Alpha’s Omega Mate

Chapter Ten

“You think too much. I cannot be in the same room with you,” he said nonchalantly.

And without a backward glance, he walked out of the room leaving her to her thoughts.


Cassy sat on the bed with a bounce still in daze by the words Kai had just spoken. Why was she so stupid?

She blamed everything on her wolf. She was the one who was worried about where he was going to spend the night. She never cared.

Or did she?

She could blame that on herself for being too kind and compassionate towards him no matter what he had done so far.

Cassy shook her head. No. She was not going to think about him anymore; he had clearly told her not to.

She stood up and went to her trunk. She pulled out a chemise and changed into it.

She was not going to take her bath, all she wanted was to close her eyes and let sleep take over.

Although she had enjoyed viewing the landscapes she was tired from the journey. She also did not have a good sleep the previous night.

She arranged the pillows back before laying on the bed, covering herself with the provided quilt.

Cassy tossed around on the bed as she tried to find sleep. She was having a hard time sleeping and her body was tired.

She couldn’t find a reason for inability to sleep. The previous night, it was about Kai and now she couldn’t point out the reason.

She recalled that she had not told Joanna about the letter. She prayed that she would find it and send it to the beta’s manor.

She turned several times on the bed before finally relaxing and looking upwards waiting for sleep to take over.

She had not slept for too long when she heard someone enter into the room.

She opened her eyes a little and then, her eyes met his drenched form.

And oh, he looked too good to be cruel like he was to her.

The white tunic was drenched with water which made it cling onto his skin letting out the outline of his chest muscles.

Cassy gulped and closed her eyes as he began to pull off his clothes oblivious that she was still awake.

She waited for a few minutes carefully listening to his movements and allowing her thoughts to consume her.This material belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

Why did he come back? Was he going to leave again?

She wanted to stand up and ask him where he had thought he was going to spend the night or where he had gone that he was so drenched but she decided against it and tried to keep her eye lids closed and not move her limbs.

She opened her eyes when she was sure that he was already dressed, but then she found him naked standing beside the window, his butt and back in view.

Cassy gasped quietly and closed her eyes with a small smile treading her lips.

While waiting for him to put on clothes, the sleep she has been awaiting consumed her and shut out her thoughts.

Cassy woke up in the early hours of the morning when it was raining heavily hitting the roof with a loud sound.

She presumed the time was 3am.

She first went into the bathroom to empty her bowel.

She laid on the bed, facing upwards. She couldn’t understand the reason why she was having problems with her sleep.

She knew that she usually did not sleep well back at the manor but since she began to live in the palace for two months she started to have a good sleep.

Or was it because he was here?

Just then his soft snores reached her ears and she found him lying on the couch without a pillow or even a quilt.

Within her, she had already concluded that she was not going to go near him or even put a quilt over him but somehow she found herself standing above him, draping a quilt over his large frame that was curled up on the couch that was close to the fireplace.

He must be cold.

She lifted his head and put a pillow beneath it before quietly moving back to the bed.

This time, she laid on the bed facing where he was and watching how his chest heaved up and down, soft snores escaping his lips.

He looked like a baby when he was sleeping but when he was awake, he was like a lion in the forest.

Chuckling at the thought in her head, she closed her eyes and drifted off into a peaceful slumber again.

Cassy woke up that morning feeling a little bit tired just like she had expected.

She had no slept well for days.

She looked around and found that the quilt was folded on the bed and the pillow was returned to the spot beside her but he was nowhere to be found.

She sighed. He had disappeared again.

She looked out of the window. The sky was grey and it was not raining but she still feared that it might rain.

She got down from the bed and went to her trunk. She retrieved a floral patterned kirtle. She placed it on the bed before moving into the bathroom.

She finished taking her bath and used the clean towel she met inside to wrap her long hair and came out naked.

She assumed the alpha must have wandered somewhere and would not be back quickly.

Cassy began to rub ointment into her skin. She bent over to rub her legs and then poured some more on her hand before bringing them to her breast.

Her hands were leaving her chest when the door was thrown open.

Kai stood there transfixed as his eyes raked down the body of the naked woman in front of him.

He told himself not too look too much but his eyes has a mind of its own as they took in her appearance for a few minutes as if to save it for later.

The more he looked the more he felt his cock harden inside his pants.

Cassy on the other hand was shocked and confused. She had not even tried to cover herself up.

A piercing look later, as if on cue they finally came to their senses.

Kai quickly looked away while Cassy scrambled to loom for something to cover herself up.

“I–I am sorry,” he stuttered and quickly took his leave, returning downstairs. When did he begin to stutter?

He rushed out of the inn and stood outside in the cold air trying to calm himself but his wolf was not having any of that.

The image of her naked body never leaving his head.

He was sure that his erection was not going to go down until he tamed it.

Sighing in defeat, he went into the public bathroom he had found the previous night.

Damn. It’s been so long since he had done this.

He bolted the door and pulled down his trouser and breeches.

His hard cock sprung out free.

He groaned when his hand came in contact with it. He moved his hand back and forth slowly at first before picking up pace, pumping faster.

A grunt escaped from his lips as white liquid spurted out of his cock.

His movement slowed down milking the last drop out as his cock became limp.

He sighed loudly in pleasure and cleaned up before stepping out like nothing had happened in there.

Did anything really happen?

Discarding his current thought, he padded to their room but he met her already leaving the room.

Her cheeks flushed when she saw him but she did not lower her head like her wolf like Natalia had ordered.

She was going to face him.

“I was about to call you down for breakfast,” it took every strength in him to try to push back the thought of her being naked.

She nodded and he did the same before leading the way to the dining in the inn.

Cassy followed behind him.

They were sitting in the inn having their meal. Kai had refused to eat he sat in front of her not doing anything.

Cassy couldn’t help but wonder why he had followed her if he did not want to have anything.

“I am done,” she spoke in a small voice.

She still had not recovered from their encounter in the morning but she did not want to think of it in front of him or else she was going to turn to ash.

He rose from the chair.

“I would check with the footman and see if we can leave later today,” he told her.

She nodded and took in a deep breath as soon as he left.

She walked back to their room and fell on the bed, burying her face in the pillow as the incident from earlier played in her head.

When she tried to forget about it, she recalled seeing him the previous night, naked.

Oh goddess. Was she going to get over this?

It began to rain again a few hours later but Kai did not come back.

Cassy was not worried a bit as she knew he did not want to be in the same room with her but she resolved that she was going to ask him where he had been staying all day.

She was beginning to think he had a concubine there and it made her heart wrench.

She began to feel bored and at that moment, she began miss being in the palace. Although she had been banned from going to the kitchen, Joanna kept her company.

Different thoughts clouding her head, she slowly fell into slumber.

She woke up in the evening to the sound of movements in the room.

Cassy pried her eyes open and met him hovering above his trunk looking for fresh clothes.

She sat up, shivering from the cold air in the room. The fire was already giving out.

She watched him go ransack his trunk searching for something and she couldn’t help but wonder what it was.

“What are you searching for?” she asked.

She was tired of seeing him scattering his stuffs.

Kai ignored her like he had not heard her and Cassy swallowed nothing.

He was ignoring her again.

She laid back against the headboard, deciding not say anything else for she knew he was still going to ignore.

He began to arrange his stuffs back after he seemed to find what he he had been searching for.

“Where were you last night?” Cassy spoke when he was about to enter the bathroom. “And all day,” she added quickly.

Kai raised an eyebrow at her, wondering why she was asking such question. She was silent so he decided to reply and tell her what he thought about her question.

“Carriage and it doesn’t have anything to do with you,” with that, he walked into the bathroom leaving her to her thoughts.

He was becoming more cold daily.

For days, they were stuck in the inn because of the rain and then they had to wait extra days for the bumpy roads to dry out of water before the journey began again.

Those days were hell for Cassy as she spent days feeling bored in the inn. If not because of the old couple, she could have died from being too idle or bored.

Before they left, Kai had tipped the old couple– who they came to learn were the owners of the inn– extra coins.

The couple were nice to them and had kept her company till they left.

The journey began and again Cassy stuck her head out of the window admiring whatever she saw.

Many times, she would would want to point at plants, animals or funny looking things but she would remember Kai was not that kind of person.

The journey was going smoothly until she began to feel uncomfortable. Her stomach was hurting.

She tried to ignore the pain at first and still continued to look around but the farther they went higher the pain intensified.

She had to stick her head in and rest her head against the wall of the carriage. She began to feel weak.

Damn. She regretted ever taking that spicy food back at the inn.

She tried to wince quietly but it escaped her mouth and caught Kai’s attention.

Kai watched her carefully under his long lashes, noticing her discomfort but he never uttered a word.

“Yo–ur ma–jesty,” she called in a weak voice. “C-an we st-op the car–riage?”

“Why? Don’t you realise that we are in the middle of nowhere? A forest?” he tried not to sound harsh.

“I ne–ed to–” she placed her hand over her mouth and a gagging sound followed.

“Stop the carriage!” he yelled at the footman and pushed the door open as soon as the carriage stopped.

She rushed out and stood beside the path and threw out most of -if not all– the content in her stomach.

Kai sighed and held her hair back.

He handed her a bottle of water as soon as she stood up.

She thanked him by nodding slightly before tipping her head back, pouring the water into her mouth.

“Wait here. I would get you some herbs,” he told her and went into the bush.

Cassy stood beside the carriage, waiting for him.

After puking, she felt a little bit light.

She felt so embarrassed. Why did she eat that food?

She was still beating herself for been so stupid when she heard brawls and gritting her teeth.

Zings of fear coursed through her as she turned and found that she was surrounded by dirty and hungry looking wolves.


And she was the meal to rejuvenate them.

She stepped back and her boots touched a twig of tree.

Their growls grew louder. She pointed at all the wolves, narrowing her eyes as if she was challenging them for a fight.

One of them launched at her and she used all her strength to push it back with the twig in her hand and it fell to the ground.

She stared at the twig in her hand and then the wolf on the ground surprised by how weak it was.

Just then, all four wolves launched at her and she staggered back weakly.

They scratched her rib, arm and other places as she fell to the ground

Her eyes were beginning to close. She was weak.

She thought she was going to die until a familiar black mixed with white wolf with amber eyes ran out of the forest and attacked the wolves on her.

She could hear growls as darkness began to overtake her.

With a weak smile on her face, she passed out.

Finally she had someone to stand up for her.

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