Alpha’s Virgin Stripper

Chapter 25


“You took your precious time.”

His voice reeked of distaste, resonating from the walls of his sea-blue polished office. It had been a while since I graced his office with my presence. I had not come close to the hallway of his Chambers in a long while.

The office was just as I remembered it. Polished blue walls and ridiculously dim lighting. He had his walls covered with ancient pictures and scrolls. To the left was a shelf filled with award plaques and certifications from all over the world, all directed to him.

His table was littered with files, and the screen of his laptop shone brightly on his face. My father was by all means a workaholic, just like me.

“My apologies, father.”

My reply was curt, just as he liked it. My father had taught me as a boy, how important it was for a man to keep his thoughts to himself if they didn’t earn him money or respect.

I stood at the edge of his table, before sliding my hands into my pocket. I had to brace myself up for the reason he had called me.

“It seems to me like you have not heard the words flying around.” He stated.

“You know I have no ears for gossip.” I bit back.

He frowned. His dark eyes grew darker while he stared up at me. There was nothing gentle about him, I liked to think I had inherited his darkness and rigidity along with his dark eyes.

“Then you had better begin to listen. Perhaps it would remind you of your duties to the throne you sit on.”

Here we go again.

He leaned out of his chair.

“When are you getting us a Luna?”

I can’t say I did not know this was coming. I heaved a sigh before I spoke.

“It’s of no use father when I can’t have a child.” It annoyed me when he raised this topic. It reminded me of another thing life had stolen from me.

“You are not trying hard enough Lake!” He banged his fists against the table, pushing his chair backward.

“It was the same for my father and me. But he had me, and I had you. I am not even bothered about the Luna; it is an heir I seek. When are you giving this pack your heir?”

I did not speak. He saw it as a sign to continue.

“For goddess sake Lake! Find you a surrogate, whatever. Just get someone pregnant and being us a male heir. This your… nonchalance would be the death of our royal line.”

Of course, that was all he cared about. The throne, the business. I was never his priority, he never cared how I did things as long as I got things done. Now, he needed me to get him an heir, not because he sought to hold his grandchild but to protect his honor and business.

I was not going to give him another commodity to face.

“I must apologize father, but I am not about to go around sticking my dick into random females. I do not wish to have a woman, and that is final.” My tone was as definite and stern as it could be.

A wry smile formed on his lips.

“Oh, no. The only final decision here is that you would give me an heir. I know I’ve made myself clear.”

I stared down at him, anger boiling in the pit of my stomach. It was easy to see that he did not care whether or not I was displeased by his orders. My grandmother attributed his insensitivity to my mother’s separation, but I couldn’t help but feel like my mother left because he was like this, not the other way around.

She was a mere woman; she couldn’t have been able to change a man like him.Text content © NôvelDrama.Org.

“I must take my leave now, father.”

That was all I said. He waved me a hand of dismissal without looking up at me again. I stepped out of the office.

Filled with anger, I hastened my steps to my room. I spoke to no one, not even my grandmother.

There was only one thing that could calm me in my state. I pushed a door in my room open and it led me into my studio. I was greeted by my skilled portraits of nude women.

My hobby was knowledge to only a few, just how I wanted it.

I took out a clean board, picking up my pencils and brushes. I despised women, but not their bodies, it was the only good thing about them. The only thing I did appreciate. It was why I owned a strip club in my casino. They were only good for their bodies.

I drew my first stroke with trembling hands.

Nothing else.

I started with strokes, then curves and shades. There was no definite picture in my mind, I allowed myself to be led by my subconscious.

After two hours of drawing, my furious hands slowed down. I tilted my head to the side to examine my painting.


Her body had been covered in a thong that night, but in my drawing, it was completely bare. I had subconsciously memorized every detail of her body. The shade of her skin, the shape of her eyes and lips. Every other drawing in my room would envy this precision.

It irked me that I had been drawing her, unprovoked. Jade, my second mate and Kenji’s sister, begged for months before I drew her nude, and in my bedroom. I could never let anyone into the only space I could be at rest.

This was nothing but a warning sign. The next time I crossed paths with the stripper girl, I had to reject her. I rose from my stool when my doorbell rang. I moved to open it and found Kenji at the foot of my door.

“Alpha Lake.” He greeted.

He did a mock bow and I frowned, even though I was slightly amused.

“What’s going on, Kenji?” I watched as he brushed past me and made himself comfortable on my couch. No one else dared.

“A lot. I met a new girl. I think I’ll be keeping this one around for some time.” He met my arched brows with a smile.

More than one night? Now, this was a shocker.

“Yeah? Why?” My ever-curious mind just had to ask.

He shrugged his shoulders.

“Just games. Want to see how it feels.”

I gave him a long stare before I spoke.

“Be careful.”

He kissed his teeth.


“How’s the spy going? I heard they got themselves some more outcasts.”

There were more important things at hand than his crooked sex life.

He nodded. “They did. I think the person being all these was a member of the Rush pack. Most likely an outcast. He or she knows too much.” He replied.

I settled into my bed and stroked my chin.

“Thought about it too, I don’t like that they are one step ahead. They’re gaining more people, which means we need more warrior wolves. Scout and train, it is expedient we do so.” I spoke, calmly.

“Of course, Alpha.”

“And our current warriors?” I questioned again.

“They’re doing great. A force to reckon with at this point. Hadley Foster is leading in strength and agility.”

I took a mental note of the name he mentioned.

His phone beeped in his pocket and he drew it out. A smile crept up his cheek. I shook my head.

“New girl?”

He burst into laughter immediately after his eyes met my curious eyes.

“What? No. It’s Jade. She is done with her Master’s program and would be coming home very soon.” He announced.

Frankly, I would have rather heard him speak about his new girl than Jade. She was not someone I looked forward to meeting.

“I’ll keep her away from you.” He stated.

He must have seen the dismissal on my face.

“She’s not a toy that you could manipulate, Kenji.”

“I know, I’ll try. You know how clingy she can get. And I can’t keep her away from this city because I have a lot to do here and I cannot be able to visit her wherever I would send her to. I’ve not seen her in four years, I miss her.” His statement sounded like a plea.

“I know. I wasn’t going to stop her from coming here. She can come here anytime she pleases, it’s her city.” I had to assure him. I could only hope his sister’s unhealthy obsession with me had vanished. I would hate to be in such a position again.

I noticed his thoughts trail off and I frowned.

“Kenji,” I called out.

I watched with keen eyes as he jerked up and shook his head vehicle. My frown deepened.

“Is there a problem?”

“No.” He answered, then continued after a pause, “I mean, it’s been a while since we met to talk aside business-related issues and I recently found a restaurant I like.”

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