My head was on my desk, I was taking a nap since there was nothing for me to do when the buzzing sound of the intercom penetrated my sleep. Why is he calling me now? Just when I started enjoying my nap. I picked up the intercom and placed it on my ear

“Good day boss.” I greeted gruffly. I have not set my eyes on him since I got to work this morning and this is also the first time he’s calling me today.

“Good day Brianna. Why is your voice sounding like this? Were you sleeping?” He asked, but I did not reply him because it was a little embarrassing.

“That aside, I need you to come to my office. If you can remember, we have a meeting with Mr. Sergio at ‘Dine with Diana’ by 2:00 p. m. and this is 1:30 p. m. so we have to start going. Remember to take the necessary we’ll be needing along with you.” He said all of this with a clam voice and I was a bit surprised at the tone of his voice. Since when did he start talking to me calmly? Moreover, I am the one that ought to be reminding if we have a meeting but here we are, him reminding me that we have a meeting, how ironic.

“Sir, are you okay?” I asked unknowingly.

“Yes I’m okay. Why did you ask?” He asked back.

“Nothing sir. I just wanted to confirm something.” I replied and quickly hung up before he could say anything.

I stood up and stretched my limbs. I took my handbag that was sitting on a side of my desk and put on my phone, notepad, pen and some other things before zipping it and I walked out of my office. I got to Mr. Adrian’s office and knocked on the door.

“Come in Brianna.” He said with his sonorous voice and I walked into his office to see him on his feet and ready to go.

“How did you know I was the one knocking?” I asked.

“Because I know how you knock and who else am I expecting in my office right now if not you?” He replied in a duh tone.

“Seriously?” I chuckled, finding what he said funny.

“Whatever.” He said with a roll of his eyes.

“Have you gotten everything we’re going to be needing?” He questioned.

“Yes I do.” I responded.

“Then we’re good to go.” He stated and we walked out of his office with him walking behind me. I can swear that I could feel his eyes on my ass but I dismissed the thought, thinking that why would he be staring at my ass when there are lots of ladies at his beck and call that have bigger asses than mine.

We got to the car park and Mr. Adrian led me to where his car was parked. He peered into the car through the tinted window and started knocking on the window aggressively when somebody winded down the window from inside. It turned out to be his driver and he looked as if he just woke up from a nap. His eyes widened when he saw Mr. Adrian.

“Ah, Mr. Adrian. I’m so sorry for keeping you waiting sir. I was just a bit tired and I didn’t know when I dozed off.” He quickly explained himself even though we had not been waiting for that long.Belongs © to NôvelDrama.Org.

“It’s okay Brandon. Unlock the doors of the car, we’re going out.” Mr. Adrian stated gently and the driver looked at him weirdly while I also glanced at him in surprise.

“Sir? You’re not angry at me for keeping you waiting? You’re supposed to be yelling at me or something.” The driver uttered looking puzzled and I giggled quietly. Seems like I’m not the only one who thinks he’s acting weird. Maybe he is in a good mood today? Who knows?

“Why should I be angry? Everyone gets tired and deserve to rest. Unlock the doors so that we can be on our way already. We’re running late, Brandon.” Mr. Adrian said impatiently and Brandon quickly went into the car and unlocked the doors from the inside.

Mr. Adrian opened the door to the backseat and got inside. I was about to walk around the car and sit at the passenger seat but Mr. Adrian called me back.

“We’re do you think you’re going, Brianna?” I heard him ask.

“I’m going to the passenger seat of course.” I responded.

“Passenger seat?” He scoffed and continued, “Come back here and seat beside me.” He ordered and I grumbled before stomping to the back and sat down with a sour face and folded arms.

“Okay, start the car, Brandon. We’re running out of time.” Mr. Adrian said to Brandon and he started the car and then drove out of the car park.

As soon as Brandon drove out of the company’s premises, Mr. Adrian took out his phone and got focused on it while I just sat down doing nothing. I would have also take out my phone but there’s really nothing for me to do with it.

“Mr. Brandon?” I called for his attention.

“Yes, Miss Brianna?” He glanced at me through the mirror before focusing back on the road.

“Sorry that I’m disturbing you but can you play some music for me please? I’m dying of boredom here.” I stated pleadingly and he chuckled a little.

“No problem Miss.” He said and played Motorsport by Migos, Cardi B and Nicki Minaj.

“Oooooooh Brandon, you played the right song. I love this song soooo much.” I squealed and he laughed as I began rapping along with Cardi B when it got to her verse.

“Wow Miss, you sure can rap.” He complimented.

“Thanks, Mr. Brandon.” I grinned widely.

“You listen to these type of songs?” Mr. Adrian asked, after minutes of being focused on his phone.

“Of course, I do. Any problem?” I answered and asked back.

“No, no problem. I was just asking.” He uttered and got back to his phone.

A few minutes later, Brandon pulled over in front of a classy and beautiful restaurant which seemed to be a five star from the appearance.

“We’re here, sir.” Brandon announced.

“Thanks Brandon, we’ll be back soon.” Mr. Adrian said to Brandon. “Let’s go Brianna.” Mr. Adrian said to me before he alighted from the car and I followed behind him.

We walked into the restaurant and a well-dressed waiter came to meet us immediately.

“Good day sir and ma’am. How may I be of help to you?” The waiter asked with a nice smile on his face.

“Good day to you too. I have a meeting here with Mr. Sergio, and according to him, he has made reservations already.” Mr. Adrian uttered.

“Oh right! Follow me sir and ma’am, I’ll lead you to him.” He stated and we followed behind him. We arrived at a table a d the waiter excused himself when we got there. Two men were sitting at the table — one old man and a younger man.

“Ah, Mr. Adrian! Good to see you.” The older man who I assumed to be Mr. Sergio, stood up and shook hands with Mr. Adrian enthusiastically.

“Good to see you too, Mr. Sergio. Sorry that we kept you waiting.” Mr. Adrian stated.

“No problem, we haven’t been here for that long. Please have your seats.” Mr. Sergio offered and we sat down.

“Mr. Adrian, who is this beauty beside you?” Mr. Sergio questioned while staring at me.

“”Oh yeah, Mr. Sergio, this is Brianna, my personal assistant.” Mr. Adrian introduced me to him.

“Good afternoon, sir.” I greeted politely.

“Good afternoon, Brianna. I must say, you look very beautiful.” He complimented me with a sort of flirtatious smile and I looked at him as if he had gone insane. There’s really nothing wrong with him complimenting me but coming from an old man like him and with a flirtatious smile, it felt weird.

“Err, thank you sir.” I said unsurely and Mr. Adrian cleared his throat loudly.

“Who is this guy sitting with you, Mr. Sergio?” Mr. Adrian asked, looking at the guy that had been quiet all this while.

“Right! This is Simeon, my personal assistant.” Mr. Sergio stated and the guy finally acknowledged our presence.

“Good day sir. Good day mis miss.” He greeted and drawled the ‘miss’ part.

“Okay! Now that that’s over, let’s begin what we came here for.” Mr. Adrian uttered authoritatively and the atmosphere around us changed to a professional one.

“So….. Mr. Adrian, you said that you would like to buy part of the shares of Aluminum Rolling Mill. How many percentage are we talking about here?” Mr. Sergio enquired.

“Hmmm. Considering the amount of profit the industry makes, I’ll like to buy thirty percentage.” Mr. Adrian responded.

“Oh really? That’s a lot of shares you’re willing to buy there and I must say that it’s going to cost you a whole lot of money.” Mr. Sergio stated.

“Of course, I know that already and I am ready to pay any amount you mention.” Mr. Adrian said.

“Really? You’ll pay any amount?” Mr. Sergio asked with a surprised face but the surprise on his face quickly vanished.

“Yes, I will.” Mr. Adrian replied.

All this while, that Mr. Adrian and Mr. Sergio had been discussing, I could feel Simeon’s staring at my cleavage and my face consecutively without stopping and I could see drool in the side of his mouth. Wow, I never knew that I was so beautiful that I could make men drool to this extent.

“Simeon! Simeon!” Mr. Sergio called his PA but the fool didn’t hear because he was busy staring at my cleavage.

“Simeon? Can’t you hear that I’m calling you?” Mr. Sergio queried and Simeon snapped out of the daze he was in.

“Seriously Simeon? What were you thinking about that you didn’t hear me calling you.” Mr. Sergio asked Simeon.

“I was thinking about how Brianna’s boobs will feel in my hands. I’m sure they’ll be very soft.” He blurted and three sets of eyes stared at him in shock before he realized what he said.

“I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean…..” Simeon was saying but Mr. Adrian’s booming voice cut him off.

“What the hell dude?!” Mr. Adrian exclaimed loudly.

“We’re in the middle of a very important meeting and you’re busy fantasizing about my personal assistant’s boobs. Are you mad or something?” Mr. Adrian suddenly flared up and I was amused as well as shocked.

“I’m so sorry sir.” Simeon apologized but I could tell that the apology was not sincere.

“Well you can’t really blame him Mr. Adrian. You PA is too beautiful and I wonder why she’s working as someone’s personal assistant when she is supposed to be a runway or Victoria’s secret model or something.” Mr. Sergio stated and I gaped at him. This man is such an old pervert, he’s old enough to be my uncle, even my father.

“Not you too, Mr. Sergio! If your PA is senseless then you, the boss ought to have an iota of sense. You know what? I’m done with this useless meeting. You can go sell your shares to other people who are willing to buy.” Mr. Adrian lashed out and stood up from the chair he was sitting on angrily before storming out. I stood up and was about to follow behind him but Mr. Sergio held my arm firmly.

“Where are you going, pretty damsel? Don’t tell me you’re going after him.” Mr. Sergio stated frowningly.

“Of course, I’m going after him!” I snapped while trying to get my arm out of his grasp.

“You don’t have to go after him. Cone with me and I’ll be paying you monthly without having to do any work.” He said.

“No thank you. I don’t want your stinking money. Fucking let me go.” I growled lowly.

“What exactly do you see in him? I heard that he’s not nice to his employees.” He uttered.

“He might not be nice to his employees but he surely is not a perverted old fool like you. And you Simeon, are a disgrace to young boys. You are an idiot.” I snapped angrily, and at that moment, I freed my arm from his grasp and ran out of the restaurant without looking back.

“What were you doing there after I left?” Mr. Adrian asked immediately I got into the car.

“I was making the old man and his assistant have a rethink about their lives.” I responded simply.

“Well you see what happened in there? I don’t want such things to repeat itself. Wear clothes that will cover your body as from tomorrow.” He stated and I stared at him as if he had grown two more heads.

“I should wear clothes that cover my body? Is this one that I am putting on showing a lot of skin or a girl can’t show a little bit of cleavage?” I questioned.

“All I know is that you should start wearing conservative clothes. If you want to show your cleavage, then you should go work in a strip club.” He snapped.

“It’s not my fault that they couldn’t control their libido but if you want me to start wearing conservative clothes to work then fine, I’ll start dressing like a nun. Hope you’re satisfied.” I stated angrily and faced the window as Brandon began driving out of the premises of the restaurant.


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