Alpha Loren

Chapter 25 And They Had No Light

Chapter 25 And They Had No Light

October 16th

During breakfast, Leo was still very quiet.

It unsettled me.

"You're still thinking about what Antonio and Blair said, aren't you?" I asked.

"How long are you going to make me wait?" he asked leaning back and sighing.

I shrugged.

"And why?" he questioned, "So you don't want to please me because I'm a 'bad' person. Are you

nervous about losing your virginity too?"

I swallowed.

"It's normal to be nervous because it's your first time and that won't change whether we do it now or in

ten years," he said. "But it's not just the sex you're nervous about."

I looked down at my plate.

"It makes it real, doesn't it?" he asked.

I didn't move.

"Right now we haven't finished the mating process. We have a connection but it's not solidified yet. But

as soon as you sleep with me you are well and truly my mate. No way out. That scares you, doesn't it?"

I shrugged.

"The thought of being eternally bound to you, Alpha Loren, is unsettling," I replied. "I can't imagine

loving're dark and immoral...and what's a life and partnership without love?"

"You think that not completing the mating process means you have an escape route?" he asked.

He then looked at me with a raised eyebrows and stony expression.

"Because it doesn't. Whether you like it or not, you are stuck with me so you might as well enjoy your

time here," he said.

"Enjoy my time here?" I asked, "I can't just stand by and support you as your Luna as you kill people."

He clenched his jaw.

"So I will not become your Luna until you become someone I can support. I am not going to give in,

Leonardo. If you ever want that sex or that baby, you will make an effort to be a good person."

He let out a short laugh, "You're gonna bribe me into doing what you want? You know, my father is

right. You are messing me around."

"I'm doing what is right," I said, "I'm fighting the evil in you."

"You're defying nature," he replied.

"Well you said it yourself...I'm unconventional."

I then folded my arms and glared at him.

"But your wolf isn't," he said, glaring straight back, "I don't know if it was growing up a rogue, being

raised by Nicolos Jones or living in the human world that messed you up but your wolf will never be

able to resist her mate. And that is your weakness."

"Fuck you," I growled.

"Yes, please do."

"If you are so desperate for sex why don't you just sleep around again?! It's not like you saved yourself

for your mate anyway!" I shouted getting to my feet.

"I was a virgin at 17 too."

"So its okay for you but if it was me, you would have murdered someone," I spat.

"You can murder every girl I've ever slept with if you like," he said. "But you wouldn't."

"I'd be there for years," I replied beginning to walk away.

"You're really gonna get upset that I'm not a virgin?"

"How would you like it if I went out tonight and slept with another man?" I said pulling my hand out of

his hand and marching to the door.

"You would never do that," Leo growled coming closer.

"What makes you so sure?" I asked as he pushed me up against the wall.

"Because you know I would kill them without a second thought and you don't want that blood on your

hands. There's another one of your weaknesses, Ella. Remorse."

I clenched my teeth together and shoved his chest.

In response, he grabbed my wrist and pinned them to the wall.

"I'm going to the Southern territory tonight on business," he said, "When I get home in two days, we will


He then slowly took his hands off me and stepped back before he turned on his heel and walked out of

the kitchen, leaving my slightly shake and alone.

Four hours later at 3:00 pm, Mateo arrived and Leo left pretty much without saying a word.

"What's got his knickers in a twist?"Mateo asked.

"He wants to mate, I don't," I said.

"Why not?" He said getting a carton of orange juice out the fridge, "He's your mate, he's attractive,


"Because he's Leonardo Loren and I have more respect for myself than to just let such a bad man have


Mateo nodded, "Are you sure you're not overthinking it? It's just sex."

I shrugged, "Just sex with a serial killer who I consequentially become the Luna of and potentially get

pregnant with his kid too."

"Well, I know my brother. He will not pin you down and force you. Just say no."

"The trouble is..." I said with a grimace, "He has a way of um..."

"Of what?" Mateo asked, turning to me and examining my expression.

"Seduction," I said, "He can make my wolf crave him."

"Oh God," Mateo cringed, "I didn't need to know."

"Well the point is, when he gets home in a couple of days and he wants sex, I'm worried my wolf won't

resist him," I said, "And she'll betray the human side of me."

"I see," Mateo said.

"It's a conundrum isn't it?" I said as he found some leftover pancakes in the fridge, "Do they not feed

you at the Loren household?"

"When you're used to living with 4 brothers you learn to take whatever you can get," He said getting

some chocolate sauce to put on the pancakes. "And Leo always has great food in his fridge. Do you

want anything to eat?" Mateo asked.

"I just ate," I said causing him to stare at me blankly.

"And?..." He said.

"I'm not hungry," I replied.

"Suit yourself," He chirped whilst walking up to the TV with a bag of popcorn. "Let's watch a movie to

take your mind off you're issue. What does Leo has in this mystery box of DVDs then...Horror,

horror,horror, horror...a comedy? wait it's a horror, another horror, yet another horror and finally

some romantic high school chick flick...why the fuck does he have this?" He said shocked.

"Maybe he has a soft spot?" I laughed.

"Property of Lia Loren..." He said reading a label on the back of the DVD. "Right...that makes more

sense." He said laughing. "So what do you wanna watch?"

"I normally would never choose horror but since the only other option is...My Senior Prince...I don't

think we really have a choice," I said.

"Okay, so which horror movie?" Mateo asked. "I would recommend The Axe Massacre or Alone in the


"They both sound equally terrifying so whichever one you want," I said.

"Axe massacre it is then," He decided putting the DVD in the player. "Are you sure you want to watch


"What's the worst that can happen?" I asked.

"You have a nightmare and then Leo finds out I let you watch an horror movie and he massacres me

with an axe."

"I'm not that much of a chicken! I'm not going to have a nightmare!" I said not even believing myself.

"Alright but if anyone asks it was your idea."

An hour later, my head was burrowed into Mateo's shoulder and I had my eyes squeezed shut.

"What's the point of watching a film if you are going to shut your eyes?" Mateo asked. I cautiously

opened them only to see someones decapitated head fall onto someone else's windscreen.

"SHIT!" I screamed. "I'm kind of wishing we watched My Senior Prince now!" I said as another head got

ran over but the car.

When the film finished I was shaking from fear. Mateo had put his arm around me a bit when things got

really scary but never anything to touchy touchy. I guess he was scared Leo would suddenly pop his

head through the door or something.

"Never. Again," I said causing Mateo to laugh.

That night, I was still shaken by the movie. I shuddered as I walked past the back door and quickly

closed the curtains.

"There's no one out there. Chill," Mateo laughed.

"There might be," I said, "Logan Wilson or some psycho like that."

"Logan that crazy dude that Leo killed the other night?" Mateo asked.

I turned in shock to look at Mateo.

"Leo killed him!?" I exclaimed.

So that's where he went when we were in Kellington...

"Was I not meant to say that?" Mateo said looking a bit guilty. "I'm sorry I thought you knew. I didn't

mean to upset you."

"I'm not really upset he was an absolute twat I'm just surprised that he's actually dead and that Leo

didn't tell me..." I said.

"Anyway now we have established there is no way Alpha Logan Wilson could possibly break into this

house are you gonna get some sleep? It's midnight."

I looked towards the staircase. It was dark up there and I shuddered.

"Can you walk me to my room?" I asked.

He rolled his eyes, "Come on you baby."

I made it to the bedroom safely and got into bed quite quickly and tried to get to sleep quickly. I didn't

want to dwell on the thought of the horror movie or Logan. I kind of me wanted Leo to cuddle and

comfort me because that film was fucking scary. But he also killed Logan and I don't know how I feel

about that yet.

October 17th

I woke up cold again and found myself wishing for Leo to be beside me. He was always warm and

snuggling into him this morning after what was a terrible night sleep would be a blessing.

Later on in the morning, Mateo took me on a run out into the forest.

The sun was glorious as it filtered through the spindly autumn branches and although Mateo was right

beside me I still felt the freest I had since I met Leo.

We soon got to a lake that glistened and sparkled in the most beautiful blue as the morning is lifted

over it.

"If my brothers were here, someone would have been pushed in there by now," Mateo said.

I laughed, "How cruel. Do you not see that thin sheet of ice at the shore?!"

We continued to chat. Mateo was good company. Funny, kind, calm. Like Leo when he was in a good

mood except Mateo was always in a good mood.

When we returned for lunch Mateo taught me to make a type of Italian bread which was delicious and

after that, Lia came over and we watched her dreadful chick flick and it was dreadful just to confirm.

And then when she left at 5:00 pm thankful she took it with her.

"Oh, Leo says he's already on his way back," Mateo said looking at his phone.

"...Oh," I said, a whole mix of emotions coming in.

I couldn't bear the thought of another night like last night but equally the words and mood he left me

with still lingered.

"Are you good?" Mateo asked.

I nodded and forced a smile.

My wolf, of course, was thrilled and I wanted to see him too but I couldn't help but be worried about the

very thing she was excited for.

Leo reappeared a few hours later and Mateo soon left.

"How'd you sleep?" Leo asked, his hands on my waist.

"Like shit," I replied, "You?"

"Dog shit," he said hugging me.

I smiled before he leant down to kiss me.

"Would you like me to make you some coffee?" I asked quickly as I felt myself begin to be drawn into This belongs © NôvelDra/ma.Org.

his trap, once again.

He nodded silently and smiled.

When I had made him the cup of steaming coffee, I brought it over to the table where he was sat and

for a moment I thought he'd forgotten.

Then he placed his arm around my waist and guided me to sit on his lap.

"What did you do with Mateo?" he asked.

"Watched movies, made pizza. Not much," I replied.

He nodded as he took a sip of the coffee.

"You seem on edge," he observed wrapping his arms around me. "What's up?"

"Nothing," I replied quickly.

A few minutes later, the mug was empty and I was still on his lap.

"I should go and put the mug in the sink," I said getting up.

To my surprise and great relief, he let me go. But as I placed the mug in the washing up water, I felt him

draw up behind me.

He put his hands on my waist before he flipped me around and pressed his lips hard against mine.

And as I felt his warmth absorb into me, the warmth I'd been craving all day, I enjoyed the taste of his


Oh shit.

He soon lifted me from the ground and sat me on the counter as he got between my legs, gripping my

thighs tight as he kept kissing me.

I put my hands, which trembled slightly on his chest, trying to ignore the feeling of excitement deep

inside me.

"Stop," I said weakly as his hands squeezed my ass.

"Listen to your wolf," he said in my ear before his kiss moved down to my neck.

I shivered at the deep, husky tone of his voice.

His lips softly graced my mark and I accidentally let out an uncontrollable whimper.

He then cupped his hand behind my head and kissed me again, pressing me up against the counter.

As he kissed me deeper, tingles shot down my spine and I gasped.

He smiled at my pleasure as he leant down further to kiss the crook of my neck. His hand then pressed

into my lower back as his other engulfed my neck with one huge hand and pulled me hard into his lips.

He was rough and fast but every kiss was powerful and carefully designed to sent shock waves of

pleasure throughout me.

But just as his fingers had reached for the buckle of my shorts, I was saved.

All of a sudden all of the lights flickered and then turned off entirely. The wind was howling outside and

it had started raining hard.

Leo pulled away, leaving me to catch my breath and uncloud my judgement as the pleasure faded.

How could I be so weak?

Talking of weak. With the lights off and the house completely dark, I shuddered as fear crept up on me.

"Leo," I asked, cautiously looking around, remembering a scene from the Axe massacre that was quite

similar to the current situation.

"It's a power cut" I heard him say from somewhere near me.

"I know but the storm and the darkness. It's a lot like the film I watched with Mateo last night and it's

unsettling," I said.

I then quickly covered my mouth.

Damn it, Ella. You can't keep a secret for shit.

There was a tense pause "...He let you watch a horror film?"


"For christ's sake," He muttered. "Were you okay last night on your own?"

"Well I'm still alive aren't I?" I chuckled.

"Let me get you a flashlight," He said, "I'll be back in a moment. Try not to get axe massacred whilst I'm


"Funny," I remarked as he laughed to himself.

He was gone for a few minutes. I stood still in the kitchen waiting for his return but when something

thudded outside and he was still not back, I had to go and follow the noise.

It came from the forest for sure. At first, I tried looking through the window but it was dark and pouring it

down so I had to open the door to investigate more closely.

As I step out onto the doorstep, my feet were instantly soaked. It was storming hard and as I squinted,

staring out into the trees, I still could see nothing.

But I felt incredibly unsettled all the same. The shadows out there moved as the storm blew the trees

and the creaks and whines of the branches and trunks filled the air with creepiness.

Just as I began to get majorly freaked out and started to back inside, refusing to take my eyes off the

forest, just in case, I felt something behind me.

I screeched at the top of my lungs only causing it to grab me with two large hands.

"Ella, chill," Leo's voice said, "It's me."

"You scared the life out of me!"

"What the hell are you doing going outside?" he asked, "Look at how wet your feet are."

"I heard a thud," he said.

"Probably just the massive tree that landed in the back yard," he replied, "That movie has really got you

paranoid, huh?"

He then took my hand and put a flashlight in it. I switched it on and we were both immediately


"Better, you little baby?" he asked.

I nodded, "Can we go upstairs?" I asked, "I need to be under the bedsheets. Everyone knows monsters

can't get you from under your bedsheets."

He smiled and took my hands, "Come on."

With the light of the flashlight, he led me upstairs and tucked me into the bed.

"Wow, look how safe you are now," he said, "These sheets could protect you from anything."

I rolled my eyes, "Are you making fun of me, Leonardo?"

"Of course not," he said before kissing my forehead.

He then looked down at me and lifted a strand of hair off my face and tucked it behind my ear.

"Fucking powercut," he grumbled, "I so nearly had you."

My face dropped, "It saved me from doing something I'd regret."

Leo looked down at me and smiled.

He ran his finger along the side of my face with such care and gentleness that as I watched his eyes

follow his hand and then trace back to my face, I couldn't help but melt a little inside.

His hands rested on top of the sheets but either side of my waist as he perched on the edge of the bed.

From here I could see the full muscular width of his shoulders and the beauty of his jawline as he just

sat effortlessly. How can a man be so attractive without having to try?

...And that was his trap. He was the devil in disguise.

And I'd seen him without his disguise yet I still wanted him.

"Your wolf still wants me," he said with a grin, "I can sense it. And you want the pleasure too...just not

everything that comes with it."

I looked up as his fingers slipped under the sheets.

"So how about a compromise?"

My stomach practically folded in half with I felt his hand between my legs. I already had to close my

eyes as I clenched my fist.

"Let me finish what I started days ago," he said, not hesitating to slip inside my panties, "But this time,

you can make as much noise as you like."

His fingers expertly slid into my moistness as I moaned. He rubbed gently at first before slowly

beginning to speed up.

I clutched the sheets until he leant further over me and I could clasp his shoulders as he massaged my

most sensitive spot.

I sucked my stomach in as intense pleasure soon seized me, just heightening and heightening.

It was at this point that he left me in Blair's car. But this time, he kept going as I clenched my teeth and

tilted my head back.

"Are you gonna cum already?" he said, no doubt with a grin seconds before my back arched and I

threw my head hard into the pillow, feeling the most unimaginable pleasure.

I let out a long deep moan as I felt my pelvis shake and I clasped his shoulders. As the orgasm went

on, he kissed my neck and my chest, only making it longer and better.

Eventually, I was relieved of the intensity and flattened myself back into the mattress as he kissed my


"That's my girl," he whispered, trailing his fingers out from my panties and along my leg as I caught my

breath, "Good, huh?"

I nodded.

"Now get some sleep," he said standing up, "You need it after last night."

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