will he react if his mate had a bite mark of another

male on her shoulder? I almost trusted him.

Ah! When did I get happiness in my life? Always something would ruin my happiness. Maybe I was

born just to be an example of misery. Why Moon! Why are you punishing me like this?

I let out a painful howl and ran. A patrol wolf blocked me. I growled out loud and mind linked him to

leave me. His eyes glazed and he stepped aside. I started running ignoring a few nudges at my brain. I

ran aimlessly and the rain has started pouring suddenly. It felt like dejavu. It happened when I first learn

about them. Now I have seen it with my own eyes. It was all his wolf that wants me. His human was so

comfortable around Pooja though he proposed me.

I ran aimlessly for a few hours expressing my anger on the trees I come across. I noticed I have lost my

track. I don't feel like asking for anyone's help. So I wandered around the free land and reached near

the beach after a few hours. My wolf reminded me of a big thing and I know what I should do now. I

walked on the sides of shore and I noticed a patrol wolf. With a nod, I started running to pack house.

The rain has calmed by now also my mind. I want to meet Sezhiyan. I shifted when I reached the end

of the woods and searched in a few trees for a shirt. I put them on and used my wolf power to reach the

pack house.

I knocked on Alpha's office. I opened my mind link when I felt a nudge. He told me to come in. I went

inside. He looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

"May I know why you scared the poor patrol and where did you ran off for past five hours, Princess?"

"I decided to take Blood warriors' offer, Sezhiyan. They need an Alpha and my wolf was born to lead

them. I can't deny my duties. I will call and inform Luna Shrini. I didn't speak to mom yet. I want you to

make arrangements to relieve me from this pack. And I wanted to clear my mind. That's why I went


I replied in a determined tone. I knew I shouldn't decide when I was angry. But what I said is true. They

need me and I am going to help them. I don't have a bit of interest in being Alpha. It will come in a

package of lots of responsibility.

"What happened? What about Akhilan? Is he the reason for you wanting to leave the pack?"

He asked me. I smiled at him sadly.

"No. He has nothing to do with my decision. But more than mate, I was liable to protect them. A pack

without an Alpha is so vulnerable oto the eyes of enemies. If anything happens to them, it will haunt me

forever. I was going to meet Vijayan there. Please ask him to inform their patrol."

He nodded his head.

"I am happy about your decisions. Your potential will help that pack."

He said happily.

"Will I make a good Alpha? That's was the only thing bothering me."

I expressed my fear of him.

"Don't worry, Kavi. It was in your blood. And you have a great heart and Moon's blessing with you. So

stop worrying and go to their pack. I will ask Aryan to make the arrangements for your transfer. I think

he would be excited to make arrangement for transfer of future Alpha of our neighbouring pack."

He motivated me. I walked behind his table and hugged him tightly.

"I will miss you."

I said to him.

"I will miss you too. But I won't stop an Alpha from doing her duty. But consider your mate for once."

He stroked my hair and said to me sincerely. I walked into the backyard to take the short route to my



When I drove to the territory, an old wolf bowed his head. I nodded my head and I felt my wolf feeling

her dominance in this land. Vijayan was waiting there to welcome me. I felt it was too much but my wolf

was looking at them proudly. She was happy for their respect to us. They insisted me to come with

them in the car but I refused politely and drove along with them. The pack's teen boys were playing

before the building, which I think as pack house. I have seen a few of them at my college. I parked my

bike and looked at the building.

"This is our pack house, Alpha"

Vijayan showed his hand for me to go inside first. The building is wide rather than tall. It has three

levels but each level must have at least thirty big rooms.

I climbed up the stairs and walked inside. Everything has a modern and upgraded look. Not bad!

Everyone was just staring at me. A few have bowed their head. My body was naturally showing my

strong and tall figure. He stopped near the door 'Alpha office' and opened the door for me. It was so

classic and expensive. The other wall was completely glass wall which could be seen only from inside.

The scent of my mom's mate hit me and I walked out with a cough.

"What happened, Alpha?

Vijayan asked me in concern.

"I don't like his scent. Can we talk in your office, Vijay? And call me Kavi. No formalities needed!"

Usually, I would have stated that I was sorry but that word doesn't feel right to say. Am I already

abusing my status?

'Ah! Don't overreact. Chins up! We are Alpha. We don't have to be sorry. Earn their respect.'

My wolf piped in. I mentally nodded my head and walked to his office.

I sat down on the sofa on the side and leaned my head back.

"It was so weird you know. This was my first visit here. I have to run this entire pack. And I was

indirectly helping the person whom I hate the most in my life. But my wolf feels responsible for all of

you. She wants to ensure your safety. I don't know whether everyone will accept me as their Alpha. I

don't even want this title. Why I have to do this?"

I talked to myself. I heard Vijayan's chuckle. His eyes glazed and a tall built person came in. I looked up

at him.

"He is Nakul, Third in command of this pack. He stepped up a month back but he is very smart."

I stood up and extended my hand. But he scoffed and looked away. A deep growl erupted from me. His

eyes widened and he bowed his head in submission.

"It doesn't matter if you like me or not. I am trying to behave friendly. Don't make my wolf lose temper."

I warned him and looked at Vijayan's Direction.

"Can you summon all the pack members now. Ask the patrol to keep their mind link open and I want

you to convey my message to them. I don't have any need to sacrifice my leisure time and work for this

pack. This pack is who needs a leader, I don't need anything from this pack. So I demand at least that

basic gratitude and respect. I may not have a great past. And I wasn't here all these days. But I am

here now. And I am the person who wouldn't hesitate to sacrifice my own life for those who believe me.

Let me directly ask whether you guys need me or not. Now mind link everyone to the place where

usual pack meeting would be held."

I don't know why I was getting angry but I couldn't tolerate disrespect from them. My wolf was at the

surface. Vijayan nodded his head his eyes glazed. Let's end this problem now. I am ready to face the Text © owned by NôvelDrama.Org.


[To be continued...]

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