Arranged Bratva Love



Charlotte’s moans fill the room, echoing around as I continue to pump my cock deep inside her cunt. I should be wearing a condom, but I just didn’t want anything between her pussy andmy dick.

Pulling all the way out of her, until only the tip remained, Istart to thrust, little by little, giving her a tease and a taste of what’s to come. Then I begin to thrust harder within her, until the sound of our slapping flesh fills the room, as well as her moans.

I lovethat she doesn’t hold anything back. There is no challenge with Charlotte. She succumbs to the pleasure. She wants me, only me.

I can’t get enough of her. Even when she was sore, I tried to do the right thing, but shewas too much of a temptation to ignore.

Like now, we’re in the dining room, supposed to be enjoying breakfast and instead, I have her dress pulled down, exposing her tits, and it shoved up, so I can watch the lips of her pussy as they spread open while sliding down my length. Licking my fingers, I press them toward her core, stroking her clit back and forth. My name spills from her lips, and it’s the sound of sweet music to my ears.

“That’s right, baby. Come for me. Come all over my dick.”

She does exactly as I said, and comes, hard. Her cunt became a vise wrapped around my dick. I have to grit my teeth to control my own release. I’m so freaking close. There’s no controlling it and as I come, I do so hard, filling her up. As I do this, I can’t help but wonder if this will be the time that I get her pregnant. That I knock her up. She would look so freaking beautiful full and ripe with my child.

What the fuckwas I thinking?

I didn’t know the first thing about kids, or being a father. It would be a fucking nightmare to do that.

Charlotte collapsed her head against my neck, and I runmy hands over her back, calming her. I loved these movements, and I have a feeling she did as well.

Our breakfasts are still on the table, but I’m not in any rush to get rid of this closeness, which makes no sense to me.

I’ve never been the kind of guywho needed a cuddle. I never wanted women to get too close, or to think they stood a chance with me. They didn’t. It was plain and simple.

“I think we should eat breakfast,” Charlotte said, a slight pant to her breath.

Our stomachs chose that moment to grumble.

We had skippeddinner last night as we had enjoyed several hours of making love and fucking.

Teaching Charlotte was fast becoming one of my favorite activities. I just couldn’thelp it. I wanted to explore everything with her.

Running my hands down her back, I take the straps of her dress, and it was a miracle I hadn’t snapped them. When she entered the dining room dressed in the pretty blue sundress, I’d been unable to containmyself. All I had wanted was to fuck her.

I’dcrooked my finger to her, and she’d stepped right up to me. From there, I’d tugged the panties she’d been wearing down her legs and let them drop to the floor. My cock had already been hard, but I’d managed to ease it out of the tight confines of my pants. And well, the rest is history.

I love every single part of Charlotte. Her tits, her hips, even her fucking waist, which is insane, but I love holding her. Wrapping my arms around her, pulling her against me. Her ass as well. Yep, I loved her ass, the fullness of her. I like to squeeze it, stroke it, and I have even bitten it a few times, which always made her yelp. Loved that sound.

Then of course, I love her face, her eyes. Charlotte has a way of holding back her emotions, of hiding them, but not with me, not in the last couple of weeks. Oh, fuck me, I completely forgot that it had been two fucking weeks. We’d been on our honeymoon for two fucking weeks. I’d called Ivan once during the whole fourteen days.

Charlotte had known I was gettingtesty about not knowing what was going on in my territory, and she insisted I talk to him. I had, and Ivan’s response was everything was fine, all I had to do was enjoy my honeymoon and my wife.

As for Charlotte, she wasan easy woman to please.

Between the game room, the movie room, the bedroom, and exploring the grounds, she seemed perfectly content.

Thinking about her and her past, it didn’t take a genius to realize that Charlotte loved human interaction more than anything else. She’d gotten close to Michael the chef, when she first came to my house, and they did seem like friends now, as if they’d known each other for years. Even the staff liked her and my men. I didn’t have a problem with any of them liking her. It meant they would all do what was necessary to protect her and she had to be protected.

Before letting her go, I hold her close to me.

When I thought about my enemies, I couldn’t help but feel a little panic at the thought of them realizing I now had a weakness. No one could ever know. Not even Ivan.

Our stomachs grumbled for a second time, and I helped Charlotte as she eased off me. Reaching down, I grab her panties and help her step into them. As she does, I see some of my cum spilling out of her pussy, but I don’t wipe it up. I use her panties, cupping them in my palm, and pressing them against her cunt.

“That stays inside you.”

Charlotte groaned. “Why do you have to say those kinds of things?” she asked.

“Because I want to.”

I would have loved to seemy cum spilling out of her pussy, and taking the time to push every single drop back inside her. My pussy. My woman. All fucking mine.

But, I don’t. Iget to my feet, fix her dress into place, and then wrap my arms around her, pulling her in close.

“Tellme when you want to head back to the city.””Are you getting bored?” Charlotte asked.

“Not at all.”

She giggled. “You keep asking me that, but why would I want to leave here? It’s perfect.”

I know there’s a lot she’s not telling me. Her father did a number on her, and from time to time, I’ll say something, and she will explain what happened. The other night I’d been stroking her back, and one of the scars on her back is a little more ridged than the last. That night I found out that Cassie had called Social Services about what was happening, but their father believed it had been Charlotte, so he beat her.

It didn’t come as a surprise to me, the power that the Evil Savages MC had, that no one would believe them, or they were too afraid to go against Demon.

“Then this is where we’re going to stay,” I said.

I kiss her lips and help her into her chair. The fruit doesn’t look quite as crisp or as cold as when it first arrived. My staff know when not to disturb me and seeing this was my honeymoon, they had kept fucking clear of the dining room. I’d have been pissed and had no choice but to punish anyone who interrupted me while I fucked my wife.

Charlotte picked up her fork and pierced some peach. I watch as she takes a bite. Her eyes closed for a few secondsas she enjoyed the taste.

“This is good. I don’t know how Michael does it.”

“He cuts up fruit,” I said.

“I know, but he has to pick the right fruit. It tastes like fruit. I’ve eaten some in the past that taste like nothing but water. So gross.” She wrinkled her nose.

I was about to respond when the sound of the doorbell rang out. I tensed up.

“What’s the matter?” Charlotte asked.

“Stay here.” I don’t have guests.

No one ever knocks or rings my fucking doorbell. I want to enjoy breakfast with my wife. Getting to my feet, I enter the main hallway as Hubert opened the door, and Ivan saunters in with a big smile on his lips.

“Good morning, Hubert.”

He turned toward me, and then the smile widened.

“Ah, one of my many favorite people in the world.” Ivanstepped up to me and shook my hand.

I’d left the door open, and of course he saw Charlotte enjoying her breakfast. I guess today’s plans of taking her out into the gardens and making love surroundedby flowers, was now out of the question. Summerwas nearly over. It had been a long one this year. Most of spring had felt like freaking summer. I was looking forward to winter. My birthday was only a week away.

Ivan moved into my dining room, and of course Charlotte got to her feet, and I watched as the two people embraced. Just like that, easily.

There is no fear in Charlotte’s eyes, and I don’t know if that makes her a bit of a fool for not being afraid of the monster before her eyes. But then, Charlotte’s life had been full of monsters. I wonder if she considered Ivan a good monster. As if there were truly any of them around. I fucking doubted it. Ivan was a dangerous man. He was not the kind of man you trifled with.

“Still eating breakfast?” Ivan asked.

In response my wife’s face went a bright red.

“We’ve been busy,” I said.

“Excellent, that’s what I like to hear. So the honeymoon is going well?”

I swore my loyalty to this man but right now, I wanted to punch him, real fucking hard. Charlotte’s face had gone bright red, and she seemed to be fascinated by the plate of fruit in front of her.

I call out to my staff, and immediately one steps through the dining room door. I order a fruit plate for Ivan and then pick up my fork.Original content from NôvelDrama.Org.

I stare at Ivan, and he looks right back at me with a smile on his lips. He knows what he’s doing. Of course he does. He always knows what he’s doing.

At least he didn’t knowwhat I was doing ten minutes ago. I would have lost my erection without a doubt. There were limits to what I would accept, and Ivan in my house, while I was screwing my wife, was not one of them. He always came with a risk. There were a lot of men and women who’d like to see him dead.

Eating the slice of pear that was starting to brown, I looked at Ivan and wondered what could be so important to interrupt my honeymoon.

I have to think of my city, my territory, my men. I’d purposefully kept away from any kind of news, because if I had anything about wars on the streets, I wouldn’t have been able to control myself. I’d have to go and fix it.

“You’re looking well,” Charlotte said.

“Thank you, my dear. I have to say you’re looking radiant as always.” Ivan reached out and touched her wrist and Charlotte offered a smile. “Has he been treating you well?”I want him to stop touching my wife.

Gripping my fork tightly, I’m pissed off that he’s so familiar with Charlotte. However, what I also see is that he’s very caring around my wife. How had I missed that?

Ivan doesn’t raise his voice, he’s not threatening violence. Not that they were part of his character, but I knew what he was like. He didn’t make any sudden movement to scare. With Charlotte, he takes great care with everything he does.

“Of course. I’m worried I’m boring him, though,” Charlotte said and turned her head toward me.

“You couldn’t bore me.”

“Don’tsay stuff you don’t mean.” She chuckled. “How is Cassie?”

I hadn’t checked in with her sister and I looked toward Ivan.

“She’s settling in really well, in all honesty,” Ivan said.

“She hasn’t returned home?” Charlotte asked.


“What about Rage?” Iasked. The sister I could handle, the new Evil Savages MC president, I didn’t want to.

Rage and I were never going to see eye to eye. I was never going to agree with him holding back when it came to Demon and his treatment of Charlotte. In all honesty, I didn’t want Cassie around either. None of them had done a good job when it came to my wife.”He returned to the club.”

Somethingwas going on. I couldn’t help but wonder if they had accidently killed Hank. Keeping prisoners, weakening them, took some finesse to get right.

I’m guessing Charlotte sensed the need to talk business. “I’ll be in the game room with Hubert.”

“You don’t have to leave,” Ivan said.

“I need to get better at my air hockey. I nearly beat him last night.”

She had, but only because I’d been distracted. To make the game room more interesting, I’d gotten her to remove every single item of clothing, and well, that had been my punishment. My reward for still winning had been her spread open on the sofa as I took her hard and fast, showing her how to make love and to fuck.

Charlotte moved toward me and I was tempted to push her away, but I wouldn’t do that. Not with her. She pressed a kiss to my cheek and then smiled at Ivan before leaving the dining room.

“I can see thetwo of you are getting along swimmingly. Just as I knew you both would.”

“What’s going on?” I asked.

Ivan picked up a glass of juice and took a sip. He continued to drink and I ran a hand over my face.

“Have you killed Hank?” I asked.

He finished drinking. “Nothing of thesort. No, Hank is very much alive. I mean, he’s pissed off that he is, but he has a nice little cellmate with him.”

“You found Benjamin?”

Ivan smiled.


“No shit.”

I got to my feet. “Then we need to talk to them.”

“That we do, but here’s the thing, Ive-none of them are talking.”

“How long have you had Benjamin?” I asked.

“Five days.”

“Five days? Why the fuck didn’t you come and get me?”

“Victor, Slavik, Andrei, and I could handle it.”

This made me even more angry. “You have Slavik and Andrei in myterritory?”

“I hosted a dinner party,” Ivan said. “In fact, I only came here to tell you the news and to invite you and your beautiful wife to tonight’s dinner party.” He smiled.

“What game are you playing?” I asked.

“I’m playing many games, Ive. Surely, you don’t expect me to explain how many I have going on.”



I don’t know what news Ivan brought, but for some reason, Ive hadn’t been the same since he arrived.

I was in the game room for a good two hours. I think I bored Hubert, and I came close to beating him, which told me I could potentially beat Ivan as well. No, there was no way I would beat my husband. He was far too skilled when it came to this.

Ive had come to find me and let me know that our plansof enjoying a nice romantic evening by the fire had been changed. Ivan had invited us to dinner, back in the city, at a restaurant.

Reaching out, I brushed the steam from the mirror and stared at my reflection. Dinner with my husband and his boss. What could possibly go wrong? I had no idea what I was doing. The past two weeks had been amazing because we got to stay home. At home, I didn’t have to know the proper protocol of being a brigadier’s wife, or a member of the Bratva. I could be myself. There was no acting.

“Try not to get yourself killed,” I said to my reflection and then stepped out into the bedroom.

Ive stood, holding a dress in his hand. He was already dressed and he looked … so sophisticated and in control, every single part the Bratva boss, while I … I was nothing.

That horrible voice reared its ugly head inside mine.

You’re nothing but trash.

Trash is meant to be thrown away.

You’re nothing but garbage and one day they’re all going to see that.

“Areyou sure I need to go with you?”

“Ivan invited both of us,” he said, putting the dress onto the bed. “And that means he expects both of us there.”

I can’t help but wrinkle my nose at the thought. “I have no idea what I’m doing.” I have to be honest with him.

“Charlotte, there’s no right or wrong. Aurora, Slavik’s wife, is the only one who truly understood what it meant. Adelaide never stood a chance, but she is still living and breathing, and doing everything she can.” He reached out and tucked some hair behind my ear. “You don’t need to be afraid.”

I nod. What else can I do? It doesn’t really matter if I think I’m prepared. The truth is, I’m not.

I’d met Aurora and Adelaide at the wedding, it was an introduction and then I was moved on to the next person. There had been a lot of people at the wedding, most of whom I didn’t know.

None of the MC that had been present had come to say hello to me or hug me. Just Rage and Cassie.

Reaching for the dress, I tried to settle my nerves, but that was next to impossible. I felt sick to my stomach.

Ive doesn’t go anywhere. I’d dressedin front of him a couple of times without any worries, but this was different. Tonight I was dressing to go as his wife, by his side, and meet other brigadiers, and that was terrifying. I didn’t want to embarrass him.

With my underwear on, I reached for the dress. Ive had already lowered the zipper, so I stepped into it and wriggled my way to holding the bodice against my chest. Ive stepped close without me even asking and he eased the zipper up. It did require a few tugs, but he eventually got it worked up. Glancing behind me, I thanked him.

I’d never been good with makeup, or with handling my hair. I used one of the hair grips that Ive had gotten for me, and Ipulled some of my hair back, pinning it up. That was as good as it was going to get.

The dresswas lovely. It didn’t have any sleeves or straps, and molded against my chest. My breasts and the tightness of the zipper was what kept it up. There was a great deal of support there. The corset ended at my waist, and then flared out to hit the floor.

Ispotted the shoes that went with the dress in front of me and I stepped into them. In doing so, I lifted to look my husband in the eye.

“These are high,” I said, feeling the panic sweep over me.

Ive stepped close and wrapped an arm around my waist. “Then I’m going to be here to make sure you don’t fall.”

Now this made me smile.

“We could stay in?” I was hopeful.

“Ivan would come and visit.”

“I could pretend to be sick and you could take care of me.”

He chuckled. I loved the sound. Ive didn’t laugh a lot and I knew for a fact he never did when anyone else was around. He kept his humor and his caring to me and me alone.

“Trust me, he would concoct some other evil way to deal with us.” He winked at me. “Are you ready to leave?”

No, I wasn’t, but there was no reason to stall. I was dressed and ready to go. Might as well get this humiliation over with before they figure out they made a big mistake in picking me. Cassie would have been the better choice. She knew what she was doing. I didn’t. I was the biggest loser going.

I didn’t say a single word, not as we left Ive’s home. Hubert was driving us. I sat in the back of the car and was relieved that Ive hadn’t let go of my hand. This was a welcome relief. Taking a deep breath, I look outside of the car window at the passing scenery.

Ive tugged on my hand and held up his cell phone. There was a picture of a couple. “This is Slavik and Aurora. They currently have one child, and I believe they have a second on the way, but I’m not sure of those details as they’re keeping everything close before announcing.” He swiped across the screen. “This is Andrei and Adelaide. Andrei was supposed to marry her sister, but before the big day, he discovered some truths about the sister, and Adelaide took her place.”

“Her sister, isn’t she the one that…” Crap. I pressed my lips together. Being captive I might have heard a conversation or two that I shouldn’t have.”Yes, she turned against us and went with Oleg in the hope of taking out Ivan.”

“And they still allowed Adelaide to live?”

“Adelaide had sworn her loyalty to Ivan and she proved herself with him. Her life was also put at risk as her sister hired hitmen to kill her.”

“Wow,” I said.

I was thankful for Cassie.

“They’re going to be at the dinner tonight. I’mnot sure if Victor or Peter will be joining us.”

“Who are they?”

“They’re Ivan’s other brigadiers. We’ve all sworn our loyalty to him.”

“Does he do these … meals often?”

“Sometimes. Not often.”

I couldn’t help but wonder what Aurora and Adelaide were like. They had both been smiling and seemed happy at the wedding.

Ive picked up my hand. “You need to stop worrying.”

“You can tell?”

“You have sworn your loyalty to Ivan, and in doing so, he will be loyal to you. A couple of years ago, Ivan had picked some fiancees out for some of his brigadiers. It wasn’t confirmed and it was only merely a hint, but they treated Aurora terribly, these women did, and in doing so, Ivan removed them and their families from any position of power.”

“Ivan could do that?”

“Yes, he knows a lot ofpeople, and, well, he doesn’t like it when people hurt his own.”

I knew Ivan was a powerful person. He was still the only person to scare my father. After meeting him, I could understand why some people were afraid of him. There’s a darkness within him that he tried so hard to hide. He doesn’t do it very well. I didn’t tell Ive this. Instead, I kept my thoughts to myself.

“Loyalty and trust are two things Ivan values more thananything else, Charlotte.”

“Why don’t you ever call me Lottie?” Now that I think about it, Ivan stopped calling me Lottie and so has Cassie.

“Lottie is not your name. Charlotte is.”

I didn’t bother to ask any more questions, and we had arrived at the restaurant. There was a man waiting and he opened the car door for Ive. In the main car mirror I see Hubert’s irritation. He climbed out of the car but Ive had already stepped out. He held out a hand for me, which I took without hesitation. I slide across the seat, and Ive steadied me. The shoes were not a great idea. They are a little too high for me, but I didn’t say anything. Just kept a smile on my face, and kept walking. I didn’t think I would have been quite so graceful if I didn’t have Ive’s arm wrapped around my waist.

I love it when he holds me close. From kidnapper to lover, that was Ive. And of course my husband. Yep, I had the rings on my finger to prove it as well.

The restaurant is busy. I’m tense because the last time I stepped into a restaurant, well, we got to the dinner being delivered and then all hell broke loose. I hoped this one went a little better, otherwise I wouldn’t eat out again. Not ever.

I spot Ivan in the middle of the restaurant and I see Slavik and Aurora as well as Andrei and Adelaide. My heart is pounding but I hope it doesn’t show. There is one other man at the table, but I cannot remember his name.

“Ah, Charlotte, you look stunning,” Ivan said.

All eyes turn toward me, and I hate being the center of attention.

Thereare two seats remaining. Ivan pulls me into an embrace and I hug him back. He puts me in the seat next to him, and Ive is right beside me.

“Let me introduce you to the table,” Ivan said. He goes around the table and I smile at each person. The last is a man called Victor. I remember he’s the one who’s helping Ive so that we can have a honeymoon. I offer him a smile. “And your husband, you know.”

This makes me chuckle. Beneath the table, Ive takes hold of my hand and I’m so thankful. Can he see me visibly shaking? I’m so afraid of messing up right now. I don’t have a single clue as to what I’m doing. His fingers lock with mine.

I expected the conversation to turn to business but it wasn’t long before Ivan asked Adelaide what she wouldlike to eat. Much to my surprise, Adelaide was a vegan, and this restaurant had been chosen so she would be able to eat.

There were times I couldn’t quite follow conversations because I was out of my comfort zone.

The conversation seemed to flow, bouncing from one person to another, talking aboutthe weather, which was insane to think of these scary men talking about something so mundane. Adelaide talked about a trip to one of the islands and then to England, which sounded lovely.

Aurora talked about herson, Slavik Ivan. I watched the couples. While Aurora talked about her family, Slavik wrapped his arms around her waist. It was a simple action many might see as possessive, but I watched the tips of his fingers. They stroked her arm. It was subtle, but I saw it. Slavik was very much in love with his wife and even while they were out in the open, he offered her comfort, showed her love and affection, and it was disguised as possessive.

“I cannot wait to come for a visit.”The moment I spoke, I saw, Slavik didn’t like my words. His lips pursed.

Turning my attention to Adelaide, I also saw that Andrei had moved his chair closer. The distance between the chairs was exactly the same, but Andrei had made sure he was close to his wife. They also kept drawing closer, almost like a magnet. I wonder if they even realized that. They were both in love and very happy.

Ive’s hand tightened on mine.

“What about you, Charlotte?” Aurora asked.

I’d been so distracted by watching everyone, I turned to Aurora. “I’m sorry?”

“What would youlike to be when you’re older?”

As if on instinct, I just can’t help it. “I’m trash.” The words spill from my lips and the moment they do, I jerk back.

Holy crap. I don’t evenknow how that spilled out. Tears sprang to my eyes. How did the conversation turn to something so trivial?

He’s dead. So fucking dead. My father. The piece of shit that he was.

The table has gone silent and I’m so mortified.

“I need to use the bathroom.”I kicked off the shoes because there’s no way I’d walk on them and get away fast enough. I push my chair back and in the process, bump a passing waiter. “Crap, I am so worry.” He doesn’t have any food, so that’s not a disaster, but everything has gone blurry.

I need to leave. Rushing away from the table, I don’t care how crazy I look, even though it doesn’t take a genius to figure out I’m a crazy woman. Why would they talk about the future and growing up?

Stepping into the bathroom, I quickly made my way into a stall and pressed my back against it. I’m relieved by the coolness of the door and lift my head up, trying to stop the tears. I didn’t want to cry. I didn’t want to remember. My mind had other ideas.

“What are you?”

“Your daughter.”

I cry out as the slap is hard and painful. My pants are down to my ankles and myfather is standing behind me. His palm is so painful.

“What are you?” he asked again.

I want to say “your daughter” again, but I don’t. He has told me what to say and even though I don’t want to, to stop the pain, I have to say the words. “Trash.”

He doesn’t hit me.

“What will you be when you grow up?”

There were so many things I wanted to be-a doctor, a nurse, a librarian, a mother, a teacher, a writer-so many things.


Pulling out of the memory, I try to take a deep breath. All day, my father did that. I don’t know why he was so determined to make me say it. I had deducted that he’d been sleeping with one of my teachers and she must have told him that I wanted to be someone when I grew up.

After that day, he had done his job, becausewhenever someone asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up, I always responded the same-I wanted to be trash. The first time, I got bullied, then I think the kids at school realized what was happening, and afterward, they never bullied me. They actually cut me some slack. I was nineteen years old.

That son of a bitch was dead and I just humiliated myself and my husband at dinner. My fucking Bratva husband in front of his boss.

“Charlotte,” he said.

“Go and enjoy dinner,” I said.

“Dinner hasn’t come outyet, Ivan told them to wait until you return.”

“I can’t go back out there.”

“Open the door,” he said.


I feel his hands on the door, it’s so strange.

“Come on.”

I don’t want him to see me like this.

I swipe at the tears that were so rude not to stay inside my eyes. Spinning around, I open the door. “Please, just … can I go back to your house?” I asked.

“You mean home?”

I nod my head but I never called it home, not out loud. No, it was always silently in my head.

“I didn’t mean to embarrass you.”

“You didn’t embarrass me.”

Pressing my lips together, I clench my hands into fists.

“You’re not going toask me what happened?” I asked, forcing myself to look up.

“I don’t need to. I put two and two together. Your dad forced you to say it enoughto that question that it’s became a natural response to you. You were distracted at the table. When asked, you went back to your default answer.”

I swiped at the tears. “Itwas so stupid.”

“No, it’s not stupid at all. What is stupid is that he got to die quickly and you didn’t get to see him suffer.” Ive took hold of my hands, locking our fingerstogether and he pulled me close. “You didn’t get to see him beg and cry and look as ugly as he begged for his life. You deserved to see that.”

“My father wouldn’t beg.”

“You wouldn’t think so, but I know he would.” Ive kissed my lips. “And not a day willgo by that I don’t regret you didn’t have that chance. You’re not trash, Charlotte. You never were and you never will be.”

I want to believe him.

“You’re my fucking queen.”

I want to sob.

“What are you?” he asked.

It was on the tip of my tongue to tellhim I was nothing but trash. I force myself to look into his eyes, but there’s something in that blue gaze that warns me not to.

“I’m your queen.”

“That’s right, and as my queen, we’re going to go and enjoy dinner. No one will say anything. Do you understand?”

“How can youwant me by your side?”

He let go of my hands and wrapped his arms around me. One cupping my face, the other on the curve of my ass. “Tell me, Charlotte, how can I not want you? You are my wife. No one will say anything. Trust me. Do you trust me?”


He takes my hand and leads me out of the bathroom. I feel like there’s a lead weight in my stomach, and as I approach the table, I don’t dare look at anyone.

Ive pulled out my seat and I sat down, and he nudged it beneath the table.

Ivan speaks first andalerts the waiter it’s time to bring out food.

Lifting my head, I look at the table, and even though everyone is staring at me, not one appears to be judging me. I don’t know what has been said, butconversation starts again when the waiters bring the food to the table.

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