A Second Chance With My Tribrid Alpha King



I looked down at the Doctor’s report in my hand, anger taking over my senses.

“She lost it.” I whispered in disbelief. “Rosaline lost her pregnancy.”

“Again.” Denver muttered, and that reminder pained me. What plagued me the most was my lack of understanding towards Rosaline’s tolerance for my brother.

“And she’s left with him again, right?”

“Yes.” He sighed. “They both went home this afternoon, after the doctor announced she was fit to be discharged.”

“That isn’t a home, Denver!!” I burst out, before I could hold back. “She isn’t in a home. She is too kind for that monster.”

“Do you think he would get better from this psychologically relapse?” Denver sighed, and the look in his eyes only increased my annoyance.

“Really? That is why you have been so lenient with him? Because you feel sorry for taking the Alpha position from him?!”

“Audrey, calm down.” He whispered.

“But I can’t. You all are busy, pardoning a horrible person, due to the excuse of psychological issues. How long are we going to blame his psychologyy?!! Do you even know the level of psychological damage he must have caused Rosa by now? He has broken that lady beyond reasoning, and I would no longer tolerate it. Enough is enough!” I turned and started walking out of the empty room that Rosa had been occupying for days now, but Denver pulled me back. “Let go.” I shook his hand off my arm.

“Not until you tell me where you’re going.”

I remained quiet, not ready for him to dissuade me from the plans I had in mind.

“This time, she didn’t look understanding.” He muttered, looking deep in thoughts.


“Rosa.” He replied. “She didn’t look understanding this time. She was so cold and aloof, and….”

“Are you being serious right now?” I glared. “What do you expect from a woman who has just lost her third pregnancy in the space of a year and 4 months?!” I shot back.

I honestly couldn’t believe it all. It still seemed unreal to me. Andrew’s beastly behaviour which he tried to hide under the guise of psychological injury, was disgusting. How could he consistently hurt his mate that way, and expect me to buy that psychology rubbish? The annoying part of it all, was the fact she would always return home with him, after everything he did to her. I knew he was her mate, but no one shouldn’t remain with someone who derives pleasure from hurting them.

I remember the first time I met her. It was 16 months ago. She had been seriously injured by my brother, in a pool of her own blood, and had just miscarried her first pregnancy for him. Denver and I had rushed her to the pack’s infirmary and it was a struggle to save her life, considering how much blood she had lost. I confronted Andrew, and all he said was how much I had ruined his life. He blamed me for what he had turned into, and somehow, I began to feel remorseful. He asked me to stay away from his private matters, and stay far away from him as possible.

I tried to have a talk with Rosa before she was discharged from the hospital, but it felt like I was pouring water on a stone. She said she loved him, and was going to stick by him through it all, until he got better. She said he was never this way, until our parents died and he lost his chance at becoming Alpha. I didn’t need anybody to tell me to back off, seeing I was the cause of their problems. I hoped it was going to be the end of his assaults, and the injuries he caused his mate would be a lesson to him. It turned out I was wrong. So wrong.

His assaults had continued. Not up to 3 months later, Rosa was admitted into the infirmary because the bastard had stabbed her with a silver knife in the heat of his assaults. It took a whole week before she could be discharged. All through that period, I never went visiting because I wanted to respect their decision and stay away from their business. It was Denver who always gave me updates about her health.

Several months after her discharge, Denver informed me she had just lost another pregnancy as a result of Andrew’s incessant violence. I tried my best to look the other way, no matter how difficult it was for me to.

Now, Andrew has hurt her again and I have decided I am done minding my business. As the pack’s army commander, I had the authority to discipline him, and I would do so. He couldn’t keep hurting her and getting away with it.

“Denver, I am giving you two days to punish him, or I would be forced to exercise my authority as the pack’s commander.” I quipped.

“Fine. I promise to do something about it.” He sighed.

“You better do, because you have no idea how this makes us look to the pack. He may be family, but it doesn’t change the fact that he is a monster. Now, Rosa doesn’t even speak to anyone anymore. He has completely destroyed her confidence and esteem, isolating her from the rest of the pack.” I ground my teeth against themselves, angry that I suddenly felt like crying. I had fought so hard to not do so in two years, and I wouldn’t start now.Property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

“Come here.” Denver pulled me for a hug that I was in no mood to return. “I promise to fix this.” He assured me. “Why not leave for your training now. Your people must be waiting.”

A smile made its way to my face. My people indeed. These past few months had been very bearable for me. Little by little, the pack soldiers were warming up to me, and it was beginning to feel like I led a team. Just a few weeks back, I dislocated my knee while training, and some of the female soldiers had shown up at my house to tend to my injury and help with a few house chores. They had continued visiting until I got better and was fit to resume training again.

Two days ago, there was a rogue attack, and the soldiers had been equal to the task. Not a single rogue had escaped alive. It was clear that all our trainings were paying off, and everyone was glad. It pleased me to know that slowly, I was earning the respect and trust of the pack. It made me yearn to do more. To bond more with them, because I had seen how wonderful they could be when they truly cared about someone. It suddenly felt like I was getting to know my pack all over again. Well, that was expected, considering the fact I never really related with them when my parents were still Alpha and Luna.

“I makes me glad.” I muttered and Denver nodded, flashing me a small smile.

“You would be happier, if you start letting them close to you.”

“How?” I muttered, at loss and also interested in knowing what he meant. Truly, I felt like there was something more that kept me from completely bonding with them.

“Audrey, you still do not let them close to you. You never spar with any of them, except me.”

“Denver, I’m really working on that. Truly.” I sighed.

“I know. You should get going already.” He said, and I nodded in agreement. We both walked out of the infirmary and took opposite paths. He was on his way to the pack house for a meeting with the pack elders.

I increased my pace and made my way to the training field, a lot of thoughts running through my mind. Thoughts about my conversation with Denver. I really needed to bond with my soldiers, because that is what makes them loyal to me and the pack on the long run. But then, I still haven’t gotten over my phobia for physical contact.

Even when the female soldiers had come to assist me after I dislocated my knee, I didn’t really let them so close, except the doctor who had to shift my bone back in place. This was getting really bad.

As I stepped into the field, a lot of them were busy doing different things. Some were racing, some were sparring, and some where practicing archery.

“Chief!” One of the young female soldiers; Dalia, ran towards me. She was one of the people who had shown up to take care of me the other time.

The moment she was close enough, she halted, making it clear that she knew I didn’t appreciate the closeness. “Good afternoon, Chief.”

“Chief!!” I looked ahead to see another group of she-wolves waving at me. I tried to wear a smile and reciprocated their wave.

“Dalia, hey.” I looked back at her, amused at how much she was grinning at me. “Any probelm?” I asked shyly.

“Not at all. You just look really pretty today. Not that you don’t look pretty on other days though.” She quickly added.

“O.. oh?” I stuttered, having not expected her flattery. That was new. But it was a good thing. “Thank you.” I muttered.

“Of course!” She rushed out. “How are you?” She asked again. Okayyyy, this was very unusual.

“Not so fine.” I answered honestly, Andrew’s monstrosity plaguing my mind.

“I know why.” She sighed, stretching out her hand to hold mine, but I subconsciously pulled away. Instantly, her face fell.

“I’m sorry.” I rushed out, feeling remorseful. “I’m so sorry Dalia. Let me make it up to you.” I rushed out, not realizing what I just said. Did I just beg to make it up to her? How?

“How?” Okayyyy… I had expected her to say it was all fine, not ask me how.

“I….. dooo…. I don’t know.” I sighed.

“I think I do.” She smiled at me again.

“What?” I muttered, confused.

“I wouldn’t take what you did to heart, if you spar with me.” Oh, goddess!

“Dalia, I…..”

“I know. You have haphephobia.” She whispered.


“That is what your problem is called.” She muttered, locking eyes with me. Oh, goddess! Why was I particularly so tempted to cry today? “It’s the fear of physical touch. Sometimes, it is psychological.”

“I do not have a psychological problem, Dalia.” I started walking away. I wasn’t Andrew.

“Chief, please wait.” She pulled me back, and the feel of her hands on my arm, made me jolt in fear.

“Dalia, please.” I whispered, not wanting anyone to hear us.

“Pleeeaaassseee.” She begged as well. “I’m not lying. I have a cousin who has the same issues.”

“You do?” I found myself asking.

“Yes. It started after she got rejected by her mate. Her name is Edith, and her case is similar to yours. He marked her, before rejecting her.” Immediately, it dawned on me. It was all beginning to make sense. This actually started after Logan rejected me.

“Are you serious?”

“Hundred percent.” She sighed. “And I hate it when the others think you’re just stuck up. They don’t know it’s not your fault.” I just kept looking at her, unsure of what to say. “Please say something.” She pouted.

“I….” I swallowed. “Dalia, can you help me?” I finally let it out. At my request, a huge smile made its way to her face.

“If you let me.”

“I will. What do I have to do?”

“Spar with me.” She said, and my shoulders slumped in defeat. I couldn’t.

“But I can’t.”

“You can.” She chuckled. “Our wolves can.”

“How? Isn’t my wolf affected as well? Frankly speaking, the rejection hurt her more.”

“Yes, she was definitely hurt by the rejection, but It’s a psychological trauma, chief. Your human self it the traumatized one, not your wolf form.”

“Oh.” I whispered in clarity.

“So, would you spar with me?” She asked again.



It was so late in the night when I finally got home. After training, Denver had invited me for dinner at the pack house, and I was happy to go. I spent quite a while there, before making my way back home.

I walked straight into my room and loosened the tight ponytail I had packed my hair into. Then I stripped off my clothes and stepped into the bathroom, feeling extremely tired after the day’s work. I may have been tired, but it didn’t stop the smile that made its way to my face. Today was a success, and I had Dalia to thank for it. She was right after all. My wolf had been so excited to be sparring with someone who wasn’t Denver, after 2 years.

I was also happy because the soldiers were excited. A lot of them were challenged to spar with me, after the tough session between Dalia’s wolf and mine. I did spar with two other soldiers, but promised to spar with others in the next training sessions to come.

They all left the training grounds feeling excited, and I was glad. It was something new, for a change. I had this feeling that things were going to be interesting from here on.

‘Are you certain’? My wolf asked, and I shrugged, washing my body with my soft sponge. It felt therapeutic.

‘I haven’t thought about him the whole day’. I muttered, feeling successful at achieving something so difficult.

‘Not really. You’re thinking about him now’.

I remained silent, realizing that was true after all. I had tried for months now, to go a whole day without thinking about Logan. But I always failed woefully. Today turned out to be no different. I hurriedly washed off the lather from my body, and proceeded out of the bathroom.

Just after cleaning my body and dropping my towel on the bed, an unusual heat stroke hit me, causing sweat to break out on my forehead. The next thing I felt, was a burning sensation on my neck. It was the spot where Logan had marked me. It got so inflamed, making my vision blurry. I pressed against the mark and screamed out in pain, as I fell to my knees.

“Logan, you’re hurting me! Please stop.” I cried out. I wasn’t even sure of what I was saying, but it felt right

I could feel my bones cracking slowly, as my furs started to appear. My wolf was begging to be out, I wasn’t strong enough to withstand such pains. I managed to run out of my room and down to the living room. I was about reaching for the door when it flew open in my face. Someone ran in with great speed, and I turned to see it was Rosaline. I was confused at first, but the tears in her eyes and blood on her face, told me all I needed to know. This was the first time to was coming to me for help, and I wasn’t going to fail her.

“Audrey….” She panicked, probably realizing I was half way through shifting. “Are you o…” She was still speaking when a wolf came running through the doors, and making its way towards her. Immediately I saw the threat, I let my wolf take over, and pounced on it from behind. By then, it had already sunk its claws into Rosaline’s clavicle, giving a clean and wide cut. She let out a loud cry of pain, and that was more enough to make me do what I did next. Without a second thoughts, I sunk my canines into its neck, and bit into its carotid artery.

He became destabilized and fell off of Rosa, shifting back to its human form.

That was when it dawned on me. I just….. That wasn’t a random wolf, that was my brother!

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