Becoming strangers again (Lily and Ryan)

Chapter 24

Chapter 24

Chapter 24 LILY It’s day two and things are not getting any better at all. I had believed the assumption that the next day, the paparazzi wouldn’t be on my cane as intensely as they were the previous day and that they would chaster less but I was wrong. If anything, it was as if they went ahead and brought with them those that couldn’t make it yesterday. Jake hasn’t called back either and I am too stubborn to go to his house. If it were a scenario that I did something wrong. I would have done everything to make sure that 1 fix it. But seeing that this isn’t my fault, I do not want to sweat myself over it. Getting ready for work. I first FaceTime Becky, spoke with my sons before leaving for the day. As usual, upon reaching the gate and witnessing the swarm of paparazzi outside, I swiftly reversed course and utilized the emergency exit. After pulling over, I entered the building, took the elevator, and ascended to the main floor. Arriving at my office, I was surprised to find two unexpected visitors waiting outside. Mentally preparing myself for potential trouble, I approached them. “The emergency floor is five floors below, I deadpanned, swiping my passcard to open the door. “Quit trying to be sarcastic, Victoria snapped as she followed me into my office with her sor “I wasn’t trying to be sarcastic, I deadpanned in response. “Considering you and your son are waiting impatiently outside my office, I assume it must be an emergency.” As she settled herself comfortably on the plush sofa, 1 took a moment to hang up my coat, ensuring it was neatly arranged before I turned my attention to the humidifier, flicking it on with a soft hum. Taking my place beside her, I sank into the cushions, crossing my legs as 1 observed her son with keen interest, wondering just how long he would remain his mother’s puppet pupper, I don’t think I have ever heard him speak without being cued in by his mother. *Victoria,” I began politely, breaking the silence, “how may I be of assistance to you today?” With a derisive snort, Victoria retorted, her tone laced with disdain. “We are not friends, so kindly refrain from addressing me by my first name. You will address me by my last name” Maintaining my composure, I responded with a genial smile, canting my head slightly as I regarded her with mild amusement. “Ah, but Victoria.” F countered smoothly, “you are in my space Victoria, in my office, so I will address you anyhow I want. Remind me to call you by your last name when I visit your home.” She knows that is never going to happen. “I am not going to ask again, what do you want?” “For you to step down willingly so my son James

can take over,” she stated bluntly. The amused smile on my face slowly transformed into a deepening frown. “How long will you keep repeating the same nonsense?” I snapped, my patience wearing thin. “If you find it endlessly entertaining, I assure you. I do not share your enthusiasm.” Mirroring my posture, she crossed her arms defiantly. This time is different, Lily,” she asserted, her tone resolute. “I am involving the board of directors. You will face a vote to be ousted as director, and my son will be nominated. His victory is assured.” Suppressing my rising irritation, I poked my tongue into my cheek and counted to five, ensuring my anger didn’t dictate my response. “On what basis?” I drawled out. By what criteria are they going to remove me as the director?” Even in the hypothetical scenario of my dismissal, a prospect I deemed highly impossible. I would still command the highest dividends and interest. Thus, I failed to comprehend the source of her agitation. “Do I need to spell it out for your she queried, her tone dripping with condescension, and I responded with an exaggerated roll of my eyes “The presence of those paparazzi outside, disrupting hospital activities, is justification enough,” she continued, her words hitting a clenched instinctively; I had anticipated she would bring up the paparazzi. a nerve. My jaw “Do you comprehend the number of accident victims redirected to other hospitals simply to evade the chaos caused by the paparazzi!” “And how, pray tell, are you privy to such information?” I retorted, inwardly seething at her audacity, considering she didn’t even work at the hospital. “I have my sources,” she replied with a sly smile, a hint of triumph in her demeanor. “Perhaps I’ll commission one of those bloggers to shed light on the matter, she continued, her grin widening “Maybe if 1 apply enough pressure through the media, your removal will happen even faster The shrill sound of the emergency bell echoed through my office, jolting me to my feet as I prepared to don my scrubs. “I trust you understand the meaning of that sound, I remarked dryly, a hint of sarcasm in my tone. “Oh, but forgive me, you’re not exactly versed in the ways of the medical profession, I added, addressing Victoria’s apparent ignorance. Her son leaned in, whispering an explanation to her. “That alarm indicates she’s needed in the emergency unit,” he explained. “In short, we shouki Chapter 24 make our exit” I couldn’t help but huff in mild amusement. “At least your son grasps the situation.” I remarked casually as I made my way toward the small walk–in compartment where my scrubs awaited. “Would you like to remain while I change?” Without a word, Victoria snatched her purse, shooting me one final glare before

storming out of my office, her son trailing behind. Shaking my head at her dramatic behavior, I entered the compartment and swiftly changed into my scrub attire before hurrying off to the emergency unit, ready to attend to the urgent needs of the hospital. Before the clock struck four in the afternoon, exhaustion enveloped me, having spent over eight grueling hours in the operating room. As I collapsed onto the sofa in my office, a groan escaped my lips, and 1 longed for a much– needed massage session to alleviate the strain. my face at the sight of Becky’s name. Swiping to accept the My phone buzzed on the table, and I reached out to grab it. A wide smile spread across my call, I brought the phone to my ear. “Hello, girlfriend?” “Hey,” she greeted warmly. “I promised to call you so we could have a lengthy chat about what’s been going on, but wrangling these kids hasn’t been a walk in the park” Instantly, a pang of guilt washed over me. I’m truly sorry for adding to your stress, Becky” She snorted lightly. “I didn’t mention it to make you feel guilty. Besides, the nanny is returning tomorrow, so the load will lighten up a bit “I appreciate your understanding, Becky, I responded sincerely. why were yo you and Ryan sharing the same space. She chuckled, dismissing my apologies. “Really, love, it’s fine. But I am curious about one thing – why and why was he sporting that smug smirk!” I proceeded to recount the entire encounter to her, and she listened in silence until I had narrated every detail. Her initial reaction was sharp and pointed. That bastard is a catalyst for trouble.” Her frustration evident. “Why the hell is he apologizing? We don’t need his apology; what we need is for him to rectify the mess he caused online.” Amused by her fiery response, I couldn’t help but chuckle. “Even if I were at fault, I know you’d have my back, Becky, He mentioned he would take care of it, but as of now, nothing has transpired” She snorted in response. “Do you want me to fly down to Canada and give has balls a swift kick!” Her offer, though laced with humor, reflected the depth of her loyalty and protectiveness Well a kick to the balls isn’t exactly what he needs right now if he’s aiming to get his girl pregnant. We chatted about various random topics until we bid each other goodbye At seven in the evening, I packed up my belongings and officially clocked out, eager to head straight home. As I approached my gate. I couldn’t help but notice a familiar car parked nearby, with a man standing beside it Belongs © to NôvelDrama.Org.

holding what appeared to be a bouquet, Drawing nearer. I recognized the figure as Jake. A smile tugged at the corners of my lips involuntarily. I pulled over and approached him, though I kept my expression neutral, heaven knows I felt entitled to the apology he was about to deliver He met my gaze with remorseful eyes. “Hey, he began softly, and I simply blinked in response. I know I messed up, and I’m sorry, he continued, extending the bouquet toward me, though I made no move to accept it. “My jealousy got the best of me, clouding my judgment” “I called and texted. I pointed out fladly, my tone devoid of emotion. “And yet, you ignored every single one of them. And now, suddenly, you want me to lend you a listening car winced visibly at my words. “I’m sorry,” he murmured, unable to meet my gaze. His eyes dropped to his shoes in shame. I truly am, Lily. I messed up big time, and 1 regret it deeply, he confessed, his voice heavy with remorse, When I remained silent, he sank to his knees. “I’m sorry, Lily,” he repeated earnestly. With a sigh, I squatted down and accepted the bouquet from him. “Stand up, I instructed gently. As he lifted his head, I couldn’t help but tease. “I suddenly feel hungry. Stand up, let’s go inside, but you’re the one cooking.” Driving together to my place, I dropped my bag in the living room and headed to the kitchen to assess our options. I showed him where to find the necessary ingredients before disappearing upstairs to take a quick shower, leaving him to handle the kitchen duties. As I stood under the soothing cascade of water, the sound of Jake’s voice drifted through the bathroom from the other side of the door. He informed me that I had left my phone in the kitchen and that it was ringing incessantly. “Please, pick it up and let them know I’ll call back after I’m done showering,” I called out, my voice echoing in the tiled space. I waited for a moment, expecting Jake to relay the message to the caller, before calling out to him again. “Who was that?” “Ryan” Chapter 25

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