Because Of Love


Daintily, with the tips of her fingers, she pulled the collar up to her nose and took a long deep draw of the scent. Just as she thought: strong, wild and masculine. She let go of the collar and dropped her hand to her shoulder, lightly. She ran it down the soft Italian cotton sleeve to the open cuffs hanging low at the tip of her thumb. Smiling, she stared at her reflection in the six foot tall mirror, swinging side to side in nothing but the shirt that hung on her like a thigh high dress. She loved how the fabric of his shirt felt against her skin. She loved it even more that it was on his body just a moment ago. Besides his scent, it still held his warmth.

Her eyes fluttered, closing at the feel of his large palm at the back of her neck. She tilted her head to the right, trapping his thick digits between her cheek and shoulder. His thumb pressed down on the pulse at her nape, then swept up and down the curve ever so lightly, sending shivers down her body. Distracted by the havoc his thumb was causing her body, his other hand was expertly flipping open the buttons of the shirt down to the mid of her chest. Slowly, she opened her eyes as he pushed the shirt off her left shoulder, his intense gaze holding hers through the mirror as he lowered his head, his lips lightly touching the skin he’d exposed. He kissed his way from the curve of her shoulder to the nape of her neck, replacing his thumb with his lips; he sucked hard at her erratic pulse. She gasped, coiling backwards as her thighs squeezed together at the powerful pull she felt in the naked flesh between them.

Talia leaned back, her head coming to rest at his bare chest as her ass pushed back searching for contact. His hands left their positions in a seeking mission, leaving a trail of fire and goosebumps where they touched. Her eyes fluttered but never closed, held hostage by the intensity of his lust filled gaze. She sighed in pleasure as her body danced to his strumming of his hands making their way to their targets. His left hand slipped under the shirt and cupped her right breast. Her hands slipped back to grab hold of  his pants at his thick thighs. She needed something to hold onto before her weakening knees gave way under her.

Rafe weighed the soft mass, moved his fingers over the curvy flesh and pinched her nipple between his index and middle finger, shooting a jolt of electricity to the middle of her wet squirming thighs. She gasped as her legs began to tremble threatening collapse. She squeezed them tighter together but started when he pinched her thigh and her legs automatically fell open. She bit her lower lip and whined, rising to her toes when he cupped her sensitive spot.

“You’re wet,” he whispered breathily into her ear as the heel of his palm rotated over her clit. As the other fingers held the passage open, his middle finger moved over it, up and down teasingly.

Her grip trembled at his thighs as they tightened their hold; her mouth fell open without a sound; breath stuck in her chest as she bowed over with each pass of his finger. With each complete circle his hand made, his index and middle finger tightened around their hostage. His fingers dug into the tender flesh of her breast as he pushed her back upright against him. She panted as he pulled as he pushed, forcing her to the very tip of her toes, his hold supporting her trembling jelly legs.  On their own accord, her hips danced, her pelvis pushing back and forth seeking more friction as she rode his hand seeking release.

“Cosa vuoi?”

‘What do you want?’ he asked, squeezing her breast in his hand making her wince at the painful pinch but still wanting more.

“Play with me,” she whispered, panting.

“Come vuoi.”

‘As you wish.’ Those words almost made her cry, but she did whine in protest when his hands deserted her. He moved to stand before her, then slowly she watched as he lowered, his hands on her waist. On his knees, he pushed the shirt up. She flinched when she felt his warm breath on her. His right hand moved to the back of her left thigh and pushed it up. Her hands fell to the top of his head as her thigh came to rest on his broad shoulder. Her fingers unconsciously sunk into his thick tresses and she gripped the ones right at the base of his skull; her chest moving up and down in deep pants waiting eagerly, knowing what was about to come next.

She watched the reflection of herself through hazy eyes. She was a panting mess; her curly hair open and freely hanging around her face; the shirt hanging off her left shoulder was held up by a very sensitive pointy nipple, exposing the curves of both heaving breasts as it was open to right above her navel. With her legs held open with one thigh over his shoulder and his head between them, she looked the same as she felt. She was ready to explode like an over shaken Coke bottle.

His hand moved from her suspended thigh to the base of her back, and his hand on her waist tightened to hold her in place. Finally, she thought, her head tilting back, her eyes closed-


Talia vaulted up from the bed with a desperate cry on her lips, panting with unquenched need.

What was that?

She looked around for the offensive sound. It was the alarm on her phone. She grabbed it from beside her pillow and turned the alarm off before falling back into bed.

What the hell was that? she wondered aloud as she stared up at her ceiling; her breathes finally beginning to even out. Her hands in her hair, the silk sleeping cap having slipped off during that vivid dream.

Gosh, what was wrong with her? She didn’t have sex dreams, especially as vivid as that one. Rafael DeLuca was a no go zone, any kind of thoughts of him were not allowed. He was her boss and-and- she groaned her frustration, kicking at her bed covers. She couldn’t think of anything else, but he was a big no no. She got up from the bed and marched to the shower. She might as well get ready to go to work. There was no way she was going back to sleep and risk a part two.

After half an hour of a mix of hot and cold showers, she stepped out of the bathroom. Just then, her phone began to ring.Owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

Who could be calling this early in the morning? she wondered as she rushed to her bed where her phone was by the pillow. It was barely six am and not even her mother called her this early. Unless something had happened.

Talia looked at the number flashing on the phone screen with a frown. It wasn’t one she recognized. Any other time, she would have been too sleepy to answer. She would have just glared at it, muted it and stuffed it deep under her pillow. Now, since she was awake, she might as well speak to the inconsiderate person. She swiped her thumb over the screen to answer and lifted the phone to her ear.


“Meeting at nine am with the finance department,” the familiar surly bark came through the receiver.

“Good morning to you too,” Talia found herself returning sourly. He was making an already terrible morning worse. She was sure if he was asked to point out the word polite in the dictionary, he wouldn’t be able to find it.

“If you had answered ten minutes ago then maybe there would be time for polite salutations.”

His voice was so tight with restrained impatience. It irritated Talia so much she wanted to remind him that she didn’t clock in for work for another three hours.

Instead she bit her tongue, took a deep breath and said, “Nine am it is.” Then she realized he’d already hung up.

“Oww!” she screeched through clenched teeth as she raised the phone over her head. She really wanted to throw it and watch it shatter as it hit the wall, but it was a victimless crime. Now, if that ass DeLuca was standing in front of her, then throwing it would make more sense and would be very enjoyable.

But, despite him being an ass early in the morning, the rude interaction had just served to distract her momentarily from the wet dream she’d woken up from. In less than three hours she would be meeting the star of that dream and she wasn’t looking forward to it.

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