Always Yours

Chapter 2

Everyone was staring but I expected it. My face wasn’t exactly a pretty sight right now. My stomach twisted, the feeling of being anywhere but here creeping in.

This was where every young person hung out, well that was when Franko wasn’t throwing a party.

“Let them stare”. Alice whispered. “You’re still sexy as hell”.

“I think I should go home”. I didn’t like the way I was feeling. I should have just stayed at home with my pizza. I didn’t go out much, I didn’t really have the friends to go out with.

“Ladies”. Tommy.

“Hi”. Alice grinned.

“Come sit with us. I saved you a seat”. He threw his arm around Alice’s shoulders as I awkwardly followed behind them.


There was no seats left. Everyone was crowding around the booth. It was sad really. Sad that everyone here wanted so badly to catch his attention, to be his friend.

I awkwardly stood with my arms crossed trying my best not to look stupid. I felt so out of place like I didn’t belong here and well that’s because I didn’t.

The chatter was loud, girls squealing, their high pitched voices deafening. Everyone was pushing their way in trying to sit with the king pin himself. Huffing I rolled my eyes.

Pathetic or even better desperate.

“Hey you”. A girl poked my chest. “You’re the girl that got hit in the face with a milk carton right?”. I could see the hint of her smirk and so badly wanted to throttle her.

I wasn’t a violent person but my mom always taught me to stick up for myself.

“That’s me”. I sighed.

“Why are you here?”. She laughed. “I mean who are you here for?”.

And I was done. This is why I don’t go out and this is why I don’t associate with people like that. Bitches the lot of them.

“She’s here with me. That a problem Cass?”.


“Oh no I-… it’s just”.

“How about you fuck off for the night yeah”.

I had to get out of here and away from this. This wasn’t my scene and I definitely wasn’t getting the blame for causing an argument.

I liked my life, my peaceful no drama life.

“But-… but we’re-…”.

“Fuck off Cass. I won’t tell you again”. He snapped.

I made eye contact with him once and once only before dropping my gaze. He wasn’t joking around, he was being deadly serious and if looks could kill that Cass girl would be dead and buried.

No, no, no. I didn’t need this. I didn’t want for him to stick up for me, I wanted him to go back to teasing me and throwing snide little comments my way.

We hated each other. I just had to remind myself of that.

“No need I was just leaving”. I smiled.

“See baby she was-….”.

I didn’t stick around to hear the rest of what she was saying. I didn’t need girls like that giving me a hard time over a boy. I was in no way a threat and I didn’t need for her or anyone else to think I was.

Before heading outside I stopped at the serving counter for some coffee. I had no idea how long I was going to have to wait for Alice and it was a cold one tonight.

Paying for my coffee I about jumped a foot in the air when a hand was placed on my back. Tingles, excitement shot through my body because without looking I already knew who it was.

He was everywhere.

I didn’t understand why I was acting this way towards him. How did he manage to slide his way into my life more than usual?

“How about I take you home?”. He was so close his breath tickled the side of my neck.

Oh god I had to get away from him.

“N-no, no I’m good”. I grabbed my coffee and quickly made my way outside. I had to stay away from Franko Mendez before I did something I would regret.

I was starving, freezing and starting to become a little pissed off. I had been sat on the hood of her car for over an hour and she still hadn’t come out.

Did she even know I had come outside?

Was she too wrapped up in Tommy to notice her best friend had left?

Hearing the laughter I turned my head towards the entrance to the diner. Loads of people poured out Alice being one of them. She was wrapped around Tommy like a vine.

“Finally”. I sighed.

I just wanted to go home, get in my pjs and watch tv in bed. No, why was Tommy following her? He didn’t need to walk her to her car.

“Aubrey”. He smirked as he approached me.


“Here”. Alice smiled as she handed me a bag. “Cheeseburger and large fries”.

“I love you”. I was so hungry I couldn’t wait to dig in. Pulling the burger from the bag I unwrapped it and took a massive bite.

A moan slipped past my lips as my eyes shut, savouring the taste on my tongue as the flavours exploded.

“So that’s what it’ll sound like”. He growled.

My eyes flew open, cheeks scarlet when I realised what he was talking about. I froze, burger forgotten about as I went to wrap it back up and put it away.

“Eat your fucking burger Aubrey and you”. He turned towards Alice. “The fuck would you leave your best friend out here on her own for?”.

“I didn’t, I mean”. She looked terrified.

“Hey don’t-…”.

“You eat”. He snapped. “And you fuck off”.

What in the world was going on?

“She’s my ride so please don’t fuck off”. I slid off the hood of her car. “Can we go please?”.

“I’m not done with you yet”. Eye blazing he pulled a cigarette from his cut pocket and lit it up.

Okay seriously what the hell was going on? And who did he think he was talking to like that? I was so confused. Glancing at Tommy he was whispering something in Alice’s ear.

“Franko we gotta go”.

He didn’t say anything. He stood smoking his cigarette while glaring at the ground. I always knew he wasn’t someone to mess with but to actually see his hot and cold attitude was frightening.

He flicked his cigarette to the ground and stormed off.

“What in the-….”.

“Best advice I could give you princess is don’t poke the bear”.

“What?”. I made a face. I didn’t do anything, I was simply eating my burger waiting to go home.

“He wants you Aubrey and what Franko wants he gets. You fucking with him ain’t doing anyone any favours”.

“Excuse me?”. I literally didn’t do anything to make him think I was ‘fucking’ with him.

My head felt like it was going to explode.

“One day you’ll get it”. He turned his attention towards Alice. “See you tomorrow yeah?”.

I had zoned out. What did I possibly do to make him think that? I hated him from the first day I met him and I’m pretty sure he knew that.

My heartbeat quickened as the panic set in. Like I said before I never wanted to be on the wrong side of him.


“What the hell just happened?”.

“Franko being Franko as always. I wouldn’t worry about it. He was sucking face with some blond like ten minutes ago”.

“I don’t care about all of that. What makes Tommy think I’m fucking with him?”. I closed the passenger side door and put on my seatbelt. “I mean why would he even say that. You know how much I can’t stand him”.

“Because maybe he does actually like you?”. She started her engine and pulled out of the car park.

“Yeah well the feeling isn’t mutual”.

“You sure about that?”.

“I’ve never been more sure about anything in my life”. Franko Mendez was bad news and I had to figure out a way to avoid him at all costs.

The rest of the car ride home was quiet. My head hurt with how much I couldn’t stop thinking about tonight. Every scenario running through my mind.

I kept playing Tommys words over in my head. ‘Franko wants you and what Franko wants he gets’. Surely not right? I mean I’ve never hinted that I like him or even hinted that I wanted to be friends.

And one things for sure. I do not like Franko Mendez.


“You not hungry?”. My mom asked the next morning at breakfast.

I took a spoonful of my cereal. I was in fact hungry but my stomach was in knots. I still couldn’t stop thinking about last night.

“Did Alice drop your work off?”.

“She did and I finished it last night. I don’t have to hand it back in until I’m back”.

“Your face still looks pretty bad”. She placed a glass of orange juice beside me. “Is it still sore?”.

“A little bit”.

“Aubrey are you okay?”.

“I’m fine mom”. I couldn’t exactly talk to her about what had happened. She wasn’t the type of mom I could tell about these things. And if she found out I’d even been around Franko she’d have my head.

“I could take you back to see the doctor before I have to go into work?”.

“No it’s okay. It’s not as bad as it was”. I finished off my breakfast and put my bowl in the sink. “Are you working late tonight?”. I asked.

“I shouldn’t be too late honey but I think your dad will be home early so you can just grab dinner with him”.

“Okay and knowing dad it’ll probably be a takeaway”. I grinned.

Rolling her eyes she started to tidy up the kitchen. “Well I didn’t marry him for his cooking skills that’s for sure”.

“Right”. I smiled.

“What are you going to get up to today?”. She asked.

Absolutely nothing because I had nothing to do. Like I said before it’s not as if I had a car where I could take myself to the mall and hang out.

“Probably study and maybe watch some tv”.

“Not to much tv though and maybe tidy your room a little”.

“Mom”.NôvelDrama.Org © content.


“Can we bring up the car situation with dad again?”.

“You know what he’ll say Aubrey”. She stopped what she was doing. “I’m not against it honey, I understand you need to get yourself from A to B but you know what he’s like he just worries”.

“But can you still mention it please?”.

“I’ll do my best. Now I have to get to work. You sure you’re okay?”.

“Yes I’m okay. I’ll see you when you’re back”. She kissed my cheek before grabbing her bag and leaving.

Another full day of being stuck in the house with nothing to do. I could always walk to the mall. It was only about a 20 minute walk and it would give me something to do.

But going by myself?

What if I ran into him?

Shaking my head I squeezed my eyes shut before opening them again. I was being ridiculous now and even if I did run into him. What could he possibly do?

After showering and getting myself changed I made sure to grab my woolly hat from my closet. Winter was coming and I hated being cold.

Although Winter was my favourite season. The smell in the air, the dark nights. I couldn’t wait until autumn was finally over.

You never know we might even get snow this year.

Heading downstairs I grabbed my big jacket slipping my arms through the sleeves. I wrapped my scarf around my neck and pulled on my hat.

Touching my glasses I pulled them off to give them a quick clean.


The famous nickname all because I wore glasses. Sighing I put them back on my face and took the money from under the clock. I didn’t plan on buying anything but I did always like to have money on me just in case.


It was the sound of motorbikes that startled me. My stomach tightened, my heartbeat beating faster. I came to a stop mesmerised by the amount of bikes that were passing.

Franko’s dad up front and centre.

There must have been at least 30 bikes. All in sync, all riding together through the town like they owned the place. Not one car in sight.

Maybe something was happening?

Not hanging around to find out I picked up my pace and continued on my walk to the mall. If only I had realised that one of the bikes up front had circled and was coming back.

It wasn’t until he cut me off almost knocking me over that I realised he was there. He was riding with them.

“You could have ran me over”. I yelled as he cut the engine.

“Relax babe I know what I’m doing”. He pulled his helmet off and dug around in his cut until he produced a cigarette.

That god damn smirk. I wanted to wipe it off his face.

“You still could have hit me”. I glared.

“Never princess. You want a smoke?”.

“No”. I made a face. I couldn’t think of anything more disgusting to put inside my body. Well I could and he was standing in front of me. On that thought I bit back my smile.

“What you smiling at?”.

“Nothing. What do you want?”. I asked.

“You”. He winked.

“In your dreams Franko”.

“Every damn night baby”. He chuckled.

Rolling my eyes I went to walk past him only for his hand to shoot out grabbing a hold of my wrist. Tingles instantly shot through my body.

“What are you doing?”.

“Why you always gotta be a bitch to me Aubrey?”.

I was a little taken aback by that. I wasn’t a bitch I just needed for him to understand that this, whatever this was wasn’t happening.

“I-I’m not”. I frowned.

“You are specs. Let me take you out”.

A laugh fell from my lips. “No now can you please move?”.

He slipped his helmet back on and started his engine. “One day darling, one day and your ass will be firmly planted on the back of my bike”.

“Only in your dreams Franko”. I yelled as he took off down the street.

For some reason I couldn’t stop smiling.

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