Always Yours

Chapter 23

I was exhausted. My head was throbbing, and I could barely keep my eyes open. I hadn’t seen Alice, come to think of it I hadn’t seen Franko or Tommy either.

Probably all hungover from last night.

A sigh fell from my lips as I began to pack my books away. It was only the end of first period, and I couldn’t see the rest of the day far enough. But even if I wanted to skip, I would have to walk home and that would take too much effort right now.

Opening my locker, I dumped my books inside and grabbed the ones I needed for maths. It wasn’t until I closed it shut that I realised he was stood there.

Was he waiting for me?

“Hey”. I frowned.

“Can we start over?”. He asked awkwardly scratching the back of his head.

Ben seemed like a nice guy, and I had no issues being friends with him. I guess I kind of owed him an apology and an explanation for our date that I skipped out on halfway through.

“Sure”. I smiled.

“Yeah?”. He grinned.

I nodded.

“So, could we maybe try the dating thing again?”.

The thing was I wasn’t attracted to him which was a shame because he was beautiful. Tall, handsome, a gentleman but he did nothing for me. I chewed the inside of my cheek.

Truth was he wasn’t Franko.


“Just want to be friends?”.

I nodded. I felt bad but I wouldn’t lead him on into thinking we could be anything more.

“Are you doing anything tonight?”. He asked.

“I don’t think so”.

“Can I at least buy you dinner to make up for last time? As friends of course”.

“Sure”. I smiled.

“Pick you up at 8?”.

I nodded.

“Great see you tonight”.

What was I doing? I shouldn’t have agreed to dinner, but friends go out to dinner, right? I lifted my bag and headed for my next class.

I couldn’t concentrate but I kept my head buried in my book and my pencil in hand, so it looked like I was paying attention. I never realised how boring school was when I had no one to talk to.

Lunch was going to be fun.Copyright Nôv/el/Dra/ma.Org.

Surprisingly, the morning went by fast and before I knew it lunch time rolled around. I didn’t rush to pack my books aware so I could rush to the cafeteria. Honestly, I didn’t want to have to go in there and sit by myself.

But I couldn’t last all day without eating something.

A sigh fell from my lips as I headed for my locker to put my books away. I suppose I could get lunch and eat it outside by the bleachers. Butterflies erupted in my stomach when I clocked Franko leaning against my locker.

“Specs”. He winked.

He owed me more than a wink. If anything, an explanation about last night would be nice.

“Can you move please?”.

He moved to the side but not by much. He gave me enough room to put my bag inside. He always did like to be awkward.

“You wanna get out of here?”. He asked.

“No”. I headed for the cafeteria, and he followed suit.

“You working at the diner tonight?”.

“Tomorrow night”. I joined the queue to wait for my food but of course Franko had other ideas.

“Franko”. I frowned as he walked me to the front of the queue.

“We don’t wait in queues darling”.

I didn’t say anything. I picked my food and went to find a table to sit at. I was waiting to see how long it took before he mentioned last night. I couldn’t have him showing up at my house like that.

I picked an empty table, but it didn’t take long before it was filled with his friends. Anywhere he went they followed. I was too tired to listen to them, the noise giving me a sore head.

I got my book from my bag and tried my hardest to block them out.

“You wanna come for dinner tonight. My mom’s been asking since you missed last time”.

I was aware of the girls around the table and how quiet it had become. He was giving them ammunition to give me grief that I didn’t need. They didn’t need to know that I had been inside the clubhouse.

I felt uncomfortable talking to him with them around especially when they were listening to every word. Lifting my eyes from my book I caught the scowl on Cass’s face.

Oh yes, she was listening all right.

“Don’t look at them”. He placed his hand on top of mine my eyes connecting with his. “We had fun last time yeah?”.

“We did”. I smiled.

I wasn’t getting out of saying no but I had already agreed to let Ben take me to dinner. I could cancel right? I mean friends cancel on each other all the time.

I chewed the inside of my cheek. I wanted to say yes. I liked being around him and spending time with him. I liked the way he made me feel. A feeling I had never experienced before until Franko.

“Just so you know Aubrey he was with me last night”. Cass scraped her chair back and got to her feet. “And the night before”. As she stormed away from the table a few other girls followed her.

“Is that true?”.

I one hundred percent believed it was, but I had to hear him say it.

“It’s just sex Aubrey. It doesn’t mean anything”.

Yup just as I expected.

“Okay”. I started gathering up my things before I got to my feet. I wasn’t angry, I couldn’t be. He was sleeping with other girls and if I’m honest I expected nothing less.


“I need to go”.

“Just wait up”. As he went to grab my arm I flinched back.

“No”. I held the straps of my bag tight. I didn’t want him to touch me, and I didn’t want to cause a scene. I didn’t need my name thrown into the rumours that circulated about him.

“Shit princess”.

“Don’t call me that in fact don’t call me anything. Stay away from me Franko. I’m done”.

Okay so maybe I was a little angry, but I said what needed to be said. We were done, whatever this was, was finished for good.

I didn’t see him the rest of the school day, but my mood had been sour since lunch. I dumped my books into my locker and set myself up for the bus ride home. After last time I was already dreading it.

Slamming the door to my locker shut a sigh fell from my lips as I headed outside. Franko and his little friends were all gathered around his truck. Cass sitting on the bonnet laughing with the rest of them.

That only made my mood worse.

Why did I care so much?

Heading out the school gates I bypassed the bus stop and decided just to walk home.


By the time I got home I had blisters upon blisters. Not to mention it had started to rain and I was soaked to the skin.

Could this day get any worse?

Unlocking my front door, I slammed it shut behind me. Kicking off my shoes I marched straight upstairs and into my room. I felt like crying, I felt the need to let everything out through my tears.

But why was I crying over a boy?

I hated that. I swore I would never become one of those girls, but he had got to me. I promised myself I wouldn’t let him in, and I did. I had no one to blame but myself. I knew from the start what he was like and yet I still let him break down my walls.

I set myself up, I couldn’t control the need to be around him. I fell for the one person I could never be with.

Squeezing my eyes shut tight I ran both hands down my face. This wasn’t me. I didn’t do this sort of thing. I had never been in a situation where I cry over a boy.

I angrily wiped the tears from my cheeks. I didn’t want to cry but I couldn’t seem to control it. Pulling clean pjs from my drawers I began to strip out of my wet clothes.

It was then I heard the loud knock on my front door. If I ignored it then surely, they’d go away. I was in no mood to deal with whoever it was.

Dumping my clothes into the hamper I headed downstairs again ignoring the door. I didn’t care who it was I wasn’t interested. Pouring myself some water I groaned when I heard another knock.

Whoever it was wasn’t going away.

Gritting my teeth I stormed towards the door and pulled it open.

“Jen?”. I frowned.

“Hey sweetie I need a favour. Can you work a few hours tonight?”.

I had already made plans, but I was in no mood to hang out with anyone. It wouldn’t be fair to take my drama out on Ben. And working meant extra money.

“What time?”.


“I’ll see if I can sort a lift. It might be a little later than 7”.

“Don’t worry about a lift. I’ll get someone to come pick you up. I need get back, but I’ll see you soon and thank you”.

“Bye”. I muttered as the door closed.

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